PC 81-98arsoi_uTto~i >~o. Pc3i-~~ A RESOLUTIOP; OF THE A;dAfIEI~! CITY PI_P~ir~~r!~ con~t~sstort 7fIAT PcT!i10~1 FOF RECI.ASSIFI~~T10"I ?J~. ~0-~i-3> QE GRAHTE!1 '.JHEP,EAS, the Anaheirn City Planning Comni=sion did receive a verified petition for Reclassification `ron BILL J, MICKFL, FT AL, P. 0. f~ox 225, Stanton, Catifornia 9q6&0, oomers of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, Slate of California, described as: Beginr~ing at a point in the East line of said Lo*. 6, distant thereon South t° 07' 40" idest 3?5.D0 feet from the North~ast corner thereof, said Northeast corner beinq the intersection of the center 1 ine of the street, 4~.!~0 feet in ~~~idth, nov~ I<notian as Nutwood Avenue, adjoining said Lot 6 on the East w3th the intersection of the center line of the street, i0 feet in a~idth, now {:nown as Ball Road, adjoining said Lot ( on the North, and running thence :~orth 3g° 40' 41est paral lel wi th :ne ~Jorth 1 ine of said Lot G, 200.00 feet; thence South 1° 07' LO" 41est parallel with said East line, 115.~0 feet; thence South ii9° !~!1' East parallel with said North line, 200.!10 feet to said East line; thencc tJorth 1° 0;' !iG'' East alony said East I~ne, ii5.~!) t'eet to the poinr of beginning. blHEREAS, t`e City Planning Commission did hold a public hearinq at the Civic Center in the City of .4naheim on ??ay fE, 19£;1, at 1:3~ p,m., notice ef said public hearing having been duly given as required by la~v anci in accordance with the provisions of the AnaFeim 'lunicipal Code, Chapter 1`3,03, to hear and consider evidencP for and against said propcsed reclassification and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and 41FIEREAS, said Commission, arter due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behaif, and after due consideratton ~f all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and deterrnine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes reclassification of subject property from the RS-A-43,OOU (Residential/Agricultural) Zone to the RM-1200 (Residenttal, ~Hultiple-Family) Zone. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan designates subject oroperty for medium dens~ty resJdential land uses. 3. That the proposed recla,alfir_ation of subject property is necessary andior desirable for the orderly and proper development of the commi.nity. ~t, That the propo,ed reclassification of subject prooerty does properly relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally established in close proximity to subject pr;~perty and to the zones and their permitted uses generaily established thruughout the community. PC3i-93 ~. Tfiat the pr~posed reclassification of subjeck property re improvement of abutting streets in accor-dance r~ith the Circulation Element of General Plan, ~uc to the anticipated increase in traffic ~-~hich wi11 be qeneratedtby the intensification of land use. the ~. That no one lndicated thcir presence at ;aid public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence 4~as received in opposition to the ,ubjeet petition, E~JVIROPl~1EfdTAL IMPACT FI~iD~p~r,_ That tne Anahei~ City Planning Cor~mission has revieriecl tyi~ proposal to rec}assify (kesidential/qgricultural) Zone to rhe P,~subject property from the RS-A-43,~pp permit a 14-unit apartment complex ~~ith ~•~aivers(ofsmi~ninumli~tua~cP~e-FamPly; 7one to and minimum distance bet~reen buildings on a rectangularl consisting of aN, roximatel, p,~ pPr ~~'~~ 1 ing uni t / + acre having a fronta ~ f Y-shap~d parcel of land the west side of Nuto-~ood Street (127_5 South Nut4iood9St~eet);~randmdoesYhereb faet o~ the Negative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an p ~ Y pprove re o.t on *he basis that there o-~ould be no signir'icant indeviaualmortcumulaP~ve adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this Wegative Declaration stnce the Anaheim General Plan designates the subject property for medium-~iensity residen[ial land uses commensurat~ ~. impacts ar v~th tne proposal; that no sensitive environm~nt~I e involved (n the proposal; that Ehe Initia; Study submitted b F~titioner• indicates no significant indiv' impacts; and that the Ne ~dual or cumu)ative adverse environmental gative Deciaration suhstantiatinq the foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planninry Department. NOId, THER[FORE, BE IT RESOLVED t5at the Anaheim C~ty p~~nninq Commission does hereby grant subject Petition fnr P,eciassification and, ~ 13-Zoning of the Anaheim Hunicipal Code he amended y so dning, that Title property from the ~s-n-43,000 (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURl1~)~Z~~~E1and toeincorpor3t~rs~e~ described property inCo che RM-12~0 (~;FSIDENTini ru~~r~~,.- ~ ~ollowi~c c~n~+:rr...._ .,~,• _, . ~~c,~ ~r~ nereby found to be a necessar~~-",~fiLYj Z+)NE upon the proposed use of subject property in order to Y P~ereauisite to the of the Citizens of the City of AnalieiRi; Preserve the safet and Y general welfare ~. That street lighting facilities along t~ut~:~ood Street shall be ins as required by the Office of the Utilities General Hanag~r, and in accordance wtth specification= on f11e in the Office of tal,Pd bond, certtficate of deposit, letter of ~r~{~tti~o~1e5 G°neral Manager; and/pr that a satisfactory to the Crty of Anaheim shall be cash, in an ar~ount and form installatlon ~f the above-mentioned re~uirementsP~~ior W~th the Ctt P to occunancyy t~ 4uarantee the Z• That the o~•mer(s) of subject propertv shall a fee, in an amount as determined by the City Council P~Y tr the City of 4nahe~m along PJutwood Street. for tr~e ' plantin~ purposes 3. That trash sCoraqe areas shall he pmvlded in aceordance ~•~ith aporoved plans on ftle ~~ith the Office of the [xecutive Director of Puhlic lJorls, !~• That fire hydrants sha)1 he installed ar,;l ehar~ed as requir~d and determined to he necessary ~y the Chief of tl~e F(~e pep~rtment prfor r~ of structural framing. commencement _~_ ` PC31-9`2 ~ ~°- >. Tliat subjec~ property ~shall l,c s.r.rveri hy undrr~r~u~d utilities. F,, That draina9e of subject nroperty shall be dis~osed of in a manner satisfaetory to the i.ity [n~in~er. i. That the oam~~r of suhject prooerty shall pay to the City of Anaheim the appropriate parl< and recreation in-lleu fee, as ~iet~rmincr! to be apnronriate hy the City Council, said fees to be paid at the tirre t`~e F,uilciin~7 permit :s issucd. ~~. That the o~•mer(s) ~f suhject pr~perty shall pay the traffic signal assessment fee (Ordinance ~do. 38~6) in an amount as determined by the Ciry Ccuncil, for each ne~i d~~eliing unit prior to the issuance of a buildin~ pernit. 9. Prior to the introduction of an orci~nance rezoning subject property, Cor.dition P~os. 1 and 2, above-mentioned, shail he completeu. The provisions or rights granted hy this resolution shall become null and void by action of the Plannina Commission unless said conditions are cornpliec! ~•rith ~:rithin one year frorr, the date hereof, or such furtlier time as t;~e Planning Commissio~ nay grant. 1~. That Condition tios. 3, 5, and 5, a!:ove-menticned, shall he compiied with prior to final buflding ~,nd zoning inspections. BE IT FURTIiEP, RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and deterroine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance ~iith ~ach and ail of the conditions hereinahove set fr~rth. Should any such condition, or any part [hereof, 5e declared invalid or unenforceable by thc final judgment of any court uf competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, s5a11 be dermed null and void. 1981. THE FOREGOIPIG RESOLUTI0~1 is signed and apnroved by me this 1Eth day of May, C~~L~ (.~. CHAIR!1A~1, AP!AHEI'1 CITY PL"AN"JING COMMISSiON ATTEST: SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLA"IdIt.G COMMIS5101! -3- ~CIII-~8 STATE OF C/1LIFORPJI/; ) COL'M7Y OF ORA~IGE } ss. CITY 0~ ANAHEIf1 ) I, Editli L. Harris, Secretary of the Araheim City Planning Commission, do hereby ~ertify that th~ foregoing resolution ~~as passed and a~opted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planniny Commission held on Itay 4, 1~51, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COIiMISSI0NER5: BARNES, BOUAS, BUSHORE, Y,IFIr,, TOLA.R PlOES: COMMISSIONERS: HERaST AE3SENT: COMMISSIONERS: FRY IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~tth day of May, 19~3~, atc,NETARY, ArJaHEIFt CI~P ~qnjr.~~NG C ~ OMMISSION ,; -~+ PC81-98 ~