PC 82-13P.ESOLIITION hJO. PCn2-13 A RESOLUT I OPl OF T!iE AtJAH[ I!1 C Il'Y PL/1"IPI i N~ C(114'1155I ON THAT PETITION FOR COtJ~ITIO~IAL USE PE!:~~IT M0. 27_'17 3E GRAF•IT~f1 41HEREAS, the Anaheim Citv Planning Commission diri receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permit from TRIMITY LIJTHER~A CHURCH INC., 47_~ Fernhill Lane, Anaheim, California, ~2f;07, o~•~ner, and DE~INIS ~. ORR~ 1P~ E. Main Street, Suite 12~, Tustin, California, 92h3~, agent, of certain real oroperty sltuated in the City of Anaheim, f.ounty of Orange, State of California, descrihed as: THAT PORTIO~d OF THE LAND ALLOTTFD TO THE HFIRS OF LEArdDRO SERRA~J~, 141 SECTION 9, TOtJPlSH I P 4 SOUTH, R~MGE 9 41FST, I~. THF C ITY QF APIAHEIM AS SIIOIJiJ 0"! THE "1AP OF P.4?TITION OF TIIE RANCHn S,4NTIf1~0 OF SANTA ANA, RECORDED I N EOQY. "B" OF JUDGMEMTS OF TI•iE 17th JIIIII C I 4L DISTRICT CGURT OF CALIF~R~11.4, DESCRIBEO ~S FQLLO1dS: BEGINNIhJ~ AT THF. SOUTHERLY TF.P,MIWUS OF ThIAT CERTAI.'J C~ItpSE IH THE EASTERLY BOUrIDARY OF TRACT td0. 51i9.9, AS SH04RJ Or1 A~1AP REC~I2~E0 IN BOOK 201, PAGES 1E5 A~lD 4] OF ~+ISCELLANEOiis '1AP5, RECOR~S OF SAiD ORAN~E COUPJTY, SI101•JDI THEREON AS HAVIPlG A BEARI^!~ OF NORTH 2° 25~ 35" EAST AND A LE~lGTH OF 20(~.84 FEET; TNEMCF .ALONr, SAIn EASTFRLY BOUNDARY NORTIi 2~ 25~ 35~~ EAST 2~6.$<< FEFT; THE~dCE NORTH 5° 37~ 3," EAST 112.98 FEFT To T4E BEr,.INNIN~ OF A TANr,E~JT CnRVE THEREI~I SHOWN AS BE i I!G COMCAVE TO THE 41EST AFID HAV I Pd~ A RA~ I US OF 309. ~$ FEET; THEWC[ NORTHERLY ALOtJG SAID CUR~lE 50.~?, FFf_T, A RAOIAL TO SAID POIN7 BEARS NOP,TH 3G° 22' 00" EAST; TIIENCE 40RTH ~36° 7_2' ~~" EAST 167,62 FEET TO TfIE BEGIWI~lIN~ OF 61 TA~I~EPJT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE NQRTH AtlU HAVING A RA~IUS OF 3~0.'l0 FEET; THEMCE EASTERLY ALOMG SAID Cl1RVE 113.~~2 FEFT; THEPJCE TAPJ~ENT TO SAID CURVE MORTH G!~° !~~' 00" E,^,~T ^1.;7 F~CT; TI'E':CC SOUTN 250 ^^' ?~" [PST 2(.?~ FEET; THENCE SOUTN 22° 3~~ ~^" EAST 1tF0.Q0 FFFT; TN["1CF SOUTH 50° 50' 12'~ EAST 160.(0 FEET; TIIEhJCE SOIITH 27° 3~' QO" 1JFST 123.00 FEET; THE~ICE SOUTH i° 2~3' ~~t" WEST 97,00 FEFT TO TIiE IP!TERSFCTIOt~ ~lIT4 A LI~JE HAVING A 6EARING OF SOIITH 8B° 3~~ 3y~~ EAST AMD ~JHICH PASSES THRnUGH ThIE POIIdT OF BEr,~p~p~tr~IG; TFIENCE NORTfi 3?0 3r~ 3~" WEST ~10,00 FEET TO TfIE P01"IT OF BEGIPINI~lG. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a puhlic hearing at the Clty Hall in the City of Anaheim on Fehrunry ~, 1~8?, at 1:3'~ p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly glven as required hy la~,~ anci in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim tlunicipal Code, C.haoter 18,03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use permtt and to investtgate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; an~i IJNEREAS, satd Commisst.n, aftcr due tnspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after di.ir consideratton of all evicience and reports offered ac saici hearing, does find and determine the follo~aing facts: 1, That the proposed use is pronerly one for which a conriitional use pe~mit is authorized by An~heim Mu~icipal Code Section 13,:?r!.^5~.n3n to wit: to permit a library addition to an existing churr_h in the RS-~s-tn,~~a(sc1 zone. PC82-13 .-. , , 2. That the proposed use ~•iill not adversely affect the adjo(ning land uses and the gro~rth and development of the area in ~,rhich it is pro~osed to he located. 3. That the size and shape of the site proposed fr~r the use is adequate to alloi~ the full development of the proposed use in a mannr_r not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general a~elfare of the Citizens of the City of Anahetm. u. That the granting of t~'~e Conditional Use Permit under the conditi~ns tmposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, liealth, saf~ty and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of ~naheim, 5. That the traffic generated by the or~posed use ~aili not tmpose an undue burden upon the sCreets and high~•~ays ~iesigned and improved to carry the traffic in the area. ~. That no one indicated their presence at said ~ublic hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence o~as receive~f in opposttlon to the s~ibject petltion. ENVIROPIMENTAL It1PACT FIFlDItJr,: The Planninq Director or his authortzed representative has determined that the proposed project fall~ i•~ithtn the definitfon of Categorical Exemptions, Class 11~, as deflned in the State EIR ~uidellnes and is, therefore, categoricaily exempt from tlie requirem~nt to preparP an EIR. NOIJ, TNEREFORE, QE IT RESOL~~'F~ that the Anaheim f,ity Planning Commission does herel~y grant subject Petition for Condittonal Use Permit, upon the following condittons which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That appropriate ~~~ater assessment fees as determined by the Office of Utilities General Manager shall be paid to the City of Anaheim prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. That suhject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file ~~ith the Citv of Anahetm marked Exhibit Plos, 1 and 2, BE IT FI)RTIi[R RESOLUED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance ~vitii each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdictton, then thts Resolution, and any approvais lierein contained, shall be deemed null e~d void. THE FOREGOING RESOLIITION is signed and approvr_d hy me this ~3th day of February, 1`3$2, ATTEST• 2"~u~.Q.~,,_.. CHAIRMAN, ANAt{EIM CITY PLAN~dING CO"1~41SSI~N ~ ~° ;~ SECRETAR , AFIAHE111 CITY PLAN~~I"!r, ~~p~!.~ISSI011 -7- PC3?_-13 ~~~ ~ STATE OF CAL I Fqf~p~ I A ) COU"JTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF AtJA(iEIPt ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Plannin~ Commtssion, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution o-~as passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Fehruary ', 1^32, hy the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARtdES, BOUAS, BUSFIQRE, FRY, HERBST, KIPI~, tqC BURN[Y NOES: COMMISSIONERS: P101~E ABSENT: COMMISSIOPJERS: NOtIE 1532. IN 1JIT~ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 8th day of February, `~~. ~.° ~:~ SECRETARY, Ai~IAHElt1 CITY PLANMI~IG C~MMISSION -3- PC32-13