PC 82-3R,ESOl.I1TI0tl t10. PCR?.-3 A RESOLUTIOII OF TIIE AtlAIfEl11 CITY PLFlFlt11tIG C0~4~115510ti TfIAT PETITIOF! ~OF COFlDITIOPJ/1L LSE PEP.i•11T ~10. 22~7 3E r,RAt7iED IJIIEREAS, the ~naheim City Planning Comnission did recei•~e a verified Petition for Conditio~al Use Permit from tlouse af liardtops, Inc., P. 0. Box 8600, San P,amon, California, ~1~E5f~3, rnmer, and Camping llorld of California, Inc., ~.tt: Steven Snodgrass, 2-+901 t•/. Pico Canyon P,oad, Valencia, California ~1355, agent, of certain real property situated in thP Ci*yo uf Anaheim, County of Oran,e, State of California, descrthed as: THAT PORTION OF THE LFlND OF DP.EYFUS A!ID OTHERS, IH THE f,ITY OF ANAHE I Pi, COUNTY OF OP,AtJGE, STATE OF C/1L1 FOP,~I I/1, AS SFIQNN ~tl THE P1AP OF AtJAHEIM EXTENSIOiI, SUP,VEYED ~Y 411LLIAt1 lfAMEL, A COPY OF 41HICH IS SHOIJN IPI E300K 3~'AfE 1G2 ET SEQ., Et1TITLED L~5 AtJGELES COUPITY F1APS, CALIFOR~lIA DESCRI[3ED AS FOLLO!JS: COPIMENCING /~T THE CEhITERLIP~E I~ITERSECTION OF VERMOPIT l1VF"!UE A"!D WEST STREET CE I NG THE NOP.TM:lEST Cf1R"!Er• ~F LnT 2~ OF SA1 ~ AuAHE ( M EXTENSIO!! AS SNOt1N ON n t~AP FILED It~ (3001; 2ti Pl1GE ~!~+ OF PARCEL HAPS, RECORDS OF ORAMGE COUtlTY, CALIFORt~IA; TNEPlCE NORTN 150 40' 04" 4/EST 92.1~3 FEET ALONG TNE CE~JTERLItIE OF WEST STREET TO AFJ AFIGLE POINT; THENCE CO~JTINUIMG ALOIJG TNE CENTERLIflE OF IJEST STREET IIQRTH 150 42' 00" llEST 255. ~~h FEET TO THE TRUE P01 t!T OF l3EG I NN 1I~G; TfIE~lCE CONTI?JUItlG FlORTfI 15° h2' 00" WEST 696.12 FEET; THENCE AT R I GIiT AI7GLES P10RTl1 7~E° 1;' OQ" EAST 33.00 fEET TO TNE SOUTH4JESTERLY CORPlER OF LAtlD AS DESCP.IP,ED IN A DEED TO TNE STAI'E OF CALIFORtdIA, RECORDED APRII 3, 1~A2 IN [i00K 11~~5 PAGE fi~ (1F OFFIC[AL R:CORDS; THE~dCE ALOt1G THE SOUTH[RLY LiNE OF SAID PARCEL OF LAt~D NORTN 61~ 32' 31" EAST 37.23 FEET TO THE SQl!',rE~41ESTERLY LiNE OF THE LAPJD D[SCRIDED It~ A DEED TO TtIE STATE OF CALIFORNIA~ RECORDED NAY 19, 1950 !M QOOK 2a~5 ~n~e ~~1 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; TtIEtICE ALONG TtiE SAID SOUTIiI•lESTERLY LIPIE SOUTH ~EO° 4A' 41" EAST 580.13 FEET TO A POI ~lT Otl TfIE PlORTI1;lESTE RLY DOUt1DARY L I NE OF THE lP.ND DESCRIBED AS Tf1E EXCEPTIOtI IP~ PARCEL 1 OF A DEED TO F. A. YOUt1G8LUTfl AP1D OTHERS, RECOFDED MAY 1, 193~ Ih! COOY. 521 PAGE 285, OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE PlORTH 16° 36' tf1" 4lEST 104.70 FEET ALO"!G THE SAIO ~JORTH4IESTERLY f30U1lDARY TO THE SOUTFlI•lESTERLY LIPlE ~F MAFlCtiESTER AVEIlUE, 100 FEET 411DE, AS DESCRI!3ED IP~ PlIRCrL 2 OF FIHAL ORDER OF COhlDEH~JATIOtd IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, CASE td0. 33172, A CERTIFIED COPY OF l4HICll 4/AS RECORDED IPI DOOK u47 PAGE ~~78, OFFICIAL RECORDS; TfIENCE SOUTH 40° 44' 41" FAST 319.~~ FEET ALOMG THE SAIp SOUTfIt!ESTERLY LINE; TIlEtlCL SOUTII 7h° 1^' ~~" 11EST h4q.3~, FEET TO THE TRUEPOItIT OF f3EGItdPlltl(;. EXCEPT TIIE CERTAIP! 4~.f10 F007 R~:1D'.MY ~S DESCRIBED ItJ A DEED TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RECORDED OCTOD[R 13, 1~55 IFI BOOIC 3243 PAG[ 11~ OFFICI;1~ RECORDS. SAID LAIJD IS UELINEATED Ot! A MAP FILED I t! DOOf: 52 f'A6E 39 'JF PARCEL t!APS I N THE ~FFI CE OF TNE COUPJTY RLCORDEP, OF SAID ORNIGE COUN7Y. P C82- 3 . . ,.. '.~/HEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearinq at the City tlall in the City of Anaheim nn January 11, 1982, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been dulv 9iven as required by lai•~ and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim ti~micipal Code, Chapter 1~,03, to hear and consider evide~r~ for and against said proposed cond~tional use permit and to investigate and make finclings and recommendations in connection therewith; and b1HER[AS, said Commission, after due inspectinn, investigati~n and study made by itself and in its be_half, and af~er due consirleration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find anci determine the followino facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for o-ihich a conditional use permit is authorized Uy Anaheim ~lunicipal Code Section 18.61.~5n.n7~ to U~it: To permit the sales and servicing of recreational vehicle accessories. 2. That the proposed use consisting of the sal~s and servicing of recreationai vehicle accessories in connection o~ith recreational vchicle sales and servicing (granted under Conditional t!se Permit !lo. 1373), will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the area in a~hich it is proposed to be located. 3. That the size and shape of the sitc proposed for the use is adequate to allow the full development of tfie proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. ~}. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, ~~~ill not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general a~elfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. ihat the traffic generatec! by Ll~e proposed use wi12 nat impose an undue burden upon the streets and higha~ays designed and improved to carry the traffic in the area. 6. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspendence ~•ias received in opposition to the subject petition. EPlVIRONf1E~lTAL IMPACT FIP~DIDIG: That the Anaheim City Plannin~ Comnission has reviewed the aroposal to permit the sales and servicing of recreational vehicie accessories on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 3.0 acres, having a frontage of approximately ~00 feet on the east side of IJest Street, approximately 320 feet south of the centcrline of South Street (366 South West Street) ; and does hereby approve the tlegati ve Declaration from the requi rement to prepare an environmental impact report qn the basis that there would be no significant indiviclual or cumulative adverse environme~~tal imnact due to the approval of this t•lecwtive Declaration since tfie Anaheim General Plan designates the subJect property for commercial recreation land uses comm~nsurate witli the propc,sal; that no sensitive environmental io.pacts are involved in the rroposal; that the Initial Study submitted by tl~e petitioner indicates no sinnificant individuil or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the tJe~ative Declaratton substantiatinq the foregoing findirtgs is an ftle ~~ the City of Anafieim Pl~nning Department. -2- PCII7.-3 ,-~ .-- 11011, TfIEP,EFOR[, GE IT RFSOLVED that the llnaheim City Planning Cu~~,~,;i~sion does hereby c~rant subject Petition for Condit~onal Use Permit, upon the following conditions which are herehy found to he a necessary prerec~uisite to the proposed use of the su5ject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That any nei•~ parl;tng area 1 ighting shai 1 be dooin-1 ightinct of a maximum height of 12 feet, ~~Fich li9hting shall be directed away `rom residential properties to the 4~est across t•lest Street; any parkinc~ area lighting existing on the date of thi:. resolution shall also be limited :o down- lighting. Said lighting shall f~e lrn~~ered to a maximum height of 12 feet upon order of the Planning Director if complaints arr. received from surrounding propertie~. 2. That any public address system intended to amnlify music or verbal communications outside the buildings is prohihited. 3. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file uiith the !:ity of Anaheim marked Exhibit Plos. 1 through 5. 4. That Condition Plos. 1 and 3, aSove-mentioned, shall be comniied H~ith prior to final building and zoning inspections. 5. That all employees must park on-site in desi~natcd enployee parkin~ saaces. [3E IT FURTIIER RESOL'JED that the Anal~eim City Planning Cocunission does hereby find and determine that adoption of this P,esolution is expressly predicatAd upon applicant's compliance a~ith each and all o~ the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by thr. firal jud;rrrnt of ~ny courr. of competFnt iurisdicti~n, then thts Resolution, and any apprcvals herein contained, shall be deemed null anc.+ ioid. THE FQREGOI~JG RESOLUTI0~1 i~ signed and approved by me this llth day of January, 19°2. i ~ CHl11 i:MAM, AtlAIIE 1 M CI TY LP:P7P! I ~JG COMMI S51 Qt! ATTEST: i~:K~C.~[~.,, .C • /~i~Lc.t~ SEC('.ETARY, AP~AHEIM CITY PLAtltllt~G COIIMISSI0~1 - 3- P caz-; STATE OF CALIFOR;J1/1 ) COUtdTY Of ORA"JGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. ilarris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoino resolution ~~ias passcd and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on January 11, 19~?2, by the following vote of the n~embers thereof: AYES: COMt115510"IERS: 6rRFlES, t30UAS, BUSfiORE, FP,Y, IIEP.BST, I:ItJG, t1C DUR"!EY tJ0E5: COMMISSIOPlERS: 'JONE AEiSEtJT: COMHISSIO~I[RS: 'fOtJE t982. It! blIT~JESS UtIERE~F, I have hereunto set my hand this 11th day of January, `~~, ~ ,~. ~ - $ECRETARYi ANNIEIM~CITY PLAIJIlING COMMI$$i0N -4- PC82-3