PC 82-31/~~~ Rr•Sr1UITInR1 MQ, Prg~_3~ A RES~LUTI0~1 ~F T~iE ArIAHEI"" CITY FLA~InIINr Cn~~~+ISStnni THAT PETITIO~I =~4 RECLASSIFICATI~N N~, 4~-u2-~3 r?F r,rt/;nirc~. WHF~FAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission dtd receive a verifled petttion for Reclassification from E?~.•/IPI H. !J, qh)~ IdFR~ P. KFn~T~~.~~ ~no~ Ino Obrero Avenue, P.O, Sox 5-73~, ~uadalajara, JAL, Mexico and Oranae County, Flood Control Dtstrict, c/o Countv of Orange Environmental Manaqement Agencv, Division of Requlatton, P.O. Box 4'~49, Santa Ana, California Q27~2, oam ers, and STATF- IJIDE ~EVFIOPERS, 51R2 Katella Avenue, Suite 1~6, Los Alamftos, ~allfornia, agent, of certain real ~roperty situated in the Cttv of Anaheim, CountY o` Orange, State of California, described as foilo~,,s; THF WEST NALF OF THE hInRTN~AST OUqRTFR ~F THE NnRTr~FncT QIIARTF? ~F THE SO~fTHE11ST QUARTER OF SEC.TI~~I 7~ TQ~INSHIP 1~ S~~ITH, RA°I~F 1n l~lEST, IM THE R.4NCH0 L~S C~YOTE~, PFR -4!+P RF~~R~Pn I~J BnnK ~1 ~ PA~F yn OF MfSCFLLANE~IIS MAPS, IN ?NF ~FFICF 0~ TNF r,ni~^~?v RFCn~~FP ~F SAID CnUNTY. EXCEPTIM!; TNERFFR~M TNAT P~aTIOM LY!~I!: !dFS?'FR1Y AF A LI~~F TH4T IS PARA~LI?L WITH A~!~ ;o0,n0 FPET WESTFRLY OF THE EAeT ~~r~F ~G SA-n S~UT'!i~A5T O,UARTER, ALSO EXCFPT TNERFFRnr1 TI~AT pnRTlnni Ly~t~^ S~~I?NFRLY n~ A LIF!F THqT IS PARALLFL WITN q~~p 3~5.~f^ FFFT SniITNFn,LY (1F THF N~~TH LIME OF SAIO SnU?HEAST QtIApTER. ALSO ExCEPT THE4FFRn~1 TH.qT pnRT~ny pFSC?~~?E~ ~r•! A ~FFn T~ FR4/IN KFRSTEN, RErORpEp APRIL 2~~ 1~R~ Ipl HOOK 135~2, PA~F r~2f OF QFFICIAL RECQRDS 1~l THE QFFICF OF SAID C~IIMTY RFMR~F~, ALL THAT CERTA I~l LA^~n S I TUATEn I N THE STA'rF hF CpL I ~~"~! I A~ C~nrITY OF O4A~!~E, CITY OF A~!AHEIM, OF.SCRiBE~ pS ~n~~~i.)c; THE S~~JTH 2M.ls~ FFET OF THE Nn2TH 31,5,~~~ FFET OF TNF I~/FST 2nn FEET OF THE EAST 54~ FFET OF THE N~RTHEAST Q~)A°TFQ ~F THF SOUTHEAST Q,UARTER OF SECTIO~•I 7, 7ntJNg'{~p tF S~tiTt~, R~~~~E tn WFSr~ !N THF R.ANCHQ LOS C~YOTFS, AS SHOI~~M ON q l~n~ aFCnanFq IM 8~01< 51, ^r.r,F ~n OF MISCELLANfn~iS M~PS, RFCnRnS OF 9R~1`I~F CnnNTY, CP,LIFnRNIA. WHEREAS~ the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearina at the Civic Center in the Clty of Araheim on January 11, 1~8?, at 1:3^ ~.m., nntice of sai~f pubtic heartng havtng te~n auly aiven as re~uired hy 1a~,~ and Tn ar_rordance with the Provislons of Che Anaheim Muntcipal Code, Chanter lQ.~~, tn hear and consider evidence for and aoainst satd pro~ose~ reclassification and to investToate and make findinas and recommendattons in connection therewith; saTd ouhlTc hearTna having been conttnued to the Plannina Commtsston meer.inq of ~arch R, 1^R2; and WNE4FAS, sald Commission, after due tnspectton, investioation and study made by itse.lf and in its hehalf~ and after due cnnsirieratlon o° ali evldence and reoorts offere~ at said hearlna, does ftn~i and determine thP f~))~Wina facts: PC~2-31 / ~, ~~~. 1. ThaL the petitioner proposes reclassification of subject property from RS-A-43,000 (Residential, Agricultural) to the RM-3000 (Residential, Multiple-Family) zone. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan designates subject property for water uses and general open space. However, medium-density residential land uses are designated on the General Plan for properties located immediately to the north~vest across Crescent Avenue. 3• That the proposed reciassification of subject property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of the community. 4. That the proposed reclassification af subject property does properly relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally established in close proximity to subject property and to the zones and their perriitted uses generally established thruughout the community. 5• That the proposed reclassification of subject property requires the dedication and improvement of abutting streets in accordance with che Circulation Element of ti~e General Plan, due to the anticipated increase in traffic which will be generated by tf;e inter~sification of land use. 6. That one person indicated his presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that r.o correspondence was received in opposition to the subject petition. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPAGT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to reclassify subject property from RS-A-43,000 (Residential Agricultural) to the RM-3000 (Residential, Multiple-Family) Zone to permit a 1-lot, 36-unit condominium subdivision with waivers of minimum building site area, maximum structural height, minimum landscaped setback, minimum sideyard setback, minimum recreation-leisure area and required type of parking spaces on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 1.9 acre, having a frontage of approximately 260 feet on the south side of Crescent Avenue and being located approximately 330 fee~ west of the centerline of Brookhurst Street; and does hereby appro~ie the Negative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental inpact report on the basis that there would be no significant individua] or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this Negative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plar designates the subject property for water uses and general open space land uses commensurat~ with the proposal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmenta] impacts; and that the Negative Declaration substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 17 RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Reclassification and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above-described property from RS-A-43,000 (Residential, Agricultural) Zone and to incorporate said described property into the RM-3000 (Residenti~l, Multiple-Family) Zone upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the Proposed use of subject property in order to preserve tlie safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: - 2 - PC82-31 -. .~ 1, That the oom ~r(s) of suhject pronertY shall deerl to thc City of Anahetm a strip of land 4~ feet in width from the c~nt~rlinr_ ~f the street along Crescent Avenue for street ~•~i~iPnin~ purnoses, 2. That str~et lightin9 far.ilities al~nn Crnscent Avrnu~ shall he installed as re~uired hy the Office of Utilities ~eneral Manager, an~l in accordance t•lith specifications nn file in the Off~ce of Utiliti~s Genernl Manaqer; and/or that a tiond, certificate of ~1~posit, letter of eredit, or eash, in an amount and `orm sat!sfactorv to the CTtv of P.naheim shall be post~d wit~~ the Cttv to ~uarantee the installation ~f the abave-mentione~l rP~uirem~nts prior to occupanr_v. 3. That sidewalks shall be installed along Crescent Avrrue as rem~ireci bv the City Enc~ineer anc~ in accor~lance s•rith standard ~lans an~f specifications on file i^ the OfficP ~f rhe City Engineer. I~. That the owner(s) of suhj~ct property shall pay to thP Citv of Anaheim a fee, in an amount as ~letermineri by the Citv Coi.inctl, for treP planting purposes alonq Crescent Avenue. 5. That trash storage areas shall be nr~vid~d in accordance i~~ith anproved plans on filr wlth the Office of the Exocutiv~ Oirer.tor of Public 41o rl;s . 6. That fire hydrants shali he installed an~1 charg~~1 as re~uired and determined to be nec~ssary hy the Chief of the Fir~ Department prtor to commencement of structural framinq. ?. That suhj~ct oronerty sha11 he serve~l hy u~dPrnrounrf uti!tti~s. 9. That drainaqe of sutiject propertY shall he ~'isposed of in a manner satisfactorv to thP Cit~~ Enc~in~~r. 9. (n the event Yhat suhjer.t oro~ertv is to he dtvT~i~d for the purpnse of sale, lease or finanr.ing; a parcPl map, to rer_~r~ the approve~i division of suhject pro~erty,shall he su~~mittn~ to an~ a~prove~ hy the City of Anaheim and then he recordr~rl in the o~fice ~f the Orange County Recorder. 10. That the o~•m ~r of suhject property shall pay tn the f,ity of Anaheim the appronriate parl< and recreation in-lieu f~es as d~termined to he aporopriate hy the City Council, said fees t~ he pai~ ar. the time the building permit is tssued. ! 11. That the orTginal documents of the cov~nants, conditions, anr~ restrictions, and a letter ad~lressr~l to drv~loper~s title companv authorizing ~-ecordation ther~of, shall he suhmitt~ci to the Planninn Department for transmittal to the fc,ltot~inp departments f~:- appmval: City Attorney's Office, Putilic Uttlities Departm~nt, Ruilr~in~ Division, and the Enginnerinn Division rrior to ftnal tract ma~ aon mval. Sai.? dor.uments, as appr~v~d, shall be filP~1 an~ rr_cor~ind in the ~JffifP of the Qrang~ Countv Rec~r~ler. -3- PC`~T.-~1 Department, Buil~inp Dtvision, and the Fngineerinn Divisinn orior tn final tract ma~ apnr~vil. Sai~ dor_um.r.nts, as aoprnv~~, shall I» file~ an~ r~cor~ed in the Office of the ~rang~ Coi.mtv P,ecnr~er. 1?.. That street nam~s sh~ll hr. approved hy the City Planninn ~eoartment prio r to approval of a final tract map. 13. That aporopriatr. water assessment fe~s as ~r-.tnrmin~~ hy the Office of Utilities General Manager shall he ~aid tn the Citv ~f Anaheim nrior to the issuance of a buii~ing permit. 110• That atl nrivate str~ets shall be dev~l~ne~ in ~r_cor~ance ~,~ith thP City of Anaheim's Standar~ Detail t•lo. 1?7_ for ~rivatP strFets, inclu~inq installation of street name stgns. Plans fnr the nrivate street lighting, as required hy the standar~ detail, sha~l he suhmitte~ to the Duildin9 ~ivision for approval and inclusion ~•~ith the buildinn plans prior to the issuance of buil~iTnn permits. (Private streets are thosP which provide prima r/ arcess and/nr circulation ~-~ithin tne prolect. 15. If permanent street name signs have not been installer~, temporary street name sions shall he lnstalled prior to a m~ ~~r_upancv. 1~,, That an ordinance r~zoning th~ suhject ornpertv shall in no event hecom~ effnctive exce~t unon ~r f~lloa~in~ the recor~lati~n of Final Tract 11ap No. 117?7 within the time specified in ~nvernment Code Section 66~E63,5 or such further ttme as thP advisory aaency or City Council may grant. 17, That the otUner(s) of suhjer_t pr~perty shall pav the traffic signal assessment fee (Qrdinance No. 3Q96) in an amount as ~ietermined by the City Council, for ear.h new c1~,reltinq unit ~rior t~ the issuance ~f a huilriinc+ p~rmtt. 1'3, The seller shal) provide the purchaser of ear_h cnn~ominium unTt with written information concernino Anaheim Municipal Co~ie 1~~.i2,S~~ pertaining to "parl~ina r~stricted to facilitate strr.et sweeoina". Such written information i•~ill clearly indicate when on-srreet parkinq is prohibited and the penalty for violarion. 1~. "No parlcing for street sweeping" stqns shall hr_ installe~l orior to final street inspection as required hy the Puhtic 4/orics Executive Director in accordance ~,~ith specifications on file ~vith the Street Maintenance Division. 2~. That any structure mnre than 1~~ feet from an acceptahle vPhicular acr_ess~•~ay shali be sprinl:lered as requTrnd hy the Chirf of the Fire Dep~rtment, 21, That the locatlon of any prnposed drive~vays shall be subJect to th~ approval of the ''ity Traffic Cngineer. 22. Prtor to issuanc~ of bullding permits, the applicant shall present evidence satisf~c~ory to the Chtef Buildin~ lnspectcsr that the units will be in conformance ~Jith Ploise Insulation Stanrlarris soecifie~ in the California Admtnistrative Code, Titla ?~. -lE- PC~i2-31 2?. Prior to tssuanc~ of hull~inn permits, th~ a~nlicant sha11 nresPnt evidenc~ satisf,actory to th~ Chtef 3uil~ing lnsp~r,tor that thP pronosA~ P~o_Ject is in cnnformance with Council Policv Number St~~, Sounri Attenuation in Resid~ntial Prniects. 2~!. That a minimum }n-foot v!id~ acc~ss easem~nt from Cresr.ent Avenue throuqh suhjP~t property, allo~•iin~ for oassage ~f h~a~y Pqui~ment for constructton and realignment of portions of the f1ar~ Mtiler Go1f Course, shall he dedicate~ to the f,ity of Anaheim. z?. That if a record of survPy prepared hv a registar~~i civil en~ineer so in~licates, the o~•m~r(s) of suhj~~r propertY shall nuit claim by deed to the City of Anaheim that portion of suhj~ct n-onArty occu~ie~ hy an existing golf cart path and r~strooms. 2~. That a right-of ~,ray agreement hetiveen the developer of suh.ject property and Orange County F)ood Control District (OCF~) sha11 he excuted an~ recorded. Said agreement shall be satisfacturv to the Countv of Orange, Envirc,nmental Ma~agement Agencv. 27. That all proposed structures shail conform t~ tFe City's Floor~ Hazard Reduction Co~ie and that said structures shall be sub_jer_t to approva) bv the Buildinq Department in accor~iance ~•~ith Sectinn t~,?°,1n'~ of the Anaheim Ftunicipai Code. 2`~. That suhject pr~~erty shall he ~1r:Vn~nperl suhstantial~y in accnrriance with olans and specifications o~ filr_ with ttie f,ity ~f Anaheim marlce~i Revision No. 1 of Exhihit Nos. 1 through ~~, 24• R'ior to the introduction of an ordinanc~ rezoninn suhJer_t property, Condittons Plo. 1, ?, 1+~ ~F~ ?1~~ ~r,~ ~~~ ?/, ahov~-m~ntioned, shall be completed. The provisions or rights grante~ hy thts resolution shall become rn.ill and v~1d by a~tinn of the Planning Commission unless saT~i conditions are complied with ~•~ithin one vear from the rlate he rPof, ~~ such further timr as the Plannina Commission may nrant. 3~. That Condition Nos. 3, 5, 7, 9, 1L, 7.~, ?.7 ~n~l'?!~~ ahove-mentione~l, shall he complied with pr~or to final buildinq .nd zonin~ inspections. -5- PC~~-31 ,~~ BE IT F~iRT~iFR RESOLVFD that the An~heim Citv Planninn Commission c~oes herehy find and determine that the adoption o° this Resolution is exoresslv pre~licater~ upnn applicant's compliance l~~ith each an~+ all of the c~nditinns herPinah~ve set f~rth. Should any condition or any part thereof, he ri~clared invalir~ ~r im enfnrc~ahie hy the final Juclc~ment of anY court of ~~m~rtent jiiris~liction, thPn this Resolutinn, and any approvals herein contained, shall be dr,eme~1 null an~i vnid. TNE F~REG~I~lG Rr-S0I_IITIQ"~ is signed anri anpr~vP~l hy me this °th day of March, 1~$9. /'- r~- ~`~~`l/ -. °~'~. C A~RMAN PRO TFMPORF. APIANE i M C I TY PLA~~~~ 1 N~ Crn~~ SS I ~~i ATTEST: ~,,2~.~ ,~° ~~ SECRETA?Y, A"!tiHEIM CITY PLA~!NING CQM?•tISStO`J STATE OF CAIIFORFIIP ) COUNTY OF ORA"I!;F ) ss. C ITY OF A~~AHF I M ) 1, Edith L. Harrts, Secrr_tary of the Anaheim Citv Plannin~ CommTssion, do herehy certify that the fnreuoin~ resolution was passecl an~l adopted at a meetina of the Anaheim Ctty Planning Commisslon h~i~l on March 4, 1~14?, at 1:3~ p,m., hv the following vote of tAe memhers thr_reof: AYES; COMMISSI!1~!ERS: BARNES, E30UAS, FRY, HFRRST, KIN~, M~ BIIP.MFY NOFS; COMMISSIOMERS: Nf1N~ ABSEPlT: CpMMISSIONERS: BUSHORE I'•~ 411TMFSS WHFR50F, I have hereunto set my h~n~l thts "th ~iiy of March, 1QQ2. ~-~ ~C° ~/a.~.t.~:,, SFCP,FTAR~, ANAHE I M C I TY PL'A~TM I N~ Cn~~~~ ~ S510N -6- Pc82-31 ~~;,: