PC 82-46.,,\ ,--. RESOLUTI01! N0. PCS32-h~~ A R[SOLUTIO'a OF TiIE /~MAiiEltl CITY PLA'dtll?:~ C!?Ht11SSI0f~l TIiAT P[TITIOh! FOR RECLFlSSIFICATIO'I FIO. 31-32-17 CE GRAIITE!1, lJtl[REAS, the Anaheim City Plannin~l Commission did receive a verifieri petition for Reclassifir.ation from AFJAtlEltl UhllOtd HI~H SCN~QL DISTRICT, 501 Crescent Way, Anaheim, California ~2~J3, o~dners, and P/4CES[TTERS IIOFiFS, INC., ATTEh1TI0fl: ART t•1CCAUL, 4540 Campus Drive, Ne~~~port ~3e~ch, California 92G60, agent, of the land in the state of California, County of Oranc~e, Anaheim and is described as follows: TNAT PORTIOiJ OF VI1•IEYARD LOT "E-6", AS Sfi01•IN OPI A 11AP OF A~lAHEIM RECORDED IN B001: 4, PAGES 629 A`!D 6:i0 OF DEEDS, Rf_CORDS OF LOS Ah1GELES COU~TY, CALIFOP.PIIA, TOG[T{IER 1JITIi PORTIONS OF THE ENTERPRISE TRACT RECORDED I~J BOOK ll, PAf,F. ~3~ OF "115CELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORAWG[ COUtdTY, CALIFORtJIA, MORf PARTICULARLY DtSCRIBED AS FOLLOIJS: [3EG I(Jld i tJG AT TFIE I NTERSECT I OtJ OF THE SOUTHERLY L I^lF OF L I hICOLtd AVEt~UE (FORMERLY CENTCR STREFT) C~NiAiIJED WITHI~d TNAT CE°TAIP! 9.75 FOOT STRIP OF LAND COiJDEMFIED BY TNE CITY OF ANAHEIPI FOR STREET PURPOSES UtdDER CASE ~JO. 2G729, RECORDED AS INSTRUMEI~T N0. 16°10, JULY 2, 1931 ItJ BOOIC 43z, PAGE 163 OF DEEDS, REC~RDS OF ORAP1rE COUWTY, CALIFORNIA, ArID THE WESTERI_Y LI~IE OF THE eNTERPRISE TRACT, AS SH041N ON A 11AP TNEREOF RFCORQED IN BOOY. j~, PAr,F 89, FOF t115CELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF SAID ORAPlGF: COIIPlTY; 711FNCF SOUTH 14 DEG. 2G' 25" EAST 192.06 FEET TO THE TERMINUS 0~ THE NORTHERLI' LItIE OF LOT "f3" ~~d BLOCK 1 OF SAID EPJTERPRISE TRACT; THEtdCE PARALLEL TO LII~COLN A~lENUE (FOR~1ERLY C[NTER STREET) NORTH 75 DEG. 27 ~ Sf," EAST, ALQhJ~ THE t~ORTHERLY L 1 DlE OF SA I D LOT "B" A D I STAt1CE OF 44.~0 FEET TO TfIE NORTHERLY PROLQNGATIOM OF TI1F EASTERLY Llii[ OF LOT 1~t I N BLOCK 1 OF SA I D E~dT[RPR I SE TRACT; THEIdCE SOUTN 14 DEG. 26' 25" EAST, ALOPJG SAID EASTERLY LI~IE, 1?9.57 FEFT TO TFIF. IIdTERSECTI0P1 WITH THE CEtdTERLIN[ OF CHESTt1L'T STRFE7, AS SfI011P1 OPl SAID EUTERPRISE TRACT, THE WESTERLY 41+.00 FEET OF SA10 CHESTMUT STREE7 VACATED BY THAT CFRTAIPJ RESOLUTIOiJ h10. 3843 OF THE CITY COU;ICIL FOf: THE CITY ADIANEIFI A CERTIFIFD COPY OF WHICH WAS RECORD[D MAY 10, 1957 ~iJ DOOK 39~~+. PAfE 1E21, OFFiCIAL RECORDS 0~ SAID ORANGE COUNTY; TNENCE CQtdTIyUING SOt!TH 1~E DEG. 26' 25" EAST ALOi~lG THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 1~+, 6LOCK 2 OF S~ID EPITERPRISF TRACT 133.44 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORPIER OF SAIn LOT; THEt~CE PARALLEL TO BROADWAY STREET, SOUTH 75 DEG. 25' Z!3" IJEST, ALOtJG THE SOUThIERLY LIWE OF SAID LOT 4~E.00 FEET TO A PQINT 1•lHICH IS 11E.•'l0 FEET tdORTHERLY AIdD AT R I GHT AP~GLFS TO TIiE PO I UT OF SEf.; I f!N I PIG OF TNAT CERTAIN DEED RECORDED JU~lE 15~ 1920, FOR ALLf:Y PURPOSES I~! DOOK 3~3, P~~E 52, OFFICIAL RFCORDS OF SAID ORl1NGE COUMTY; THENCE COI~TINUING SOUTH 75 DEG. 25' 2~" 4lEST 20a.'10 Ff_[T TO AP! ANGLE P01 NT I I•i TItE NORTIiERLY L I P~E OF S/l I D ALLEY, SA I D PO I1!'f ALSp B~ 1 NG DESC!tIE3ED IN THAT CER7~IN DEED RECORD[D MAY 23, 192h IP! I300K 524, PqGE 297, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID U!?AfdGE COUFITY; THEFICF S!IUTH (i~f DEG. 09' S1" WEST 114.92 FECT TO At! A!dGLF POI~IT I!1 THE N~RTHERLY LINE OF SAID ALLEY, SAID POIDIT ALSO [3F1~1~ DFSCRI3FD IFI 'TFIAT C[RTAI Id DEED RECORDED JUhIE 11 , 190'1 I`! BOOK 171~ , PA~f 2`i9, Pc82-46 ,, ,,:. .. . ~ a OFFICIP,L R[CORDS OF SAID OR~INGE CDU'JTY; Tf!E~1CF SOUTII 75 DEG, 2,~ 2~3" 4/[ST, ALO"Jf, SA I D PlORTHCRI_Y L I IIE, ?_~0.0~ F~CT TO T!!E IJEST[R~Y LIN[ Of SAID VI~lEYARD LOT; TIiEtICF NORTIi 1~+ Df_f,. 2~,' 21" 1•lFST, AL0110 SAID W[STERLY LIIIE, 4~2.~1 F[FT TO A P~I'IT I'! TIIE NOP,ThIERLY LIyF OF THF1T C~RTAIiJ DFEC RECORDFD OCT03ER 11, 1!?~~i IN f300K 12~, PAGF 73, OFF 1 C I AL R[CORDS OF SA I D ORA'Jf,E COU'JTY, SA I D P~ I'JT BE I FI~ 200.00 FEET SOUTHERLY, NEASURFD AL~,If, THE l~l[STERLY LI"lE OF SAID V1idEYARD LQT, FROt1 THE tdORTHIJEST COR'd[R OF SAiD 'JI'JfYARO LOT "E- G"; TfIEPdC[ AI.OWG SAID LAST N[tJTIOhlED NORTHEf;LY LItdE, PAP,ALLFL TO SAID LIIICOL~! AI~EPIUF, ~IORTN 75 DfG. 2?' ~6" EAST 251.0~ FFET 7!l A POIWT IN TNE WGSTERLY LIN[ OF TNE EASTERLY 60.0~ FEET OF THE EASTERLY 311•00 FEET, 11EASURFO FR011 THE F10RTN41EST C~RFIER OF SAID VINEYARD LOT "E-6"; TiiE`!CE P1lRALLEL TO SAID W~STFP,LY LIME OF VItdEYARD LOT "E-6", MORTN 14 DFG. 2G' 21" 4:FST 1RO.Q~ F~[T T!1 THE POIfdT OF II~TERSECTIOf! IJITIi TIfE SOUTIiERLY LIIJE OF SAI~ LI~dCOLM AVENUE; THENCE NORTH 7~ DEG. 27' S6" E~ST 2G9.64 FECT TQ THE POINT OF BEGIF~IJING. WIIEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Analieim on 1larcli 22, 1932, at 1:3~ p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by la~•~ anrl in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1~4.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed reclassification an~i to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection tfiere~•~ith; and IJfIEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, invr_stigation and study made by itself and in its belialf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the followincl facts: i. That tlie petitioner proposes rr_classtfication of subject property from the Rt1-12U0 (Residential, t9ultiple-Family) and CG (Commrrcial, General) Zones to the RM~3~00 (Residential, hlultiple-Family) Zone. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan as amended on ~larch 16, 19`31_, designates subject property for loi•~-m~dium d~nsit~~ rPsidential la~~i uses. 3. That the proposed reclassification ~f suhjr_ct property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderiy and proper development of tlie community. ~~. That the proposed reclassification of SUhJPCC property does properly relate to tiie zones and their permitted uses locally established in close proximity to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally established througfiout tl~e community. 5. That tfie proposed reclassification of subject property requires the dedication and improvement of abutting streets in accordanc~ with the Circulation Element of the General Plan, due to the antictpated increase in traffic which will be generated by tl~e intensification of land use. 6. That 3 persons indicated the+r presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence +aas received in opposition to the subject petit(on. _z_ PC32-46 ,,~ _ _ . _ ~,I ~ .-~ EtJVIROtINEtJTAL II•1PACT F~iJDI,lG: Environmental Impact Repnrt t~o. 7.43 was previously certi ied by the City Cauncil on tlarch iG, 19$2, in conjunction with Gencral Plan Amendment ~do. 1(7, NOW, TIiEREFORE, [iE IT R~SOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Cammission does hereby grant subject Petition for Reclassification and, hy sn doin9, that Title T3-Zoning of tfie Anaheim Mw;;cipal Code be amend~d to exclude the above-described property from tlie Rf1-1200 (Residential, 1lultipl~-Family) an~l CG (Commercial, General) Zones to incorporate said described property into the R'~-3o00 (Residential, ~lultiple- Family) Zone upon the follntding conditions ~~hicF~ are hr-.rr_hy fnund to be a necessary p rerequisite to the propused use of suhject property in ordr.r to preserve the safe*_y and gencral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That the owner(s) of subject pro~erty shall deed to the City of P.naheim a strip af land 1J feet in width from the centerlin~ of the alley along the easterly 252 feet of the alley along the south property line of subject property for alley ~videning purposes. 2. That trash storage areas sliall be provided in accordance ~oith approved plans on file with the Office of the Executive Director of Public Works. 3. That no vehicular access to subject property shall br_ taken from Lincoln Avenue until after an ordinance becomes effective prohihiting on-street parking on Lincoln Avenue between Resh Street and Harbor Boulevard and until after striping and signing on Lincoln Avenue lias be~n completed to estabiish a left-turn lane and to pr'oliibit on-street parl;in9. In the event that access can not be taken from Lincoln Avenue. access shall be permitted via a minimum of two (2) driveways fror~ Citron Street including an emergency vehicular access point at the westerly terminus of Chestnut Street. 4. That trash storage areas sfiall be provided in accordance with approverlplans on file with the Office of the Executive Direct~r of Public 4Jorks. 5. 7hat subject property shall he served hy un~lera mund utiliti~s. 6, Tliat drainage of subject property shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer. 7. That a modified cul-de-~ac shall he provided at the terminus of Chestnut Street subject to the approval of the City Enaineer. a. That the traffic signals on Citron Street at Lincoln Avenue and 'nroadway shall be modified or reconstructed to the satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer. 9. That prior to finai tract map approval, the original documents of the covenants, conditions, and restrictions, ann a letter addressed to developer's title company authorizing recordation thereof, shall be submitted to the Planning Departm~nt for transmittal to the folloi•~ing departments for approval: City Attorney's Office, Publtc Utilities Department, Uuilding Division, and the Engineering Division. Said documen:s, as approved, shall be filed and recorded in the Office of the Orange County Recorder. -3- PG3^-46 , ~,.,,:..~,......_.,.. :,.. , io 11. 12. ~3. 1 lE . iS. 1(, 17. 18. 1~. 20. That all private streets sha11 be developed in accordance with the Clty of Anaheim's Standard Detail IJo. installation of street name signs22 Plans f~~rthetn streets as re~uire~ h ~ ~ncluding Y the st~ndard detaj~, sha11 he f'rivate street lighttng, Division for approva) and inclusion witii thesbuildi~~ tO the Building issuance of building permits. (Private streets ~ p~3ns primary access and/or circulation within the Prior to Che arn those whtch Project. P~ovide That prior to tl~e issuanc~ of buildin °f PaY~~9 Pa-'k and recreation in-lieu f~~PPrm~ts' t~ie developer may, instead improvements such as ~"S' P~~~~~~ Perk and recreational public rest rooms at loc:~l schools. as to whether 1n-lieu fees shall be paid or whether specified Improvements Sfie~i be provided shall be subject to negotiation with the ParkseDlvlsionrof tt~e Parks, Recreation and Community ServicAs Department, an~i shall be aPproved by said department. P~ior to issuance of buildin satisfactory to t(ie Chief f3u~ jd~~9rnlnspectoratharet~i~ Sha11 conformance with Council P~licy Mumber r~ Present evidence P~ojects ~~+.-, Sound Attenuatlon~inrResidentie~ Pr~or to issuance of buildin satisfacto ry to tlie Chief Buildi~ngmins~ectora~n~~can*_ sha11 conformance wi tli Ploi se P t~tiat the uni tseSwf ~ ~QVbee^ce administrative Code, Tit~e~Z~uiation Standards spr_cifted in the California That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as required and determined to be necessa ry by the Chief of the Fire Department prior to commencement of structural framing. "No parking for street sweepJ~g~~ Si9ns shall be installe~f stre~t inspection as required by the Public lJorks Executive Otre~ accordance with speciftcations on fi)r :ritti tlie Stre~t Maintenance Division, tnr ln That prior to final hui)din an amount satisfactor 9 and zoning inspections, the developer shall pa L(ncoln Avenue to y to the City Traffic Engineer for Y provide left-turn access to sub'e~t the restriping of That prtor to final U~i~~~~ ~ Property. located on dead end drivewa S 9 and zoning inspections discance of more than 150 feetdfromwthe mainh~~~ turnaround ~1Ye~~r~9 units sprink)ered as required b areas) at a Y the Chief of ~~'~i~~te drive~vay shall be the Fire Department. If permanent street name signs have not beert installed name signs shall be installed prior to any occupancy, , temporary street That subject propert plans y Sh~~i be developed substantially in accordance with No, i through 73, and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhlbits Prior to the introduction Conditions No. } °f an ordinan:e rezonin and 2, above-mentioned, shall be com letedsubjPCt property, or rights granted by this resolution shall become null an~i vo~~l b Y actton of the Planning Commtssion unless said condttions are complied with w ithtnsjone -4- Pca2-4G 21. That Condition No. ~t, ~, G, 7, 3, 10, 16, 17 anci 1'~, above-mentioned, shall be complied t•~ith prior to final building and zoning inspections. D[ IT FURTIiEP, R~SOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that the adoption of this Resolution is e:<pressly predicated upon applicant's compliance with each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any condition or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be decmed null and void. TtIE FORtG01t1G RESOLUTIOt! is siyned and approved by me this ?2nd day of March, 1982, ~"~ . ~ ~~-~~%~=~~% ~ CI~AIR!'1AiJ PRO TE~IPORE ~ ANAHEIM CITY PL/1P~MING COIIMISS10~1 ATTEST: ~~ F • /~--~'U-ui SECRCTARY, A;lAHEIM CITY PLA6JNIWG COt4t11SS10;! STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUIJTY OF ORANGE ) ss. C ITY OF AtJAfiE IFi ) ~, Edith L. Narris, Secretary of the Anaheirn City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed ancl adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on March 22, 1982, at 1:30 p,m., by the following votc of the memhers thereof; AYES: COMf11SSI0NERS: BARNES, BOUAS, FRY, HERBST, KIPJG, MC BUR'JFY NOES: CO~1PtISSIOpJERS: NOPJE ABSEPlT: COMI91 SS I OtdERS: BUSHORE ~N WIT~JESS WNEREOF, I have liereunto set ny hand this 22nd day of March, 1982, `~~ .~! ~~G~~,,~.~- SECRETARY, APIAHEIf1 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -5- PC82-46