PC 84-10'-, ~LSOL,u~r1oN No. ~cs~-lo A 1ZESOLUTION OF `.CHL ANAEIEI~; CITY PLt1NN7I~G COMMISaTON THA~' PC`.PT'I`ION rori CONDI'CTONAr1 JSE .PCRMIT N0. 251a BG GRAN'CGp 4JElEREAS, the l~nak~eim City Pla.lning Cummis:~iun dici rec:eive a ver.ified F~etition ~or. Conciitional Us~ Per.mit fram ANAfi~;IM ~\S;OCIA7'ES, ?.7285 Las Ramblas, Mission Viejo, C~.~lifor.nia )2691, owner., and ANDR~;u GURUL'r, Z9II5 East Miralc~ma, No. J, Anaheitn, Calif~r.nia !~2t306, agent of cc~r.tain r.ca]. pr.oper.ty situate:d in ttie Ci.ty of Ariaheim, County of Or.ange, Statc of CaliE~rnia, descr.ibed as: TEiUSE YOI;TIONS UF I,C3T 7, BLOCt' 6 OI' THE GOI,DEN S'i'ATE T12ACT AS SHOFJN UN A MAP RECURDEll I~ BOOIC 4, PAGFS 6fi AND 67 Gi' MI,SCELLANEO[iS MAPS, RECORbS ~,? ORANGE COUNTY, CALIF~JRNI71, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL 5, AS SHOWN ON A MAP i'tLED IN BOOK 14G, PAGE 50 OF PARCE'L MAPS IN TH~ OE'F.ICG OF '~tiE CUUNTY I:GCORbGR OP ORF~P~G~ CQUN`L'Y, CALIEORNIl~. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commi,sion did ho].d a rubl~c hearing at the Civic Center. in the City of Anaheim on ,lanuar.y 23, 1964, at 1:30 p.m., n~tice of said public h~ur.ing havi.ng been duly given as r.equir.ed by 1aw and in accordance with the pr.ovisions of the Anahei.m ~4unicipal Cocle, Chapter. 18.03, to hear. and consider. evid~nce to~ and ac~ainst said pzoposed conditional usE per.mir and to investigate and make findin~~s and r.~commendakions in connection khezewith; and WEiER.EAS, s~i~i ~nis: ion~ after due i.nspection, inv~sL-igation and stuc]y made by itselE an~.. it~ behalf, and after. due consideration of a11 evidence and r.~;~~oxts ott~::Nd at said i~~ar.ing, does find anci deter.misie the following facts: J.. 'rhat the pr.oposed us2 is pco~er.ly one f.or. which a conditional use pecmit i.s author.ized by Anat~eim Municipal Code Section 18.Q6.080 & 18.61.05U.070 l•o wit: to p~r.;nit an autumotive tr.ansrni~siun shop in the ML (Limited, Industzial) Zone witl~ waiver. of the following: S~C.TIONS i8_,06.050.Q22? - Minirnum r.umber. of- par.king spaces. AND 18.61.066.U50 (159 spaces r.equir.ed; ].47 spaces pr.oposed) 2. That the pr.o~osed use ~s t~~~r.eby gr.anted fo~ a per.iod oE three (3) year.s, r.c~ expir.e an Januar_y 23, 1y87. 3. `~'hat the r.r:quested w~~iver. is her.eby gr.antF~ on the ba ~is that the par.king vaciance wili not cause an incr.ease in teaPfic congestion in the immtdiat~ vicinity nor. advecsely aff~ct 3ny adjoining land uses; and th~t the gzantirig ot the parking var.iance und~r, the conditions imposcd, iP any, will not be dekr.imr:ntal to ~he aeace, l~calth, safety or. gener.al welfar.e of the citizens of the City o£ A~taheim. 4. That the proposed use will ~ot adver.sel.y affect the adjoining lanci uses arid the gr.owth and ~;ct~elopment of the area in which it i~ proposed tc~ be located. ~0136r. PC84-10 rY.uv~ l ~. 'I'hat L-he siz~ aiid :;h~pe of the sit~ pr.o~~osed for the use is adequat~ ta a! low ~he EulJ~ ~i:velapment o~' khe pr.opc~sec~ use :in a manrier r~c~t d~kriment~.~1 t:o th~ p~~r.ticu.lar ar.ea nor. L-~ the pe~cc, healtta, saf_ety arid ger.er.al ~.~+eltar.e oF the Citizens of th~ City oE Anaheim. h. 2'hat the ~r.antiny ~L the Conditional Use ~er.;nit under che conciitions imposed, iL- any, will nor be ci~trirrienta.l , to the p~ace, h~alth safei:y ancj g~neza.l wel:Car.e of the Cii~izens of the City ~ o.~ Anaheim. 7. That the tr.atfic generated by ~hc~ pcoposed use wi11 not im,~o~c~ a~l iznc~ue bur.den upr~n thc~ s~r.eets anc! hiyhwayU design~d and impr.ove~ to ~ar:-y the traf.fic in th~ ar.ea. 8. Th~-~t no one ind.icated th~ir. pr.esenc~.~ at sa ~.d public hearing in opposi.tion; ancl L-hat no r.orr•espondence was r.PCeiv~d in oppc:;ition to the suhject petition. EI~VIkOt~M~,NTAL 'lMPACT FINDING: That L-he Anaheim City Planning Co!nmissiun has reviewed the pr_oposal tc pPr.m.it ~an automotive transmiss~o~i shop in the ML (Limitec~, Industr.ias) Zone wit.h waiver. of minimum number of parking spaces on a r.ec:tanyular.•ly-shape~ parcel of land consisti.ng of appr.pximakPly 4.R5 acres iocar_ea at the northeasL- cor.ner. of Mira.loma Avenue and Reci Gum St~~et, and f~trther. described as 2985 E. Mir.aloma P.venue (Mr.. Tr.ans); anc~ does hereby approve th~ Negative De~;lur.ation ~apan f.inding that it has cor~Uider.ed the Negative Dec1~r.~tion togethez with any comments r.ecei.ved dur.ing the public review pzocPSS an~ £ur.ther. finding cn th~ basi.s of rhe ini.cial study and any c~mments zec.ei/eci that ther.e is no subsrant~.a.l evidence ~haF the proiect will have a significant effect on tt~e env.ir~nmNnt. NOW, '!'HEREEORE, [~F IT RGSOLVCsD thak the Anaheim Ci.Ly Planning Commission do~s hereby grant subject Pet.i~.i~n for. Condi.kior,a]. Use Per.mit, upon the Eollowing c~nditions ~~~hich ar.e her.eby Found r_u be a necessar.y prer.equisite to the proposed use of the subjert pro~erty i.n order. l-o pr.esexve the ~afety and genexal welEare of the Citizens of: the C:iCy o.f Anat:eim: 1. That appr.c,pxiate wat~r. assessrnent .Eees shall be paid to tlie City o~' Anaheim, in un amount as deter.mined by the Office of the Utilities Gerieral Manager.~. 2. Tt~at all repair work sha11 be conducL•ed wl~olly insi;3e a building. 3. That subject prop~rty sh~ll be developed substantial.ly in accordance with pla.ns and specitications on fi.l~ with th` City of Anaheim marked ~xhi.bit IJos. 1 and 2. t~. That Conditiori tvos. 1 and 3, abov~-mc~ntianed, shall be compZete;~ within a period of 90 days L-'rom the date of thi~ r.PSOlution. 5, That the use is gr.~ntecl f.or. a p~riod of thr.ee (3) yea.r.s, ko expir.e on Januar.y 'l3, 1987. -2- F~C8~-10 yY!ilq r"' ^. SE I`1' I'U.RThFIt RGSGL,VGD that the Aiz~heim City Flanning Commi~sian d~es hezeby find and cleter.mine th~~t ~doption of th:is Resolution is expr.essly ~xeclicated u~on applicant's cornplianc~ with each aa~r~ all of th~ c~.~nditions herei:~abovP set for.th. Should any suct-, conditions, or. ~ny part ther.eof, be cieclazed invalid ur un~~nforcea~le by lhe f.inal judgment of any cou~-t o~ c~mp~Lent jurisdicti.on, th~r; this ResUlution, anci any a~pr.avals her.ein contained, shall be deemc~~] ilul.l anci vc~id. THE FOREGOING l3ESOr~UTION is signed and ~ppr.ovecl by mN this 23rd c~ay af ,7anuazy, 1984. "'r.,> [" "I ~;'~~~i' "t .t.'..t_~ rl ~ ' ~ F- .y~ ., ~ : ~/ ? ,.'. L.f.-rSf- ,_.~' CCIAIRWUMAN, 1~QAt1GIM C~TY PL.ANNING COMMISSTON AT~r~s2'; „ ~ - ~ / ~L~ ._:.lY ~'~~~it~~ SECRETARY, .ANAHEIM CITX PLANN:ING CpMM~~SION STATE OF CALIFORNX~ ) COUNTY OI' ORANGG ) ss. CI',:Y OF ANAE:~IbI ) I, F.da.th L. Har.ris, Secretary oL the Anaheim City Planning Commissi~n, do he.reby certif:y that the for,egoing resolution was p~ssed and adopted at a mFetin~ of the Atiaheim Gity Plannir~g Commission r.e1d on ~J~nuary 23, 1984, by tt~e Eollowing vote of ~he mPmb~rs ther.eof: AYES: COMMISSIONGRS: BOUEIS, BIiSHURE, FRYP Ht~:REiS'1', ItINCi, LA CI~AIRE MC BURNEY NOBS: COMMISSIONERu: NONE AfiSENT: COMMISSIO~]GRS: NONE JN WIThEaS WHEi~EOC, I have hezeunto set my hand this 23r.d day c~ Januaxy, 1984. , ~ ~_ ~ ~ ~C~?,~ nC".. ~.~LZ••K, SECRETARY, ANI~HEIM CITY PLANNIDiG COMMISSION ~3- PC84-1U