PC 84-104xcs~LV~zo~ No. Pr &~-t.o~ A RESU'LUTTQN ~F '.~HF ANAHEIM CITY PLAIQNINC, Ct~MMlSSTON ADOPTING AND RECOMMENDTNG TO ~CHE CITX CUUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHETM ADOP7.'IUN uF AN AMENDM~b1T TO THL LANU USE FLEM~NT AND GFNE.RAJ., l~f.,AN TEXT OF THE GENEI2AI, PLAN DESIGN~AT~D AS A~9LNDMENT NC), ].93 WH~REAS, the City Counci.l of the City oE Anahe.im did adopi: L-he Anaheim G~ner.a.l P.l.an by Rn,ol.ution No. 69R-644, showi_ng the generaJ. a~s~~znr~on and exFent o~ possibl.e futur~ ~ev~J.~pment wi.fi~h thc Ci.ty; and WHERE~S, pursuant to a request fr.om the pr.oper.ty owner and the City of Anaheim for a Genera I. Plan Amendment Scudy, Ci.ty staff prepa.red a G~nera]. P:Lac~ Am~ndment fc~r a i:ata]. study ar~a consisting of approxi.mateJ.y 2.8 a~~es (?art 2) descr~.k,ed as Fo~J.ows: Portion A- U.9 ar.res (C.i.ty ini.ti.ated) ].ocated south ot the Fti~e~side FreecvaX anci appzoxi.mate].y .1.000 feei: east oE tr~e center.a.ine of. GlasselJ. Str.eet; and Por.ki.on B- ]..9 acr.es (pr.oper.L-y ownez initiated) ].ocated south ot the Riverside Fr~eway ~n~ approxzmate].y 2000 teet east of the cFrnter. ].ine ~i Gl.a~seJ.l. Street. WH~RF;AS, pursuant to a request from the Czty of Anahei.m for_ a Genera.l. Pl.au Amendment Study, City staff ~,r.epar.~d a General P].an Amendment as Part II ot L-hxs ~equest tc the text of the Land Use E~emerit a.nd Redevt].opmEnt Element in order to permi.t non-confocming land u:e~ in fhe Red~ve).opment Frojec~ Ar.ea; and WH~;REAS, the PJ.anning Department dee~r,ed it appropriate, pucsuant to the pr.ov:is.ions of khe Calzfornia Envi.ronmenta; Quati.ty Act, that there are no si.gni.ticank envi.ron~rienta]. i.mpacts and r,ecommended that a Nega~ive Decl.ar.ati.on be appxaveci; ancl WHEREAS, the Anahei.m City Pl.anning Cummiss.ion d.id ho].d a publ.ic hearS.ng at the Anaheim Civi.c Center, CounciJ. Chamber, 200 ~outh Anaheim Bou7.evard, on June 7..1., 1.984, at .1:3Q p.m., nokic~ Q£ saia pub~ic hear.tng hava.ng been c1u].y given as Ker~ui.r.ed by law and in ~ccor.dance wi.th the pr~va.sions oE the An~aheim Muni.cipaJ. Cocie, to h~ar. and cUnstder evi.dence for. and against saa~d Amendment to th~ A.naheim Gener.a~. Pl.an, and to investigate ancl m~ke findzngs and recommendations in connect.i.on thPrewi.~h; said :,~ar~„y havi.ng been contanued from the P7.annz.ng Comm:i.ssion meeting of Agri]. J.6, ].984, and WH~~EAS, said C~mmissi.on, af.Ler due investzgat.ion an.d stucJy made by itsel.f, and afte evidence and rep~rts oFfer.ed at said pubJ.ic ttear. irag, 1.049Ei consideration, i.nspectic~n, z due constdera~i_on of a1.1 DOES HERLDY FIND; 6/].l./BA ~C~4-104 ,.~ ~:.~ .k:~: ~ ... . . ~. M., \ ~., That evidenc;e was pr.e ~entecl which substan~iates the need for, an amendment to th~ I+naheim Gener.al. Pl.an, and it i.s c3~emed appropr.iaLe LhaL "Exhi.bit A" L~e adopted des:ignating the enti.re area lPart t) for Gen~ra]. Tnclustri.a]. 1.anci u;~es. ~he need 2, 'I'hat evid~nce was presente~7 which substanriate~ foc an Amendment to the ~ext of th~: Land Use EJ.eme ~~~a~~ RedevE~.opment El.ement of the G~nera.l Pl.an as they to Itedev~l.opment P].an and Gener.a P~an nthe ilte''xteofy both tl.exib~.].ity, amendi.ng the languag _ ~:l.ement~ ~~s fo].l.o~as: "The Applic:abiJ.ity of Redeyeloument Pl.an~ The T~and Use r^.lemen~ of the Anahe~.^~ G~ner.aJ. Plan designates the pr,oposed gener.al. distr.ibuti.~n and genera]. ].a~atian and extent of publ.ic and private uses of J.and. Certain pr.oper.ty s~:bject to the or.ovisions 4~ thP included Gener.al Yl.an is now, or. may hereafter. be, withi.n a r.ede~°el.opment pr.ojecL- p area opdi.nance o.fo~he kec~evel.npment Pl.an ( "~'~an" ) adopt _d by C9.ty o£ Ariaheim and sub ject to tk-e inter. im ]~a~d use .lzmitations set far~h i.n said Pl.an. NotwiL-hstanding ar~y other.wise app].ir.abl.e l.and use desi.gnation :in the Anaheim General. P].an, any inter. im use of ].and w~.L-hi.n any r.ede~iel.opment project area shal.]. compl.y with th~ ~.and use ].i.mitati.ons set forth :in s~id appl.icab7.e P].an until suct. time as sa~id I~l.a ~icabl.eeSl.ana zusem ~ am.t ti.onsnfset to the ot~erwi~e app forth in the Ari~heim Genera]. P1.an." NOW, '.CHCREr^ORF, HE IT RESUL~IED that the Anaheim City Planning Cornm~ °~: <<~~~ `'~" " ~'~'='~`•°` `''~ -'j~us'~''"'"t tio change the current Genera.l Open Space dca;,.~yriat~on of the General. c J.an ta Gene.ra ~ox ~matel. aa o8 acres a(Portion A) .9 Y ~ shaped parcel. of l.and con~isting of app aar.es (City ini.tiated) l.acated ~outh of the River.sicle Freeway and apP,.aXZmur~ly ].000 feet ea~t of the center.l.i.ne o~ Glassel.l. Str.eet and (Port:icn g) 1. g acres (Owner inita.ated) ].ocated south of the Riverside Fceeway and app~oximatel.y 2000 feet east of the ~enterl.ine of Gl.ass~].1. Street.; ancl amendment to the text of the ].and use ~nd r.edevel.opment e~nae doesa hereby celate to Revel.opment Plan and General. °1.an C that ~EtiCxha~ considered the approve the Negative Declaration upon fi.ndi.ng Negat ive Declaration together. wi~h any comttient~ recei~~ed during the publtc review pru~cess and fur.thcr finding on the basis of the InitiaJ. ~;tudy and any, comments r.ecexved that there is na substanti.al• evidence that thE project will. have a s~gnif:ican~ effect on the envir.onment. gE; IT P'U1tTHFR RESO'LVED, that pur.suant to tt;e focegoi.ng fi.nc3ings, the Anahe:im ~~~Y 1'a•~nning ~ommi~sa.on do~s hereby' adopt and r.ecommend to the Gity Counci.l oF the City oL- Anat:e~m aciaption of Gener.aJ. P.lan Ameridment No. ].93• -2- 6/l.l/89 pC84-lU4 'L'Fl~ l~OREGOING RESOLU'L'SON i.s siynt~d and ~~provecl by rnE thi.s l°' h da,y uP June, 1.984. .--•~ /I~ '~ ~ ~~~e' ~ / G'71~ J CHAIRWUM.A~ ANAHFTM CITY F~LI~NNTNG COMM;[SSTUtl AT'rEST : ` ~(f///~~ ~,/j /1~ ~ // ••ai~cT.`~~ ' '- ~~ F ~A4.~Z3~J SEC.KGTARY, ANAf~E~61 CITY PLANNINC COMMISSION STATE OF CALIF'ORNiA ) COUNTY OF OR~ANGG ) s~~ CIT1 OF ANAHEIM ) L, EdiLh ;.. Harr.is, S~cr.etar.y oE the AnahEim Ci.ty P]anni.ng Commi~~ion, 6e hezeby certtEy r.hat che Po~ego.ing resol.ution was passed and adopked at a meet.ing or the: Anaheim Ci~y Flann.iriy Comm.issioi; he7~ or~ June ]..1., 7.98~, by khe fo~.lowi.ng vote of the memb~r. s thf~reof : AXFS: COMMISSION~KS: BOUAS, BUSHURE, ~RX, HERBST, KING, McBURNEY NOES: COMMISS.lONERS: NONE Ai3SE~NT: COMMTSSIQI~ERS: LA CLAIRE iN WITNL•'SS WHEREOC•, I t~ave her.eunto seL- my hand thi.s l.l th c9av of• .lune, 1.984. f~ . SECRL'SARY, ANANEIM CI~'Y PLANNING COMMtSSION -3- 6/I1/Fi4 PC:84-104