PC 84-111,~._.,~ : ,,•. ~ _;,~ ~~;`. ~ ; ~, : ~'~`' KE;SOLU7:'ION N0. PCf34-J.7.1 ~;~''~ `, ~1 RES(?LUT.l'UN Ot~ THE ANAH~;IM CITY PLANN:CNG COM.MISSTpN ~''~~ ~ ~'H~~•' ~~`l'I`.['ION PUH VARIANCE NC?. 3406 BE GRANTGD . Petit.ion WHER~AS, the for Variance Anahei.m ~ity ~'r ~ P:I.ann.ing Commi.ssivn did r.ece ive a 5wal.l.ow i ~Y, nahei.m, . om S~ verif.ied EPHEN C. WALI<FR and BARBARA A. WALKER, p55 Ca].iEcr.nia 92807 ' s ~uated described tn us: t:he City of An~7he.im, , owners o~ Couni:y o~' Orange cert~z.Ln rea7. pr.operty St , ate oE Cal.i,for.nia LOT ~~2r 3~. OI' 7'RACT N0. 9965~ PAGES 40 TO 44 INCL[)S AS SHOWN ON A MAP IVF RECOI2DED IN AOOK SF~IU p~ZANGE COUN7.'Y. Or MISCELLANEpUa^ MAPS~ RECORllS OF ':; WHE.REr15, ~he City Pl~nning Commi.ssiun did hal.d a t:~ tre Civ.ic Centez~ in the City of Hn~heim ~n June ].1., ] 984 PuUl.i.c hea;. ing at ~~ ot said pub].ic hear.in ~ at ~~3Q p•m... not~.ce accor.dance w.ith the g havi.ng b@E?f1~ duly gi,ven as required by law and in Prov9.sion, o.~ i:.he Anaheim Municipa:l Code, Chapter ].~.03, i~ to hear. and corsider evidenc;e L-or and aga.inst said proposed var.:anc investigate and mahe find.ings and rec~mmendation„ .in connection ther.~w.'~~~; ~n~ ~o ' h, ar.d ;!~; WHER~AS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigat.ion ~' ~tudY made by itseZf and in its behaJ.f., and after. ciue consider.ation 4f. ~1~ ~I evi.den;,e and repotts offered at said hearzng, does find ancl deker : fo~7,owing Eacts: mane the I ~~ ~• "~'hat r.he ~' petiti.oner. px~p~,ses waivers o~ ,, construct an addi.tion i:o a sing.le-fami~.y r.esidc~nce; t~e fol.].ow.ing to } (a) SECTIONS J.F~~p6.U50.0~ , '-----------....- -~- - M i n i m iam n umbe r of a r, k~ n 5 aces . , AND Z8.24.p(,6.p1p (4 off-street s aces required; 3 s ac~s ~xoposed) (b) SECT:[ON ).8.24.063.O.11.4 - Minimum ~ ~____a~'a~e setback. ~~5 feei: requ i red f. r. om a cu l.-de-sac; J.5 t° 2~et prUposed} 2• That the above-•mentioned wai.cer basis that the (a) i.s hereby gzanted an the par.king variance wil.l. n~t cause un .incr.eas~ [n tra£fic congestian in the a.mmediate vicinity nor adversely uses; and that the grant.ing of L•he `~£~~'°~ anX adjoini.ncr l.and xmpcsed, if an Paxk.fng vari~,nce under the c~~ndittons 9eneral. wcl.fareyof the ci.tizens ~F the Ci.k ~ to the peace, hea7_th, ~~-~ge~y ~z y of AnvhP:m. (b) :is hereby gr.anted on the basi.s that3there aze~s~e~baz~~~,K~unstanceWS laer. size, st~ape, tcpoyxaphy, 7.~caf:ion arid SUCCpUndPngs3~ ne ~h dohnotraPP~yytouother identtcal].y zoned p~-c,perty i.n Ehe same vi.c:tnity; oP +: he Zoning Code deprivc, the ,~r.operr_y ~; '`nd that str. ict apg].icati~n Pro~1~:~;ti_eS i-~ +.he identical. z~ne ~ar.d cl.a~s;, pri t ileyes enjoyed by other sub3ect to Intezdepar.tmental ~:omm:ittee recommendations~t in tt,e vicinity ar~r~ #0238r ~'C84-].1J. ~,r; 4• 'i'h~~~ thece ar.e er,r.c~pkio-~al or. ,, conditians a~pJ.icablt~ ro t1;c ~r , xCr.~or.din~~ ~, F opErty i,»vc~l.ved c~r. x C r~~~mstances or. Pxoper.ty thak clo nol; ap~.,l.Y gcner.~.~l.l.y E~ ~he pr.o~~ert the i.ntenc~e~.3 u~e af s~me vir,inity and zonc.~. the Y or clas..~ ~f use in the 5• '].'har Ch~~ r.eyu~sted var.iance is neces;ar. and cn:JoYmen~ oL a substantia7. Nr.aper.t.}r right pos.;e~.,ed b~r the ~, . ~he same vicinity and zone ~ c~ pr~"~-r~a~ion ~ und denied L•o the r Y°rh~~ p~~Aer,ty {n p.oper.ty l~ quest:ton. b• That the r.~yues~ed vur.iance will not be ro the publi.c we1.F~,rt or. i.njuri.aus ma~er..ia7.l.y d~tr.imental viciniky and ~ana in wh.ich th~ pr.~per.t ° lhe proper.ty or. i.m r,•ov y is l.ocated. P em~nts in such 7~ That Four person~ indicatec] ~heir, r hear.ing i-~ oppostti.on; ajid tl~,at no corr.eSp~~~~nce w se.r.eGn;Ve~t in aid to ~~ ~ publi.c ~u~'ect peti.tior. oPposttion ~NVIR(7NML•'NTAL IMPAC'1' FIN;aTNG; Co~nmiss.i.on tias reviewed ~t1e--"""- ~'hat the Ana.he.im City single-fam.iJ.y residenct with wa.i e os Unf l mi.n~mum ~numi~er. t af ~~~nntny ari addi.tion to a minirnum ga~rage setback on an i.r.r.Equl;~rl Par.kin ~~ aA.proximateJ.y 1G,000 sq~aar.e teet ha~ i~ y-shaper~ par.ce.1. of .l.and conspst.{n9 dof on the nurr_hwest side of Swa.t.~ow FVa ~ a L'rontage uf, a p~r.oxi.mate].y 62 feet WaYt and does h~r.eb Y~ and fur.ther descr.tbed aU ~ y aNP~'ove the Negati.ve DNrxar~tion upon fi.ndin ~~5 Swa].).c~w consi.dFr.ed the N~gative Dec:l~ration rug~thez with an~ g that i~ has ~h~ pub~•xc zevi.ew .. 1 comments r.ecei~~ed dur.tng study and any cotnm~n s cr ceived rha'chtt,er_el i~t n~ ,~U~ t R basi,s ~'r~•~~~t Wx~~Z h~ve ~a s i g n i f i c;.,; 1 t e f f~c t on the ~nvir.onment. Qf the i.niti.a). ttal. evic~enc;e that the NOW, THEREFpK~, BC iq' RESOLVr,D that the Anahein~ Cit C~mm.iss.ion d~es heKeby yr.ant subject PPti.t ion for. Var. i.ance, upon l-he f condit.ions wh~Ech ar.•e Y Pl-anning he~ebY f.aund to be a neces~ar o~~lowing pr.oposed us~ of i:he subjec~ ;~ruper.ry in or.der. y~'~~requ'.site to yeneral. weZfa~e L-U ~,r.eser.ve tt~e saEet tt1e of. the Cit.izens oE the City of An~~hei.m: Y and 1• That a ral.J.-u ~ - ~' 3~~'a9e dcur. sha1.J. be insta.l.1~~ and portion oi' the gar.age contai.n.tng ~t~e northernmost aen~~.~. ed ~~~ that space which i~ located ].ess than ?.5 feet Er.qm the cu.l-de-parktng requi.r.~~ by the City '~'r,~ff;,~ EngineFr.. ac, as 1• That subject co ~ with p p~ty '~h`~~~ b~ devel.oped substantial.J.y •in accordance pl~ans anr~ speci~icaei~ns on Etle wirh the C•ity o£ Anahe.im inar.ked Exhibi.t Nos. ]. thr.ough 3. 3• Tt;dt pri.or to fin,al. bui.l.df.n~ ~-~rid zoni.n .• l. an~ 2, ~7bove-menttoned, shal.l. be comp:gi. ci w,'th ions, Condi.`i.~n ~los. dF% Z'r l~UR2~H~R f2ESQLV~;D that tiie Anah~im City Pl.anni. ~ does hereby f ind and deCf. r. cniae hh~t adoNtion of thi.s ~~~. ng ~Qmm{ssi.~n predicated upcn aAE~.~.icant's c,,n~~,liance wi~h eych and a~ 1, f.~thescon r hereinabove uet b•essl.y :orth. Shou:l.d any ;;uch condf.tton d~tions dec.lared ~nval..td or unenEocc:eabl~~ ' or anY par.L- thereof, be competent ~~Y the k~inal. judgrnent of ~ri .7~~x~c~iction. then this kesolukfon, and an Y cour.t ~F conta.i:i~~, sha11 be deemed nu.l.) ~n~ void. Y apPr~va).~ h~r.ein _2_ P~:84-] ] 1 ; ' ~`\ ,,,,". THE rofir~GUTNG FtLSpT,U't~I(~N is signed and apprc,~,ed by me thi.c; ].'I.th d~ay of. June, ].9C+4. ~ ~ ~ /l '~ , " ,~%~~~~.~-rr ~~.~.,~.. CNATRWOMAN, ~N~fik:IM CITY PLA2~~NING COMMI dN A`PTE~T : ~ Y ~ ~ ~ . SCCRETP.RY, ANAHE;IM CITY PLANNING COMMI SIOtJ S~'ATI~ 0~' CALIFURNIA ) CUUNTY OI' URANGE ) SS~ CITY OF' ANAHETM ) I~ Edi~h L. i~«cr.is, Secr.etar.y of the AnahFim C.i,t Commzssion, do hec~by cer.ti.fy ~hat the for.egoin~ r.esalukion wasy P~~anning adopted at a m~eti.ng of khe Anaheim City ~].anning Commisston hel.d ona 11nE ~~,~ ].984, by the toZJ.owinq voLe of th~ member.~ the~eof: A~iES; COMMISSIO[~ERS: BOUAS, E3USfi0l2E, FRY, HERBS'1', KING, MC BURNEY NOES: CUMMl'SSTONERS; NOIdE ABS~;NT: COMMISSTON~;RS: LA CL,~IRk; IN WI~i~NESS PJHFREOF, I have her.eunto set my hand thts 11.th ~ay o~ June, 1984. ' / ~~~:~~. ,~ . S~;CRETARY, AN~IHEIM CI'PY PLANNING COMMISSION _3_ PC84-ll.J.