PC 84-116rtr.:soLU~rzov tvo. ~ca4-~.i.F A RESOLU`i'IO[d OF 'I'HF ANAHEINf CITY I~LAPINING COMM:[StiTON THAT PCTT7'TOtJ FOF2 VARtANCG N0. 3399 DE DENIEU WHEREAS, thc Anaheim City P].anni.ng Commission di.d r.ec~ei.ve a veriiied Pe~i~ion foc Var, iance f r.orn PACIFIC LiELL, & A. T. 'r. COMMUNICA7'TONS OF CALTIOkNIA CORPORATION, 7337 Trad~ Street, P,oom 4).4U, San Di.ego, Cali.fornia 9J.2J.2, ATTN: P. Lo HAMILTl7N, owner of c~rtai.n r.ea]. pr.operty situatecl in th~ Czty of Anaheim, County of OYanyer ~rati~ of ~~a].i.f.or.ni.a clescri.bed as: PARCEL~ ].A: ~'ARCEL 2 AS SHUWN AND llELINEATGD QN TfiAT CER`PATtJ PARCEL' MAP NUMBER 83-256 FIT,ED Dk;CEM13ER 1G, .1983 T.N THL' OFFI:CG OF THE COUN~'Y RECORDEI2 OF SAID COUN~!'Y, IN k300K ].85 PAGE 4 0.[' MISCELLANEQUS MAPS. PARCEL .lB; TtiE RIGH`i'S AND LASLMENTS APPUR7'ENANT' TO THE ABOVE-D.GSCRIBED ~A~tC~L 1, GRANT~D AND CREATED PURSUAN't' TO THAT CLRTAIN "DE(:LARA`i'IOi: FrS`I'ABLISHTNG EAS~ML;N~.CS AND OI~ERA'.PTNG CUVENAN7.'S RUNNZNG WITH THr LAND"o EXEC[JTEJ BY THE PAC~FIC TELEPHONE COMPANX, A CALIF'ORNTA COR'?ORATIOr] J?ATED DECEMBER 22, 1.~83 AND RECORDED DECCMBFR 28, ].9a3 AS DOCUMENT NO. 83-587.1~3~ QR:4NGE COUN`.PX RECORDS. PARCEL 2A; PARCEL .l AS SHOWN AND DGLINEATG~ QN THAT CERTAIN PARCEL MAP NUMBEF2 83-256 1~ILGD DECEMBER J.6, J~983 IN THE Ok~FI(;E Ot~ TH~ COUNTY RECORD~R OF SAID CU1JN`CX, IN BOOK .1E35 PAGE ~~ OF MISC~LLANEOUS MAPS. PARCEL 2B: TfIF' RIGH'1'~ AND ~ASEMENTS iAPPUHTENANT TO TuG ABOVE-DiSCRIBED PARC~L ]., GRA~J'.PE~) A~~D CREATED PURSCIANT TO THAT C~RTAIN "DECLARATION EaTABLISIiING FASE~FN'!'S AND OPCRA~['IIVG COVE:NAN`!'S RUNNING WITH THE LAND", ~XGCUTEU BY THE PAC:IFIC TELEPEiONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY, A CALIk~ORNIA CORPORATTON DATED DECEMAER 22, J.983 AND RECORDL•'D DECEMI3~R 28, J.983, AS DOCUMENT N0. 83-5£37J93. ORANGE COUNTY RGCORD5. WH~RF~AS, the City Planni.ng Commission d:~d hold a pubJ.ic hearing at the Civic Center in tt~e City of Anahei.m on Apri.l. 30, ].984, at 1:30 p,m. , not~ce of s~id pubJ.ic he~trittg havi.ng been dua.y giv~n as requir.ed by l.aw and .in accordar,ce with th~ provi.si.ori~ cf khe Anaheim Muiiici.paJ. Code, Chapter. ~.p.03, to hea.r and consi.der evidence ~ox and against said proposed variance and to i.nvestigate and make ~indings and r.ecommendations in connection therewith; sai.d publ.ic he~riny having be~n conti.nued to the Pl.anning Commission me~t:~ng oi June 25, ].984; and #U243r PC84-].1.6 ~ "~~"'~ WHEREAS, said CommissLOn, zfter due inspec'ti.on, investi.gation and study made uy i.L•se:l.f arid in its behal.f, and after du~ consider.ati.on oE aJ). ev:idence and repor.ts otfer.ed at said heari.rlg, c~oc~s Eind ancl deter.mi.ne lhe fco].Z.ow:ing Lacts: ( J.) That the pet~.ti.ener' proposes wai.ver. of the .to7.7.otaing to per.mit two 23.5-foot high r.ooi mc~unted anL-enrias: SECTICN 1$e45.062.Q].0 - Max:imum ~tr.uctur.al. hei.ght. ~ (75 feet per.mit:ted; 2].6.5 feet pro~osed) 2. That th~ abovE-mentioned wai.ver.s ar.e t~er.eby deni.ed :~n the basis k' that ther.e. ar.e n~ sF-~cial. circuanstances an~].icab7.e to the pr.aperi:y such as size, shape, topogra~Y~y, l.ocati.on or, su.rroundings, ~~rhicl~ do not app].X to other. ide:ntic;a.tly zoned praperties ii: the vic?.nii:y; and strict app~ i.cation c' the Zoni•,g Code does riot depriv~ the proper. L-y of pr. i.vi.]_eges en~oyed by other propert:ies in ida_ntical. zoni.ny cl.assi.ficatior~ in t'.~~ vi.c.inity, :.~. That ther.e are no exceptioria]. or exi:r.aot~dinar.y cxrcumstances ar conditions a~p].i.c.ab7.e to thp proper.ty i.nvoJ..ved or. to the intended use aL ~he property i:hat do not appJ.y general..t.y to thR proper.ty or cJ.a:s of usE i.n the same vicinity and zone. 4. '.Chat the requesr.ed variance i.s i~ot necessar.y tot the pr.~servation and enjoyment o~ a siibstantial pr.oper.ty right possessed by other. pzoperty in the same vi.cinitl ar,~ zone, and d~nied to the prop~r.ty in question. 5. That the r~quested var.iance w:iJ.J. b~ mater.ia].].y detra.menta]. to the pub].i.c we].f~re or. inj~ari.ous ta the proper.ty or impr:ovements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is ].oczted. 6. That no one indicated thei.r presence at said pubJ.ic hear.i.ng in opposition; and thak nu cor.r.espondFnce was received in opposition to subject petiti.on. EP:~IIRONMENTAL IMPAC`~ FINDING: That the Anaheim City F].anning Commi.ssi.ara k~as r.evi~wed ~he pzoposai to per.mit L-wo 23.5 foot high r.oof ~nounted antennas on a 193~foot hi.gt~ kowez with waiver. of maximum struckuraJ. height on ~n i.rtegul.ar].y-shaped parceJ. of land consistiny of a~pr.oximatel.y 2,4 acr.es J.ocated at the southwest corner. of Cypr.ess Street an~ 'Lemon Str.eet, and fur.ther descr.xbed as 217 Nor.th Lemon Str.eet; and d~~~s hereby appruve the Negative Decl.ar.ati~n upor~ ~he fi.nding ~hat it has consider.ed the Negati.ve Dec].~zat:ion together wi.th any comments r.ecei.ved dur.i.ng the publ.ic review process and further. f~nding on the basis of th~ initia]. study and an,y comments rECExved that there is no substanti.al. evidence that the praject wi7.i. havQ a signi£i.cant ~£fect on the envir.onment~ 1~OW, THERCL`OR~, BE IZ' RESGLVED t:,hat the Rnah~im Ci.ty Plarining Commzssi.on does her.ebX c~eny subject PEt?.tion for Var~iance on the basis of the aforementionecl fxnd9.ngs~ -'1.- PC84-J.16 .. . ~:.,.~~~:~~`l ~~ THE FOFt~GOiI~G RE50LUTION is s:i.yn~d and appr.oved by me thi.s ~?.5th day of ,7une, ].984. /i '' ~ j ~ ,~_~.~,L~C'~~'c~ ~ C/'Z~--~''-~ CHAIRV~OM.'~N, AN ~ IM CI'.CY PLANNIL•]G COMMI~SION ATTk;ST : ~~;~~ ~~' , ~ _ SECR~TARX, ANAHGTM CT'.PY PLANNING COMMTSSION STATE OF C;ALTFORNIA ) COUNTY CF ORA~IGE ) ss. CITY O~~ ANAHEIM ) I, Edi.th L. Harris, Secr.~t~ry of the Anahei.m Cit.y P].annir,g Comrnission, do hereby certi.fy that the for.egoing reso].ution wa~ pass~d and aclopted at a me~ting or the Anaheim City P7.ar~ni.ng Gommission he.ld un June 25, 1984, by the io].lowing vote ~f the members ther,eof; AYES: COMMISSION~RS: BOUAS, BUSFIORE, I'RY, HERBST~ LA CT,A7:RE, MC BURNEY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: KING TN WITNGSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand ~-h~.s 7.5th day of June~ ~984. -~ ~'' ~ -ta_.- SECREZ'AFtY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -3- PC34-1J.6 '.y, .