PC 84-119~if r R~SnLU`i'ION NO. PCF34-1..19_ A RESOLUTTON OP' `i'HE ANAHE7M C.LTY Pl~ANhING COMMIuSION ~'H~1T P~:TIT.ION PO~t R^CLAS:i;CFICA'1'ION N0. 83-fi~-3l. SG Gi2ANTED WHk~REAS, tYie Anaheim Cil.y Pl.ann:ing Commissi on did r.eceive a v~r. if ied ~etition for Recl.assiLication [r.um MARJORIE S. TALZ' ANl) ALRN R. TALT, 67.5 South Flower Street, ~806, Los ~~ngel.es, CaJ.ifor.ni~- )OOJ.7, uwnPr.s, and MAFtK D. CERNICEI, 629 North Main Stxeet, Or.ange, ~a].ifor.ni.a 92668, agent, of cer.tain ::~al ~ro~~rty siLuated in the C?.ty oL 7~nahei.m, County of Or.anc~e, S~ate of Calil:orilia, descrtbed as fo.l.].ows: THAT PORTIO:d U~ THL: NOR'~'HW~ST QUARTER 0[' T~IE NORTHEAST QUAItT~R OF uECT:tON 24, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGi ].0 WFST, IiV ~t'HE RANCHO SAN ~JUAN CAJON llL SANTA ANA~ CO(7NTY OF OFANGE, S'PATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS P~R ~IAP RECORDED Ihl BOOIC SJ., PAGE J.0 OF' MISGELLAN~OfJS hAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE CUUN7'Y I2EC~RDER OF SAID COUNTY, ~E;SCRIBT~D AS FOLLOWS: fiCGINNING AT 7.'.HE NUFZTHYJEST CORNER 0~' SASU NOItTH4d~ST QUARTEF, ~ SAIU C;ORNF.R f3ETNG THE E~UI~1T Or TNTERSECTION C1F TH~, CENTCRL' IIVE OF FiALL~ ROAD WI`I'H TEIE CEN`1',.;RLINE OF SUNKTST S'I'REET, AS SHOWN ON A MAP fIL~D IN d~JOK 83, PAGE 31 OF RECORD OF SURVEYS, IN TH~ nFP'IC~' nF THE CaUNTY REGG1tllL•'R OC SAID COUNr.CY; THENC~ SOUTH J.° Ow'' 2J." W.EST ALONG ~HE WES'rERLY LINE OF SAID NuR2'HWEST QUAR`i'ER B.sI~G COINCIDENT WI'.CH SAID CENT~RLINC 0~ SUNKIST S'~k2FET, A DI~TANCE Ol~ 95.00 FE~T TO T[3E TRUE POINT OF 13EGINNING; 7.'HENCE SOUTH 88° 55' 39" EA`~T 57.00 r^EET; TEiENCE NORTH 44° 09' 05" EAST 54.94 E'EET 'r0 A POINT IN A~,INE THAT TS PAR~ILLEL WITH AND DIS~TANT SOUTtiLRLY 55.00 FEET, MEASURED AZ' RIG:iT ~1NGLES FROM THE NORTHERLY LINE OC' SAID NOP,THWEST QUAR~'ER; SAIA NORTEI~RLX LINE BETNG COINCIDENT WZTH SAID C,EN~ERLINE OF BALL ROi~D; THENCE SOUTH 89° 02' 32" EA,ST PARALLEL WITH SAIA ~EP1TEI~T.,INE OF }3ALL ROAD, 65. C~Q E'GET; 'rH~NCE SOUTH 79° 57' 09" EAS ~' 32.'17 f EET TO A POINT IN A LINE THAT IS PARALL~L WITH AND I~ISiAI~T EASTERLY ].91.83 CEET, MEASURED AI,ONG SAIll CFNTERLINE OE' nALL ROAD, FFiOM SAID C~NZ'EItLINE OE SUNKI:ST STI~EET; THENCE SOUTEi J.° 04' ?.J." WF~ST PARALLLL WITH SAID SUNKIST S'PHEFT ].h2.65 FEET 'r0 A POTN'r ."-1V A LTNE THAT :fS PARALLEL~ WITH AND DTS'PAIVT SOUTEJL:kI,Y 202.83 FEET, MEASURED ALONG SAID CENTERLINE SUNKIST STREFT, FKOM SAZD CENTEI~LINE OF BALL RO:~D; THENCE NORTEI 89° 02' 32" WEST PARALLF:L WI'1'H aAID GE'NTERLING OF BALL ROAD~ A AIS~`ANCE QF J.9]..a3 FFGT TO A POIN'.P IN SAiD CENTERLINB OF SUNKTST STRE;E`.P; THENCE NORTH 1.° U4' 2J." EAST ALQNG SATD CEN'PLRLINE OE SUNKIST SZ'F.EE'.C ].07. $3 FEET 'PQ 'rHF; TRUE ~OINT OF BEGINNING. PARCr^,L 2: AN EAS~MENT E'OR I[VGRESS AND EvRESS OVER THA~' PORTION OF LOZ' 1. UF TRAC'i' NU. 9425, AS SHOWN AND DELINEATED t~N THE MAx OE' SAIll TAACT, AND AS S~"_' FOR'PH IN AN TNSTRUMENT RECORDI:D JULY ].7, 197?., IN BOOK 1U226, F'AGG 9r6, OE'FICIAL RECORDS. . . . . .. '~11~4 . . . .~.' .~~1 ~ ,1' I ~ ' : ~ #0247r PC84-J19 ~.'''~ ~:~ PARC~,.L :j : AN L;ASEMENT E'OI: :CNGRF.SS AND GGRLaS OVER THAT PORTTUN OE LOT G5 OF 'rRAC'1' N0. ~42.5, I~S SHOWN AND I)ELINPA'.CTD ON THF MAP ON' SAID TktAC'!'~ AND A~ SE~`P P0~2'i'H IN AN INSTRUh]G'NT k~ECQ1~DEU JUL1~ J.7, 1972, IC7 BOUK J.U236, PAGE 966, O~EICTA~. RGC:OR~5. PARCEL 4; `.CNAT PU:RTION OF T.HE NORTHWLS'.P QUAR`1'ER OP 7'HL NOR'PIiEAS7.' QUIIRTER QL' F'FACZ'IONAL SECTION 2~ , T~ S, R J.0 W, IN THE RANCHO SAN JUAN CAJON DE SANTrI ANA, AS S4~ICWN qN A MAF' RECORD~D TN ACOK 5.1., ~AGG 7 OF MTSCET~LANGUUS MAPS, IDl TE3E OFFICE Ob' THE COUNTY RECORDGR OE' SAIh CUUNTY, bESCFtZBED AS FOLi~nWS : COM~9ENCTNG AT THE NORTHWEST CORNGR OC S~ID NORTEIEAST QUARTER; TIIENCE AI~ONG THE GIESTERLY LINE UF SATn NORTH~AST QUARfiE12 ~OUTEI J.° 04' 21" WEST, ~5.00 FEET TO TEI~ WLSTERLY 2'~~RMINUS QF THAT CFP.TAIN COU1~5~ D~SCRIGED AS HAVING A BEARING AND DIS`~ANCE OF SOU'PEI 8$° 55' 39" EAST, 57.00 1`EET, IIV ~'ARCEL 1 OF FINAL ORDER OF CUNllBMNATION (A6:?98) FT'LE IN SUPElRIOR COUP.`!' CASE NO. ].77385, A CERiZFIED COPX OF SAID FINAI~ OI2DGR CiEING RECORllED I.N BOOK 7£38?., PAGE 591 OF Q['FIC:C~L RECORllS, IN SAID OFi'IC~; ~'HLNCE ALUNG SAID COURSE SOUTH 8£3° 55' 39" EAST, 45.U0 ~',LET TO 'rHE TNTERSECTION THEREOF WITH A LINE PARATaLEL WI'i'H AND DISTANT EASTP'T:i.~y 45. (?0 F'EET, MEASURED AT RTGH'i' ANGLES FROM SAID WESTGRLY LINE, SAIn INTE:1tSECTION BE]:NG THE '1'RUI3 POTN7.' ~.£ BEG:f~VNINC nF ~!'HIS D~SCRIP'I'ION; TH~NCE ALONG .9AID P.ARALLEL LZN~. i~pRTH J.° 04' 21" ~:~1ST~ FEET TO A TANGENT CURV~ CONC,AVE SOUTHEASTCFcLY AN~~ HAVING A HADIUS OF 25.00 FEl:T; TEIFNCI. NOR`PHEASTf~RLY ALONC SAID CURV~ THROUGH AN ANGLG OF' 89° 53' 07", AN AKC DISTAI~CE OF 39.22 FEF.T TO A LINE PARALLL,L WITH AND DISTANZ' SOUTHERi,Y 53.O,D EE~T, ML•'~1SURFIa AT RIGHT ANGLES FROM1 TyE N~RTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION; T~iENCE ALONG LAST SA7ll PAI?ALLEL, t.INE SOUTH 89° 02' 32" EAST, ].99.52 F~;E'i'; TH~;NC~: SOU'PH Q° 57' 28" WES`P, I.O.UO f'i:FT TO Ti3E EAST~RLY '1'ERMINUS GF 'i'HAi COURSE DE;SCF~:IBED AS FIAV7NG A BEARING ANU DiSTANCF CJF' SOUTIi 89° 0'?.' 32"' EAST, 60.OU F~EET, IIJ THF SOUTHERLY BOUNDAHY ~F SAIA PARCLL ]. ; THF.NCE ALOI~~G LAST uAID COURSE NORTH 89° 02' 32" W~ST, 60.00 FEET TO TH~ Wh~ST~RLY 7'EfiMSNUS THE;REOF; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH~RLY ~OUNDA~Y 1VORTH 79° 57' 09" WEST, 50.64 FEE7.', NORTH 89° 02' 32" WEST~ 65.00 eEET~ ANC' SOUTH 44° 04' 05" WEST 54.9~ FEET T4 THE ERSTERLY 2'Ep.MINUS OF SAID COURSE I`I~2ST MFNTTONED AS HAVING A BEA.[tING AND DISTANCE OF SOU'TH B~S° 55' 39" FAST, 57.00 FE~T; THENC~: ALONG SAID CUURSE; NUFt'S'H 88° 55' 39" 4~EST, 12. ~JO E'EET '.i'O 5AJU TRUE PO:LNT QF BEGtNNING. WfaEREAS, the City Pl.~nn.ing Commission did hoxd a pub.lie riear.i.ng at the Ci.vic Center. i,n ~he City o.E Anahe~im on Niay :30, J.984 at 1.:30 p.m., notic~~ af said publ.ic hear.ing having been du.ly ,~iven as regui.r.ed by ].aw anc? in aacor.dance with the provi.sions oE the Anaheim Munici.pal. Code. Chapter 18.03, to hear. and consi,der. evi.dence L-~z and agai.nst said pr.opc+sed r.ecJ.assification and to invest:igate and rnake ~i.nd:ing~ and racornmendatiotls in connect.i~n therewith; : aid ~ubl.ic hear_ i.ng havi.ng bEen conti.nued r_o the P].anning Commi.ss.ion meeting of .7une 25, J.984; and '2' PC84-1.1.9 '`^~ WHERLAS, saicl Commissi.on, af~er due study made by :iL•se].f anci in i.ts behal.f, and ev:tdence and repurts of[~r.~d at said he~~r.ing, fo7.lowing Facts: i.ns~~ecttion, inv~stiga~ion and a~ter, duc con~•ider.a~ion of a].]. does Lind ana deter.mi.ne the 1. `i'hat tk~~ peti.~ ioner, proposes rec].ass~i.L-ication of subject properL-y from the RS-A-43,000 ;17esidenkia~., Ayr.i.cu].;;ur.a].) 7one and f:he RS~5000 (Resi.dential, SingJ.e-iami7.y) Zon~ to the CU (Commer.ciat., Office and l~rofessi.ona.l) L~ne. 2. That the Anal;eim Genar.~al. Pl.an designates subject proper.ly for, I.ow-dcnsity r.esi.dentiaJ. .land uses, but that nea~by proper.ty ta the nnr.th across Ba.l.~. Road is des.ignated Por, zoned and r3~~veJ.oped with commerc'~aJ, uses, 3. '.~hat the proposed r.ec],assification oi sul~ject proper.ty i.s nec~~sar.y and,/ox ciesirabl.e for the order.].y and proper, deve~.opment of the cpmtnun i ty . 4. That the pro~~s~~ reclassiFi.cat.ion of subjECi~ property does pr~per.J.y re].ate to ~he zor.es an~ tr ~ir per.mi~ted uses J_ocal.l.y estab].ished in close pr.oxzmity to ~ubj~ct proper.ty and to l:he zones and thei.r. per.mitted us~s generaJ.l.y establ.ished thr.ouyhout t:ha community. 5. That the proposed reclassi.fi.cation of. subject pxoperty r.equires the dedi,cation and i.rnprovement of abutL-ing str.eets in ac~;or.dance with the Circulation E' amei~t of the GenecaJ. PJ.an, diae to the antieipatec~ inccease in t!:~ffic which wii.l be gener.ated by the intensi.ficatxon oL- tand use. 6» ~Chat one person indi.cated ha.s presence at said public hEar.ings in opposition; and that no rorr.espondence was r.ec~i.ved in opp~sition to subject pet~ition. EvVZkONMF;NTAL IMPACT FINUTNG: That thP Anahe.im Cit~~ PJ.anning Commission has zeviewed the proposa~. to r.ecJ.assify subject p~o,~er.ty f.rom the RS-A-43,000 (i~e~ident:ia.l, Agr.~cul.tura7.) Zone and the RS-•5000 (tte:,identi.a],, S.ingle-Fami3.y) Zone to the Co (Commer.ciai, Offir.e and Arofessianal.) ~one on an ir.regu].az].y•-shaped par.cet of l.and consisting of appzoximately U.5 acr~;, l.oca~ed at th~ southeast corner of BalJ. Road and Sunkist Avenue, and further descxi~bed as 2500 East Ba].1 Road ; ancl does h~reby approve the Negative Deciazation upon fi.nding that it has consider.ed the Neyati.ve Decl.ar.ati.on together. w:~th any comments r.e~eived duri.ng the pul~].ic revxew process and f~ik~ther fi.nd~i.ng on the basis of the initi.aJ. study and any comments r.~cei.ved that there x~ na substantia.l. evidence tYiat tY:c pro ject wil.l. have a signif icant efEect on the envi~ronment. NOW~ TETF~RE['~~RE~ BE IT RESOLVBD t:hat Lhe Anahe~.m Ci.ty PJ.anning Camm:ission does t~ereby gr.ant subject Petition for. ~ec.las~iFi.cation and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anahe:im Municipa7. Co~e be amendPd to exclucie the abuve-cl~scr.•~b~d proper.ty Er.om the RS-A-43,(l00 (Residentia.l_, Agr.icul.tural) Zone and the ItS-5000 (Resi.dent~~a]., Singl.e-Famil.y) Zone and to incoz~~araFe sai.d descr.ibecl ~roper.ty inta the Co (Commercial., Office ai,~ ProfPysional) ~~ne upon the folJ.owi.nq condi.tions which ar.e her_epy found to be a necessazy preregui.;;ite to thc proposed use of subject pr.oper.ty in order to pr.eserve the safety and gener.a:l welfar.e of the Citizens of khE Ci.ty oE Anaheim: r -3- I~C84-1.1.9 ~ ; i ~' .. . .. ... . ...~•... .,,....~'.a.~:...4:tl.al .~" m.,~ 1. That L-h~ owner. oF subject pr.opcr.~,y sha].l. i.rrevacabJ.y offeL~ to dedica~e to the City ~t Ar,aheim a str.~p of l.and ~5 ~eer in width f com the center. ].,ine of the str~et a~ong Sunk i.st Street and a~tr. ~.p of ].anc~ 53 fee~ in width f.rom the c~nter].ine of rh~ str.ce~ aJ.ong F3a1.]. Road for sL-r.eet wac~en:ing purp~ses. 2. Tt~al- al.]. eng:i.ne~r.iny requi~:ements of the City of Anahe.i;r al.ong Ba].J. Road and Sunkist 5tr.eeL, inclu~.ing p~~epara~ioit of ~mprovemenC p).ans anc~ insta].J.akion of a).7. improvements such as curbs and gutters, : idewa7.ks, sL-~eek g;. •di.ng ~nd pavem~ni:, sewer and d.xainaye Eaczl.itie~, or other appiar.tenant wor.k sha].l be comp7..ied with as zequa.reci by the City Engineer. and a.n accorciance wi.th speaxficati.ons on fxle in th~ Office o~ ~he City Lnga.nper.; and that secur.a.ty in ttie for.m a.f. a bond, certi.ficaL•e af de~osit 1.ett~r of credit, or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to Ch~ C.ity of Anaheim, sha.ll. be posted with L•he Cit1 to guarantee the satisfactory comp].etion of saa.d iinpzoveme~~~c;=.. Said secuca.ty sha3.). be posted w9.th the ~ity p.rior. to approvaJ. of improvernent plans, to guar.~ntee the instaJ..lation ot the above-~e~uired i.mpcov~ments p~.ior. to occupancy. 3. Z~hat ~J..1 r]ri_ reways shaJ.]. be designed to accommodate ten ( l.0) foat radi.us cur.b zetur.ns as r.equ.ire~ by the City Trafftc Eng.ineer.. 4. That dr.ainage of subjec!: pr~~er.ty sha.lZ be d;.spos~d of .in a manner satisfackoty to ~he Ca.ty Bi~gineer. 5• 't'hat ~ubject prapezty sh~7.1 be served f~y und~rgroun~ uti.].iti.es. G. That pr:ior to commencement of str.uctuxaJ. Fr.aming, ~ir,e hydr.~nts shal.]. be insta]..led and charged as r.equirec~ and deter.mined to be necessazy by t.he Chief of the k'~r.e D~~ar.tmerit. 7. That trash stozage aKeas sha.lJ. be provided in accor.dance with appruved plans on tii:Le wi.th th~ Skr.Pet Mai.ntenance and Swni.tation Divi:;ion. 8• ~hat Pxxor t•~ issuance of a buiJ.ding perm~.t, the ap~ropr..iate fraEfzc signal asspssmPnt Eee shaJ.:l be p~i.d to the Ci.ty of Anaheim in an aanount as deter.rniiiecl by the City Council. For new commerctal bu:ildi.ngs. 5. That pr. ior to issuan~:e o:E a huiJ.d:ir~g per.rnit, pr. imary watec main £ees fS sha~.I. be pdid to the C~ity af Anahe~,m, in an amount a a detezmi~ed by {`~'~ the Oft.ice of the Uti.1..iL-i.es GenFra]. Manager. ! ~~ ~; J.O. That street .lic~h~.ing faci.l.ities along Bal.l Road ~~nd Sunhist Street ~,:~, ~ha.~J. be insta.l].ed as requirec] by i:he Uti.l.i.ties Ger.eral Manage~r zn ~ accor.dance with s~+eca.ficatiUns on L•i].e in the Office o.f Util.i.ties ',~ 'f: General Mar~ager, and that securxty i.n th~ tarm of a bond, ~^~ cer.tifaaate of deposit, l.etter af credit, or cash, i.n an amount and ~ for.m satisfactory to the City o.f Anaheim, shal.i. k,e posted with the i'~ City to guar.antee the sat~isfactoz,y compl.etior. of the abov~ •mentioned , improver,:enL-s. Said secur.i.l-y sh~ll be ~'`: posted with the City of ~~: Anahei.m pr.ior. t~ approval. o~ buiJ.di.ng permits.'Phe ab~~ve-requi_r.ed impr.ovem~nts shaJ.]. be instal'.ed prior t~ ocr,upancy. y1 i -~- PC84-].].9 ' { ~~' . _~, ^~,, ,r~'*^~. 11• 7'hat the awner ot sub'ect a fee tor tree p].antin pr~~~~rty Sha~ ~~ nay to the CiL-y of Anaheim 9 ur p poses al.ong St~nki.,t Str.e~t and AaJ_1 Road in an amount aa deter.mintd by the CiL- C y ounc.i7.. ~ ~-2• That subj~ct pxopex~y sha.ll. be dev~l.oped si.~bstantia] 7 y i with plans n a . . . ccordance an~ specifi~ak..ions on Pil.e with the City of Anahe.im mar.ked Ext~i~.ii.t Nos, a l•hr ou h 3 . . g . ~3' ~~~lut a 6-~aot hiyh b7.ack cval.]. sha7.7. be mai.ntained ad.jacent to th sing7.e-~'ami.ly residpnc e es uJ.ong l:hc~ southerl ].i.nes. Y an~ eastertY Pr~PertY ~ 1~1. That prior to the i.ntroductiori of an or.dinance r.ez~ning subject L~xoP~x~yr Cond:ition N~s. l.i z, t0 an~ 1 :1 b . , a ~ve-men~ioned, sha.l.l be camp).eted, The provisions ox riyhts shal]. become nul.l and voici b 9zan~ed by this r.esoJ.ution l f un.less said canditions ar.e co ~J.aed wi te nP~non''ng Comm.issi.on w~th dat e of this resoJ_ution, or such further. ti.me as xth Comm iss:io ~ . e P.l.annin n may gr.ant~ g .1.5. That prior to issuance of a buiZdi.n t tt, above-men~ioraed e sha] 7 b ~ $ ~ h ~ , . . e comp.li.Ed W ~X~ensions for. i-.ime ~o compl~te said condit furah ~ ions . may be granted in accordance w.ith Sect:~on l.~.U3,Q90 of. the Anahezm Mu i i n c pa~ Code. ].6• That pr. ~ior, to f.ina]. buiJ.diny and zoni.ng inspecti~ns, Conditi.on Nos. 3, 4, 5, 7 and ;.2 above-mentioned, shail. be r.omp7.ied with. BL IT FURTHETt RES~JLVEf~ ~~at the Anaheim Ci,t cloes her.eby fin~ and deter.mi.ne that adoption of tl•iis R sol.utionngs ceKpressly predicated ugon applicant's cempl.i,ance with each and al). of ~he condi.ti.ens hezeinabovE set Eor.th. Shou.ld anv such condition, or, an declazed inval.id or unenfurceable b Y parl ther.eof, bc compet~nt Y~'~e fin~J judgment of any couct of ju.risdiction, then this R~so.~utinn, and any :.~pproval.s her.ei.n contaa.n~d, shal..l be deemed nul]. and vo~d, T~E FOREGOING RESOLU7.'IOrI i.s s.i.gn~;~ ~i~d app,-oved by me trii.s 25th day oi' June, .19g4. ~~j - `-~ f~ ~ ,,o ~f~~_ CHAIRWOMAN,;~~ ypH~z~ ?CITX PLANNTNG COMMIS IS' ON aTTEST: ~ dZ~c..~~..- - ~~~. ~(~'~~(~{ ~ SECRETA~2X A ~ -'~~°-""~~ ~ NAH~IM CIrY PLANNTN~ CvMt9Z~,SION -5- PC84-].).9 ~ , . ~ , ~ ~ S~l'A`.I'I; OF CALiL'ORNIA ) COUNTY UE' ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHETM ) ~, Edith L. EIar,K:is, Secretary oC the Anahe.im City Planning Comma.ss:i~n~ do hezeby cer.tify that the F~regoi.ng r.~sal.ution was pasyed and adapted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held c~n June 25, J.984, by the ~o].].awinq vote of the rnembers thereof ; AYGS: COMMI55IONI;RS: BOUAS, BUSHORE, F'RYr KIT1G~ L11 CLAZRE~ MC BURNEY h~GS: COMMISSIONERS: HERBST ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHERLOF, I have her.eunto set ;ny nanci thi.s 25th day of June, J~984. ~ ~ (~~ ~-' ~K&~~--~.v S~CRETARY, ADIAHEIM CTTY PLANNING COMMISS.iON -6- ~ ~'.-. EC84-].7.9 ~.ati;axy.~~ .., .. . ~ . . . .. ~~ . . ~ .. . '~ - :;S~ti;r=~'