PC 84-120 FtLSULU'PIUN NU. I~CE39-•.17. A KES01~U'IIUN OL' '1'HE ANAHE.IM CITY I~I~ANNING COMMTSSION THAT PLT.[`.P.iON L~UR VAT2.TANCk: NO. 337(l E3l'.' (iFTAN`.CE:I) WHFREAS, the Anaheim Cil-y ~'lanning Commissfon lli~1 r.~ceivE~ a ver. if ied Perition fot Vaziance fr.on, I~NAH~IM EIN~'~NC:[A~ PLAi,A-19a1 c/o MEYEk lNVESTMGNT PROPER`1'tL•'S~ T.t~C. ~ 1201 South C~each t~oulevar.d, ~~a Eidbr.3, CaliEor.nia 90631, owner., and MEYEk SNVES'PMLN'.t' PROPGF:'rIES, INC., 12U1 S~~utF~ 13~ach Houlevar.d, J~a Habr.a, CaliEor.ni~7, 9Q631, A'i'TN: RICEiAItD J. MEYE;R 1.1NU MICHAf:L J. ANDERSON, ~~yent ot c~rtain r.eal pr.oper.ty si.tuated .in the Ciky of An~itieim, County nf Ur_ange, State of CaliL-or.ni~~ descr.ibed as: PARCE~, 1: '.PHAT PORTION Or 'PkiE LAND 0~ I)REYHUS ANll O'PHEI:S~ AS SEIOWN GN `1'HE MI~.P OF ANAH~IM Ei(`.i'ENSIUN, SURVEXED BY WILLIAM HA~4ELL, A COPY UF IaHICN IS SFIOWN iN ROOK 3, PAGF: lb2 ANQ FOGLOWINC, ~NTITLEn LOS ANGELES COUNTY MAPS, DESCRI~3EU F~S rO1,LQWS: PARCEL 3: AS SHOWN ON A h;AP EIL~D IN BOOK 52, PAGE 39 QF PAKCEL MAP : IN 'PHE Uf?E .ICE OE' `.~HE COUNTY RECnRDEsR OF ORANGE CCUNTY, CAI,IFf)RNTA, TOGETEi°R WiTH TElAT PORTION OF WRS'P STREFT, AS SElOWN OI~ SAZD ~ARCEL A!?~P CiUUNllCD AS FOLLOWS: NCitTll4~iESTEEtLY BY THE SOUTHWESTERLY PROLC~NGF.TiO'•d OE T[•lE VOR~'HWES':'ERLY LINE OE SAI~ PAKCEL 3, SOU`PHP~FSTERi.Y BY '~'H~ SOUTHWE57.'ERLY PROLGNGATIUN OE '.CHC SGUTHEAS'PERLY I~I~7E UF' SAID FAP.CEI, 3, WES~ERLY HY. `PH~ (;EN7'~RLINE OF' "viEST 5T.'.EE'P AS SHOLJN ON SAID PARr~L MAP. WEtEF2EA5, the City Plannir.g C~mmission did hold ~ public hear.ing at the Civic Cent.er. in the City of Anatieim on .Januar.y 23, 1984, at 1.:30 p.m., nr~tice of said public hrar. ing haviny Geen duly y.iver as rpc~uir.ed ~~y law and in accor.dance with the pr.uvi:~ions of rhe Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter. 18.03, to hear. and con:~i.der evidQ~~ce for. and against l~aid pr.o~~osed var. ianr.~ and t~ investigate and make Eindings and r.ecammendaCio~s in connectic~n ther.ewilh; and WH~R~AS, said Commi::::ion atl~er due inspectfon, invr.stig~tion anc; study made by itself, and xn ik~ behalE, ar-d aft~r ~ue consider.ati~n of all evic;ence and r.~por.tc; ofEer.ed at ~aid hear, i~g, ~oe ~ Eind and deter.mine tt.e following facts: 1. '1'hat the petitioner ~r.opo~e:, Naiver~ ~C ~he follo!~ing to pnrmit two (2) free~standiny sign3: (a) S~CTZUNS 1E~.p5.093.021 - M~yx~mum n~mber. af rYCp%~tandinq rsiyns ~ AND IF~.48.067.U~30 (one freestandir~~ s.i n per.m~tr_~d; two pr.opo~ed) (p} ~EC~1.tUt~S 1~.05.O~13; [j2A1 - Max.im~~m netuhC of a freebtandin9 :~f.qn AN~ 18.48.U67.:14A t25 feet per.ntittc~d withir, 750 feer o£ 3 _- CE`a1C~Pf)tilill ~truct~re; 45 feF!t propo:~~<i wtthin IhU f:eet) ~(;13t1r P~:8~-12 ~!;' ,,a,~. ~ , 2. That the a~t>nve-menl•ioned waiver.s ar.e her.eU~ gr.antFd an ~he ba~ia th7L the peti~ione. demonstr.ated ttiat a har.dship existU in that vifiibiliL•.y to the J~.~P. LJ blocked by shr.ubr~er.y gr.o~r.ing in the Sant.a Fa~a kxeeway right-ot-~way ~djaccn~ to subject pr.oper.ty; tY~a~ thc new sign is smaller. than the existing sign L•o be r.emovecl; a~i~ that ther.e ar.e spe~ial cir.c ~tnstance~ applicable to r_he E~r.oper.'iy ~ur~h a~ si ze, sha~.~e, top~graphy, loc:~~tion or surr.ounding:~, which no not: apply to o~h2r. identically zoned ~r.~per.ties in rhe vicinity arid thati str.ict applicatian ot the Zoning Code depclves the propeety of privileyes enjoyec~ bX othc~r. pr.oper.ties in ide~ltz.~11 zonir~y cla~si~ication in the vi~iniry. 3. 'i'hat thece ar.e e;cc:ep~inr.al. or ex~tr.aor.dinar.y clr.cumstance_~ or. conditinns ar~p.li.cable to the ~roperi:y invo~v~d or. to the intencfed use of the property tl~at da nut apply yener.ally l-u the proper.ty or. rld9y of use in the ~ame vici.ni.ty anG zone. 4. 7.'hat the r.equested var.iance is necessar.y for. the pr.eser.vatior, ~nd enjoymenL• of a substantial proper.ty r.ight po~sessed by other proper.L•y in the same vicinity an~ zone, anc3 d~nied l-.o the pcoper.ty i.n qseskion. 5. That tk~e r.equested var.iance will r.ot be mater.ially detrimental to the public welfar.e or injur.iou~ to the pr.o~er.ty or. impr.oveir~ents in such vicinity ~3nd zone in wtiich the pr.op~r.ty is locat?d. 6. That no one indicat.ed their. pr.r-sence at said public heacing in 4pposikiori: and that no corr.esponcience was received ir~ oppo: i.tio:~ to subject ~etiLion. ENVIRONMENTAI~ IMPACT t INDING: '"he Planniz~g Dir.ector. or his authorized r.epresentative has deter.mined that the pr.opcaed pzoject fall~ wiChin the dc:finition of Cateyorical Exemptions, ~.lass 11, ~s deiined in the State EIR Guidelines and is, the~•efor.e, catt~gorically exempt fr.om the ~equitement tQ pr.epacE an ~IR. NOW, TEiE:R~:FORE, BF :(T FtESOLVtiD that the Analieim City Planning Cotrmis~ion does her.ek~y gr.ant subject Petition for Var.i3nce, upon the following conditi~n~ which ar.e her.eby foun~3 to be a neces~<~r.y prer.equisite to thE pcuposed use of t:-e subject pcoperty in ncder. to pr.esc~r.ve the safety and general welfar.e ~f tt~e Citizens of the City oE An~~he.fm: 1. That tt-e existing 41-foot hiyh f reestanciing sign lnc~ted ac]jacent to the easter.ly pr.operty line ~nall be r.enioved. "l. That subject ~~ropexty st~all be deve.loped substanl•ially in aecor_dar-ce with plan~ ~n~- 3pecificar.ion~ fln file with the City of. Anaheim maKkpd Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 3. Th~L- ~rioc to fina.l bui.lcling ~:nd zoniny inspECtion~~ Condition Nos. 1 and 2, above-m~:nr.aned, shall. be compliQ~i with. BE i7' PIJ~tTHER RCSOLVtU khat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hezeby fi~~d aiid det~r.mine tha~ adoption of this Re~olueion ia expresaly pr.edicated upon ap~~licant'b compliance with each and all of the conditi~ns h~xe,tnabovQ c~et Eocth. Shouid any such con.3itian, or. .any par.t ther.eof, bE declar.eci inv~lid or. unenfocceable by the f:na:~ judymenk of any cour.t of compel~nt ~utisdi~tion, then thi~ Resulution, and any agpr.ov~lr~ herein CAtlkAltlP.Ca~ shalt be deemed null and void. _2_ PC84-12 ` !~ ~~ .~. TH~ CO~2~GUTNG Rk;SOL,U7'ION is ~ignec] anc3 approved l~y me~ khzs ,Januar.y 23, 19£i4. ..-~ ,, , , , ~~~: 'C { r'.t s' .. ~~ .. .~ i . ~~'~~. ,t''.. ~[__.:: CHAIRWUMAN~:rANAf1~TM CITY PLnNNING COMMISSTUN ,~ ATTEST: C t~~ ~I _ ~/ '`Zy' :iECHETAI2Y, NAHE~M ~1:'PY PLANNTNv COMMISSION STA',PE OF CALII'ORNIA ) COUNZ'Y UF OkANGE ) ss. CT7~Y OF ANAMETM ) I, ~clith L. Har.,ris, Secr.etar.y of. thc Anaheim City Planning Comm.ission, do hereby certiiy that the fo.r~going r,esr~lation was passe~3 and adopted at ~ meeting oF th~ Anaheim City Planning Commis~ion held on ,7anua.ry 23, 1y84, by the follnwing vote ~f khe members Cher.eof: AY~'S: COMMISSIONEkS: BOUAS, BUSfiURE, I'RY, ciERBST, KING, LA CLAZRE~ MC BUitN~Y Nn~5: ~;OMMISSTONERS: ~iONx ABSENT: CG:•1MISSIONERS: NONE IN WI1'NESS WHFRF:OF, I have h~r.eunto seL tny hand this 23r.d day of January, 1984. -.-/ ~cQ'1-.G'-ri ~G~; r-~., SCCRETARY, ANAHF;IM CiTY P.LANr1ING COMMISSION -3- p(;84-12 ~ i ~ t.