PC 84-120~~ RESOLUTTON ~IU. PC84-120 A RESOLUTION OE 'i'E~E ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CC~h1h1ISSI0N THAT PETITION FOR CONDITLONAL USE PE:R.~IT NO~ 2575 B~ GRA~•1TED WHEHEAS, the Anaheim City ~'l.ann.ing Com;nissi.on di.d r.ecei.ve a ver.i.Fi.pd Peti~ion Por ~ondi.tional UsE Per.mit From EARL L. ~INGL~T~N & JAh1ES CLAY2'ON ~GACOCK, 10620 Firestone Boul.evar.d, Norwa).k, Ca].i.forn.ia 9(~650, owner.s, and ATLANTIC RICHEZEGD COMPANY, 300 West G].enoaF;s Boulevar.r3, G~.endal.e, Catifornia 9020J., pTTN: E. L. KEIL, agent Eor certain r,EaJ. prop~r.ty situated in the City of Anahei.m, Co~inty o~ Or.ange, State of Cali.cornia, desccibed as; THAZ' POR'rION QF THE SOUTHEAST ~~ aR'~.'ER OF THE N~RTHEAS'~' QUARTEFt QF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RA~~GE 10 WEST, PARTLY IN THE RANCHt~ SAN JUAN CAJUN DE SANTA ANA~ ANU PAR:'CLY ZN THE ftANCHO LOS COYOT.ES~ CITY OE' ANAHEIM, COUNTY OE ORANGE, ~TATE QF CALIFORN~A, AS PER M~IP RECORDED IN E~OOK 51. PAGr. 1.0 OF MISCEL~ANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFeIC~ OF 'I'HE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID CUUNTY, DFSCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INT~RSECT.IUN OF THE CENTFRLINE OE BRQADWAY WITH ~'ElE CENTERLINE OF' GUCLIL~ AVENUE, AS SAID CENTER LINES AR.E SHOW~1 ON A MAP ~E TRACT NO. 24Q2~ RECORDED IN BOQK 79 PAGES 37, 3$ AND 39 qL MISCELLF,N80US MAPS, IN TE.(E OEI'ICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OE SAIU COUNTY; THENCE NORTH 89° 02' S0", WGS'P 203.00 rEET ALO~lG THE CEN'PER LINE OE SAID~ BROA.DWAY; THENCE SOUTH 0° 32' 15" WEST 7.55.00 FEET PARALLEL WITH THE CENTER LTNE OF SAID EUCLID AVENUE; TH6NCE SOUTH 89° 02' 50" EA~T 3U.00 FEET PARALLEG WITH THE CENTER ~,INE OF SAID BROADWAI'; THENCE; SOUTH O° 32' 15' WEST 4O.U~ FEET PAR~LLEL WITH THE CEtdTER L~.NE OE SAID EUCLID AVENr~E; TEIENCE SOUTH 39° 02' 50" ~AST 173.00 EEET PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLIN~ OF SAxD BROADWAY TO THE CENTER LINE OE SAIp EUCLID AVENUE; THENCE NORTH 0° 32' J.5' EAST ].95.00 EE@;T ALONC.; LASm SAID CENTER LIN~ TO THE POIN'I' OE BEGINNING. ~ EXCEPT THE NORTH 45.00 EE~T THER.EOF INC:LUpED WITHIN 8R'JADWAX. ALSO EXCEET THE EAST 53.00 FEET THEREOE INCLUDED WITHI~ 'L•'UCLID AVENUE. SAID LAND IS INCL~UDED WITHIN 2'HE AREA 5HOWN ON A MAP EII.ED IN THE OFEICE OE THE COUNTY P.ECORDER OE' SATD ORANGE CUUNT't, IN BOOK 27 PAGE ~.J. Ok' RECORD OE SURVEYS, 7N TEiI: ~E'FICE OE THE COUNTY RECQRDER OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, the City Planning Cotnmission did ho:ld a publ.ic hear.Eng at the Civic CentEr in the City oE Anaheim on May 30, 1984, at ].:30 p.m., r~otice of said public hearing t~aving been dul.y g~.v~ci as cequiczd by l.~w anc3 in accordance with the provisions o£ the Anaheim Muni.c~tpal Code, Chapter. 1.8.0~, to hear and consider evidence for and aga.inst saicl p-:oposed condi.tional use pecmit and to investigate and make finc3ings and recomm~ndation:~ in connection therewikh; Said public heari~ng having been continue~9 to the Pl.anninc~ Commi.ssion mePting of ~une 25, 1984; ~cid PC64-120 #U248r ,,w~~. ' WHFRcA5, s~~i.d Commi.:,sion, afrer. due insF~~~ctLon, i;ivesti.aati.on ancl study made by ttsel.E an<j in its b~~hal.f, and aEt~~r. ra~.ie consi.decatlan oF_ a11. ~vidt~ncc: and c~:purts oEE~r~d at s~i~~ hear, ing, doas fincl and determine the Eall.awing iar.t5: .l. 2'hat the pr.o~~osf~d usf~ i.s pr.oE~ar.l.y one E~r. which a condittonal use per.mit is au':hocized by Anaheim Muni~;tpal Cocj~~ ,~etto,. 1.8.U3.03G.U]0 ko wi~t: t~ cetai.n convrnience rttail sa~es in an existing st~rvicF ~ta;:ior,. 2. That the pr.opo~ed use i.s gr.ante~l sub;ject t~ the cc~nclition that the sal.es st~a.ll be limited eo sn~ck type foods and bever.ages onl.y (soEr. dcink:;, candy, nuts, gum, etc.) and rhat thece shatt ~e no sale of beer., wine or other aJ.coholic beverages on the premise:. 3. That the proposed u~e ~il.l not adversely aftect the ad;ai.nin~ l~~nd uses and the gcowth and development of the acea in which it is pr.oposed to be l~cated. 4. That tt» size and sha~e oE r_he sit:e proposed for. tha use ts adequate t~ allow the Eull development df- the propos•~d us~ in a manner not detcimEntal to the partic~tlac area nor. to r.he pear.e, health, sa£ety and g~neral. M•el.fare of the ~itizens oE the Ci.*yo uE Anaheim. 5. That the gr~ntiny oE the c~ndttions imposed, if any, wil.l not be safety and genecal. wellare oE th~ Citizen:~ 6. That the traEf.ic generated an undue bur.den upon the stceets and higP the traiEic .in thp •~cea. Conditional Use Peemit undez the detr.imental to the peace, heal.th, oE the Ci~y of Anahe.m. ' by the proposed us? will not impose iways destgned and tmproved r.o car.cy 7. That no one indicated their presP~ce at said pubi.ic heari.ng in oE~position; arc that no cor.respoc-dence was r.eceiv~d in oppusitton ta the subject petiti.on. ENVZP.ONMENi'AL IMPACT FINDING: That the Anaheim City P).anning ComrnissiDn ha~ revie~~+c the prop~sal to r.etain conventence r.etatl sal.es in an existing service sta~ton ~n an trce~ular.I.y-shaped par~.el of iand cor~stsktng of appr.nximately 0.5 acre located at the snuttiwest cr~r.ner of Br.oad~~ray and Eucl td Street, and Eucthec de~ccibed as ~O1 5outn Eucl'td Street; and does her.eby appco~~e the Negati.ve Dec].aratton upon findi-ig tnat it has consider.ed the t3egative Declaratton toget:ler ~~rith dny comments received ducinq tre ~ubltc revtew pr~~~:ess and fu~ther finc~iny on khe basis aE the tnitial study and any comr.~cnts ceceived that th~~e is nu ~~bstantial evtde~c~. that r.he pr.oject wfll. have a signf~ficant eFfect on the enviro-iment. NOW, THEitEPOttE, BE IT RESOLVED that rhe Anaheim City Planni.ng Cot:~~~ission does heceby gcant subject i~ekitton for Condir.tonal Use Per.mit, uocn the follawing canditiona wht;,h ace heceby f~und to b~~ a necessar.y prereq<<tsite ta the proPo~eci use oE the ~ubject ~r.oper.ty in or.d•:c r.o preser.vp the saEety and gener~l. welface of tt~e Cittaens oE the City of Anahe~.m: 1. That the owrie~ of subject pr.ope;ty ahall pay to th~: Ctty of Anahetm a fee f~~ stKect ltghtiny along Fc:~li.d Str.eet and Bcoadwa,y tn an amount as c:~ter.mi.ned by che City Counci.l.. ~ ' ' _z_ PC84-I20 ~ ~. ~1'har. thc: ownc:r. oL ~~utaject propecty shall ~~ay Lo the~ Ci.ty of Ar~ahei.m a Ee>e Eor t-.'ee ~~.lanLing puf'po~es along I;ucli.cl Str.eet anrl [3r.oadway in ~n amo~.ant. a~ deter.mi.ned by tl,e Ci.ty C~.~uricil.. 3. That thc~ ex~i,Cing tnc~sL- n~rt:hc~r..ly dr.i.veway on Eucl.id Str.t~E~t and the most easter. J.y d~: ~.'~c~',++ay on Br.oradway shal.l be r. emovec] and r.epl.acec~ wikh ~t st~nc~ar.d cur.b, c~utl-er., si.dewalk and lar~rl~~:a~~.ng. ~~. ,'hat subject pr.operty sha~.l. be devcl.oped substanti.al)y i.n accor.dance with pl.zns and ~peci.Lications on fi.l.~ wi.tli tY:e ci.r.y of Anahetm mackecl ~xhi.bit Nos. i. and 2. 5. '1'haL th~ appr.oved ~as~ st~ia:l.l. Le ti.m~.ttd ro the sa]e ot "snack" ttems onJ.y; and khere shal.l_ be no sale of beer., wi.ne oz uth~r, a1.c;ohol.i.c beveeayes of any kind un the premises. 6. In ~~ccocd~~-n;;ta with r.ecommendatiuns of the City t'i.re Mar~ha].1, the fol.].owi.ny min~.mum standards shal ] a~pl.y: a. That dtspensiny devices sha.1 ]. be l.ocated a m~.ni.mum dis~.ance ~f ].0 f.eet fr.arn any properhy "l.i_n~ and shal.l b~ l.ocated so that a.l]. ~arts of ~ny vehi.cl.e being serviced ar.e on s~tbject proper.ty. b. Tnat d~.spensir-g devices sha].J. be l.ocated nut tess khan ].0 teet fr.•,m any buil.ding which i~ not of. P'tre r.esistlve c4nstr.uctton. Such devi.ces sh~l.l. a]so be located so that l•he nozzle, when hose is ful.J.y extended, :sha].l. not r..~ach wi.thi.n 5 feet of ariy bu~ilding op~~~~ing. ;. 'Phat dispensing dev.i.ces shal.l. damage fr_om vehicl.es by k~etng min.imum of 6 inci~es in heiyht. equiva].ent P~Ut@Cr10[1 may be p~ Chief . be protected ~~gainst physi.cal. mourited on a r,oncrete isl.and a Alteri,,:te methods of pcovidi.ng ~r.m~.tted ~f ~zpproved by the Cir.e d. That the dispensing c£ gasol i.ne into veh~icl.e iue] tanks or. i.nto any container shal.l. at a1.1 ti.mes be un~l~r. the supecviston of a qual.ified attendant. e. Tk~~t che atte.ndant's primary ~unction shall. be to super.vise, ob3erve and control. the dispensing of gasol.ine. E. ~'hat the dispensii-g uf yasaJ ?.ncc s~~a1.1. nn~ roved{ m t;er.~tal. aand cor.ta.iners unless .,uch conta;.ner.,, ar.e of app constr.~~ction, h~iving a tight closur.e with scr.ewee3 or. spciny cover., so cieaiyned that the contents can be dispensed wi.thout ~pt;ltng. g. That i.t st~a].J. be th~ aLtendant'~ r.espun~ibi.l it.y to ~ontr.ol. ~c~ucce~ of ignition an~ immediately hanc3le acci.dental spt].l.s and fxr.e extingu~sh~:r.s tf necr:s5ar.}•. -3- PCB~-1.20 .~ h. 2'haL em~r.gency contr.o].s ~;hal.l. be i,nstl].].ed at a l.ocatton ~cceptab].~ to thc~ L~ir.c~ L'e~,~ar.L-ment, but such con~r.o).s fiI'1~~.1. ilOt be located mor.e than IOU f:eet L-r.om the dtsp~nsers. i,. That in~truci:i~:~n:~ for. l•he oper.~ation oE gaso7.in~ dtspens~r.s sha.l. ]. k~t~ consp i.cuousJ y posted . j. 't'ha~ r.emutF~ pr.es~t--L•ypE devic~:.s ar.e to b~ i.n the "off" pos~i.ti.un whe~~ g~so].ine dispenser.s ar.~ not i.n usa so that s~i.d di.spensers cannat be acti.vat~~l without the knawJ.edge oE the attendanL. 7. That Cund.ition Nos. ], 2, 3, 4 and 6, above-menti~ned, sh~l,l bF compl.eted with.in a p~r, iod o~ ni.nei:,y (90) days f:r.om ~he date of thi.s r.eso.l.ution. BE :['1' FURTHCR RFISOLVED that the Anahni.m City Planni.ng Commission does hereby £.ind and determine l-rat ~dopti~n of this Reso.lution i.s expr.e~sJ.y pzedicated iipon appli:cant'. compli.ance with each and ~31i of thc cnnditian~ herein~bove set £or.th. Shau.l.d any such condit~ions, or. any par.t thcr~of, be decl.azed i.nval.icl or, unenfor.ceab].e bl l:he tin~l. judgrnent of any court oE competent juzisdiction, then ~hts Reso].ut~ton, and any approva].s herein contained, shal_1 k~e deemed nu].]. anc~ void. THE FORCGUING I2ESULU'1'ION is s.ic~ned and appr.oved by me thi.s 2~th day of June, 19Ei4. : >, ~ ~ -';%Gr~. ~~~-~_ CHAIRWOb1iAN, ANAf~EIM CI'rY PLANNING C~MMISSION ~ ATZ'EST : .~ ~ _ SECRETARY~ ANAHEIM CITY PI~ANNING COMMISSION STATE ~F {.ALIFORNlA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI'I'Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edi.th L. Har. r. is, Secretary o~ tne Anahei.m Ci.+~y Pl.anninU Cnmmissi~n, d~ her.eby cer.tify ~hah the farPC7~ing r.esoluti.on wa~ pa:~ed and adopted ak ~ meeting of thL ~Anaheim Cxty Pl.anning Com~rission hel.d on June 25, 1.984, by the fol.lowi.ng vot~ of the members thpreof : AYES: CUMMISSTONERS: F3UUA5, BUSEIORE, C•RY, HEK6S'P, KING, LA CLAIRE MC BURNEY NQ~;S: CQk1MISSION~:~?S: NONE ABSEN'P: COMMISSIQNEF2S: NONE Ih WITN~SS WH~REOF, Z have herei~nto ;set m; hanc] this 25th day of ~7une, 1984. ~` ~~~.~-. SECRE~'ARY, ANAHETM CZTY PLANNTNG COMMISSI0~1 -4- P~84 -120 . .<; ; ~