PC 84-131_~ ; ~ RI~SULU'1'I.UN N0. PC84-).3.7. A I~~aOL~U'1'IUN UI~' '?'Fl~ ANAHE.[M C::C`1"~' PI~ANNING CqMMISSLON '.l'NA'1' ~1:TI'I'ION 1:'OR VARiI~NCL N(7. 34J.U IIE DCNILD WHG~~EAS, th~~ An~heim c',i.ty f.~.l.ar~ni.ng Cainmi.sstc~n dicl r.eceive ~-t vc:riii,ed l~e~ition t~r Var,.tarlr.c. fKOln RUNALU C, I20}3INS~.1N AND GLFANOR A. ROBINSON, 61.4 ~outh Anthony Street, AnahPi.m, Cal.itor.ni.a 92Q04, owner. , of. cer.tai.n r.eal. ~r.oper.ty s.itu~Zted in the Ci.ty uf Anaheim~ County of. Oi-an~~n, State of Ca.7iior.ni~ d~~cr.ibed ~s: ~.i'EIAT P01~7:ION OC 1.0`.l' .l UI~ ANAHEIM L'XTENSIUN Irl T(iu CITY OF' ANAHEIM, A5 SHUWN Otd ;A MAP OF SURV~:Y MAUB BY WIL.LIAM I-IAMEI~ DA7'CD DEC:L•'hiCiER .l..l., ].868 SIGNED f3Y A. ROBINSON, 2'RUSTEE f1hD eILL•'D IN 'PH.G 0~ C'ICL OF THE COUNTY FtECORDER OF LOS ALVGELE~i COUNTY, CALIF'OttN:[A .~LSCRIBEC A.~, EOLLOWS: HEGTNNING A1' A i'c1ltd'.C IN TkiC WES`.rF~RLY LINE OF SATD LO'r 1 DISTAP3'1' THEREON ~OUTE! J.5` 22' 30" EAST .15U E'EE'T eR~M TEIE SOUTH~AF:;ST CORtvGR UF THE LAND CONVEYGD 'i'G H1~LF3ER? A. GRAHAAI A~II~ WIFE~ BY DEED RECOR~JFD DLCEMI3~;R 3~, ).947 IN B00:C 1.61.1., .PAGE 1.55 OE'FICIAL RGCQRDS, ~ND RUNNING 'CH ~NCE SOUTH .l5' 22' 30" EAST A~,ONG THE ttiESmGf2LY LIN~ OE SAtU LvT J., 75 EEfT; THENCE ~ORTH 73° 55' 20" EAST 270,u]. hr~T; '.l'HL•'NCL•' NORTFi .l5° 22' 30" WEST, PARALLGL WITH THE WGSTEfti~Y LINE OI' SAID LOT l, 75 t'EET; TyTNCE S~GTH 73° ~5' 2()" WL•'ST 270.$J. I'EET TO THE FOINT Or BE:G.[NNTNG. WH~REAS, the City Pl.anning CommisUion ~id ho)d a publ.i.c he~3r.i.nc~ at the Civi.c Cen~er in the Ci.ty of Anaheim on June 25, ].984, at ).:30 p.rn., notice o~ sa.id publ.i.r. hear.ing havi.ng been du.l.y given ~;s r.equtr.ed by l.zw and in accoz~dance with the provisions ot the Anahei.m Mun~icipal Code, ChapL•er. 1.8.03, to hear and consider ev.idence for and aga.inst said pruposed var.i.ance and to investigate and make findtnr+~• ancl recommendatic.~s in connecttc~n ~her.ewith; .~~~d WHEF<EAS, said Cornmi.ssion, after due in~pecti.on, investi.vation and study made by i.tsel.f and in i.t~ behal.E, and aFter due considtr.ati.on of a.l]. evxdence and reports offer.ed at said hear.in„ doe~ finQ and deter.mine the fal.lowt~y facts: 1• That the E~etitioner pr.oposes a wai.ver.• of thc tol.).uc•ri,ng to constr.uct a nine-uni.t apartrnent compl.ex: aECTIOt~ 1.8.34.OG'l.Ul2 - t~aximum str.uctur.al. heiqht (1_stor.y within 15U feet oP a sinq].P-famil.v re3tdenl•ial. Lor.~er.mitted; 2 stor.izs pr.nposed) 2. '1'hat the aLovc-menti.oned waiver i, h~ceby deni.ed on lhe basis that the pc~tittoner. did not demonstr.ate thal a}lar.dship exists in ~t~at there ace no specta] circwnstances ap~l.icabl.e to the proper.ty ~uc:i ~~ si.~e, shape, topography, locati.on or ~.ur.round,.nc~s, whir_h do ri~t ~;ppl.y to oCher identica].ly zoned pr.ope--ri.es ~.n the vici.n:ty; and th~t ~tr.ict applicati.on oE Ghe ?.oning Code doe~ not depr.i.ve lhe Nr.~per.ty o~ pr.ivilege:~ en;joyed by ~ther proper.ttes in ;..9entical. zanH ~nd classi.fi.cation in the vi.cintty anci subject Co Inrerdepar.tmental Com~r,itkee r.ecommen~latii.vns. ~~258r PC89-1.31. 3. 'Ph~l: L-her.e ~re no exce~tional. or. exlraor.dtnar.y ~i.r.c;wnstances or cor~di.t:ion:~ apNl.i.c~~b.le l•o the~ proper.ty i.nvol.ved or. to the i.n~ende~ci use oE the gr.oper.ty that cJo not ~~ppJ.y g~ner.~J..l.y to th~: I~r.op~:r~y r,r. cl.,~ss of use in the samF vicin.it~+ and zone. 4. That, the r.~que~~ted v~ri.ance i.s not necessary for, i:he ~~rP;~er.vat:i~~n and enjoyment o1 c~ subst~nlial. pr.oper.ty rigli~ possessed by other. }~roperty an th~ same v.icinir.y and zone, and ~'ieni.ed to L•he pr.oper.ty in c~uesti.oi7. 5. That. ~he r.equest~d var. iance wil.], b~ mater_~.~).1.,y d~tr.imenka]. to ~r~'~ the public we.l.fare or injurious to the proper.ty or improvements tn such ~~i'~'' v.icinity c1C1C3 zone iCi WhiCh f•_hr~ nrnnnr•:-v i a t.,..~~.,,,a I. ~,,"~ ;~; );:~ G. That 7 per.sons ir,dic~te~1 thei.r. pre,.~ence at sai.~] pubJ.i.c hear.xng ~~`„ i.n opposition; and that ~1 peti.tion r.ontain:i.ng a~pr.oxi.mate].y 27 si.gnatu.r.es was ;~~ received in oppow.i.tion to subject petiti.on. + L•'NJI~tONMENTAL IMPACT rINDING: That the Anahei.m Cii:y Planning Commission has r.eviewed the proposal. to cons~ruct a n~.ne-uni.t apar.tment :~. complex wxth tvaiver. of maxirrum s~r.uctur.aJ. hei,yht on a rcci:anr,al.az].y-sha~ed t;' ' parcel of .I.~nd cansistin o~ a g pproximate].y 0.67 acre t~avtng a Fronkage af ~{ + appr.oxi.mate.l.y 75 feet on the east side of Easl- Str.eet, and fur.ther. dc•:ser.ibed ~';i as 73Z Nor.tt~ East Street; ar~d do~s her.eb a y pprove the NegaL-ive Dec.larat.i.on j~1 up~n tinding that it has cons.idered the Neyative Dec7.~zation together. with anX ~`§. comments r.ecea.ved clur:tn' the ~• ~ y pubJ.ic review proce,,,s and fur.ther finding on the ~;'~ basis of the initxal. study and any c:omments receive~ that ther.e is no :t;~~ subytantiaJ. ~vtdenc: that the projeck wiJ.]. have a si.c~ni..ficant effect on the ~^ Envi.ronment. k{ NOW, THEREF0~2~, BE I~P RESOLVED that the Anaheim C.ity PJ.ann tng Commzss.i.on cloes hereby deny s~-bject Petition for Va~iance on the basis of the af~rementioned findings. `rHE c'OREGOING RESOLUTIC.~N :~s signed and appr.oved by me this 2~th day of June, 198~~. ,`" . ~ LJl' -'~ . ~ ~~T_-L~ CHAIRWOMAN, AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTESZ' : ~~.-- .~ ~'~~u~ SECRETARY~ ANAfIEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIUN -~' PC84-131. ~ •.-..~ S~'ATL OH~ CAL,IF'ORt3~'A ) CUUN'J'Y OE ORANGE ) ss. CI`!'Y UF ANAHGIM ) I~ k~d:tth L. [iar.ri.s, Secz•~tar.y of the Anat~Pim City Pl.anni.ng CommisU~onr do hereby c;er,tify ~hat tt~e forec~p.ing r.es~.lution was passed a7d adopted at ~3 meetitig of the An~heim City P].anning Comm.is5ion he.l.d on Jun~ 25, 19a4, by the f~].l.~wxng vote of the members thereo~; AY~S: C061MISSIONI3RS: BUUAS, I3USf3QRG, HERBS'P, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNCY NOES; COMMISSION~sRS: NONE ADSENT: GC)[~IMISSION.CFS: FRY 'i'N WITNESS WHErF;U£~, I have h~r.e~anto set my k~an~ this 25th day ~f June, ].984. ~~ ~ ~~~ SECRETARY, A~IAH~;IM CITy pLANN.T.NG COMMTSSION -3- ~ ~ ~~: ~ 4 i PC£i~-3.3'.. ~ ~.