PC 84-134.~~~ RESOLUTION NO. PC82-13~ A RLSOI~UT:ION 0~ TFIE ANAHE:[M CI'i'Y PL~INNING CUMMISSTON THAT PGTITTON FOR 12ECLASSIE'TCATI:ON N0. a3-8h-28 13E GRANTEb WHERrA5, the Anaheim Ciky Planrling Commission did receive a verified petition for REClassificati~n from ~cICHATtD JAMES & KAZ'HLEEN llIANNE BELIAKUP'F, 3216 4Jest Orange Avenue, Anaheim, California 9280~ arid WALTER Ko & ETHEL M. BOWMAN, "l926 Cerr.itos Avenue, ~tanton, California 90E80, owners~ and STI~RLING K. CARLSON, ~47 East 1'lth Street, Costa Mcsa~ C~1iFornia 9~627, agent for certain real propert_y situat.ed in ~he City of. Anaheim, C~unty of Urange, Stal:e of Californi.a, describe~ as follows: THE N0~?TH 180.00 FF~ET OF THE EAST 60.OU FEET Of~ TfIE WE57' 390.00 FEE7' 0~ THE NORTH HALF OF' '~E?E NORTHEAST QUARZ'~;R UF THE ~C~RTHEA67' QUARTER QF 'I'HE SOUTHWEST QUAR'CER OF SECTTON 14, TOWNSHIP 4 SOIJ'~'H, RANGE 11 WEST, IN THE RANCHO LOS COYGTES, IN THE CI7.'Y OI' ANAHEZM, AS SHOW~] ON A'1AF RECORAED IN Ei00K 51, PAGE 11 QF MTSCE]'~LANEOUS MAPS, ktECORDS Ob' ORAN~^ COUNTY, CALIFOR:IIA. EXCEPTING `.CHERECROM, Tfl~ EASTERLY 10.00 FEGT. THE NORTH ONC-HALP Oi' `i'HE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTFTEAST QUAR'1'EH OE' THE SOUTHWFS7.' QUARTER C1 SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, KANGE 11 WEST, SAN BERNARDZNO DAB~ AND MER:iDIA~l; EXCEF'TING THEREFROM '1'HE WEST 390 b~EET THEFEOF; ALSO EXCCPTTNG THERLFROM THE ~AS'PER'LY 172 FEET `rH~REUk'. WHEREAS, the Gity Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at tne Civic Centex in the CiL•y of Anahei~r. on May 30, 1984 at 1:3Q p.m. , notice of said p~blic hearing Yaaving been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code. Chagter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said praposed r~~:classification and to investigate and make findi.ngs anci recommendations in conn~ction therewith; said public hearing having beeri continued to the Plantiin~ Commission meeting of .Tuly 9, 1934; and Wii~REAS, said Commission, after due inspection, invpstigation and study made by itself and in its b~half, and after due consi.deration of alJ. evic~ence and reports offered az said hearing, does find and d~termine thE following facts; 1. That the petikion~:: proposes rPClassification of subject property from the RS-A-43,000 (Kesidential, Agricultural) Zone tn ~he RM-.1200 (Residential, riultiple-Family) Zone. 2. ~hat the Anaheim Gener.al Plan designates subject property for medium density residential land uses. ?. That the pro~u~~~: reclassification of subject property is necessary and/or desirablE for ~he orderly and proper develupment oF i~he community. #0261r PC84--134 ~,.wa;. 4• ~'hak the proposed reclass.~.ficatior. of sub'ect propexly relate to the zones anci thei.r ~ ~'rO~'~ztY does close proximity i~o sub'ect permitt~d u~es .1oca11y estak~~.ished in generally es~ablished throug o u~rthe communitye Lonea and their perm.ii:ted u,~s 5' 7'hdt Eour persons .indicated L-hair presence ~t the May 30, 1984 publia hearing in op~osition; and that no correspondence was received in Qp~esition to subjeLt petiL-i.on and no one indicated their prFSence at the ~ruly 9. 1`~~4 public hearing .in oppositaon, ENVIKONMENTAL T` M~A~~P N~•INDING: That the An~heim City Y~~rining Corn;nission has reviewed the proposal to reclassi.fy subject RS-A-43,q00 (Resider~tial, t~lgricultural) Zune Eo the RM•-1200~e~~y from the Multip;.e-Family) Zone to construct a 2.1•-unit apartment. complex with wa~versaof maximtim structural height and maximum ieiice 'ae,ight on an irregularly-shaped ,paarcel of la,nd c~nsist~.n~• of approximatel.y 0,62 acre, having a frontage of pproximatPl~ 160 feet ,-, . k}~e ~outh side of Orar~ge Avenue, and further described as 3208 anci 3216 West ~range A~enae; an~ daes hereby appr~ve the Negative Declaration upon finciing that it has considered the Negative neclaration together with any comm~ntis received durir,y the public re~Iew pracess and furL-her firiding on the basis of th~ iriitial stu~iy anc~ any comments received that there i~ r.fl substantial evidence that the project wi11 have a signifi.cant effect on the environment. N~w~ THERGFORE, BE T~!' RESOI,VEU that the Anaheim Cit p Commission does her~k~y grant siibject Petition ~or ti Y lanning doing, t-hat Title 18-Zanzn ~ e~.lassificatian and, by ~o ~ oF the An,.,hein Muriicipal Code be amend~d to exclude thP above-described property from the R~- Agricultur.al) 2~ne and to incor.p~rate said described_~3'000 (Residential, RM-.120Q (Residentia;l, Multiple-iarnily) Zune upon the o~ p wing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary preraquisi~e to the ,. subject pruperty i,n orcier to pr~serve the safety an~ ~~Oposed ~,se of Citizens o.~ the City of Ana.heim: 9eneral welfare oF the 1• 2'hat the owner of subject property sha11 pay to the City of Anaheim a fee for strRet lighting along Orange :~venue in an amount as determ?.ned by the City Council. 2• That~ thr owner of subj~ct property sha7.1 a fee for tree planting ~ur~~sPS along Oran~ Avenue intan~amounteas deCermined by tt~e City Council. 3• ~hat pric.~r to ~he introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject ~roperty, Condi.tions Nos. :1 and 2, above-menLioncd, shall be completed. 7'he provisions nr rights granted ~; this resoluti~n shall become r~ull ancl void b,y act.ion of the Planning Commission unless said conditions are complied with within one year from the d~~~ ~f this resolution, or such further tirne as the Flanning Commi~;sian may grant. 13E IT FURTHEF~ RFSOi:,VED that the Anah~im City P.lanning Commission d~es hereby find and cietermir-e that adopti~n o.f. this Resolution is expressly prerlicated upon applicant's cornpl,iance wi.th ~ach and a11 oE the conditions hereinabc~ve sel• forth. Sl•iould any such condition, or any part thereof, be ~eclar~d invalid or unenforceal~l~ by the final judgment of any court ~F competeilt juri~dictiun, then this Resol.ukion, and any approvals :~Erein contained, shall be a~emed nu~l and voi.d. -2- PC~4-].34 ~{ ~~w:~~..; " 1~~ W . THE FOREGOTNG RFSOLU7~ION is signed and appraved by me this 9th day of Jul~~, ].984. ~ ; _, ; ' ~~ / ~` .~----.~ ~%, , ~ . _ ~l' ~' ~ f~ i.._ y ", .*,I~ , „ ~G ~ /%~ CfIAIRMAN, ANAHEIM C''~'Y PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: -------~-:`''~' -'y"-- - ` ~ 6~~-,~iL/t/Lc~I.i SECRETARX, ANAHETM CITX PLANNING CQMMZSSLON S~'ATE OF' CALIFOItNTA ) CUUN7'Y OF ORAIVGE ) ss . :'ITY OF Ar~AHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harri~, Ser.rekary af: the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby cerriiy that the foregcing resoluti~n was passed and adopted at. a meeting of th~ AnahPim Ci~ty Planning Commission held ora July 9 1982, by the follawing v ote of the members thereof.: , AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BUSHOI~E, FRY, HERBS7', KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NOES: COMMISSIOPIERS: NONE A3SEN2': COMMTSS70NER5: NON~ IN WI~I'NESS WH EREOF, I Have hereunto set my hand this 9th day of 7uly, 1Q84. c'~ c~L~ . ~ ^l~~-~-~-a ~ S~CRE'1.'ARY, ANAHEIM . < CITY PLANNING CUMMISSIAN -3- PC64-134