PC 84-143~,M",ti HESOLU'1':II;N N0. PC84-1~3 """^~ A 12ESOLUTION QE' '1'Hf; A[dAHLIM GTTX PLANN:~NG CUMMISSZON THAT PI~TT'1'IO[V ['UR kLCLT,SSIFICA'1'ION N0. 8~1-85-2 E3e; GRAP~'i'EL~,. UNCOP~DITIONALLY ;`{ WHLREAS, L-he Anah~i.m City Planning Commi,si~n did receive a verified ~ pe~ii:ion for ReclassiLic~tion From VTST~, N~HL 1~LAZA, LTD., AT~i'N: SALVATORS E. ~; ~ GO`r2'USO, 718 East Gdna Place, S aite F', Covina, C;alifornia 97.722, owner ~f '.ti;. ) cert~ir~ real pr.opcrty sit~~ated in thc Ci ty oE Anaheim, County oF Or~nge, State a;) uf Ca]iiocnia, d~scrik~ed a~ tollows; PAI~CEL 1, TN T;iE CITY OF ANAf.~7M, COUN`i'Y OF' ORAI~IC,E, STATE OI' CALTFORNIA, AS S[~lOWN l1N A MAE~ EILED ZN BOOK 2, PAGE 49 OF PAR~EI~ MAPS, TI1 THL OFb'Ii:E OL' THE COUNTY RECOk2DGR OF SA.ID COi)N7'Y . ~ WHEREA~, the City Planning Commissic~n did iiol.d a public hearing at ~ the Civic Center in the Ci.ty of ~naheim on .7uly 9, 1984 at 1:30 p.m., notice oE sa.id public hzar.ing having !~een duly given as cequirr~d by law and in 1 accordance wi~h th~ provisions oL' the Anaheim Municipal Code. Chapter 18.03, ~ to hear and consider evidenc~ foc and against ,aid proposed reclassification ~ and to invPStigat~ and make L..ridings and r.ecomn.endations in connection ± therewit.., and WHEREAS, ;;aid GommissLon, affer due ir,specL•ion, investigatiion and study maci~ by itself and in i::s behalf, and after due consid~ration of a].1 evidence ancl reporCs off.ered at said hearing, does find and determine the ~o7.lowiny facts: 1. That thE petikioner proposes reclassification of subject properi:y frans ~he CL-HS(SC) (Cornmercial Limited, Hillside-Scenic Corriclor Overlay) Ze~ie tv the CL(SC) (Comm~rc~ial, Limited-Scenic Cc~rr~dor Ov~rlay) 'LOne. 2. 'Phat the Anaheim Genezal Flan desianates subject property for general op;~n space lanc] uses. 3. That ttie pr.oposecl recla~si.fication of subject property is necessary and/or de~a.rable for the orcierly ac~d proper development of t-he communi.ty. 4. That th~ proposecl reclasslfication of si.~bjecl- pr~perty doe, properly rel~tte to the zones and ~heir permitted uses 'o^ally estab7.ished in close proximi.ty to subject property and to the zones and th~ir permitted uses generally estab~ished thr.oughoul: L•he commianity. 5. That ttie proposccl rec:lassification of subject property requires the im~rovcmenk of abutling streets in accordance with the Circul~tion Elen~ent of the General Plan, due to thP anticipated increase in l•raEPic which will be gNnerat~ri by tiie intensifi.cation of :land use, 5. That no one inclicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no corrc.s~on~ence was received .in opposition to su~iject pet~ition. ~~ ~, • , ~ ,~:~;Cr #0270r PC84-143 ~~ ,,.~.,1 ~~~ ~N_~~?ONMEN'i'AL Si~IPAC'i' E'TNDING; Comn,;.,sion has rev.iewed L•he ~'-"-""~--- ~'r~`~~ rh~ Anaheim Cit CL-1-~S ~ g~ )( Commercial, r~imir.ea,~ H~llisia~-5cen ic uCor • Y ~'1•anning y sub ject pr.•operty from I_t~e CL(SC) (Commercia1, LimiEed-Scenic C~rridor Uv~r1~ r.zclor O~~er.lay? 'Lane tU the high c:ommec•cial complex includin y~ zone to alcohol and with wa.ivers o~ g~$~mi-en~losed reskaurantrmwit:h on-sale display surfaces p~rmztted sign copE~~r~ maximum number of he.i ht ' r~quxred sign placement, maximum ~ '~z~~ g and requireq sita screeninc7 0l~ u irregularl ~ a~~a~ ~aX~mum buildi.ng c~nsisting oF appro.cima~e]. 2. Y-sl~ap~d Y ~~~r~s ~~cat.~d at the southwesl pcorner f Nohl nanch Road ancl Vil.la 12ea1 Drive; and ~o~,~ he Declarai:ion up~~ ~ii~ding that it re~~' aU~z°v~ th~ Negative ~ogether wxt}, has considered the Nega~iv~ Dec.larati4n any comments rec~ived during t}~e furth~r .Einding on the basis of the ini~ial S~u~ ~ublic revi~~ that ~}~pr~ ~rocess and ~S no substantial ~videnae ~hat the y and any cu~~nm~n;.s r~ceived effect on the tnvi.ronman~. pr.a:jec~ wi11 havc~ a sigr.ificant NOW, THE}~Eb'ORG, BE IT ~~ESOL~~ .~ Commission does herPb LG ~hat ttie Anaheim C~it o unconditionally and b y ~~~~nt Suh~~~~ F'erition X~~anning Municipal Code L~e ~ y SO daing, that Tit.it fOT ~e~'a~5if.ication a.iiei;ded to exclude r, 1~-Zoning af thp Anaheim ~~•-HS(SC) (Cornmercial~ i,imited, Hi1l~ide h c?nicVCc+~ ridc~r~ Ov~r.l~ incorporate waid ~raPerty irom the L: i m i t 2 d- Sceni.c CorridorJOverZa p r o p~,~ t Y into r ~'} Z~ I~ e a n d t u yJZone. lle r~,(SC! {Commercial, 'rH~ F'OHE~~OING R'r`,SOI~UTION is signed and approvc~C k~ ~f July, Za84' , y me this 9th da}• •' ,.~ ' ! ...--~ . , ~ ~j ~ r,'~ 'n ~ !y~//,_~ / /L. ~ ~ ,~ 'V\ / ~,~j~~iF~/ jf ~' ~ ;._~-~ ~T~:~RMAN, ANAHETt9 C ' ~~'-/ PLANNING COMN,ISSION ~ AiTES'I' ; - ~ ~~ ~ ~ r S~CRETARY, ANAHEiN( CIT '"-! !,^_~ Y PLANlJ1NG CUMMI~;~ION STA2'E UF CALZFGRNIA ) ~ Ci)UDI'~'Y Oi OkANGE ) SS . ~r~'Y UF ADJAHEIM ) I~ ~dith L. Harr.is, SecretaX ~ Commission, do hereb y ~£ the Anaheim Cit ado i.p Y cerrify that the f.oregoing res~lution W~Sy ~'~anning ? p' _d a~ a meeting o~ the Anaheim City Planniny Commission held anSJua r 19~2, by che foll ~~ and o~~ng vot~ of ~.he memb~rs thereaf; ' ~'Y 9, i AYES: ; COMMISu]:ONER~: DC~~~g~ BUSHU,ti , F.~Y~ IiERBST ~ N1C BU~hEY ~ KING, LA CL.~IRE, , NOES: COMMZSSZc)NERS: NONE ~ AHS~N'r: COMMTSSIONERS: NONE ~ IN WITNJs~SS h'HER~Op; I Ha~~e her. eunto sct my I7and this .TUlY~ ~.994. 9th day of - - _ ~~7C.. ,~ ~ `" • SECRETARY, ANAHEZM CITY PLANNING-- C~ ISSION -2- Pc~4-i43