PC 84-147.Ni:l(~ .P.ESOL' U'PTC~N NO. PC'84-147 ~,rrrvy A RGSOLUZ'IJN OF '.CHF AIJAHEIM ~I`1'Y PL~ANNING COMMTSSION THAT PF'i':[7'TON IOR CONDITIO~IAL USE PERM:[T fJU. 2599 BE GRANT~D~ IN YART ~+iHE-~~AS, the Anaheim Cit~y Plann.ir~c~ Commissi~n dic~ receive a verifi~d 1'eti.tion for Cnnditional Use Permit from COPIMONWEA.LTE] I'TNANCTAL CQR~OR:4TION, P. 0. n~~t 7(i4'18, Los Angelzs, California 90076, own~r, and UNITED SUITES dF AMFRxCA, INC.4, ~7'TN: ROB~HT E'. IULLFR, 950 Newp~rt CPntHr Dcive, Newport Beac.h, Ca7.ifornia, agent for certain rEa], propert:y situat~d in the City of Anaheim, ~~ount,y oP Orange, State of. Californi.a, described as: THAT FOI~TIUN OF' BLOCK 25, OF THk' GOLDEN STAT~ '~12ACT, AS SEIpW~I ON A MAP RECURDED IN BOOK 4, P~1GES 6G AND 67 UP MISCELLANEOUS MAk~S, RECORI>S OF SAIU ORANGE COUNTY, DESCH:IBF.D AS ~OLLOWS: k~L• GID]NING AT ~i'f~E SpUTHEASTERLY 'PE;RMINUS OF THAT CERTATN COURSE CI7'b'D AS "SOU'!'H 19° 35' J2" EAST, 2U.71 EEE'i`"; IN Di:ED 7.'i) TiTB STATE UF CALIFORNIA, RECORDGll ~JUIJ~ 4, 19G3 IN BOOK 6573, P?1GE 167, OFFICIAL RECORDS O.E SAID ORANGF COUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE 50UTHEASTBRLY LINE OF SAIU LAST MLNTIONED LANll TfiE FOLLOFVING COURSEa 1~ND llISTANCES; NOR'1'H 79° 34' 53" W~ST 49.13 FuET; SOUTH 65° 36' OQ" Wk;S'1' 'L02.41 k'EGT; SOUTH 46° 37T 39" WES'i' ?_p3.20 FEET~ SOUTH 37° 50' 29" WES'!' 606.99 Fr'ET; Sc~UTH 65° 47' 42" WEST 173.41 FEL'"r; SOUTH 20° 42' S0" W~ST 15~63 I'EET; AND SOUTH 15° 57' 10" EAST :3.63 FF~;T TO THE E~1ST.ERLY L1NE OF THAT CERTAIN LAND DESCRIBED IN PARCET~ 123.01 IN UEED TO THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, REC012DEU JUNE 4, 1971 IN BOOK 9663, PAGE 713 UF SAID OI'FICIAL RECORDS; THL•'Nr~ ALONG SAID EAS7'ERLY L1:NE SOUTH 26° O1' Q2" EAST 149.75 EEET TO r1 POINT TIJ THE NORTHW~'STERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN LANp DESCRIBED IN ~EED TO ORANGE COUNTY WATER BISTFtICT, RECORDED ~JANUAI2Y 20, 1939 IN Bt:10K 975, PAGE 44~ OF SAID Oi'FICTAL RECOHDS~ SAID NORT[iWESTERLY I,INE BEING 11 CUHVE CONCAVE $p~1THERLY HAVING A fiADIUS OF 12,3"15.70 N'EET, ~1 RADIAL 'LINE OF SAID CURVG PASUIN'G THROUGH SAill PO~NT ~EARS NORTH 26° 47' 11" WEST; THENCE NOR'.I'HL~'ASTERLY ALOI\~ SAIIa CURVE TO ~!'Hk: MOS'~ NCIRTHGRLY CORNER OF SAIll L1~ST Mk;N~!'IONED I~AND, SAID CORNER BEING A FOINT IN THE NOR'rHEASTERLX LIN~ OF SAID BLOCK 25; THI;NCE ALONG SAID NURTI-iEAS'I'ERLX LINE pF BLOCK 25, NORTH 19 ° 35' 32" '~IE9T 490 ~ 79 FEET TO THE IN7.'ERSECTIOI~ WITH A LINE THAT IIEARS NQRTH 70° 24' 26" CAST FROM SAID POTN7.' OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALANG SAID LAST MENTT.ONED ~,INE S~UTH 70° 24' 28" WEST lU.OU FEET TO ThE POINT QF FiEGINNING. EXCEPTING 'PHEItEE'RUM THAT PORTION OF SAID LAND I:VCLUnED IIV THE I'OLL' OWING : f3FGTNNING AT THE POIN'P OF IN'I'ERSECTION OF THE WESTGRLY L7NE OF N~;WKII2K ROAD, 40 EEE2' IN WIDTfi, WTTEi 'rHE NURTHERLY LINF OF THE 100 FOOT RIGHT OF i~IAY DESCFIBED TN UEEU TO T~F~ COUNTY OF ORANGE, RECORDED IN BOOK 489~ P~1G~ 324 OF' DEEllS~ RECORDa OF SAID COIJNTY~ THENCE NOR'.PH 19° 38' 16" WEST ALOf7G TIiE S}lIP WESTERLY LINE Uk' NGWKTRK ROAL', SU.CU FF.ET 'SO THE TRUE POTNT OF BEGINNING; THENCF NQR'.?'H 19" 38' 16" WEST ALONG TH~; SAID WF~STERLY LINE OF NEWKIkIt ROAD~ 46i.~a0 FE~,T TO A POINT TN THE SOU`IHWES'rERLY RIGHT OF WAY #0274z PC84-147 ~a,~,~,ti ,,„„'t, LIN~ OF CALIFORNIA SZ'ATE .n~TGH4JAY~ '2'HENCE NURTHWEST~RLY AND W.ESTERLY aLONG TEfE LA,ST MENTIC~NI:,D RIGHT OF WAY LTNE ~'HROUGH TH~ FOLLCWIDIC~ COUIZSES AND T~lS'1'ANCFS: NORTH 5G° 20' 38° WEST 34.71 rEET; THENCE NURTH 89° 21' 23" h'~ST 1:12.65 I'EET; AND SOU'~'H 74° O1' 46" WEST 118.65 FEET; '.PH~NCF SOUTH ].9° 39' 16" EAST ALONG .~1 LINE .PARALLEL WIT[~ THE~ SAIU WES'~ERI~Y liINL OF ~1EWKIRK ROAD 517.03 FELT; '.I'HENCE N0I2TN 70° 21' 44" GAST 250.00 FFE`i' TO THE TRU~ PQTN7' OI' BGGINNING, ALSO LXCEPZ'ING AN UNUIVIDFD 1/2 INTEREST IN AND TO ALL~ OIL~ MINFRl11'., AND GAS IN AND UNDER SAID LAND, AND WHICH MAY BE PRODUC~D THEREFROM, WZ'.~HOUr THE R:iGHT OI' SURFACE ENTRX 'PO A DEP'.PH OF !i00 FGE7', AS TO A PORZ'IQN OF SAID LAND, AS RESERVED IN THE DEED FROM JA(:K G. BOOTH AND OTHERS, RECORDED MI~RCH lb, 1955 IN ~OOK 300C, PAGS 254 OE' OFF'ICIAL RECORUS,• AND JN DOCUNIENT RE^.OHDED JANUAR`1 8, 19&1 IIJ Li00K 13905, PAGE 17G9, UI'FICTAL k2ECORDSo A PURTIQN OF SATD LAND, AS D~SCRIBED I.N DEED RECORDEU ~N BUOK 13905, PAGE .1769, OFr'IC?AL REC~RU, RESERVES SUkFACE RIGH'.rS. PARCEL ?, ; AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS ANll EGRESS 30 FEET IN WIDTH (NEWKi~~K ROAD) LY.TNG W~STERLY Or THE EASTERLY LTNBS OF LOTS 11 AND 32 OF ORANGE GRQV~ ACRES NOe 2~ AS SHOWN nN A MAP RF'CflRUED I~I BbUK 7, PAGE 36 OP MISCr T,LAr1~;0US MAPS, RECORllS OF ORA~dG~ COUNTY, CALIFOR@~iiS, BOUNDBD SUUTHERLY BY THE WESTERLY FROLONGA'1'ION OF THE SOUTHER.LY liINE OE' SAID LOT 32 AND BOUNDED NORTHERliY BY THE WE~T~HLY. EXTENS70N QF ~'HE SOUTHI;RliY LINE Or THE LAND CQNVE~ED TO THE ST~'~TE QF' CALIFORNIA BY DEGD RECORAED MAY 24, 196:3 IN BOOK 6561, PAGE 239 OF OFE'ICIAL RECURDS. WEIEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a. pub'lic hearing at the Civic Center in tile City o.E Anal7aim on .TUly 9, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been cluly giver~ as required by law and iii accordance with th~ pr.avisions of the Anaheim Municipa~. Code, Chapter 18.03, ~o heaz and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use permit ~nd to investigatE and make finaings and r.ec;ommEndations in connaction therewith; said public he~.~:ai~g havir~g been contintied to Planning ComMission meeti[ig of Ju.ly 23, 1984; a-id WHEREAS, saicl Commissi~n, after due inspec~ion, investigation and st~udy macle by itself and in ii:s belialf, and a.fter rlue considera~ion of a11 evic~ence and reports off~red at said hearing, does find and determine thE following facts: 1. That the proposed use is nroperly one for whiah a conditional use permi.~ is author.ized by Anaheim Munic.ipal Code Sections 18.~6.080; 18.61.U50.G10 and to wit: l•u permit a/-story, 212-r~om h~tel camp:iex and restaurants with on-sale of alcoholic bererages with waivers of the following: (a) SGCTIONS 18.06.U5G.0232 - Minim+am numb~r o= parkinq spaces. (4~4 space~ required; 3$8 spaces proposed) AND 18.G1.0~6.05fJ `2' PC84-147 ; ;,.•~, , ,.,~ (b? SECTTON 18.61~062.01:1 - Maximum structural heiGht adiacent to ANU 1t3.61.OG3.020 single-familv zonin .(0 and 30 ~t. permitked; 20 and 66 ft. pronosed) 2. '~:~,at the use is grantEd, in part, for a 7-story, 212-roam hotel compl`x and thal- the pr~posed restaurant wi.th on-sale ~lc~ho~.ic b~verages is deni.ed. 3. That the requested wai.ver (Z) is hereby grant.ed or th~ basis that the ~ei:itioner sripulateci to deleting the fzeestanding restaurant, with on-sa:Le a.lcoholic beverages l-h~reby r~ducing, as granted, the numb~r of rcquized parking s,paces from 567 to 434, and on L•he basis L-hat t:t-,e parking rariance wi:11 not cause an increase in traffic congestion in the immedi~te vicinity nor adversely af.Eect any a~joining land uses; L-hat i:he granting of the parkinc~ v~riance under h.he conditions imposed, if an1•, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safet,y cr g~neral welfar.e of the citizens of the City of Anaheim. 4. That the requesteci waiver (k~) is herek~y granted on the basis thera ace special circumstances appl.icaale to the property sttch as sa.ze, shape, topoyr.apry, locai:ion anci surr~undings which do not apply to o4her identic~lly zoned ~roperty in the same viclnity; and that strict application of the Zon.irig Code deprives thc~ property o~ privileges enjoyed by oL-her properties in L•he identical zone and classi.Fication in the vicinity and subject to Interdepartmental Committee recorrunendrition.;. 5. That the propos~d use, as grantedr wi11 not adversely affect th~ adjoining land uses and the growkh ar.cl development of. the area in which it is proposed to be located. 6. That L•he si:;~ and sna;~e oL th~ s.ike proposed for the ~:se, as grar,ted, is adequate to a11ow the f~:ll development of the px~posed use in a manner not detrimental to thP part•icular ar~a nor to the pear~, kieaJ.th, safety ancl general welfare of the Citiz.ens of the City of .Anat-eim~ ~. That the gr~n~ing of the Conditi~nal Use ~exmit under tne conditiuns imposed, if any, wi.l1 not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and generai welfare oL- the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 8. That the trat£ic generated by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden upon the streets and highways designed and imprn~ec] to carry the traffic in ~he area. 9. That one p?tson indicated their ~~resen~~e at said public hearing iil opposiki.~n; and that no eorrespondence was received in c~ppositic~n to the subject pel•.ition, ENVIRONMENTAL IMFACT FINDING: Tt~at the Anaheim City Planning Commi~sion has reviewecl the ~~r~posal to permit a 7-story, y12-room hote~ complex with waivers of minimurn number oE ~+arking spaces and maximum structural i7eight adjacent to single~family zoning on an irregularly-shap~d paLCel of land consisting of approximately b.34 acre~ locarer] at the southeast ~orner oE FrontFra Str.e~t~ and Glassell Street; and daes heteby approve the Negative Declaration upon firiding that it has consici~~ed the Negati.ve -3` PCS4-147 ,.;~~ ~,,.F~,, Declaration toge~her with :~ny c~mments received during the public review process and further finding on ttie ba:;:i.s of khe initial stuc~y and any commer~ts received thar there is no s~ibstarit.ia.l evidence that the project wi11 have a significant etfect on the environment. NUW, ~~HEREFOR~, f3E I'I' R~SO.LVLD that the Anaheim City Planning Comm:ission does hereby grant subjeet Pstition for Canditional Use PermiL, upon tne ~ollowirig conditions which are hereby foun~ to be a necessary prereguisite to the pro~used use of the subject property in or~er to preserve the safety and gen~ral we.lfare of *_he Citizens ar th~ City ~f Anaheim: 1. That the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim « fee for tree planting purpo~es along Glassell Stre^t and Frontera Street in an amount as deter.mined b,y the City Council. 2. ~rhat prior lo is ~uance oF a bui.l~ing permi~., primary ~date.r main fees shall be paid t~ the City oL- Anaheim, in an amount as determined by the Office o£ the Utilities General Manayer. 3~ That prior to issuance of. a building permit, the appropriate traFfic signal assessmenk fee shall AP. paid to the C~.ty of Anaheim in an am~unt as determined by the City Council for new commercial buildings. 4. That prior t~ issuance of a buiJ.di.ny permit•, i}ie owner af subject pr.upErty ~hall pay the appropr.iate c9rainage assc~;smen~ fees to the Ci.ty of Anaheim in an amount as determined by L-he Cil-.y Engineer. 5. Tha~ the owner of subject property shall irrevocably offer to dedicate to the CiLy of Anatieim a s~rip of land 53 feel• in width from the cenkerli.ne of the streez along C~assell Street for si:reei: w:idening purpos~s. 6. ~t'hat a11 Fngineering requirPmenf:s of the Ci~y of Anaheim along Glassell ,treet and Frontera Street, including preparalion of improvement p.lans anc7 installation of. all improvempnts such as curbs and gutters, side~,~alks, street grading and pavement, sewer and drainaye f~cilities, or othex ap~urtenanE work shall be cornplied with as required by the City Engineer ar~d in accordance with specifi.catior.s on file iri the Office of: the City ~,nginecr; and thaE sec-ariL-y in the form of a bond, c~rtificat.e of dep~sit, .lett~r of credit, or cash, i.n an amou-~~. and form sali.fact.or~~ to the Ci~y of An~heim, shall be posl-.ed with the City to guarar~tee Lhe satisfactory compZetion of sa~d improvementso Said security shall be posted with the City prior to approval af improvement plans, to guarantee the instal~ation of th~ above-required improvements prior to occupancy. 7. ~i'hat street liyhting faciJ.ities along Glassell Stre~t and Frontera Street shall be installed as requa.red by the Utiliries General ~tanager in accordance with speciEications on file in the Of£ice of Utilities General Manager, and that ser.urity in the focm of a bond, cert~ficate of deposit, letter of credit, or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim, shall be posted with the City to quarantee the satisfactory completion o£ the above-mentioned improvements. Said ~ecurity shall be posted with the City of Anaheim prior to approval o.E improvement plans. The above~required improuements shall be installed prior to occupancy. ~ -'~- PC84-147 ~ .;<':;',:~,.... ', . ; ,."'~ ~~~ >~ 8. That aal driveways shall be designed to accommodate ten (1Q) foot radius curb return~ as required by I:,h~ Citiy Traffic Eng.in~er. 9. That dr_ainage of sub;ject property shall be disposed af in a manner aatisfacL•ory to L-he City Engin~er. 10. That subject property shall be served by under.yrnund u~ilities. 11. That prioe 40 ~.ommenc~ment of structural framing, fire hydr~rits shall be ins~~lled and r.harged as required anc~ determi.ned to be nec~ssary by t he ChieF of the rire Depar.tment. 12. That fire spri.nklers shall be installed as requircd b~~ the City Fire Marshal].. 13. That trash storage are~s sha11 be ~rovided in accordance with approvec] plans ~n fiZe with t'~P Street Maint~nancc and Sanitation Division. 14. ~'hat this Conditi.onal Use Permit is granted subjeut ~.o the completiAra of Reclassification No. 79-8a-31, now p~nding. 15. Z'hat sariitary sewer servi.ce stiall he obtained frotn the Coiinty Sanitation Dis::rict line to the ~ast of subject property and at +-he developers expense. 16. Tha~ .in the event sul~ject propei ty is to be divided for the purpose oi sa1e, 1e~se, cr £inancing, a parcel map t~a record the ~pproved divi sion of subject pr~perty sh~11 be submitted to and approved by the Ci~y of Anaheim and then be recoided in the OLficE of the Orange County Recorder. 17. That a11 aix• ~:ondikioning ~aciliti~s sh~ll be propeely shielded fram view, and the sc~u. d buFfered from adjacent propPrties. 18. Th~t the proposal shall comp].y with all signing requirements of the ML Zone, unless a variance al.lowing sigr, waivers i~ ap~~ o~~ed by the Planning Commission or City Council. 1Q. '~k~at a 6-foot high masonry b'lock wal7. shall be constructed alang the ~ast and easterly p~rt~~~n of the nor.th propecty line ot ~aid wa1Z prior to final building inspectioi~. 20. That the uwner of subjeck pr~perty shall submit a letter requesting terminakic~n of Varian~~~ No. 314:1 and Conditional Us2 Permit I~o. 2211 to the Plann.ing De~artment. 21. Tk~at sub;ject property shall be develoued ~ubstantially in accordance with plans and specif:ic~ations on iile with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 1.:, exc~uding the ~ree-standing restaurant. 22. That in conformance ~aith Zoning Code Section pertaini..ng to nan-conforming uses, ~he th~ee (3? Aillboards currently existing on subject property shall be cemoved. -5-• PC84-•147 fA~l~ ~7. TF~a~ no buildiny ~ermits :,rial.l be issued for ~iny pror~osed rest~ur~~nt cn the ~r.aper~y, except-. tallawing a~prov~,l oE a:;~narate condition~l u~~~' Pecmit Lor :;uc;h use. 24. Tt~~~t pr. ior to the commencern~~nt~. oF che acl• ivity aul:h~rized und~;r this re~saauLion, or prior to the time that a bu.ilding permxt is issued, or within a~~eriocJ of one ye~~r Ern;n L•h~ clate c,f this rc~soJ.ution, whichever occuxs first, Co~dition Nc~s. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 20 and 22, above-rn~ntioned, sha1:1 ':~~ complied wiL•h. Extensiuns furrher ~ime to complet:e said conditions may !~e a-anted in accordance with Section 18.03.090 0~ tk~e Anahei~? Mur~icipal Code. °-.~- 25. That prior i~, f inal bui.lding and •r.on~.ng inspectiuns, Condi,tion Nos. 8~ 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, ].9 and 7.1, abc~ve-m~ntidned, s1~a11 be co~r,plied wiEh. B~ IT FUFtTHt,lt F.~SOLVE~ t~,at the Anah~im City Flanning Commi.ssi~n c~oes herEby find anci determ.ine tt~at adapti~n of this Resolution is expr.essly predir.ate~ upon a~7plicant's compliance with ea:;h and all ~f the conditions hereina~ove set forth. Shou.ld any such conditi.ori~, or any part. thereof, b~ declared ine~alid or unenforceable by t:~e Final judgment of any court of competent jurisdictxon, then this Kesalution, ar~d any ap~,rov~l.s herein contained, sh~ll be deemed nul.l and voi.d. THE E'OREGOING RESOLU'PIUN is sig~ied and approve~~ by me this 23rd day ~f .Tu1y, 1984. , ~' - ~ ~:; , ~',. ` a~ ; CI•IAIRWUMAN, PRO TEMPC`' ~ "r"'""- ANANEIM CI'PX PLANNINv COMMISSIOh ATTESZ•: ~ L_ i ~ ~.~..~~ ~ ~, ' _ ,~ SECRE'tAF2Y, ANAHL•'IM Ci'rY PLANNING COMMISSIUN STATE OF CALIEQRNTA ) COUNTY O~ ORANGE ) ~;, ~ CI'PY OF ANAHEltq ) 1, ~dith L. Narris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning CUmmission, do hereby ^.~~rtify that rhe fo[egnj,~9 res~lulion was ~ adopted at a rnee-.ing of the Anaheim Cit ? Pa3seci and 1984, by the foilowin~~ vute ot the members thr~reof. ~ommission hel.d un July 23, AY~S: COMMISSiONL•'RS: BCUA;;, Ii[SSHQN.E, f~Ky, KING, LA CI.AIRE, MC BURNGY NUEy; ~~AMMISSIUNEf2S: NONE ABSE;NT; COMMISS~CONERS: H`;RBST !DI WtTt~ESS WH~RFOF, I have hereunto rFt my hand tF;is 'l3rd day ~f Ju:y, 1984. . .~ .~ ~ ~ ,~' ~~.~ ._._._ ~_ S~CRETARY, A:VAHETM CITX PI,ANNTNG COMMISSION -6- PC84-147 ~~~a., . . . .