PC 84-148~"',,'~ i2ESOLU'1'ION lJO. l~C84-1.~8 ,+.ti"~ A Ri~SULU'PIUN OE' '1'El~l AI~AHf'tM CI'1'Y PLANNTNG COMMISSION 'rI~A'1' PL7.'I`!'IUN FOR CONllITIONAI, U5G NEFMI'T' N0. 1597 ~3E GRAN7'b;.U, IN t~ART WH~REAS, the Anaheim Ci.ty P.lanning Commission did r.~ceive a veri; ied Pakition .Cor Conditiorial Use Permit Erom TFXACU ANAHH:Th1 HT[,f~S, INC., c/o THE GUNSTUIt r•1p,"I, COMPANY, 3£i0 Anaheim Hills Ro~d, Ar~aheim, Califorr-ia 42807, ~wner, ~,nd ,LNIOR INNS U!~ AME.RICA, 2G9) White Road, Irvine, C~1iFor.nia 92714, A`i'TN: GEORGE HANSEN, agent For cHrtain r~al property situated in the Ci~y of Anaheim, County of UrangE, ~tate of Ca1.i.Eornia, descrihHC~ as: PARCEL A; ALL THi~T C.ER'1'P.IN LU`!', P.IFCG AI~1D PARCEL OP' GANll SI'I'UATE, LYING AND E3EING TN THE CT'PY nF ?~naAHEIM, COUN't'Y OI' ORAtvG~, STAT~ OF CALTFORNIA, KI30WN AND UFSCftTBCD AS PARCEL 1 ON 1~ARCEL MAP Nq. 2$y FTLED UN APRIL 5, 1973, IN ~OUK 50, PAGG 43 OP' PARC~L h1AP5 IN TIiE OFFICE OE THE CqUN'.C~ F2F.;C:ORDER OL' SAID COUN'.L'Y~ SAVSNG AND EXCEPTING TH~REFROM A;iTRIP UF LAND 2b FL•'E'1' WID~ LXING NORTHEASTERLY OF THA'.C CE~ItTAIN C'UURSE I[V THE WES'PE~2LY LINE OF aAID PARC~;L 1 SHC4VN ON THF AFURESAIU PARCEL MAP 2£39 AS NORTH 19° 08' U3" WES`l^ I86.8$ FEG`.C, WH:iCEi 5AID 26 ['OOT STRI.P Ob' LANU IS ~HOWN ON LOT L;NE ADJUSTMf:NT PLA7.' RECARDED ~TUN~ 27, 1978, IN BUOK 1.2706, PAG~ 1364, OFFICTA.L RECORDS OE UltANGE COUNTX, CALIEOFtNTA. WEtEREAS, the City Planning Commissaon dzd hold a p~.tblic hearing at tt~e Civic Cenker in the City of Anaheim ~,n Ju1y 2:1, 1989, at 1:3U p.m,, notice of said public hear.ing having been ~uly given as raquired by law and in accorclance wi.th thn provisions uf the Anaheim Mur.icipal Code, Chapter 18.p3, to hear. and consider evidence tor ana against said pruposed conditional ~!se permi.t and to investigatc and malc~~ f..indings and recommendations in connecL•fon th~rewith; and WEiE;ttEAS, said Commi.ssion, a.fLPr due inspection, invest.iyation and study made by itselt and in its behalf, and aftF,r ciue consideration uf all evidence ana repor.ts nFfered at sazd hearing, dce~ fincl and determine the folluwing facts: 1. '~hat. the propose~ use i:; pro~~rly one f.or w~i.ch a conditional use per;nit is authorizc~d by Anahe ~ Mur-ic~.E~al Code Sectxons 18.06.080, 18.44.05G.305, ar~d to wit: to c~nstruc~ a 46-foot tiigh, 130--room seni~r citizens' r~tirement f,:cility with wai.vers of thP fo2lowing: (a) S~CT10N 18.U6.050.U13 - Minimum number ~ tvpe of parkin4 spACes. ANb 18.44.066~05U (].04 covered, spaces r.equfred; 30 open spaces p:oposcd) (b} sNC'P1GN 18.4~3.068 - i~~uired ~ice scr~enin~a. ~FQ275r PC84-148 ~;~ , ~. r~~ ~ 2. mh~t the requ~stec~ w~iver (a) is hereby granted on the basis of the resirlent:s in the propos~d usc~ wil]. be G'l ye~rs of age or older and a 1ar.g~ percenL•age wi.ll not drive vehicl~s, ~-~nd on tt~e basis that i:he parking variance will not aause ~n increase in tratfic congestion in the immediate vicinity~ nor adversely ~fEect any adjoininy land uses; thah i:he gr~nting of t:he parking variance ui~dei the condi.tions impos~d, it any, w.ill. not be detrimental Lo the peace, hea~th, sa~ety or gerieral wel.fare o~ rhe cii:.izens of the City of An~aheim; and EurCher on rhe b~~is l:hat the petitioner stipula~ed at the public hearing that in the ev~nt a parking ciefici~ncy or.c:urs, as demonstrated in a parking demand study, additianal parking wi11 be pravid~d but need not pxceed 35 ~paces, and that a cut~en~nt wi11 bQ recnrded oblic~ating the petitioner anr~ any fut-uxe a~signee: to provide such ~:arking if. a deficiency is found to e.cist. :~. Th~t the pro~osed us~ is hereby granted on L•he basis that the petit.~~ner stipulated rhat a:.~ units would have fire sprink]er systems ~:~nd smake alarms and also that a~ l.~aSk one ~f the E1P.Vd~OY'~ will be wide enough to aecommodate a gurney in a horizantal posit.ion. 4. That t;~e r~~quesl•ed waiver (b) is hereby denied on hhe bas:is th~:~ although Code requires a 6-••foot high masonry wall or landscaped earthen berm adjacent to resi.dentially-zoned propertie~ and ~he approved exhibiks i.ndicate no such si.te screening acijac~nt to the northwest and northeast proper~y lines, Subsection of the Anaheim Municipal Cod2 speci.fies that all site clevelopm2nt sLar;dards (other than parking) Far senior citizens' re~ic~entia2 developments shall be established by conditiona.l use permi~; and therefore, the wai.ver is unnecessary. 5. ~rhat the proposed u,se, as granted, will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and ~he groa:th and deve.lopment of. rhe ac•ea in which :.t i~ propo~ed to be lucated. 6. 7.'E~at the :ize and shape af the si.te proposed for the use, as granted, i.s adequate t.o a11oh the fu11 development of. the propaseci iase in a mannec not detrimental to the partir.ular area nox to the peace, hea~th, safeky and general welfare of the Citizens o£ the City of Anuheim. 7. That the granting of the C~nditional Use Permit under the conditiorts imp~sed, if an,y, wi11 not be detrimental to the peace, het~lth, safety and yeneral welfare oi the Citi~ens of the City of Anaheim. 8. That ~he traf£ic generated by the proposed use ~rill not impose an undue burden upon the streets a~~d higi~ways designed and imprcved to carry the traffic in r.he arPa. 9. Thdk no one indicated tiis pre~E~nce at said public t~earing in ~ppasition; and that no correspondence was ceceived in opposirion to the ~ubject petitLon. CNVIRONMkNTAL IMPACT ~INDING: That the Anaheirr Cit,~ Plannin~ Commi~sion has reviewQd the proposal to consktuct a 46-Foot higl~, .130-room senior citizens' retirement facility with waiver of min.imuri number and type of parking spaces on an irregularly-shaped parcel of l~nd con~i.sL•fng oF approximately 3.5 acre~ haviny approximal~ fror~tages ot 39.5 feet on the nartheast side oi• An~lieim Hil.ls P.oad and 89 feel• on ~he n~rthwesl• side ~f Canyon Rim Haad and furtt~~~r desccibed ,~s 380 South Anaheim Hill~ Road; and dc~e~ `~` PC84-].48 0~+'~:*~,~:u~.,.~::~v;:ti~.,,...:.:. ~..;.:....,.. . ~lj~i r~`' hprebY appru~•e Lhc Negativ~ Uec.laration ~p~n finding that it has r.o:~siderec7 the ~'' ~''s~ Negati.ve 17ec1aration ~ogethc~r with any commc~nts received duririg th~ ub ' , review process and turlher f.inding on th~ basis oE the i,nitial ~ p llc ,.r±~ comments received thaL• L-h~re iy no ; ~~udy and any Z hav~ a signi£ir~nt ~Pfecl: on the envir n~ ~n~tial evader~ce that the pr.~}ect wi11 ~ NUW, 7'EIG.kE;FOFtF ~ ~ ~ BE Ir RESOL,VEU that ~h~ Anar~Eim City Planniny Cc~mmission c]oES t•iereby granl- ~ubjeci: Petition ~or Cor~ditional [~se ~ermit, upon , the Fo1low.ing canditians which are hereby £~uni~ to b~ a necessar ;,'# to thE proposed us~~ of the sub=ect Y Prerequisite ,..~ genera.l welfare ~f r_h~ Cit.:izens a.E therCity oF A1 ~heim•~ ~r~serve the safety anc~ .l• That L-he owner oE subjecl• property shall. f~~ for tree lantin p PaY to tt~e City of Anahaim a p g pur qses along Anaheim Hi11s Raad and Car.yon Rim Raad in an amount as determined by the City Council. 2• `i'hat priar to issuanc~~ of a building permii: shall be ~aid to the City of Anaheim, in an pmountya.sadetermined ~by the Office ct th~ Utilitie;~ Ge~neral Managez. 3• 'rhat prior to issuance oP a buildin recreation in-lieu Fees sl~a11 be g~ermit, appropriate park and amount as deter~nined by the City Copa~al to the City oF P.n,3h~im .i.n an 4. ThaL prior to issuance af a buildin ~igndl assessment fee sha11 ~~ g~'ryrtnil~ the a,r,~,xopriate trafEic amount as determined by the City ~uncil forheactl nPw~dwellingyun t. a~ 5• ~'h~~ prior. to is~uance of a buii~ling permit, the owner of subject property sh~J.l pay the a~propriake drainage asse.sment Pees to the City of Anah~im in an amount as determiried by tl~e City Enginear. 6. That drainage oP subject property s;na.l..l be c~iypoSC~ ef in a manner :~atiNfactory to the City Engineer. 7• 2'hat subject r~roperty ~hall be served by underground utilities. 8• '1'hat pc•ior zo commencement ot st:ructural framing, fire hydrants shall be insta.l.led and chargEd as requireci and d~ter.mined t~ b~ necessary by the Ct~ief of th~ Fire DPpartment. 9• That nll requirements of 1Fire Zone 4, otherwise identi~ied as Fire Administ.r.alive Order No. 76-01, shall be met. Such requir~ments incl.ude, but are nol-. limil-ed to: chimney spark arres~ors, protected atkic anc] under floor openings, Class C or bet:ter rouEing an~terial and ~ne hcur fire resistive construction oi` horizontal surfaces i£ loc~ted within 20U Peet oF a~jacent brushland. 10. ThaC fire spr.inklers and smoke alarrrs ,,hall be installed zn eacti residenti~l unit as requircd b.y the Cit;~ Fire Marsha.ll. 1.1. Thur, trasF; storage axeas shall ~e provided in accordance with a plans on file with the Street MaintenancP ar~d Sanitukion Di.uisionproved 12. That tt;e vehicular access righl•s, except at approved access points, tr~ Anaheim Hills R~ad and Canyon Rim Road sha11 be de~icated to the City ~E Anaheim. -3- PC84-148 i ...we , .~. ..~•, 13. That al.l air condil•..ioning f~icilit.i.es sha11 b~ proPerly shielded fr~m view, anci the sound butfc~reci f:rom adjacent properties. 1~}. Th~t ii- com~~liance wil:h zo-~ing Code Secti:i.an, no roof. mauntecl equipment shal]. be permi.tLed. 15, 2'hat: prior ta is~ua~lc~ of a builc~ing permit, the ~pp'.icant cha11 present evid~nce sZtfsf.'actory to the ~hief Buildiiig Tnspector that the residential units wi_l]. be in r.~nFormarice with Noise Insalation St~:t~da.rds sp~ci.Eied in th~ Califu~nia Adminisrrative Cocle, Titl~ 25. 16. 'Ph~t p~iar to issuance of a building }~ermit, t•he applicant sha11 present evi.dence sati.sfactory to the Chief Bu.ilding Tnspect~r ~hai~ the prop~seii project is ,in con:tormanc:~ wi.L-h Council Policy Number 542 "Sound Attenuation in Residcntial Projec~s". 17. ThaE. the proposa.L shall complX with all ~igning requir~ments of the CL(SC) Zon~, unless a variance a.llowi.n~ s:ign waivers is approved by tl~ie Planning Commission or City Council. 18. That all on-site .Landscaping sha.ll be ~erpetuai'ly maintained and irrigated in conform~~nce with Cod~ standardU. ).9. That any proposec~ ~~~rking ~~re~ lighting fixt;ures .~ha11 be claw:l-lighted with a-naximum height of .12 feeL-. aaid 1~ghtin~ fixtuces shall be directed aw~y from adjacent property lir.~~ to protect the rF~sidential a,ntegrity of t-he area. 20. '.Chat if any of the relocated specimen ~.LP,4'5 on subject property fai:ls to survive, each such tree shall be replaced with a tree from L•he replacement l:ree list as required i-i the SC (5cenic Corridor. Overlay) Zone. 21. That the tenancy of subject facility sha].1 be restr.icted to gersons sixt,y-L-wo (G2) years of age or older; and ttiat a covPnant shall be recor~e~ by the nwn~rs of the property in a for;n approved bv the City Attorney so limiting such Ur.cu~ancy. 'l2. Tha-_ a mir,inum of two (2) un:its shal~ be pzovided and perpetually mainr.air-ed for use as h~ndiaapped units, as required by the Building Division. 23. 'rhat subjec~ property st~all be de~!eloped substantially in accordance wil•h plans and s~c~cifications on file with the City ~~ Anaheim marked Exhibit tyos. 1 throuyh 12• pravided, however, kha~ at least onP elevator shall be desiyned ta accommodate a gur-iey in a hor.i7ontal position. 24. Th~t in t:~e ~vent a parkiny deficiency ocr,urs following ~ccupancy of th~ subject property (said deficiency tiuving been ~emonstrated in a parking demand study to be Eunded by the property owner at the r~quest cf rhe City TrafEic ~ngineer and to be reviewed and approved b;~ the Teaffic Engineer), addikiorihl paxking (not to exceed 35 spaces) shall be prov~dec] in a manncr approved by t.he c:ity Traff.ic ~ngineer; and that a covenant shall be recorded in a form approved by the City Athorney's O:Efice obligatiny the pc~Citicner and any future assignees t~ pravide ~ucP~ pazking if a deficiency i~ found to exist. _q.. PC84-148 -/~ ,- ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~; "~ 13. Tt~at a11 air. condilioning facilitie: sha11 be view, 7nd the sound ~uffered from ad'ar,ent ~'roperlX shield~ci from J propertie., 19• `1'hat in compliance with zoning Code Section 18.s~4.061.Q32, no roof m~unted equipment sl-,all be perm~.t~ted. 1~• 2'hat priar ~o issuanc~ of a buildin r pres~nt EV1d~17C@ satisfacL•ory Fo the Chief Buildinyhln p ctor~ haththe r.esidential units wi11 be in con formance with NoisA Insu.lation Standards specifiecl in tt~e C~li~ornia Administrative Code, Tii:],e 25. 16. That prior to issuancc~ of, a bui].ding parmit, th~ applicant shal.l ~resent ~vidence sai:isL-actory to the Chief Buildiny In~pector ~hat ~he propos~d project .is in c~nforman~e with Council Policy Number 542 "Souncl Attenuation in ResidenEial Projects". 17. '1'hat tt;e proposal shall cornply with al~ signing requirements of the CL(SC) ~one, uniess a v~~riance allowing sig;~ waiv~rs is approved by ~he Planning Commi~sion ur City Council. 13. 'rhat a11 on-site landscaping sha11 be perpetually maintained and irrigated in confarm3ncP with C~de standards. 19. 2'Y~at any proposed parki.g area lighting fixtur.e, sha11 be dawn-lighted with a maximum height c.E 12 Eeet, Said lighting £ixtures sha11 be d9.rected away f~rom adjacent property lines to prok~ct the re;identa.al a.ntegrity o~ the area. 20. That if any of the relocated ~pecim~r- i:rees on subject property fails to survive, each such tree shall b~ replacPd with a tree from the replacement t:ree list as required in thc SC (Scenic Corridor Overlay) z~ne. 2i. 2'hat the tenancy of subjecL• facility shall be restrictec~ to persons sixty-twa (62) years of age nr older; and th,at a covenan~ sha11 be recorded by the osar~ers o£ the pr~perty in a form approved by the Cit~y Attorney so .imi~ing such occupancyo 22. That a minimu ~ of. two (2) of the ground-.floor uniEs shall ue prov.ided and perpetual_y maintained for use as handicapped uuits, as required by the Sui7ding Division. 23. That subject property sha11 be developed substantially in accordanc2 with p.lans and spec.ifications on file with ~he City of Anaheim markzd ~xhibit Nos. 1 l•hrough 12; provided, however, that at lPast one plevator sha11 k~e dESigned to accommodate a gurney in a horizontal ps~sition. 24. That in the event a purking deficiency occurs f~llowing occupancy of the subjer.t pr~perty (said deficiency having been demonstrated in a parking demand study to be funded by tihe prop~rty owner at the request of lhe Ci~y 7.'ra~fic Eng.ineer and to be reviewed ancl approved by the Traffic Engineer), additional r~arkinq {not to exceeci 35 spaces) shall be provided in a manner approvEd by the City Traffic Engineer; and that a covenant sha11 be recorded in a form approved by thA City Attorney's Office obligating the petitioner and any future assignees to provide suca parking if a deEiciency is found to exist. -4- PC84-148-~3 . ,. . - .,-.,'::i~~. ,,,., t,Y , i,,,; •; ~w~ ` ~'~~~ ~`,;~ ~5. That pr.zor L•a the comm~ncement of t:he activity authorized under lhis •, ~ aesolut.ion, or prior to ~h~ time tha~. a buildin ;`'? withi.n a periud uP one 9 permit is issued, or ~ year Er~m thp date of this rPSOluL•ion~ ~ ;~hicliev~~c occurs first, Cor.dition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, J.S, 16, 21 '''! and 24, aY~ove-mentioned, shall be compl.ied with. Extensi.ons for '-~~ further time to complete said conditions may be granted in accordance with Section 18.03.U90 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. ~' i '~ 76• That prior to f~n~l build.ing and zoning i~spections, Condition Nos. 6, ~; 7. 9~ 10, 11, 13, 19, 22 and 23, above-mentioned, sha11 be complied with. ,,, BE t7.' r'URZ~HE.R HESULVED that the ~nah~im City Planning Commission <~oes hereby find and determir,~ that adoption of this Resolution is e~;pressly pred.icated upun applicant's ccniplianc:e with each and a11 of thP conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such c~nditions, or any p~rk thereo£, be dec].ar~.~ invalid or unenforceable by the Eina1 jtadgmeiit of any court of competen~: jurisd~.ction, ~hen this Resolution, and any approvals herein contaaneci, shall b,s de~med null and void, '[Hr FCREGOING RESOLU'.CION .is s.igned and approved by me this 23rd day ~f ~~lY, 1984. , , ~., ~ -` ~' '1--~ ~- < 'ti ~ ~_ ' C ! c'c , ~, GHAIRWOMAN, PRO TEt9.PORE ' ANAHEIM CI2'Y PL~NNING ~UMMISSION AT~.CEST: `_~~ Q ~ f ' ? ,~,, :!'/L•'I:..~ SECRETARX, ANAHEIM CITY~ALANNING COMMISSIGN STA~rE OF r.ALiFGRNTA ) COUNTY UF OHANGE; j as~ CITY OE' ANAHEIM ) I~ Edith L,., Harris, Secretary of tl~,e Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby ~ertify chak the foregoing resolutioi~ was passed and adopted at a mPeting of the Anaheim CiCy Planning Commi~sion held on Ju].y 23, 1984, by 1:he following vote ot the member~ thereo.f: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMM7SSIONERS: ADSEN~': COMMISSION~RS: JN ~1I7'PIESS WHF, .198~. BOUAS, BrJSHORF, ~RY, KING, I,~ CLaIRE, MC: BURNEY NON C HFRBST R~OF, I have hereunt~ set my ha;~d this 23rd day c,f ~TUIy, /i' ~k' ~~ ~ , ,~'' C~ -. ~ • Q~.- ' dC ° .~l .'LG ~, SL•'CR~;TARY, ANAfiEIM CITY k'LP.NNI~G COMMIS~ION l'e l -5- PC84-148