PC 84-15.._.....~,..,. ;., ; . . ,,.nw 1 RESOLUTIC~N ~lU. PC84-15 F+ RESVLUTION OF `.CHE ANAHGIM CITY PI,ANNTNG CUMMISSION TEI2MINATING ALI~ PFtQCEEDIPIV;.i IN CONNECTTUDI WI'~'H COI~DIT70NAL USE PF.RMI'P N0. 1724 WE~FREAS, on July 6, 1977, CondiL-ional Use Per.mit No. 1724 ~aas gr.anted unrler. Reso].ution No. Pc'77-147 by thF Anaheim City Planning Cor~mi.ssic7 to per.mit rzuck and t~rai'.er. rentals on a r.ectangul~r.].,y-~shaped par.cel of ].anr.7 cor~sisting of appra:cimately 0.6 acr.e located appcoximately 126 feet south of the :.enterline of Water. SlzEet, havzny a frontaye of ap~ro,timately 261 feet on the eas4. side of Anaheim Boulevar.d and having a de~th of approximately 107 Eeet, WHEREAS, W. D. Guthr.ie, tl•-Haul Company of Orange County, has submitted a letL-er requesting tFr.~nination uf Conditional Use Per.mit No. 1724 in satisfaction af a condition of Conclitional Use P~rmit I~o. 2515, ~r.anked an Decembez 12, 19d3, to per.mit expasxsion of a tr.uck and kraiier cental facilitX on subject pxoperty tvith waivez of the minimum numbPr of parking spaces. NpC~, THGREFORE, BE I'P RESOLVED that the An,~r,eim City Planning Commissi.on does hexeby ter.minate all ,proceedings of ConaiL-ional iJse Per.mit No. 1724 on the basis of the f.ozegoing findings. THE FORh'GOI~1G 1~~SOLU`PION i~: :~a.gned ~~nd appr.oved by me this 23rd day of January, 1989. ., ~ ~~r;%.- ~~ ~~' ~ ~~<•:i,G/..,/ ~ .,!`~.1. f -,~..., CHAXI2WOMAN, Fj AHEIM C?TY I~T~ANNING COMMtSSION ATTE~iT : ~ / ;r~ ,,~/ ~ -,~L,~Lit: -~..~:., J SE(;RETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMM'lSSION STATE OF CALIEQRNIA COUN`t'Y OF GRANGE ) ss. CITY ~F ANAHEIM. ) I, Edith L. Eiaxr.is, Secr.el-ary of th~: Anaheim City Planning Commi~sion, do here~y cextify that trie f.orPgoing r.asolution was passed ar.d aclApted at a meeting of thE Anaheim City Planning Commis~ion held on Januar.y 23, 198:, by the following vote of the members ther.eof: AYLS: COMMI:SJONEKS: BOUAS, BUSHOKE~ FRY, HF.RFSST, KIhG, LA CLAIRE, MC BUR.NEY NOGS: COMMISSIONEP.S: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSION~RS: ~IONE IN WITNESS WHEREOr, I have hereun~u set my hand tt~is 23rd day uf Januaxy, 1984. - ~ "%'aC~.~~'~ ~ ~~`'l.tiz.~ SEC}tETARY, ANA~IFIM CITY PLP.NNING COMMISSIC_I ~Ol~lt P~84-15