PC 84-150~ .~I~A . . ',Y RESOLUTION NU, PC84-150 .~ A RESOI~U'I'ION UF 'rHE AP~Af3EIh1 CTTY PLANN :NG CONIMISSION ;, AMENDT[dCi l':ONnI'PIONS 0~ APPROVAL OF' CONDITIONAL UuE PERMIT N0. ],14i °~ 1~l-I~R~AS, Conditional Use Perrtiit No. 1142 i:o p~rmir the expansion of an existing truck ~e.rvice station and storage yard, including fut~~re development of a restaurant ~~us grant~d by the P1~~nni.ng Commission on November. 17, 1~6!~, Resolutic~n Nu. PCG9-229, and amenc]ed on Decemb~r 29, 1969, R~solution rlq. PC69~265, subject t:o thP foliowing con9itions: 1. That the owr~crs of sui~jecL property shall deec] to the City of Anaheim a sLrip oF land 45 feet in width on Blue Gum Street, and 32 feet in width ~n Coronado Str~et, from th? center7.ine of the street, far str~ei: wid~ning purpos~s. 2• Tt~at a11 engin~erin5~ requirements of the Ci.ty of Anaheim a,ioqg f3:1ue ~um Street and Coronacio Street, including preparation of. improvernent plans and installatzon af a11 improvements, such as cur~s ~and gut*ers, sidewalks, street grading and pa~~ing, drainage facili.fiies, or other appurtenant work shall be complied with as required ~~~ the ~~rY ~ngineer and in accordance with standard ~;ia-;~ and s~ecific:ations on fi.lc in the ofFice of i.~~e Cit.y Engi~neer; that str~~et 1i.ghting f~cil.ities a'lonr~ B1ue Gurn Str~et and Coror~ado Street sha~.1 be installed as r~quired by the Director of Public Utilit'.es; and that a bond in an amount and furm satisfactory to th~ City of An~heim sha11 be posted ~Jith th~ c:it-y to guarantee the ins~:a].1ati~n of the ab ove mentioned requirements; provid~d, that a bon~.~ may he posted to ensur.e L•he inst~Zllat;.on oi said improvemerits a].onc, Coronado Street at such time us th~ southerly hortion o.E the p:oper'cy is de~~eloped . 3• That trash areas shall be pr.ovided ~n acrordanre with approved pla^s on file with the oEfice of the Director of Public Wurks. ~• Tt~at fire hy~rants shall be installed as required and determiner~ to be necessa ry by the Chie~ o~ the F'ir.~ Department. 5. That a11 aiw~-condition:ing Facilities sha1.1 be properly shieided L•rom view, b. That the exisL•ing strucL•ur~s sha11 be brought up to minimum standards o€ the City of Anaheim, including the Unitorm Buflding, ~lumbing, Electri^a1, Housing, Mechanical and I'ire CodES as adopted by t~he City o£ AnahEim. 7~ That the entire area ~f subject property, excepting s~r•.~cture locations and requir.ed 1anc~scaping areas, shail b~ pavc:d prior to utilization of sub;ect property foz the purposes granked under this c:anditional use permit; provicied, however, any pcrtion of ,~ubject prnperty that is not to be used or developed fo.r ~:he activities #027%r PC84-15U r '•. granted hert~.in necd not be paved unr_i.], such us~ ~~ such areAS is cont:empl«ked; and tur.lher pruvi ded, th7h a temporar.y barrier suffic:i~nt tc~ pc~v~~nt the movement o~ tr ucks and other vehicles Er~m E~avGd ~~reeis ~o unp~av~d ~~reas, sha.il be consL-ructed alon~3 the k,oundacie:~ se parating said paved areas kram tiaid unpaved aceas in ord~~r to ~revent i:he cr.eal:ion oE a nuisance due t~ dus~. 3. 7'hat Conrl.ition Nos. 1, 'l, 3, 9, 5, 6 znd 7, above-mentionec3, ~hall be complied with within a period ~f GO ~3ays f.r.om date her~aE, or such ott~er time as the Planning Comrnission or City Council sha11 dQCermine. 9. That ~~lans for the pro~osed service ~~tati~n at the northwest cozner of 131ue Gum and Coronado 5treets shall he pre~ented tio the Planning Commission [or approval of plans prior to the issuance of. a building permit for said s~rvict station, and that s.~id servi.ce station shall be developed subsl.antial.ly in accordance with the adopted Service Stati~n Minimum Site Develc~prnent Standards; and further pravided that any new struct.ures in addil•ior~ to the servicF~ station sha11 ..on.form to the City Council Metal I~uildiny Policy, prior to E.inal building and zoning inspections. 10. That subject pr.operty shali be developed substantially in accordance with plans and ~pecificakions on file with the Cicy of Anaheirti marked E:chibit No. 1, provided, however, that a G-f~ot masonry wall shall be constracted along the alue Gum SEreet fcontage, to thc• rear o.£ the required sF~tback, tur the full distanc~ oE tt-e property tt~at is proposed Lor devel~prnent• at this lime, within GO days from date hereof; and that if ~ny addit.ional property is develnped soiitherly along Blue Gum Street, said 6-fo~t m~sonry wait shall be extended southerly t~ Cor~nado Sr.ree~ as required by l:he Planning Commission. 11. That a bnnd in an amount and form satisfactory to ~he City of Anaheim shall be Po:~ted ta insure the co~~structfon ~~f a 6-foot rna.~onry wa11 a'long L•t~e Coronado Street fconrage at such time as the remaindpr of the ~roperty i:, deve.toped, said bond to be fi.leci w.ith khe City within 6G days from date her.eof. 1'l. That a minimum G-foot wicle plant;er irea with adequate irrigar_ion facilitir-s, sh~ll be provided for the tu1.1 distance of the west and north ~r~~perty lines, and that said plante: area st-all b~ planted with 5-gallon Acacia Latifolia planted ori 10-f~ot ceiiters and 15•-c~all.on Canary Island Pines~ planted between the Acac:i.a shrubs, on .i0-foot centers; £urthHrmore, that said landscape plantfng shall bn s~bject to thE approval~ of. th~ i'arkway Maintenance Superintendent. Sairj landscapi.:g sh<~11 be planted within 60 days from das:e hereoE and sh~ 11 l~e permanently ma.intained. 13. Tlzat a 6-C:oot chain link fenc~ ahall :,e can5~ructed along the full dis~ance oE the so~:~~:.ccly boundary oE ch~ ar~a prapos~d f.or immediatc development - located approximalely 200 Eeet nottt~ of Coron..~do Stre~~, within 60 days Crom date hereof. -Z- PC64-150 1.4. '1'hat a 6-foot: wide plantet ar~~i w.irh adequate irrigation £aciYities sh~11 ~~~ provided c~djacent to ~aid ch~a:in 1 ink Eenr,e, alang t.he south~~rly houndary and sai~l ~.1~7ntcr are.~ shall be 5-c~a7.lon nuacia L~tifoli~ ~~lantec7 an .~0-faot cEnlers ~ nc~ 1'15~ witt~ Canary island Pici~~s, E~.lan~ed between the Ar.acia' r 9a11en cen~et~s; Eurth~rmore, that said landsca~e plantinghs`hall be 30b~ecL• to the approvr~.l or rhe Parkway Mainlcn~znce aup~r. inte~ident . Sai.d landscaping shal.l b~ planted with:ir, 6U days ~rom d~te hereof and ~h~11 be permane-itly rna.inkained, WH^REAS, t}ie petitioner has requt~sted amendrnent Lo Condition Nos. 2, 3, 7, ~, 10, 12 an~ 1~ o.E~ P.lanning Commi;;sion Resolution No. PC69-265 as follows; ~. Cond.it.ion No. 2 requires that all street improvements tu be insta.l].ed alony I3.lue Gum and C~ronadc 5treet~ which bound thP Properkl oi~ the cast and soutt~. A1.]. improvemerits t~ave neEn install~d except str~eet lights. Tne a~lxcant reguest~ that the rP~- uirement for ; ---L_._._ ~treet jlqht inUta,l].ation be dEla ed for a perind of five (5) vears or until a buildin ~~r ~~n new ~onstruction___, wt_ ~~~hever occurs ~rmit is issued firsl. B• Condi.tion No. 3 requires the constructzon of trash storaye ar,as. The appli.cant re uests this conditiur. be deleted~CUase pr~Sen~~•Y. all crash conta'.ners are wiL•hin the enclosed vard. When any ~wVec~nstrGCaiony occursa trash enclus~~res may be r~quzred. ~• Coiiditior~ No. 7 require;; that ~~11 areas of the trucks circulate shall t~e Aroperty whe:e paved and precludes the use of unpavec! areas for truck circul_;tion or ~tor~-~~e. i_he_ applicant reguests this con~_ ition be ar.~~nde~! to ~er.miL- the remaininq un aved stura~e areas tu ~~ i;A~ and mainta~ned1wi_ th oilpd decompc~secl granite. D• Condi',:ion No, 9 pertains to r_onstruction of a service ~tation. ThP ~.~~plicai-t indicate~~rvice station is iio 1on er pro osed and1 therefore. thi~ condition can be deleted. E• Condition No. 10 pertains to development in accordance with Extiibit No. 1 and requires a G--foot hi.gh block wa11 ko be constructed behir~d the setback al~ng ttie property's entire frontage adjacent to Blue Gum Street•. The servir.e statfon shown an t•he exhi.bit iy no longpr proposed and currentl th~ appli.cant, the block wal.l. run~ foc on1 a y' a~QUrding to ; front~,ge along B1ue Gurn Street. 'Che south rl portion of the ! ~raperty alon Blue Y porti~n oP ~he ~ 9 Gum Street is site s~:reened wlth ylatted ~ cnafn iink fPncing. The applicant requ~sts thar thir~ condition ~ be deleted a11~r~zna ~he exfsting slatted ~hain link tenc:inq to ~ screen ttie vard rathPr ttian the r~guired block wall, Code p~r.mit:; enclosure o£ industrial stora e Currently, ~ 9 yards using c:hain ~ link fencing wx~h ~edwood cr cedar wood s.lats. - F f ~ 1 ~~ PC84-~50 ~ ji.°,~`. ~N~n~ t. Cond.i.tion No. 1'l r~quires the applica~:t to provide irrigated ~,lanter arc~as acijaceni: to the w~:;~ and north prop~r.Cy lines Lo screen the use Lrom adjointng in.dust.r.ial praperties. 7.whe a licant r.eques~y tt~iU conditi~n be atnen~9ecl er.mitl-in ~n existing ~lock wa.ll to screen t~he use alon~ the west properL-y line~ an~ ,pertnitt.i,n a ced,~r-alaCted chain link fenc:~~ to be constructe~J a.long the nor~h^property line. "+ G. Condi~ion No. 14 r~qi~ir.es a 6-Lout wide ir.rigaL-ed planter area adjacenr to U chain l.ink f:ence L•hat wa:, to be constc~cted al~ng the southeriy boundary of. Li~e paved ar~a o£ subject property, approximately 200 feet norl:h of Coronado SLreet. 'ehe applicanl- requests this condition be amended, c9eleting tt~e r~quirement f:or p].ants.^ The applicant indicated t.he yard is not visibl.e from Corunado Str.eet. Tt~e ap~licar~t is willing l•o install landscapiny along Cnronacio to satisPy current City Codes, bu~ not to the exacting sprcitic~t.ic~ns set f:orl'n in the c~ndition. WHEREAS, t~he City Planning Co-nmission dii~ hcld a public .hearing at the Civic C~nter in the City of Anahe.im on July 23, .1984, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearinq having been duly given as reguired by law and in accordanc~ wita the provisions of the Anahei.m Munici~~al Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evid~nce fc,r and against said proposPd amendment to certain conditions oi approval oE said conditional use permit and to invesligate and make f.ir~dings and rECOmmendations in connection therewii:h; and WHEREAa, said Commission, after due inspection, investigat:ton an~ s+~~idy made by its2lf and in its behaif, and after due co~~siderati.on o~ aIl evidence a~~~9 reports o.Ciered at said hearing, c9oes f.ind and ~eterm:ne that the conditions of approval. for Conditional Use Ptrmit No. 1~A2 sh~uld be amended to read as fulloNS: 1. 7'fial•. th~ owners of subj~ct propecty shall deed to the City oE Anaheim a strip of. iand 45 feet in wi.dth on Blue Gum Street, and 32 feet in widkh on Cocanado Street, From the c:enterline of the street, for street widening purposPs. 2. ThaL• witYiin a period ~f sixt,y (60) days frorr~ the date herein, street ].ighting €acilities along Blue Gum Street and ~oronado S~~reet shall be installed ~s required by the Dir~~ctor of Publi~~ C~tilities; or that a bond in an am~unt anc~ form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be p~sked with thc City to yuar.antee the in~tallation of the street lights wi.tk~in a pec iod of f ive ( 5) years f rom the date herein or prior. to i~suance oE bui.idin~ permits ~or any new conslruction, whic:hever occurs Eirst. 3. '.Ct~at Ei.re hydrants ehall be in.,talled as requiced and ueterminPd to be nc~cessary by lh~~ Chie£ ot the Fire Department. -4- PCt34-150 ~~ ~. '1'ha~ a11 air-conditioning L-ac.iliries sF~a11 be ~aroper.l~• shield~d £rom view. 5. Z~hat the exi~ting sL•ructures ~ha11 be brought up to minimu-n standards of the Ci.ty of Anaheim, inr.luding hhe Uniform 13uz].ding, Plumbiny, Electrical~ Mechanacal and rire Codes as adopted by the City of. Anaheim. 6. '~'hat all o.f su.bjecl pr.operty, except strUCture Zocations and reyuired landscapinc~ areas, sha].1 be paved pri.or to uL•ilizata.on of said pr~~perty for tt~e purpuses ycanteci under this conclitional use permit; provided, h~wever, that Lhe ar~as enclosed within the screene~3 storage yard may be treated and maintained witt~ oi.led decomposed gr~-~nite. 7. Tha4 Candition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, above-mentionedr shall t~e complied witl~ withi.n a period o~ sixty ( 60 ) ciays f rorn ~akP rpre=ri, or such other time as the Planning Corrmi~sion or City council ma;~ grant. 8. ~'hat subject prop~r~y sha11 be developed substantially in accordancE ~aith plans and sFecifications on fi.le with the City ~~ Anahei.s~, markeci Exhibi~ No. 1, except as otherwise required or permitted by these conditaons. 9. T.hat the uutdoor storage yard shall be entirely enclased Uy either 6-foot hzyh masonry block h~alls, or 6-Eoot hi.gh chsin link ~~~ncing intercaoven with wuad slats, or ariy combination thereofe 10. That the G-foot chain link Eence shall be maintainec3 alor.g the entire southe~ly boundar,y of the ar`a located approximately 200 feet nnrth of Coronado Streer. 11. That a£ive (5) £oot wide irrigated lar.dscaped area shall be provided and maintained adjacent to the south property line abutting Coronado Str.eet. ~'hat no one indicat-ed their presenr,e at s~id public hearing in opposition; and that no corr~spondence was received in oppositi.on ~o the subjpct p`titian. ENVIRO~IM~-~TAL iMPACT FINDING: That t.he Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commission has reviGwPd the proposal to amend certain conditions oF approval pertaining ~o expansion of an existing non-cr,nforming tcansit and tcsnsp~rtation eyuipment storage yard, incl.uding the establisliment- o~ an en~lr~sed r.estaurant with waiver of ~:nclosure of outdoQx uses on a rectanc~ularly-shaped parcel of lar-d consisting af aPpr~ximately 8.$7 acre3 l~c~t~d at the northweat corner o£ Coronado Street and BluP Gum Stc~et, having -5- PC84-].SA .•'"''\ ~~~prox±mate £r~ntages uf 615 fe~t on th~ west side ~E F3lu k3].ue Gum Sh reet ( Anahei.rn 7.'ru Declaration upon finding i:h tor,ether wiCh any comments furkhex finding on the basis that there is no Uubstantial effect on the environment. ~'""`, LeeC ori the norkh sic~e of Coronadu St.re~t ~nd ~2a e Gurn Strec,t, an~ FurCh~r described as 1231 North ck Depot ); anc~ c9aes r,~ceby apprav~ the Negai:ive at it has c:onsiderec~ the Negativ~ D~claration receivf~d during the publi.c review pra~:ess and uL- tt~~ Initial Sludy and any comments received evidc:~ce that tt~~ project wi11 have a sa.gnificant NaW, TH~It~['URE, BE TT RESULVGD lhat the ~,naheim City Plannzng Commission does hereby am~:nd ~h~ conditiuns of apprnval Eor subject Condit.icnal Use I~ermit, t~ read 4-~s shown above and are faund lo be a necessary prerequisite to ltie pr.oposed use ox the subj~ct ~roperL-y i.r~ order to preserve the safety and general .c1fGrE o~ the Citiz~ns of the City oL• Anaheim. BE IT ['UR`rHEH RESOLVED thaL the Anaheim City Planning Commi~sion do~s hereby find and determine that ado~tion of this R~s~luta.on is expre~sly ~rAdic~ted upon applicant's complianc~: with c~ach ancl all af. ~h~: conditions hereinabuve set fortt~. Shot~ld any such conditions, or any ~~:~rt th~reof, be declared in~alid or unen£orceable b,y tt~e final judgmen~ ot any court ~~ cor~petenL• jurisdiction, thFn this Res~luti~n, and a-iy ap~rovals l~erein cantaineci, sha11 be deemed null and void. THE FOREC;OING RESO.LUTION is sign~cl anc3 approved by me this 23rd da,y o~ ~7uly, 1984. , / . ~: :' /` C 1 ~. ~- • f ; ~; r1... ~ , I ~~c:~.. t. t . ! .. CilAIitWQMAN PRO TEMPORE A~AHEInI Ci~i~Y PLANNING CnMM2SSI0N AT`i'EST : _._~'~ `'~w ,,,_~ /~fG(~i.-L.:,`_.._ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSION ~TATE Ok' CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY Ok' ORANGE i ss. CS'1'Y UI' ANACiEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary o£ the Anaheim City P.',.anning Cotntnissiun, do hereby certify that the ~oregoing re~olution wa~ passed and ~dopted at a mceting oE the Anaheim Ci~y Planning Coinmisaion held on July 23, 1984, by the followin~ vote of the membPrs thereof: AYES: ~:OMMISSIONG125: 80UAS, BUSHOR::, F12X, E:ING, LA CJ~AIKE, MC BUF2NEY NO~,S: COMMISSIONER~: NONE ABSENZ': COMMISSIONE;f2S: HF.F2BST IN WITNESS WHEREOE, I have hereunto ~et my hand this 23rd day o±` July, 1984. '~ t~- / ^ ~ . _,,.__ ~~ (1.C,~,~G ,~_ [ ~--,L~~-..r ... `-'-~--r' SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CTTY PI~ANNING COMMISSlON '6- PC89-150