PC 84-151. . . . , <~t I~1.~•r~ti . . . .'...li'~~ RES_ ~LU''1'ION N0. PC84-~151 A FtESOL~UTT()N OF` THE ANAHE.CM CI'PY FLANNING COMMISSIQN 'rHA~.' PF.TTZ'JQN i OR VAl'ZIANCE NU. 34.11 f3~ GR11N`.CED WEIEREAS, th~ Anaheim City Plannirig Conmission did receive a verified P~titaon tor Variance Erom FiAWAIIAN V'ILLAGE FECREATI~N CLUB, c/o WILLTAM PpWELL, 2230 Gray~or. Avenue, Anaheim, Califocnia 9~&O1, own~t~, and WTLLIAM OHTIZ, 1379 Shannon Lanc, Costa Mesa, Cali~ornia 9262G, ayent for cer.tain real property situated ,in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State oi California desr.ribed as; THE LAND REE'ERREU TO IN TH]:S PRf•.'LIMINAF:Y TT'PLE REP(~RT IS A FEE UNLESS OTFi~;RWISE AESCTtI13F~ HEREIN, LOCA'~ED IN TI~IE STATE OF CALIF'OItNIA, C:OUN7.'Y OF O.RANGB AND TS DESCRIBED P.S FOLLOWS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 102 AND 103 OF TRAC`.P NO. 2659, Iv THL CTTY UF ANAHGTM, CUUI3TY Or URANGE, 5TATE OF CALII'ORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A M~1P THEREOF R~CORAEA IN BOOK a0, PAGES 5, 6, 7 AND $, M?SCEL'LANEGUS MAPS, RECOR~S QF SAID ORANGE COUNTY. F]HEREAS, the City Planning Gc~mmission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in Che Caty of Anaheim on July :?3, 1984, at 1:3U p.m., nakice of said public r~earing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anah~im ~yunicipal Code, Chapter 18.0~, ko hear and consider eviaence fo- and against said proposed variance and to investigate anc] mak~ findinys a:~~ -.,comm~nc~atior,;; in connection therewii:h; and WHEREAS, sa.icl Commissi~~~, after due inspe~tio~z, invest~gation and si:udy made by itsElf and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does f.iild an~ determine the fn~low.ing facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes cv~itrers of the following t.o construct two single~-family residences: (a) SE;CTION 18.26.p63.010 - Minimum ~ront vard setback. -----_.._~ (20 feet G_inches from Bro~khurst Street required; 5 feet proposed) (b) S~C'rION - OrientaLi~n of buil~inqs aciiacent to arteri.al hiohwavs. (rear-ori k~ t3rookhurst fitreet required; fcont-on pr~~osed) 2. '1'hal: the above-mentioned w~ivers are hereby ~ranted on t.he basi. that primary accey~ to t.he property r~ill bN from a put~lic a11ey to the west and on the basis that thece are ~pecial circumstances a,pplicable to the proper~y such as size, shape, topography, lucakion anci surroundings which do not appl,y to ottier identicaily zoned property in ~he sartie vicinit stri.ct application of the Zoning Code depr?ves the property, ofY~p ivilpges enjoyed by o*_her properties in th~ identical zone and cla~siFication i.n the vici~zity and subject to Interdepartmenta'1 Committee re:commenda~ions. #07.78r PC84-151 ~~,~ ,~,~:~,. 3. 'i'hat there a~e exceptional or extraordi.nary circumstances or conditions applicab].e i:o the praperty involveci or to the intended use of th~ praperty that do not apply generally to Lhe property or clas: of use in the sam~ vicinity and zone. 4. That the requesteci vari~nc~ ia ner..e~sary far the pre~crvation anel enjoyment af a suustantial property r:'tght poss~ssE~d by nther properL•y in the same vicinity and ron~, and denied to the property in qu~stion. 5. That i:he requested var.ianc~ will nol be m~terially detrim~n~~:l to L-he public ivelt7re c~c injurious to the property ar impr.uvements in such v:icinity and zone i.n which the pruper.ty is lucated. 6. That no one indi.cated his pres~ncP at said public hearing in op~aosition; and that n~ cc~rr~spondence was receivad i.n opposition to subject petition. ENVIFtONMEN'.L'AL IMPACT FINDINC;: The Planning Director or his aut;~orized repre~entative has determined that ~he proposecl prejec~ falls within th~~ definition of Cat.ego±-ical Exemptions, C.lass 1, as c]efined in the State EIR Guidelines and is, therefor.e, categarically exempt from the requirement ta prepare an GIR. NOW, THEREFCRE, 1iG IT RESOLV~D that ~he Anaheim Cit,y Pl~nning Commissiun does hereby grant subject Petiti~n Lor Variar~ce, upon the f~llowing conditions wrich are hereby found to be a nec~~sseiry prerequisit~ to th~ proposed use oF thc: suUjec~ property i~~ ordsr to pre~erv~ ~he safety ar.d genezal wElfar.~ oF the Citizens of thG Cil-y af Anaheim: 1. That prior tu issuance oF a building permit, appropriat•e park and recr~uat.ion in-lieu ~ees sha.ll b~ paici to the City of AnahEi~r~ ira an amount as deter.minc~ by tYie Cit,y C~uncil. 2.. That prior to issuance uf a building permit, t.he appropriate traFfic signal as:essment fee stiall b~ paid to the City of Anaheim in an amount as determined by the .^.ity Ccaunci7. for each new dwelling unik. 3. 7.'hat ~he owner of subiect FJroperty shal:l irrevecably of.fer ko cledicate to the Cil•y of Anaheim a st~ip of land 60 feet in width from the centerline c~f the street along Brockhurst Street :Eor street wi.dening purposes. 4. That the vehicular access riyhts, except at ap!~roved access points, to Brookhurst Street st~all bP dec~i.cated to the City of Anaheiin. 5. 'Phat street lighting faci~.ities along Brookhurst Street Nha11 be installed as cequired by the Utilit~es Ceneral Manager in accordance wir.h sper,if.ications on file in trie OtPice of Utilities General Manager, ancf l•kiat ser.urity in th~ ~~rrn of a bond, certificat~ of deposit, letter of credit, or cash, in a-i amount and form satisfactory t~,i:he City of Anahei.m, shall be posted with the Ciky to guarantee the satisFactory comp].etion of the above-mertioned i.mprovements. Said security shall be post:ed wi.rh the City of An~heim pri~r to approval oF im~rovement ~lans. Ttie above-required improvemer~ts sha11 be installed pr.~or to occupancy. -2- PC£34-15]. ,;;~ 6• Tl~at Ehe own~r of- subject properry sha11 pay ~o l:hz City of Anaheim a Eee Eoz Lr~e plantir~g purposes along i3ro~khurst Street in an am~unt as determined by the City Council. 7. That drainage nf subject properky shall be c~isposed of in a manner ratisfackory ta the City Engineer. 8. Thal: subject property sha11 be served by unc~~rground titil.it:ies. 9. That all air conditioning faciliti~s sha11 be properly shielded from view, and the sound buffered from adjacen't pzoperLies. 10. That prior to iNsuanc~ of building permits, the applicank shal]. present evidence satisfactory to khe Chief Buxldi7g Irispector that thP residenti~l units wi11 be i.n conforman~e with Noise Insulation Standards specified in the Ca.lifocnia Administrative Code, ~Pitle 25. 17., That prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant ~hall. present evidencc satisfactory t:o the Chief Building InspQCtor that the pr.oposed project is in confr~rmancF with Council Policy Number 542 "Sound Attenuation in Residential Projects". 12. That Lhe owner oF subject property shall submit a let-ter requesting termination oL- Condii:ional U~~ Permit No. X-13 to ~tte Planning Depar.tment. 13. That subject property sha11 be developed substantially in awcordance with plans and specifi~ations on fi].e with the City of Anahe:tm marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 5. 14. 2'hat prior lo the time that a b~ailding permiE is iasued, or wikhi.n a period of one year trom L-he clate of thi~ re~oiu~ion, whichever occurs first, Condition Nus. 1, 2, 3, ~, 5, 6, 10, 11 and '12, above-menti~ned, shall k:e complied with. Extei~sions for further time to comp.lete said conditions may bF gran~ed in accardance with Secti~n 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 15. That prior to final buildinc~ and z~ning inspections, ~ondi.tion Nos. 7~ a~ ~~,nd 13, above-mentioned, sha~l b~ coniplied w.ith. F3E IZ' F'U~THER RESULVF:D tha~ tP~e AnahEim Ci~y P].anning Commission does hereby find and determine that adoptiora of tris Resolution i.s expreasly predicr~ted upon applicant's conip].iance with each ancl all of the condition~ hPrean~bov~ set forth. Should any such conditian, or any part i:hereo.f, bP declar~~d inva].id or unentorceable by the £inal judc~ment of any ~ourt of competent j~~risdiction, then this Resolution~ and 1ny appravals her~in contair.ed, sha.ll be deetn~d null an:l void. -3•- , PC84-151 ~ ~~ ,~ 'rF3L FQR~C,pTNG R~SOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 23rd day oF ~Tuly, 1984. ~ ~~ _. ~r. rY. . ~_ .. , . ;~ . (, . l~'~. C , ~ . CHAIRWOMAN, PRO T~MPORE ANAHFIM CI'.PY FLANNINC COMMISSIOI~' AT'rEST : ., / ^'~ \- I rC.II/1.~1-.7 --__~.~f~~J _~~~/ ~ aECRETARY, ANAHEIM CI7~'Y PLANNING COMMTSS70N 6TATB OF CALZFORNTA } COUNTY OF ORANGE ) S~, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ][, Edith L. Harris, aecretary of the Ar.ah~i:n City Planiiing Commission, do hereby cerkif~ tha~ the faregoing resol~ation was passed and adopted ak a meeting of the Anah~im Ci.~y Planning Commission hel.c~ on Juiy 23, ].984, by the following vot~ of the members thereof: AYES: CpMMISSIUN~RS: BOUAS, BUSH~RE, k'RX, KING, LA CLP.IR~, MC BURNFY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: I30NE laBSENT: COMMISSIONERS: HGRBST IN WTTNE$S WH~I2EOF, I t.ave hpr.eunto set my har.d i:his 23rd day of Jaly, 198~. ~. ~ ~/~~/ - ~~~~~ ~' /`L/~~~~t_..c SECRE'rARY, ANAHEIM CIT~ PLANNING CUMMISSION -4- PG84-151