PC 84-152,~ RESOLU'.PTON N0. PC84-152 A~2ESOLU`rIC~N Ok THE ANAE1f~IM CTTY PLANNING CC~MM:LSSION THA~.' PE`1'ITIUN 1~OR VARIANCF LJO. 3414 8C' GKAN~r~;n WEIEIR~'AS, the Anaheim Cii:y Planni.no Commission did recei.ve a vErifiec.~ Petita.on l:or Varianae ~rom (~EOi2GIA ROS~ WILL'lAMS, P. 0. Box 265, Samis~ Califc~rnia 93066, owner, and WILLIAM E~ HUGHBS AtJD STUART CALDER, 4621 Tel].ar Avenu?, Suite 130, Newport Be~ch, c:a.lifornia 92660, ag~r~*_ f.or certain real properky situated in the City of Anaheim, Cuunty of Orange, State of California described as: T•HAT ~URTIqN QF LUT 4 Or 'PtiE S`rOCKW~L~, SUBDIVISION ~1S SHOWN ON A MAF `rHE~2E0~' RECORDED 'IN BOOK 6, PAC,E 10 Or MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN TH~ OFF'ICP: UI' THL COUNTY R~C:ORDER OF SAIU COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOT,LOWS: ALGINNING AZ' THE ~ORTHEAS7'ERLY CORNER O[' SAID LQT ~; THENCF SOU'.i'HERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OE SAID 'LOT a, 241,77 F'EL•'T TO 7~HE F.,,ASTG22LX i'ROLONGA7.'IUN OF TE]E D10RTEIERLY LTNE OF TRACT N0. 5703~ AS SHOWN ON P, MAP '1'HERGOF RECORD~D IN BOOK 209, PAGES 26 ANll 27 OP SA:1D MISCE'LLANEO(JS MAPS; TI3ENCE ALONG SAID PROLONGA`1'ION At~D SAID NORTHERI,Y LINE, NORTH 88° 33' 00" WEST 629.91 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT TN SASD NORTHERL•Y LIN~; TH~IJC~ CONTIIJUING ALONG SAID NORTEiERLY LIN~, SOUTH 75° 12' 00" WES`P 27.00 F'EE'r 'PO AN ANGLE PO1'N7' THERF.IN; TEIENCE CONTINUTNG ALONG SAI~ NOR7'HERLY LTNE, SOUTEi a9° 58' 00" GJEST 560.00 FEET `~O THE EASTERLX LINE OF THE AZ'CHISON, TOPF.KA AND SANTA FE RAlLWAY'S 100.00 FOOT RTGHT OF WAY; THENCE; NORTHERLY ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE TO THE NOR`rEiERLY LINE OE' SAID LOT 4; TH~NC~ EAST~RLY ALOr]G SAID NORTHERLY LINE 2'0 THE POINT OE BEGINNING. EXCEP^1 THEREEROM THAT PQRTION THERFOF LYING WES'rBRLY Or T~iE ~;AST LINE OF THAT CERTAIN STRIP 0~' LANn, 75 EEET IN WIATH, AS D~SCRIBEll IN THE DI;ED TO THE ORANGE CQUN'.CY 'r'LOOD CONTROL DISTR.IC7', i2FCORDED APRIL 8, 1960 IN BOOK 518~, PAGE 451, UFFICtAL RECORDS. WI~EREAS, the City Pl~rining Commission did hold ~a public hearing at th~ Civic Center i.n the City of Anaheim on July 23, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said ~,~ublic hearing having been ~luly gi.ven as required by 1~w and in ac:cordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cunsider evidence for and against said proposed var.i.ance and to investigate and make findings and recummencfations in cannection therewith; and WHERLAS, said Commission, after du~ ins~ection, investigation and studl mac3e by itself and in its be?~alf., and after due consideration of all eviaence and r_eports off~red at said hearing, does finr~ and determine the following facts: #U279r :~.`.~ PC84-152 ~.n^~ 1• '.I'hat the petitioner. proposes a waiver of the cons~ruct a s~lf-storage facility; fo.llowii~g ~o ~~~_ `___r?~~ ~8.06~n50.031 - Minimum number ~~ ar•kin S dCP.S. AND 1a.61~pf>6.050 (156 saaces requir~d• , 9 s~eS Fropo~ed} 2• That the above-meni:ioned waiver is hereby granEed on ~he oL• the type oL use pr.oposed wtiich re uires on the ba~,is that L-he q less than Cr~de re uired ~azkxnb~~is park~ng variance wi11 n~~t cause an increase Fin traffic congestion in the i.mmediaL-e v.iciriity nar advel•se]. affecr. an usES; and that the .Y imposed, if an 9ranti.ng of the parking var.iattce y a~7oining land 5eneral welfareyof lhe cit LEns o£ the City of Anahe: undsr the canditions de~rimental co the ~ea~e, health, sagety nr 1 III . 3• That there ar~ exceptional or extraordinar c~nditi~ns applicable to the Y' circumstances prOl~er~Y that do n~~ a ~'roperty znvolved or to the intended use of UL same vicinit p~ly 9~nerally to the property or class af the Y and zone. use in ths 4• Ttiat th~ requesL•ed variance is necessar and enjoymeni: of a substantial property ri ht y~or ~r~e the same vicinity and zon~, and denied to ~he poss~ssed b Preservation y ~ther prnperty in property in guestion. 5• That L-he requested variance will not be to the public weJ.far•e or injurious to the ~nateriall vicinit propPrty or improve entst irrt~~such Y and zone in whi~•li the property is locatzd. 6• T}~,at no one indicated th~ir ~Pl~o~ition; a-id that no correspon~ence waspr.eceiveda ~,nSUld public hearing in pet.ition. pposition to subjeGt ENVIRQNN~FN'?'AL JMPACT FINDIt~G ~ ~ Cammission has r~viewed the ~hd~ the Anaheim Cit r.ectangular praPosal ta c~nstruct ~ Sp y planning y-shapec] parcel of land consisting ~f ~'~~Storage facility o, a ].ocated at thF southeast corner of K~nWOOd p,venue and ~st 3,tr et 1 a d~scribed as 1.1 acres Declaration ~ll~ri5 North East Street; and does ~ n~ further P findin herek~y appr•ove the Negative together wi~r, an g that it ha~ considerec' thn Negative Declaration Y comments rece,ived ~]uring the further fznding on the basis ~f rh~, Public review that th~.re i~ no substantial evidence thatilrhestud Process and y and any comments received effect un the environment. Aroject wi11 have a significanL- NOW, TEIERErpRE, ,BE TT RESOLVED thak Commission does hereby gran~ subject p~~iL-ion r"or. Va iance he.im ~~.t conditions which Y Planning are Y,ereby found ~~ be a ~ upon the following proposed use of the subje~t necessary prerequisi~e Eo the general r;elfare ~,E th~ Cxtizen,~of~the~,City a~dpnah~~n~p~~'~erve th~ safet Y and 1• Th~it prior to issuance of a building permit shall be paid i~o the Cit ~ Primary water main fees y of Anaheim~ in an amount as del:ermined k~y the O.f:fice of the Utiliries GEneral Manag~r. z• That ~rior to issuance of a build:in signal assessmcnt f~e ~hall be g permit, the appropriake traffic amount as determined b Paid to the City of Anaheim in an y lhe City Council fnr new industrial buildin3s. -2- ~c84-152 ~ ~ 3. That the owner ~f subject prc~perty shall irrevocably o.fFer to decli~cate to the City nf Anaheim a strip of land 45 feet in width £rom the centerline of the streeL- alang East atreet for street widening purpases. 4. That 111 engineeri.ny reyuiretnents of thN City ef Anaheim a1on~ F1ast Street anc~ I<~nwoocl Avenue, i~icluding greparation of ~mprovement plans and installation of ~11 improvements such as curbs and gutkers, sid2wulks, street grading and pavement, sewer and dr~linage facilities, ur ott~er appurten~nt worlc shall be compli ed wi~h as rEquirecl by the City Engineer and in a;:cordance witti specifications *~n Pile in the Of~ice af the City Engineer; and tt~at security in L-he f.orm uf a band, certificate of deposit, ].etter of credit, or cash, in ai~ amount and form sati~factory to the City of Anaheim, shall be ~astecl with tk~~ ~~ity to guarantee the satistactory com~letion of said im~rovements. Said security sha11 be posted with the City prior tc~ ~pprov~l o£ impr.ot~ement p1anG, to guaranCee i:he i.nstallation of the abr~ve-required improvem~nts ~rior. to occupancy. 5. 'rhat street li~h~:iny facilities ~~ ~~ng Cast St,:eei: shall be installed as required by the tJ~ilities General Manager in accordance with specificatians on file in the O.ffice of Uti].ities General Manager, and thac secixrity in tt~c form of a bond, certifir.ate af deposit, letter of credii:, or casho in an amount and farm satisfactory to the City of Anaheim, shall be po^+:ec' with the City t~ guaran~ee the saLis£actory completion of the above-mentioned in~provements. Said security sh~ll bE poste~i with the City of. Anaheim prior ce approval oi improvemeiit plans. The above-r~quired improvFments shall be ~ installed prior ko cccupancy. 6. 7.'hat the owner of subject property shail pay to the City o:E Anaheini a fee for streeL• lighting along Kenwood Avenue i~1 an amount as derermined by the C:ity Cauncil. 7. That drainage of subject property sha11 be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the Ci~y Lnyineer. ~. Thak subject propPrty shal'. be served by underground uti~iti.es. 9, 7.'hat prio.r to commencement of struc~ural framing, fire hydrants skiall be installed and charged as required and deter.mined to be necessary by the Chi~f of the Fire ~epartment. 3.0. That tirash storage area, shall be provided iri accor~~nce with approved plans on f.~.ile with the Si:reet Maintenance and Sanitation Division. 11. That all driveways shall be designed to accommodate ten (10) foat radius curb returns as reguired by the City TraFfic Engineer. 22. Z'hat fire sprink].ers shall b~ installed as requir~d by the City Fire Ma.rshall. -3- ~C84-~52 . ~,~,~~ 13. :PhaC ~~11 air cr~;iditionir~g l:acilities : ~i~'W, and t.he ~uurld buf:Eererl .CC~~m ~-~~ jic~~ntl ~~ Pr~perly ,;hielded from proper~ie~. 14. 't~hat thc~ proi~osal sh~;l.l comp].y with all sign.iny cequirements of the MI~ 'Lune, un.le~:; a varianer a.llowing ~ign w~1.ivers is ~pproved F~y the Planning Commission or Ci~y Coun~;l. 15• That the owner of subject property shal.l. suhmit a letter requestin termination oF Variance No. 2174 to the Planning Department. g 16 That subject property sha.ll be deve.loped sub~tantiall with plans and s~ecificalions on file with the City oC AnaheimUmarked Exhibit Nc~s. 1 through 3. ~ 7• 'rt~at prior to the tirnc: tl~at a buildin 9 ~ period of fln~~ yea r Crorn the date of thi ptrmit is is~ ~ed, ox within a first, Condition No~. 1, ?., 3, 4 5 s re~;o;ution, 6 whichever occu~s shall be cumplied c di with. , ~xt~n~~~n~ ' Eor ~ and 15, furth above-mentioned, on kion, may ~e Anaheim Muni ci l granced in accordance er time with Section to coniplete sa,id 18 03 . pa c:ode. . .090 of tt~e 18• That prior to final building and zonin ~. a~ 10, 11, 12, 13 and 16 above- ~, g inspect•ians, Condition ~1os. ~ nti,oned, shall b~ complied wi~h, ly• That in l-he event tbe self-s~oraqe ~acility building converts to an other use, additional off-site y ~3er,~and stuc~y p;.,id For b P~rkiny, as determined in a~arking Traffic Engineer, shall b~ grQVi~e~itioner and approved by the City $F IT PURTHER RESOLVED that the Anahcim City Planning Gari:nisr,xor~ ~q,~s hereby fii~d and dete~mine that ad~pti~n of this Resolution is ex res Nredicated upon applicant's ccmpliance wikh each and all of the conditions hereinabove set fortt~. Should an ~ ~ declared invalid ar unenforceable ~~ch conditiori, or ar~y part thereof, be competent jurisdiction r. N y tlie final judgment of any court ~~ contained, st,~ll be deemed nu11 and vo dS~~u~iU~, an~ any ~p~r~vals hece.in THE FOREGr3ING RESOT~UTTON is signed and appr~ved by me this 23rd daX of July, 1984. '~!~i ~ ,• , ~ ! .'; ~ ! , CHAIRhIOMAN, PRQ TEMPOF2E ~ : • '_~ " ANAyEIM CITY PLANNIt~G COMt42SSI0N ATT~ST: j . ,~ ~ .. SECRETAR'1, p.NAYEi~1 CITY ' Yi.ANNI G CqMAlISSION ~ ~ -4- PC84-i52 -•~ n~ STA'.CE OI' CAI,:IH'O~tNIA 1 COUNTX OE' ORANGI: ) ss. CYTY OF' ANAHLTM ) ' I~ ~dith L. Harri;, SECre~ary of the Anaheim City Flanning Commission, do hereb,y certity thaL the ror~goinc~ resoluticn wa~ passed and aciopked at a meeting ot ~he AnahEi~n City P1anr~ing Commission held on .lu1y 23, i984, by the f.ollow;ny v~te oC i:l~e member~ thsr~of.: ~YES: COMM'l~SIUNERS: ~30UAS, HUSHORE, FRY, E:ING, LA CLAiRE, MC BURNLy NQES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE~ AE3SEN'1': COMM:ISSIONERS: HF;RIiS`.[' TN WT'rNESS WHERI;~F, I: have t~ereunto sei: my hand this 23rd day oP .7uly, 19a4. / /1 ' ~ _ ~,~ ~.~-/ ;~?/ ' ,~ , ~ .~.~,, _~ _ S~CRF'TARY; ANAHEIM CITX PLANNING COMMI,~'aSION ~ ~;~~: ~ -5- j PC84--].52 f