PC 84-153~ ~ RESOLU'1']'UN Nq. P ;'£34-].53 A[2F:SOLU`l'TOtd O[' 'I'fIE r1NAfiL~IM CI'1'Y PLANN2'NG (:OMMTSSION 'PEIn'!' [~L'I'IT:CON i~'UI2 VARIANCE~ N~. 3413 Fs}~ GkANTF~D ~etih.ion WHf~'ftEAS, the A»al~e.im City Planr~iny toe V~ri ' ' Commis~i.on did r~ceivc ~ ver.ified Anaheim, ancc f.rom CaliEornia 9'1805 i SU YI R~N and owne SEIIRLEY ~2EN, 1~}15 Cli.fpark Way, RWdr~iil, , Z'ustin, California r, ar~~ MIL 92680 agenl- fior CONS~PI~r1C'PION • c:OMPA.NY, 154~1 "A" the City oL Anahpim, Cauntl , . uL- Urange, State cerl ain real oi c'a lifornia propE~rry c2e ib si.tuated in . scr ed as: LO'.C 73 UI~' T2AC~' 68:12, IN TH}:; CTTY OE' ANAEIF.Ihi, AS PER MAP RECO]~DFD TN BOOK 258, PAGCS .lII. 19, AND 20 Or MTSCFLLANEOUS MA~S IN ~'HE OF.EICE OF 7'HE RECORUER OI' SAID COUNTY. WHERCAS, the Cit.,y P].anning Commission did ho'ld a public heaxing at the Civic Center in lhe City of Anaheim on July '1,3, .1984, at 1:30 p.n;., notice ~~ said public hearing having beer. duly ~iven as required t~y law and in accordance with the provisions o~ t.he Anaheim Muni.cipal c'ode, Chapter Z8.03, Lo hear and r,onsid~r evidence E~r and against said proposed variance and to investigate and make findings and recommendation: in connecti.on t:~erewith; and WfiEREAS, saic~ Comir.ission, after due ins ~?;:tio!~, ir~vestigation a[ad study made by itse].f and in its behalf, and afk~r due consideration of a11 evidence and re~~orts ofiered at sai.d heGring, do~s find and determine the followiny fa~ts; construct1r.o~mTadditi.ons po ta tsing].e- amp y ces de cers ~f the following ta (a) SECTION 18.27.062.U20 •- Maximum lot_ coVecaqe. (35~b permitted; 42$ proposed) (b) SLCTIOiV i8.27.U62.021 - Maximum numb~r of bedrooms. ( 3 permitted on a 556f3 square foot :lot; 5 proposed) 3. That the above-mention~d waivers are hereby granted on Ehe bayis that there are special circumskances applica.ble to the property such as size, shape, lopography, locataon and surround.ings which do not apply to other identi.cally zoned prope:ty in tt~e same vicinity; and that strict application oE tt~e Zoniny Code dep!-ives the property of privileges enjoyed by other propertie~ in ~he identical zone and cla.~sification in the vi~.:inity and subj•~c;t ~c~ Interdepartmenlal Committee recommendation,. 3. That khere are excep~iona? or extraordinary circumstances ur c:onditions applicable t~ the pro~erty involved or ro tl~e intended use of the property that do r,ot a}~ply g~neral.~y to the property oc cl~ss oE t;se in the same vic.inity arid zor~e. 4. Thar the recluested variance is necessacy for the preservati,on and en joyment of a sut~~tantial ~ra~~erty ~: iyhr ~osses~ed by other pr~~perty in the same vicinity and zone, and denied t~ the pruperty in yuestion. #U28Gr PC84-153 ."~~ ~. 5. That L-he reguest~d var.iance wi.l]. not be materially detr.imental to the public welfare or injurious ~o the pro~crty or improvtments in siach vi.cinity and zone in which the properl:y .is located. 6. Thdt no or~e indicat.ed l~is ~resc>nce a~ saio public he~'~riny in apgositian; and that no corres~ondence ~.~as receivcc] in opposition to subjecr petition. ENVIRONMLN'i'AL Th1P4C'.1' FINDING; 'i'h~ Planning Uirector or his authorized reoresentative has determin~d L•hal• L•hc~ proposed projec~ .fallu within the definition oE Categorical Exemptions, Class 5, as defined in the State uII2 Guidelines anr~ is~ th~reEore, categorically exempt from th~e requirem~nt to nrepa.re an EI~. NC~W, TFIEREFORI:, BE; IT ~2ESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commissi:.n does hereby yrant subject Pe:iti.c~n for Variance, ~apc~n the f~llowing conditiona which are hereb~ found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject pro~eri:y in orcler I:o preserve the saFet,y and general welfare of tt~e Citirens o~ the City of Anaheim: i. That p.lans shall be subrnit~ed to th~ F3uilc2ing Division showing compliance tvil-h rt~e minim~am standards of the City o£ Anaheim, including the UniPorm Building, .Plumbing, Electrical, Housinc, Mech~nical ~ncl L•'ir.e Coc~es as adopted by L-he City of Anaheim. The appropriate permits shall be ob~ained for any ne::essary work. 2. That subject proper.ty sha].1 be dev~loped substantially in accordance with plans and speciticaMions on file ti.~th thP City of Anaheim markEd Exhibit No~. 1 and 2. 3. •~'hat prior to tt~e time that a building permit is issued, or within a ~:~^•_riod of one year frorn the date of this resu~.utic~n, whic!~ever occurs tirst, CUndition tdo. 1, above-mentioned, shall bE complied with. Ext~ns.i~ns for further time tc~ complete said conditinns may be granl•ed in ac~.ordance with SecL-ion 18.03.U90 uf the Anaheim Municipal Cod~. 4. That pri~z to Einal huildin~ and zoning inspections, Cnndi.tion No. 2, abave-menl:ioned, shall bP c~mplied with. IIE I'i~ E'URTHER RESOLVI:D ~hat l:he Anahe.im City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that adoptian of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's cotnpliance with each and all c~f the conditions hereinabove set Eortl~. Should any such condation, ar any part thereof, be declared inaalid or un~nforceable by the Fina1 ;~udgment of any court of competent jur.isdiction, then this Resoluti~n, and any .~pprovals hexein contained, ~ha11 be r~eemed null and void. -2- PC84-153 ~ , . r.;~;:';, ,~^-1 ~ \ ~~~w'~ Z'HF' }~OREGOING RESOLUTTOI~1 is sic~ned and appr~vec~ by m~ ~his 23rd day of July, 1~84. .~ ; ~; ! ; , .r . / ' - ,~- ~ ~_--~:.~. ~~~:'~ ~ ~ ~ . .•~i.,l .. i,/ ~ CHAII~WOMA.~Rp TEMPORE ANAIiEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISS.TUN 11TTEST ~ ~ ..~LK.~li~ / I r . ~J ~ ~ ~.,' G,lL SEGRETAI2X, ANAE{LIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS,~,ION S'I'A~l~E OF CAliIr'O12NIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS~ CT7'Y OF t~NAHEIM ) z, ~dith I~. Harcis, Se~-:retary of the r~nah~i.m City P.lanning Commission, do here~,y certify that thp foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a mezting of the Anah~im City Plannin~ CoMmission held ~n ~7uly 23~ 1989, ~ay the Eollowing v~te oE Lh~ members thereot: AYES: COMMI55IONFRS: IiGUAS~ f~RY~ KING~ LA CLAIR~~ MC f3URNEY NOES: COMMISSIOIVERS: NONE pBa~N2': ~OMMISSIONLRa: HERBS'i' ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONEkS: l3USHORE IN WITNESS WHERLOF, I have hPreunto set my hand this 23rd day o¢ July, 1989. ~.~'.f_L.~ ~~J ~~''~C. ~ ' -~.~ , SECRETARY, ANAHEIh! CITY PLANNIN 0 SSSION -3- F ; I~C(34-153 ` ~