PC 84-154RESO.LU'I'ION P~U. ~C84-159 A 12ESULUT.CON UF 2'HE ANAHCIM CITY E~LANNING COMMTSSTON THAT PETI7':[ON rOR K~CI~ASSIFICATIUN NU. $3-84-23 HE GI2ANTEll WHEREAS, the ,~naheim City Planning Commission c~id receive a verified p~tition for Realassification f.rom UON C. UUKE AND TAMTkTS DUKE, 3538 West Sat~anna Srreet, Aciaheim, CaliEor.nia 92804, DU1~N~ F'REDFRICK AND S:~LLY PC'.CERS~N, 600 Nutwood Street, An~heim, CaliFornia 92809, owner;~:, and JOHN KTNG, 19522 Independence l.,ane, Huntir.yton Beact~, Cal:ifornia 92646, agent For ~ertain r~al groperty situat~d in the City ~f Anatie.im, Cour~t-y oL Orange, StatP of California, desc~ibed as follows: THE WEST 100 FEET OF' LO'P 1$ OI' TRAC'1' 743 AS PEK MAP RECORDED IN BOQK 22 PAG~; lU OF MISCFLLANEOUS MRPS, IN TEIE OFF:iCE Or' THE COUNTY ~2ECO~DFR OF SAIC COUI~'.CY. LOT 18 OF `!.'RACT 744~ AS PER MAP RECORDGD IP~ E300K 22, PAGE 10 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, R~CORDS OF SATD ORANGE COUNTY. EXCEP'1' TEIE WGST lU0 FEET. WHEREAS, the Ci~.y Planning Commission did hold a public nearing at the Civ:ic Center iri the C.ity af Anaheim ~n April 2, 1984 at J.:30 g.m., natice of said pub.lic hFarin~ having been duly given as req~~ired by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anatieim Municipal Code. Chapter 18.03, to hear and co~isider evidence for and against said proposed reclassifica~ion and l•o in~/estigate and make f.indirigs and recommendati~ns in connection therewith; yaid public hearing having been cuntictued to the Planning Comrnissiun m~etin5 of Augus~ 6, 1984; ~rid Wk1EREAS, said Commission, aft~r due inspection, investigation and study made by itsPlf and in its behalf, anci after due cansxderation of a11 evid~nce and reporl•a offered at said hearing, does find and determine ~he f.ollow.ing Carts: 1. 7.'hat the petition~r proposes reclassificati~n of subjpct pro~.~erty from RS-A-43,000 (Residential, Aaricultura;) Zone to the RM-1200 (Re:~i~~ential, Mu.itiple-Fartiily) Zone. 2. That the An~lheim General ~lzn desig:~ates subj~ct pruperty for medium density residential land use~. 3. 'i'hat th~ proposed reciassification oF ~ubject property is necess~ry and/or desirable for ths o:derZ,y and pr~pet~ development of the community. 4. xhat the Prop~~ed reclassification of sul~ject pruperty c]oes prr~perly r~late to the zones and their permitted uses locally established in close proximity to subj~ct property ~,nd to thc zones and l-.heir pecmi~ttd uses generally e~tablished throughout the commun:.ty. #U2Blr PC84-1~4 .~ ,^~^\ 5. 7.'h~~t the proposed rec.las~ific~tion aF suhjeck proPertx requires the improvement ot ~butt~ng streets i.n accor.dance wz.th the Circulatian Element of th~ Gen~ra]. P1aii, du~ to the anticipatec] increase ira traffic whir.h wi11 be geilcraked by the int•~nsi£-i~:ation uf l.~~nd use. G. That no ane inda.cated ~heir preserac:e at said public hearing in o~position; and that no correspor.deilce was receivecl in opposition tu suuject ~etition. ENVIRUNMLNTA'L IMPAC`I' PI[~llrNG: That: th~ Anaheim City Planninr CQmmi.ssion has revi.ewed thc~ ~roposal ta re~.lassif;~ subject properL-y from ~he kS-A-~3,OU0 (ltesidential, Agricultural) Zone to l-he RM-1200 (Resider~tial, Mu.ltiple-Family? Zdne to construc;t a 28-unit zrartment ~omplex with waiv~r of maximum st~ruc`ural height orl a rectangularly-sY~aped parcel ot land co-.:,isting of appraximately 0.78 acre, having a frontage of approximately 158 Feet on the .~auth side c~f Savannah Street, and furL•her. describec3 as 3538 Wr~st Savanra Street; anc9 does hereby approve the Negative DPclaratian upon find:ng that it has considered rhe Negative Declaration toyether with any comments r~cei~•ed ~uriny the public review procESS ~~nu further findir~g an the basis of i.he initial stud~• and any commer~ts received i:hat ther~: is no substantial evidence th~t the project wi11 tiave a~ignificant ef£ect on the environment. N04V, THEI2EEORE, RE :t`r RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Cummission does hereby grant subject Petii:ion fur Rc~classi.fication a[id, by sn doing, ~hat Title 18-Zoning af the Anaheim Municipal Code be am~nded to exclude the above-describec~ properL-y From the RS•-A-43,000 ~Resa.der.tial, Agr,icultural 'Lone an~ to inc:orporate said described prope;:ty into th~ RM-1200 (Residenkial, Mu1ti~~le-Family) Zone upnn the following conditians whxch are hereby L•ound to bc~ a i~ectssary prerequisite to ~Y~e proposed use of subject property zn order to preserve the safety and g~neral ~aelfare of the Citizens uf the City of Anatieim: 1. That the owner of subject properky sh~al]. conditionally dedicate to the City of Anaheim a str.ip ~f ].ancl 32 feet in width From the center.line of the street a].ony Savanna Street L'or street widening purPases. i. That drainage c~f subj~act ~roperty sh~:ll be disposed oL~ in a manner satisFac~.ory to the City Engineer. This shall include constructiqn of a storm drain f.rom the wester.~y terminus ~f Savanna Street to tY~e F~lood Control Ghanne].. Securi~y in tt~e form o£ a bond, certificate of deposit, ~etter oi credit, or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to the C.iL-1 uE Anaheim, shall he ~~astea with the Ci~y to g~.~arantee the satisfactory c:ompletior~ of said storm drain. Said security shall k~e posted wi~h th~ Cit~ prior to adopi:fon o£ th~ ordinance r.ez~ning ~ubject property t.o guar~ntec in~tallation o~ the above-required improvement priox to accupancy. A reimbursement ~lgreement shall be made avai.lable to the develo~er by the City if request~=d . 3. That prior to tt~e introd~ction of an arclinance rezoniny subjcct pr~perty, Gondition ~los. 1 and 2, above-meni:i~n~d~ shall be campleted. The provis:ions or ri.ghts granted by 'Lhio res~lution shall become nul? anci void by acti.on ot the Flanning Commission unless ~aid conditions are complied with within orie year fr.om the date of this res~7.ution, or such further time as thc~ Planning Commiss.ion may grant. _2_ PC84-154 ~ ,-~-~ .~^~. , , BE .IT b'URTH.GR RESOLVEU that the Anaheim C:tty Planning Commission does l~ezeby find and det:ermine that ado~tion o£• this R~solutir~n is expressly predica~ed upon applir.ant's corn~liance with cac}~ ~nd a11 of the condit~ions hereinal~ove set forth. Should an,y such conditi.on, or any ~~rt thereof, be declared invalid ~~x unenforceahle by the final judgment of any court of competenl jurisdiction, then this Resoluti~n, and an,y appr~~va~s t~~reir~ cun,tained, sF~all be deem~d null and v~i~. THr FOREGOTr~G RES~LU7~ION i.s signed and approved by me this 6th da,y Qf. .AUgI,~St, 1984. ~-•' 1 ~._--~ ) _ ~,~~ ~ ~, r fiAI AN, ANA[-3`~IM CIT PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST; ,~ ~~' ~~ / .~ ~G L~L~ SECRETARY, AN~HESM CI'i'Y PLANNING CGMMISSTON STATE OE' CAI,IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORP_NGE ) ;;5~ CITY QF ANAHETM ) I, Edith I~. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commi~sion, c]o heteby cex•tify that the forega.i.ng resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Comrnission held on August 6, 198~, b,y the following voze of the members thereof: AYES: CUMMISSION~RS; BOUAS, .FRY, HERSST, KTNG, I,A CLATRE, NOES: COMM.~SSIONERS: NQNE AaSENT: C029MTSSIONERS: BUSHORE, ~1C Br~RNEX TN h'I'.~i~ESS WHEREqF, I have hereuntn cet my hand this 6th day of August, lq8a. ~.;ra.~~.~-~ ~ ~-~ ~ -- - - ~-- .h " -G:?..~l.t~~,,, a^ECRETARY~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMM:l~5SI0N -3 PC84-154