PC 84-157~~ ~~~~ RLSULUTIOIV NQ ^^ pCgq~~-~~ A kL:SO[~UTION ON THE ANAHEIM (.:.1'TY PLANN:CNG COMMISSTON `rHA`.i' pC`i'IZ'IpN FOR VARIANCf' Nn. 3398 6E GItANTl,p WHERLAS, t:he Anaheirn Cit~~ P:i anning Commis~ion ~'id I'et.ition for Variance ~.rom SAID LAHIllGANI, Lq~ AL. x~~~~ive a verified An~l:eim, Californ:La 92804, owner, and S'1'ERLIhG C' ~332 Amberwick Lane, Costa Mesrx, c:~lifornia 92G27 C~F~L,,UN, 447 East 1%th Streek, , agent~ for certai.n rea.l proper.Y.y ,ituated in the City of Anaheim, Coucity of or:ange, ~tale of Ca.liFor.nia described as: PARCEI, 1 ; "'HE NURTH 205 f~FT Q~ 1'H[3 W~ST 1.20 FEE'!' OF THE EAST 221. 33 r~~2' UF THF NOR7'fIEAST QUARTER OF' THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF TI~~ NOFtTETWFST ~?~,~,~~'1'~R OC SECTTON T~~ENTX-FOUR, TpWNSHIr` ~pf~~ SOIJ7'H, RANGE ELEVEN WEST, S.B.B. & M., AS SHOWN ON A MA.P RE(:ORDED IN 13UOK 51, PAGE 7 nF MTSCGLLAN~p~S MAPS, RECORDS 0[~ ORANGB COJNZ'Y, CAL,I~'URNIA. PAR~EL 2; ~'~~C~G A: THE NORT.H 205 FEFT OF '.CHL•' FAST 221.32 FEET OF TH~ h'EST 442.65 FEF:T QF THE NORTH~AST Qit,~RT~R ()F TFlE NORTHWEST QUARTER OE' THE NQRTHWEST QUARiLR p~ SECTION 2 SOOTH, RANGF ? 1 W~Sq~~ ZN THE RANCHO LO;S COYQTES, ~AS S~f OWN ON A MAP R~CpRAED I~J 1300K ~1~ paGE 11 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, kECORDS UP ~)RANGl~: COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, the Ci~y Planning Commi.,sion did hold a the Civic Center in the CiC,y of Ariatieim on Ma 30 Public hearing at of ,aid pub].;ic hearing having bnen ~ul y ~ 1984 at 1:30 p.m., notice accordance with the ,~ Y 9iv~n ~s required by 1aw a~r~ {n provisionti oE th~ An~h~im Munici~al Code. Chap~er 18.03~ to he?r and consider evidence for and against said proposed reclassification and to invesLigate and make findin ~ thecewith; said g~ ~n~ re~commendaL•ions in conn~ction Commi3sion meeting oP AugustP6,~r1984haandg ~~en conti.nued to the Planning ~9:iEREAS, said Comm.ission, aFter due inspection, invPStigatiori and study made by its~lf ar~d in its behalf, and ai~ter due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does f.ind and determine the f~llowing ~acts: 1. mhat Lhe petitioner proposes w:~ivers oL•' the f.ollowing to construct a 35-unit apartment complex; ~~? SEC'1'____ION 1g~34.06:.~.012 - Maximum strucCur.al. h~t. (1 st_ ocY n~rm.itted w;,thin 150 feet of sirigle-fan~il}~ r.esidential zoning; ?-StOY. ies pr~~pogPd d~ ia feet ) (b) SE~TION 1~.04.C43.102 - ~daximum .fence hei~lht. AND 18.34.068_021 i6 fe~t Ppr,;titted; 7 f~et propo~ed) #02t~ .4t PC84-1S7 .r~y ,.nvet\ 2. That the above-meril-ioned waivers ace h~~reby granted on the basis that t.he pet.itioner demonstrated tha~ a hardsh:ip exists in that t4~ere are special cirrwnstan~.es ap~.~licakJ.e to th~ property such as size, shape, ~opography, 1oc~~ztiun and su~.~rouncling~ which dc~ n~~ apply to other id~ntical.ly : oned prop~rl:y in Lt~e same vi.ci~ity; and that sl-.rict• application of the ZoKiing Code ~e~ri~~rs the pr~per~y of privileges enjoye~] Ly other properti~s in the identicaX zone anc3 clas~ification iri tche vicinil-y and subject ¢o Interc~epartmenta]. CommittPe recomm~ndations. 3a Thdt there are exceptional or exi:r~ordinary c;ircumstanc~s oi conditions ap~licable to t:he property inv~lv~d ~r tfl the int~nde~i us~ of the property thaL- do riot apply generall,y t~o t~~e property or clas~ uf use in the same viciniky and zone. 4. That i:h~ requesl•ed variance is n~cessary for the preservation and enjoyment oE a~ubsL-antial property right possessed by other propert;y in the samP vicinity and zone, and denied ~o tt~e pro~erty in ques~ion. 5. That the request~d variance wi11 nc~t be materially del-riinental to the puulic welf are or injurious to tr~e property or impravements in such vica.nify and z~~ne iri which the prop~rty is located. 6. That 6 persons indicat~d their psesence in upposition at the May 30th public hearing and submitted a petition coni:ai-iing approximately 2~ signakures in opposition; and that 5 persons indicated their presence at the August 6, 19F34 public h~aring in opposition. ENVIRdNMENTA.L IMPA~T rINllING: That the Anaheim City Planni~ig Commission hay reviewed the proposal to rAclassify subjec.t prop~r~y from the RS-A-43,000 (Residential, Agricultural) 'Lone to l-he Rt~1-120U (R~sidentiaJ., Multiple-Family) Zon~ to constr~ict a 35-uni_k apartment complex with waivers of maximuir~ strucL•ur.al height and maxi.mum fence heighk on a rectangularly•-shaped parcel of land consisti~g of approximately 1.18 acres, having a fr4ntage of ~pproximately 341 L-~et on th~ so~.~i:h side of Ball Foad, and further described as 2910 to 2918 West ~3a11 Road; and does hereby approve the Negati.ve Declaration upon Finding thaC it has conNidered the Negative Declaration togetk-er with any r.ommertts received duriny the public revi~w process and further finding on the basis cf the initial study and an,y comn~en~s received that ther.e is nu ~~bstantia7. e~~idence that the project w~ll have a significant effect on the env.tronment. NOW, THGREEORE, BE IT RF.'SQLVEA that the Anaheim Cit~ Planning Cotnmission does hereb,y grartt subject Petiti~n for Variance, upon the following conc3itions which are heceby founc! Lo be a nece:sarx prerequisite t~o the pro~osed use uf the sub;eck property in urdex tA pr.eserve the safeEy and ge~eral r~elfare of the Citizens of rhe City ~E Anaheim: 1. That ull enyineering requirements oE the City uf ]~natiafm along Ball Roaci~ includiny ~re~aration oF improvement plans ailc] i.nst•allation of all improvements such as cUrbs ancl gutters, sidewalk:;, ~treet grZding anr~ pavement, sewer ano drainage facilities, or other appurtenant work sfall be complied ~~~ith as required by fhe City ~;ngineer and in accorc1ance w~th specifications on file in the OfEtce of the City Engi-~eer; and thaL security in the ~'orm of a bond, certiEicate oF -2- PC84-157 . , J~~ ~1..~\ depositr 1eti:er oE rrec]it, or aash, in ari amount and form satisfactr,~y to th~ Cit.X of Anaheim, ~ha11 be postcd with the City ta guarantee the sat.is£actc.~ry completion o.ti sai~ improvement5. S3id secu.rity sha.11 be ~osted with the City prior to approva..l oE impro~~ement plans, to c~uaranL-ee the installation of the above-requi.red impr.ovements prior t~ occupa~~cy. 'l.. That pXior to iss~ianc~e of ~ bui.iding permit, appropriate pa~k and recreation .in-lieu fees sha11 be ~~aid ~o the C~ty ~f An~heim in dn amount as determined by the City Counci.l. 3. Z'hat prior to issuance oF a buil~ing perm~.l:, the ap~~ropriate traffic signal assPSSmEnt f~ee sha11 b~: pa:id to t~:e City of Anaheim in ari am~unt as determinecl by the City Council for ~ach new dwelling unit. 4. TY~at a11 driveways shall be desig~~ed to acc~~~mmodate ~en (10 ) foot radius curb returns as requir~d by Lhe Cil:y Traft~c Engineer. 5. That drasnage of ~ubject properL-y shall be dis~os<_~ of in a manner satisi'actnry to the City Engineer. 6. That suk~ject propert~• sha'1 ,e served by und~rgroun~~ utilities. 7. That ~rior to commencen~ent of structural. f.raming, Pire hydrants shall be installed and aharged as requirEd and deterr,~.n~d to be aec~ssary by the Chief of the E'ire D~partr~~tnt. 8. That tra,h storaye areas sr-al:l be provided in accordanc~ with approved plans o-i file with the Street Maintenance and Sanitation L~ivision. 9. Ttiat ~he owner of subject property sha11 pay co the City af Anaheim a ~ee for tree planting ~urpose~ a1~ng Ba1.1 F2aad in an amount as determineci by the City rouncil. 10. Thak this Variance is granted subject to t;he completian of .~eclassification No. 83-84-29, now pending. 11. That street lightiny facilities alony Ball Road shall bz installed as r~quired by the Utilities General Manager in accordance with specifications on iile in the OfEice of Utililies Genc~ral Manager, and that security in the forrn o.f a bond, certificate of deposit, letter of cr~edit, or cash, in an amouni and form satisfactory to the City ~~F Anat~e:im, shall be posted with th4 City ta ~uarantee the satis.factory completion oE the above-mentione~ improvemenks. Gaid ~ecurity shall be posl.ed witli the City of Anaheim prior ta approval of build,ing p~rrnits. The aUove~required improvements sh~ll be inscalled pricr to occupancy. 12. That prior to issuance of. a bui.lding permi~, arimary water main fees shall be paid ~o the Cit~~ of. Anaheim, in an am~unt as determined by the Office of the Utilities General Manager. --3- PC84-157 ;~a; ~~;r l°.'~ ~'. ~.~-._ 13. ~'hat pricr Ga is~uanc~~ oF. bui:lding permil:s, k.he applicant shall pres~nl- evider;ce sarisfactory to the Chie; E3uil~ing Inspecror t~hat the r~sidential units will be in coniorm~iRC~ with Noi.se Insulation Stdndar.cl~ speciEiecl in the Californ:ia Adtninistr~tivc Code, Title 25. 1.4. 'i'hat pri.or ta issuance oF building permits, ~.h~ applicant sha11 pres~nt Fvidence satisfac~ory t.~ the Chief 8uildir~g Inspector ~hat the propos4d prc.ject a.s in canformance with Council Poli.cy Number 542 "5out~d Attt~nuation in Reszd~rti.al Projer.ts". 15. Thar gat~s sha11 iiot be installed across ~riy driveway or priv:ate strec~t in a maiiner which may advPrsely a£fECt vehicular traffic in the adjacent public strePts. Installaticn of any gates within a di~tance of forty (40) feet from said pul~lic street rights-of-tvay shall be subject ta the review and aP~raval of khe CiL•y Traffic Engineer. 16. Tr~at prior to issu~jnce of building r~erm9.ts, an on-site c~~k~icular. c.irculation plan snaZl be submitted to and approved by the Fi.re Mar5ha7.1, City ~'raffic Lngineec a;;d the Stree~s and SanitaL•ion Department. ].7. Z'hat al.l lockable pedestrian and vehicular access gaCes shall be equippei: wit~ a"nox box" device to the satisFartion of the City rire Chief and ~he City Chief of Police. 18. That subj~ect property shall be ciev~loped su~;stant.ially i.n accoruance wi.th plans and ~~eciFications on file with kt:e ~ii:'y of Anaheim marked Revision No. 1 of ~xhibit i`los, 1 throuqh 6. .19. That prior to fihe time that a building permit is issued, or within a p~riod of one year from the clate o~ this reyolution, whichever occurs first, Conditian Nos. 1~ 2~ 3~ 9~ 10~ 11~ 1?.~ 13~ 1~~ attd 16~ ab~~~r~-mentiuned, ::t~all be cnmplied with. ExtPns~oris For further time to cumplete said conditions ma,y be granted in accocdance with Section 13,03,U90 of the Anaheim Municipal Coc3e. 2~. That prioc ta final building and zoning inspections, Condition Nos. 4, 5, 6, 8, 17 and 18, above-menta.or,ed, :hall be complied with~ 13E IT F(?RTHEt2 kESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning C~minissinn does hereby find and deteemine that ac~op~ion o.f thia R~solutian is expressZ,y predic~ted upor. apr].icant's comPliance with each and a11 c,f the c~nditions hereinabov~ sE~t Forth. Sho~1d any such conclition, or ar.y ~art thexeof, be decla!:ed invaliu or unenforceab~e :~y the final ~udgment r,L any court of ccm~etEnt jurisc~iction, then this Resolution, an~3 ariy approvals harein contained, shall be dEC~r~ed null and vaid. -4- PCb4~157 ._.,. '!'HE FOREGUING R~;SULU'i'ION is signec~ and approv~d by m lhis 6th day o~ August, 1984. ;•, ~ ~..._ ~~~ ~ I ~-.~""`~ ` h ~ % , `~ RMA ~ AN;~HETM' C.CY PL NINU COMMIuaION ATTES7' ; ~ ~v) _ ` i '~C .~_:C:~~ . 6` - y ~:+C/L2rc_.dc.. S~CRETARX,, ANAHEIM CI'.~Y PLANNING COMMISSIOI3 5TATE OC CALIFORNIA ) COU~ITY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHETM ) I, Edi~h Le I~arri~, Secretary of the A~~heim City l~lanning Cnmmis5ionr clo het;eby certify that th~ foreg~ing re~olution was passed and adopL-ed ar a meeting of ttae Anaheim City P?.anninr, Commission held on Augusr. 6, 1984, b,y the fo.ll.owing vote af the members thereo.E: AY~~: CQMMIS~IONERS: BOUAS~ FRX~ H~RBST~ KING~ LA CLATRE~ NOFS: COMMISSION~RS: NONE ABS~;NT: COMMISSIONERS: BJSHORE, MC BURNEX IN WI~rr~ESS WHEREOF, I have herpunto set my hand this 6th d~,y of August, 1984. ~ i , '-, • ~ . ,~ ~ - ~ ~-~ ~' ~ 't.~t.c,~.. SECRE`1'ARY, ANAHEIM CTTY PLANNI~G CCMPIZSS:ION -5- PC84-157 „_~:.._.... .. >