PC 84-165,~~,, KESULU'1'ION N0. PC$4-165 A RESUI,U:rTUN OE' '.CEIF. ANAHEIM CI'.CY PLANiVT;~G COMMISSION TI~AT PF'rTTION ~'OR VARIANCG N0. 3416 13L G12AN'.CEll WH~REAS, thc: Anaf~eim City Planniny c:ommiss:ion did rer.eive a v~ri£:Ied Petition for Variance from PtiI.LLIF CL;RK JO.RAAN, ~T AL., r:/a "TERRA", 10061 Talbert Avenue, SuitQ 325, ['ountain Vallcy, Caa.iFornia 92708, nwne.r, an~] JAMES R. NLEDHAMj 9492 Sandra Circ7.e, Villa. Fark, CaliFornia 92667, ag~~it for certain real pro~erl-y situated in the City of. Anaheim, County ot Orange, State of CaliEornia described as: LOT 13 QE' "SOU7'H STR~GT ~'RACT" IN THE C~'.CY O1~ ANAH~;IM, AS SHOW~i ON A[~lAP RECORDED IN BOOK Ei, PAGE f39 Or M1SC~LLAN'.~;UUS MAPS, RECURDS OL' ORANGE COUN`i'Y, CAf,IFORNIA. WHEREAS, the CiL-y P.]~nniny Commission did hold a public h~ariny at th~ Civic Center in the City o~ Anaheim on Augus~. 6, 1984, at 1:;;~ p.m., n~tice of said publi.c hearing having been duly given as r.e~uired by law and in accor3ance wilh the provisions oF the Anaheim Munic;ipal Code, ~hapter 18.U3~ to hear and consider evidence for Gjnd againsk said praposed variar~ce and to investigake and make findings and recommPndai:ions in connection therewith; and WHEFtEAS, sai.d Commission, after du~a inspectian, investiyaL-ion and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due considerati~n of a11 eviden~e and reports offered at said hearingo does find and determine th~e follow.irig fac~s: 1. That the p~titioner prc;~ ~ wa2vers af the ~ollowing to cnnstruct a 4-uiiit ap~rLment r_omplex: (a) SECTTON 1$. - Maximum structural h' eic~ht. (1 stor~w,iL-hin 150 feet of a Single- Family ?nne permitted; 2 sl-orieU proposed aL• 83 feet3. (b) SEC'rIUNS 18.34.063.U11 - Minimum structural sGtback. AND 18.34.OG3_.012 ('l, feet from Claudina Sl•reet and 20 feet from S~uth Street r~quired; 3 to 18 feet p r opQS e d """"'-" (c) SECTION - Minimum R~creational-Leisure Area. (200 scxuare feet per unit required; 95_sc~uare feet per unit proposed? 2. That the above-rnentioned waivers are hereby granted on the basis 1 that ~he petitioner stipulat d t , e o provi.de a 42 inches high wroughl iron fence around th~ peci~neter of the proF~ert~ and ta providc : aome min such as sand box, etc.; and further an the b~siti that imal play equipment ' ther I circumstances a~plicable ko the property :;u~h as size, lccati e are special shape, topography ! on and sur.roundinga whict~ do not apPly to other prop~rty in the same vici ik , identically zoned ~ n y; and that stxict a~plication deprives 4he property of ~rivileges ~njoyed b th nf the Zoning Code ~ ` y o er identical zone anu c lassiEication in the vicini t properties in the ' d ''~ y . tnterdepar~:nental Committ~e recommenc~atic~ns. an subject to ~ #0292r ~~ .~.~~.. - _ PC84-165 F ~ 3. Thal- thece are exceptional or extr.aar.dinary circum~tances or candi.L•ions applicablc to th~. proper~y involv~d or. to the intenr]e~ use oE the pro~~rty tt~at do not apply yeneralZy to the property or c.la~s of use in the same v:ici.nity and zone. 9. 7~hat~ ~he requeshed v~xriacice i.s necessar.y for the preservation and enjoymPnt of a subs~antia] p.coper~y ric7ht ~ossessed by other property in thP same vicinity and zone, and den:ied t:a i:he proper.~y in questio~~. 5. That the requested var.i~nce wi.11 not be ma~:eri~ll;~ detrimeni:al to the ~ub.lic welf:are or injurious to the property or im~~rovem~nl~ '_^ :>uch vicinity ~nd zone in wl~ich the property is locat~:d. G. That two persol~s indicated their presence at said public liearing in opposition; and that. no cor.r~spondence was rc~cea.ved in opposition to subject petit,ion. ENVIRONMEiVTAli TMP~CT FIIVDING: Z. a~ "_he Anaheim City Planning Comm3.~sion Y~as reviewecl the proposal to construct a 4-unit apartment complex cvith wai.vers cf maximum sL-ructura~ hPight, minimum struct~iral setback and mi;~imum recceati~na.l-leisure area on ~~ rectanyU.larly-shapeG parcel of land con~isting of ap,proximately 78b0 squart Eeet l.ocated at the soukhwest cor.ner of Sduth Street and Clauciina S~reet, and £urL•her describec:j as 807 South Claudina Street; anci does t~ereby approve the Negative D~~claration upon findi.ng that it has corisidPred the Negati.ve Declaration together with any cumments r.ecelved ~uring the public r~eview pr.or.ess and fu::ther finding on the basis of the initial study and any comments received rhat there is no substantial evidence that the project will hav~ a significant effecl• on the environment, NOW, TEIEREF'URE, BE TT RESOLVCD 'chat the nnaheim City Flanning Commissian does hereby grar~t suhjert Petition for Variance, upon the followi.ne~ conditions which are hereby fouc,d to be a necessary prFre~uisite to the pzoposed usP of the subject~ gro~erty i.r~ order to preserve the sa£ety and general welfare of tt~e Ci~.~.zens of the City o~ Anaheim: 1. Th~t the owner of subjeci: property shall pay to the City of Anaheim a ~ee for tree planting purposes alony South Str~et and Cl~udina Street i.n an amount as determined b~+ tt~~ City Council, 2. That prior to issuance of a building perrnit, appropriate water a~se~sment ~ees shall be paid ta the Cil•y of. Anaheim, .in an amount as ~etermined by L•he Ofiice of the Utilities Genera~. Manag~r. 3. That prior to xssuance oP ~~ building permit, appropriat~E park and recreation in-lieu fces aha11 be paid to the City of Anaheim :in an amount as determined by the City Council, 4. That prior to issuance of ~i buildi:~g permi.t, the appropriate tLaffic signal a~sessrnent fee shall be paid to thF Ci~y of. Anaheim in an arnounc as determined by the Cit,y Council f~r each new dwell.iiig unit. 5. Tl~ak lhe o~vner of subject property sha11 irrevocably uff.~r t~ dedicate to the City of Anah?im a strip of land 32 feet in wir]th from the centerli.ne oP the streeL- a:long South Street and 32 feet in width From the centerline of. ~he street along Claudina Str~et foK street wi~ening purposes. -2- PCB~-165 ~ ~ ~ 6. 7'hal: tt~e d~iveway shal7. be designec~ tu accommodaL-e ten (J.U) foot r~cliu:; cuc'~ returns as requir~u by the C~.~y Traffic Engin~er. 7. Thar ~rainage of subject property shall be disposed of. in a mantYer satisfactory tc~ l:hF City ~ngineer. 8. `1'hat trash storage areas sh~ll k~e prov~.ded in acr.ardanc:e with approve~ ~~l~ns on file wi;:h the Srreet Maintenance and Sanztat.i.on Division. 9~ That ti~e own~r o1 sur~j~ct propez-ty shall pay to th~ City of Anaheim a feE, £or sL-r~;et .lighting alai~~~ South Street in an amount as determined by tr-e Ciry Council~ 10. 9'hat str.ePt lighting faciliL-iES along Claudina Strset sha11 be instal'led as required I~y the Utili~i~s Gsneral Manager in accordance with specification;, ori ~i1e in the OEfice of Utilities Genera:l Manayero and thaL• securi.ty in the forra of a bond, certi.ficate oE degosit, letter of crec~it, or cash, iri an amount and form satisfactory i:o the Ciky of Anaheim, shall bc: ~osted with th~ City to guar~ntae the satisEact~ry completion of the above-men~i.aned improvementU. Said ~ecurity shall be po~ted w~th the City oF Anaheim prior t.o approva.l of. building perrnxts. The aaove-requi~ed improvements sha11 be i.nstalled prior ta occupancy. li. Th~t sub;ject pra~~rty sha].1 be s~rved by un~~er.ground uti.lities. 1.~. That prior L-o commencement of ~tructural framing, Fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as requzred and determined to be neceasary by the ChieE of the E'ire Department. ].3. That a].1 air condi.tioning fa~:ilities sha11 be properly shielded from view, and the sound buffered from adjacent properties. 14. 7.'hat subjeck property shall be devel~ped subskantially in accordance with plans and specifica~.ions on file with the City of ~naheim marked Exhibit No. 1; provided~ h~wev~r, that a 4'2 incttes high wr.uught iron fence sha7.1 be provider~ around the entic•e uerimeter of sunject property and that minimal playgrounc3 equipment such as saridbo.tes, etc. sha11 alsc be provided. 15, That prior l•o the time that a building permit is issued, or within a ~eriod of one year trom rh~ date of this resolution, which~ver occurs ficst, Conditinn Nas. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10, above-mentioned, shall be complied with. Ext~nsions for further ti.me to complete said conditions may be granted i.n accordance with Section 18.0~.090 of the Anaheim Municip~l Code. 16. That prior to final building and ~oning inspections, Condition Nos~ 6, 7, 8, 11, 13 and 14, above--menti.r,ned, shall b~ complie~3 with. ,:, . :: . f3E IT EU1tTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find anc] determine tha~ acloption of this Resolutio~ is expressly predicated uporl applicar,l'~ cumpliance with ~each and a11 of the conditions hereinabove set tarth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be 3- PC84-165 ;;,t :o ~. . ~~~, r^~ `!"~ declased invalic~ or un~nEorc~able by the Linal jac~gm~nt af ar~y court of competent juri.sdi.ction, then this Resolutioit, and any approvals herein c~ntained, shall be dee~r~d null and void. TH~ FOREGOING FtLSULU'z'ION is signed anG approved by me this 6th day of l~ugust, 198~. , ~ ~^~ j, .~ ~ .~ / _ J ~ ~ ~~ ~C AT.RMAN, ANAHETM ITY PL NNING COMMISST_ON ~1`t'TEST: "j . 7 ~ / r- ~ C..G•'(t.. ' ./'..~'Ls ~ . SE~EtETA.RY, ANATiEIM CITY ~LANNING COMMISSIOf.~ 5T7?7.'L OF CALIFORNIA ) CUUNTY Ok" OItANGE ~ ss. CI'1'Y OF n.NAHEIM ) I, Edith I~. Ha!-ris, Secretary of the ~:naheim City Planning Commi.ssion, do her~by certif;~ that tre foregoing resoluticn was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahei.m City P.lannin5 Commission held on August 6, 198~, by the tollow.ing vote of the members thereof: AXES: COMI~IISSIONFRS: BOUAS~ FRY, HERBST~ FCING~ LA CLAIRL, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: N(~NE ABSENT: COMMISSIONER~: BUSHOR~, MC BURNEY IN WITI~]ESS WHERLO[', I have hereunto set my har~d this 6rh day of Augu~t, 1984. ' ~' . _ , ~ . ~ ~-.~':.~.~~"L' ,'`- ` C~'-~'C---L.~t...~• SECRETAR`t~ ANAHEIM CIT`1' PLANNS[VG COMMIaSION -4- PC84-165 ~ ~ ,~