PC 84-170RFSOLU'PION NU. PCU4-17U A RGSOLU`1`ION OF '.CHE ANAHEIM CI'rY PLAN~ITNG COMMISSION T.HAT pE'1'I'~ION NOR CONDITIOI~AL USG k'~RMIT N0. 2b].2 RG GF:ANTEll WEiER~AS, the AnaEieim City Planning Commis ~i.on dic~ receivc a verif iecl Petition for Conclitional Use Permit from EDWARD L. SCAN~,Atd AND PATRTCIA 9. aCANL1~1N~ 1.12 Wak~sfis.ld P1ace, AnaY~eim, Ca.li.~arnia 928Q2, owners of certain r.ea1 property situated in the City ~f Anaheim, County c~f Or.ang~, State of CaliPornia, described as: I~OT 18 OF TkAC:T NU. 2/23, Itd ~!'HE CI`.l'Y UI' ANREiF'IM, COUNTY OF URANGE, STATG OE~ CALIFOI~NIA, ~,S PER MAP RECORD~D IN F300K 84 PAGES 19 TO 21 INCLUSIUE OF MTSCEI~LANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OF[ZCL OE `['HE COUNTY RECORDER pF SATD CUUNTY.. WHEREAS, th~ City 1~lanning Commission did hold a publi.c hearing at the Civic Center in the City ot i-~natieim on August 20, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance wi~h the provisiuns of the An~t~eim Municipal Code, Chapter ].8.03, to hear. and consid~r evidence for and against s~id proposed con~itlonal use permit and to investigat~ and malce iindings and recornmendakions in connection therewitn; and WHGRLA5, said Con~mission, Zfter due inspectiun, invesrigati.on an~7 study made by itself and in its behalf, and uEler due <:on~iderai:ion of all evidence and raports ozCered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the ~rop~sed use is praperly one tor which a c~nditional use permit i.s authc~rized by Anaheim Municipal Code S~clion to wii:: to expand an existi.ny boar.d ancl care tacility for a maximum flf 15 adu'lts. 2. That the groposed use sha].1 be limxted to a maximum of £ifteen (15a elc9er.ly reUidents ~lus manager(s) and i:hat a maximum oE three (3) re~ident-owned vehic.les may be parked ~nd stared r~n-site. 3. That tl~e proposed use sha11 be lirnited to the aurrenl-. property ~wners (Edward L. and Patra.cia E3. Scanlan) and tha~ a covenanr shall be recorded on the pr.operty wilhin a period of sixty (60) days fr.orr the date ot this resol~ition so-reskrict:ing said use tu insur~ that any Nubsequent property~ owner~s) shall h~ve to apply ~ar a new conditional u~e permit to continue the use. 4. That the proposed u~e wi].1 not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development ~t the area in which iL is propose~ to be located. 5. That tne size and shape of the si.te pro~osed for the use is adequ~te to allow the ful.l development o£ r.he ;~rcposed use i.n a manner not detrimental to the particular area r-or to th~~ peace, heuith, safety and general welfare of tt~e Citizens ot- the City of An~zhe~.m. #0297r P.C89-17~ ~ ~''" 0 ,~ 6. That the gtanti~~g ot tt~e Conditional Ure I~er.mit under the condit.:ons imposed, if any, wi11 not hn d~trimenLal to th~ p~ace, health SafeL-y and c~eneral welfare oC the Citi~ens of the city , o~ Anaheim, 7. That tl~c traff.ic generatEd b~ the proposed us~~ wi11 not impose ~-~n unciue buxr~en up~n the slre~ts and highways cl~signerl and i.mpr.oved to carry the i:.r.affic in the area. 8. Thak no onr indicated t•heir preseiice at said pu~,lic he~aring in oppositi~n; and that no correspondenc~ was r~cei.vec~ in ~ppositior~ to ~he subject ~etiti.~n~ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT rINDTNG; Tt~at the Anah~.im City Flanninc~ Commission has re~~iewed the propcsal to expand an existing board and care fac•Llity f:or a maximum of fifteen (15) adults qn a r~ctangu~arly-shaped parcel of land co^~isting of approximately 0.2 acr.e, having a fro7tage of. appro:cimately G5 feet on the sast s.idP of Vin~ Stree~, and further c7escribec7 as 328 Nor.tt~ Vine Str~et; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration u~aon finci~ng that il: has cansid~reci tt~e Negative Dec;larati.on together. with any r.omments received duriny the public r~viecr process and further finding on the basis of the initi.a]. stuc~y and any comments recFie~ed that the.re is no subarantial evidence t:hat the project wi11 have ~i aignificant efCect on khe environmen~. NC1W, ~!'HEREFORE, BE TT RESO.LVEU that trze Anaheim City k~lanning Commission does hereby grant sub;ject Petition for Conditianal Use P~rmit, upon the xol.lowiny conditions wt~ich are hereby found to be a necessar.y pr.erec~u:isite to ri~e propased use ~f the subject pcoperty in order to pr~serve the sa~ety and general 4~elEare of the Citizens of the City af Anaheim: ].. `~hat trash storagN areas sha11 be pravided in accordance with approved plans on file with the Street Maintenance and Sanitation Aivision. 2. Tha~ the existing structure shall be brought up to the minimum standarcls oF the Cit:y oF Anaheim, inclading the Uniform 13uilding, Plumbing, E:lertrica]., Fiousing, Mechanical and Fzre Codes as adopted by the City oi Anaheim. 3. That the proposa]. shall comply with ~11 signing requiremen~s ~~ the RM-1200 Zor~e, unless a variance allowing sign waivers is approved by the Planning Cammission or City Council. 4. That no more than t:hcee (3) resid~nt-~wned ~aehicles shal:l be packed and stored on-sit~e. 5. That the maximum occupancy f~r khis zaci.tity shall he limited to and sha11 not exceed fif.teen (15) elderly residents ~lus one (1) couple for manayement anc3 housekeeping duties. 6. That subject p~operty shal.l b~ develo~~d substan~ially in accordance witti plans and speci.fications on fil~ with ~he City of Anaheim marked Exhibit IVos. 1 and 2. -2- PCf34-370 7. That pr.ior Co the commencemer-t of the a.^.tiviLy authorized under this r~aolution, ~r final building and zaning inspecti~ns, whichever pccurs first, Condition Nos, 7., 2 and 6, abov~-mentioneu, shall be complied with. 8. Tha~ this use sha17. be limi~ec~ Lo the current property uwnar.s (Edward L. and P~tricia f3. ~canlan? and that a covenant sha.ll be recorded ~n the property within a period of s;.xty (60) days fron the c1ate of thiU resalution :;o-restr:.cting said use to insure ~hat any siabsequent- }~roperty owr~er(s) shal.l have to apply for a n~w conditional use permi~ to cor,tinue t't~e usE. BE .[T FURT[3ER 12ESOLVED th~t th~ Anaheim Ci~y Planning Com:nissio~~ does hereby find and determir~e that adoption of i:his Res~lution is expressl,y predicat:ed upon applicant's compliance with each arid all of i:he condi~ions herea.nabove set Eurth. Sh~u1d any such corditions, or any part ther.EOf, b~ d~clared invalid or unenforceable by thE final judgmenl-, of any court oP competeni: jurisdiction, then i:his Resolution, and any a~~p.rovals herein c~ntai~ied, :;ha11 be r?eemed nu~,l. a~id void. ~Hr~ FOREGOTNG I;ESOI~U'I'ION is signed and approved by me this 20th day ~f Augusi., 1984 e ~ _ ,;: • %~ ~...~~ _ ~, ~....c... ', ' 'G'. '~J ,'`(_"`. G'' ;~ ; ;~ ~ CHAIRMP.N, ANAHEIM CI~'Y ,~~LANNING COMMISSIOIJ ATT~ST; _ ~- ~ , ~)t~ .,~ ~,/..•' /r! ~, .. ^ ~ c.. G- ,~ r'~ ~ ('i~~t - .r C. ~~: SECRETARY, ANAHE;IM CI`1'Y PLANNING COMMISSION S'rATE OF CALIF4RNIA ) COUNTY OF OftANGE ) ss. CTTY OF ANr1HEIM ) i, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, clo hereby certify that the foregoiny resol~stion was passed and adopted at a mEeting of the Anaheim City Planning Cummission held on August 20, 19a4r by the foll~wing vot~ of the meinbers thFreof: AYES: COMMIUaIONF:F~~S: BOUAS~ EiUSHORE~ F12Y~ HERBSZ'~ KTNG~ LA CC,AIR~ MC BUR[JEY NOB.~,: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEr17.': COMMISSIONTRS: NONE IN ~IT~'NESS WHEk2E0E', J have hereunto set my hand this 20th day oL' August, 1984. /C/.r , ~/ ~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ k/~. /~ i ~ .~..~ l..C /.. SECRETARY, ANAHk;IM CITY PI~ANNING COMM:CSSION ~3- PC84-17Q