PC 84-171.,'°~ RESOL~U`1'ION N0. PC84-171 ~ A R~SOLU'i'TON OE' ~l'H~ ANAHEIM CT`PY P'LANNING COMMISSION 7:'HA~' P~TITION I'OFt CONDTTIONnL USE PCRMI'i' NU. 26~9 BL GRANTED WIiEREAS, the AnahPim City Plannir 7 Commi~si~n di:~ recei.ve a verifie;~ Petition for ~onditional Use Perrnit Erom KARCHGR AND A~SOCTATES, 12f1Q Nartn Harbor Boialevard, Anaheim, Cali£ornia 92801, owner, and CARL KARCHER ENTERPkISES, ATTN; RTCHARD R~NNA, P. 0. Dox 4349, Anaheim, California 9'180~, ag~nt foc certain real property si.luated in the City oL Anaheim, County of Orange, Stat~ of California, ~escribed as: THAT PORTION OF .GOT ?.Oi BLGCfC K OF ~rHE KRAFMEK TRACT~ IN THE CTTY OF ANAEIEl'M~ AS S.HOWN ON A MAP .,ECORDED 1N F100K .12~ PAGF.(S) 87 AND 88, OF MISCFr•LAN~QUS RECOk2DS OF LOS ANGELE~u COUN7'Y, CALII'ORNIA, SOUNDE') NORTHERLY CiY A LINE 53.00 r~~r. SOUZ'HERLY FROM ANL~ PAHA.LLEL WTT.H TI3E NORTHERI.,`l LINE CF SAID LOT 20, BEING ALSO THE CBN'i'CRLIN~ OF LA PALMA STREE'P; EASTGRLY BY THE WESTERLY LINR 0~ THE LAND CONVEYGD T.O THE ORP.NGE COUNTY FL~OOD CONTRnL DTSTRTC7' BX DFED RE~ORDED IN BOOK 5504, PAGE $ OF OFFIC:IP.L REC.URDS OF SAID ORX~NGE COUI3TY; SnUTHEASTERL'C AX THE; NOFtTHW~STEHLY BOGNAAF2X OF PARC~L 1 OF THE LF~ND CONV~;tEU '.I'0 SAID UISTRICT BY DEED RECORDED IN BOOK %770, PAGE 822 OF SA.iD 01~FICIAL RECORDS; AND SUUTHW~ST~RLY 1Nll NORTHWESTERLY BY TH~ NORTHEAS'P.EitLY B~UNDARY OF THE LAND CONVEYED '1.'0 THE STATE OF CAi,IEORNTA HY D~ED RECURASD IN Li00:: Ei5'15, PAGE 989, l~F SAID OFFICIAL k2FC0RDS. WHERLAS, tt~e City Plannici~ Commission did hold a pubZic l•iearing at the Civic Center in the City o~ An~heim on August 20, 1984, at 1:30 p.m,, notice of said public heari;~~ iiaving be~en duly given as requirQCi by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipa], Code~ Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidEnce foz and against said propased conditional use permi4 and to i.nvestigate and make finr]ings ancl recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, saici Commi:~ion, after due inspection, invest-igation and study made by itself and in its bPhalf, and after due consideratian of a1J. evidence and reports offered at said he.~r.ing, does f.ind and determin~ the fcllowing facts: 1. That the proposEd use is prop~rl~ one for whi.ch a c~nditional use permit i~ autl~orized by Anaheim Municipal Gode Section 1&.61.Oa0.611 ta wit: to ~xpand a drive•-ti•~.~:ough restaurant and add an outdoor dining axea. 2. That the proposed use is granted subject to the petitior~er.'s stipulation at the public hearing tc~ ~rovide weekly assistance in removing litter from the adjacent industrial proper.ty t~ the east, as needed, and to proviiie security guarcls as required on the premises oF subject property to help curb prublem~ ot' ].oitering, of drinking uP aleoho'lic beverages or of oL•4~er disturbances causeci by the young people congregaking on the premises. ~0298r F'C£l4-17'1 a,gi~ 3. '1'hat the progosed use will not a~versely 1i~ ~c~ i.he adjoining land uses ar~d the gr~wL-h and deve.lopm`r~t oE the area in wk~ich i.~ is proposed to b~ loaated. 4. Ttiat the size and shape o1: L-h~ site proposed for the use is adequate L•o allow tl~e .fu:ll devclopment oE the proposed use in a m~nner not cletrimenL-al to th~ p~rtici_lar area nor to the ~eace, health, safety and gerieral welt~re of the Citizens of the GiLy of Anaheim. 5. 2'hat tl~e grantinc~ of the Conciil•ional Use Permit ~ander the conditions impuseu, if any, will not "~e detrimental to the peace, health, safe~y and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. b. That the tra~'L-ic g~r-erated by the proposed uae will not imp~se an undue burd~n upon the ~tre~ts and hi~~hways desigtied and improved to cari~y the t.raffa.c in the area. 7. Thai o~e p~rsor- indicated their presence at said public h~arina in opposition; and that no corresponde.nc~ was received in Qpposition to the subject petition. ENVTRONN~N'~'AL IMPACT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Plannir-g Commission has r~vi~wed the proposal to expanc7 a drive-through resi:aurant and adci an uutduor dining ar.:a on an irreg~xlarlywsh~aped parcel of land r.onsi~ting of approximately 1.07 acres located at the southEask corner of La Palma Avenue anc~ Kraemer Boulevard, and further describ~d as 3!.10 Eaat La Palr.,a Avenue; and does hereby approve the NegatiNe Declaration upon finding that it has considered the Negative Declar.ation togekher with any cornments recEived during the public review ~rocess and furthtr finding on the basis of the initial sL•udy ~nd any comments rec~ived th~.t there is no substantial evidence tha~ the project wi].1 llave a significant effect on the environmPnt. NOWs THBFtEFOR~, BE 1'T RESOLVL'D that the Anaheim City Planning Commission ciaes herEby grant subject Petition for Cunditional Use Permit, upon the Following condi~a.ons which are hereby found to b~ a ne~essary prereqizisit~e to the proposed use of the subject praperty in order to preserve the sa.fety~ and g~neral welfare of tl-e Citizcns oF the City of Anaheim: 1. That prior ta issuance oi a building permit, ~he appropriate traffic signal assessmEnt fee sk~.al1 be paid to the r,ity oL• Anaheim in an amaunt as determiried b~ the City Council for new com:nercial buiZdings. 'l. '1'hat the existing m~st westerly driveway on La Palma Avenue sha11 be removed and replaced with a standard curb, gutter, sid~walk and lanci~capinc,~ . 3. That a11 drivesaays shal~ be r.~dcsigr.ed to accommadate t~n (10) Eoot radius curb returns as requir~d by the City Tra~fic Engineer. 4. fihat the proposal shall camply with all signirig r.equirements of th~ kiL Zone, unless a variance all~wii~y sign waive~s is approved by the Planning Cam~iission or Cir_y Council. 5. Thak the ~wner of subject praperty shall sizbmit a lstter requesting termination of Variance No. 2109 t~ the Planning Aepartment. -2' PCB4-171 ~~~~ . r.i~l;~~ ,-.,, 6• ThaL• subject prop~rty sha11 be develop~d substanti.al].y .in accordanr.e with plans and specificaL•ions on file with the City o~ Anah~im marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 3. 7• `I'hat prior to the time that a bui.lci~ng permi.L- is iGSUed, ar within a pc~ri.o~ ~f one year ft•om i:he date ot th.is resoluk~.ion, whichev~r occurs f irsr, Condition [dos. 1 and 5, above-menF.ioned, sriall be complied with. Extensions for furtY~er time to complete said conditi~ns may b~ granted in accorc9ance with Sectian 18.03.090 of ~he Anaheim Municipal Cmde. 8• T.hat. prior to final bui7.ding and zoniny inspections, Condition N~s~ 2, 3 anr~ G, ahove-mentioned, shall be compli~d with. 9• Z hat the peta.ti~ner shal~. provide weel:ly assistanc~, as n~eded, in r emoving lit~er from the adjacent industrial property to thc~ east. 10. That the petitioner shall pre«i~]e s~curity guard:, as required, on the pr~mises of subject property to curb problems of loitering, and of drinking of a.lcoholic beverages or of ol-her c'.isturbances ~~aused by young people congr~~ating an said pr~mises. I3E IT FU1~TEiER RESOLVED kha.t the Anaheim City Planning Commission does her~by fin~ and deter.mine tI~at adoptiori of. ~his Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compZiance with each and all o~ the conditions herein~bov e set forthe Should a.ny, such conditions, or any par.t tihereof, be declared invalid or un~nf orceable by the final judgment oi any cour~ oE competent juxisdiation, tnen this Itesolution, and any appro~als herEin containedr st~all be d~emecl nu11 and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLU'.CION is signed and approved by me this 20th day of August, ].984. /~ _ . ~, ~ /`~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~i ~, ~:,,~ ,~-~ :.~ ~ :~'~ --~...=:~ ~~1 L-- ~ ~CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIi~I CtTY PLANNTNG COMMTSSION ~1`PTES'I' : ,~ ~% ' , ~ c r~~ ,(~ / ~,~•c%f4~ r` .. t' ~ L SECRETARY, aNAHEXM CI't'Y PLANNING COMMISS:fON -3- PC84-171 ;::,.: . . . .. ~ .. -.a~~~r ~` . S'!'A~'L OE' CALIEORNIA ) COUN!PY UI' URA~vvi; ) ;;5, CI'I'Y UF' ANI~H~IM ) 1~ Edith t,. Harri.s, S-~cretary oE the Commission, do h~reby certiFy thak Che fc~regoing resol~u'tion ~Sty planning adopr~d at a an~n~ing ot tt;e Anaheim City P1anning Commissi.on heldNoss AttquGa 20~ ~9~'4~ bY the fo].lowiny vole of the membrrs thereoE: AYLS: CUMMiaS:IOl~ERS; E`Ry~ HgkBS`i', K:[NG NOEa^: C~MMISS70NFRS: NUNE ~ L~ ~~nIRE ABS~NT; COMMISSIONERS; BOUAS, f~U.~,EIURi; ~ MC BURNFY IN WITNESS WHLREOF', T have hereur.to set my hand this 2ptt; day of August, 1989. `.~' ~ ,; ,~, , ,Y-, ____---- ~:' ~~~~~ ~' !~' ~ ~ ~ u'~'~--, c - ~ SEGRL•'TAI2Y, ANAHBTM CITY F'LANNiNG ~OMM SION -a- ~caa-171