PC 84-174r, ,.,~ RESOLIITION NG. PCF14-174 A RESOGU'rTON O? THE AP~AHh~IM (:lTY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PE~ITION ~'C1R CONDI`t'TONAL USE P;RP9IT NU. 2tiUa BP GRANTED WHEI2BAS, the Anaheim City k~lanni.t~y CommissioiZ ci:icl receive a verifieci l~etition for Conditional Use P~r.mit tr~m A~ G. RIGHTER AND DOR:[S R. R:[CEiTER, 3640 Meadow 'Lar~e, Sacrar~en~u, California 95825, awner~, anc' AMANDO AND JUANTTA SANCHE~, cjo S~rLVEN A. SILVERSTEIN, 2001. East First ~treet, Suit~e G, aanta ~n~, c~~iif~;_nia 92705 and C, C. HUt~;PHRICS, 30U01 Crown Va11ey Parkway, Suite P, Laguna Niguel, Califoxnia 92677, agents for certain r.eal property situate~l in the City of Anaheim, County of Or.anger State of Califortiia, described as: THE F1EST 11 ACRES OL' THE SOUTH HALF, OF THE SOUTf] HALF OF THG SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF S,?,CTION 1, TUWNSHIP 4 SOUTEI, RAN~E 10 WF;ST, IN THE RANCHU SAN .JUAN CAJOiJ DE SANTA ANA, AS SHO'v~IN UN F, MAP RECORD~;D IN Fi00K 51 PAGE 10 OF MI5(:ELL?1NEUU:i MAPS IN THE OI'F'ICE OF 7.'HE COUN`rY RGCURUER OF SAID COUN''.PX. EX~EP`.l' ~.'HB SOU'.CHERLY 200.00 FEET UF '.PHE i9ESTERLY. 200.00 F~E;T. WH~REAS, the Ciky Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at thN C'ivic Center in the City of Anaheim on August 20, 1984, Gt 1:30 p.rn,, notice of said public hearing havi~ig be~n duly yiven as r~7uired by law and in accarda.lce with the provisions of th~ Anaheim Mun:icipal Cade, Ch~pter 18.03, to hear and consider eviclence ~or and against saict proposed conditional use permit and tc investigate and make firldings and rPCOmmendations in connecl-ian therewith; ~nd WHEREAS, sai.d Commissiori, Gxter d~ie inspection, investigatio~ and ~~tuciy made by itselE and in its behalf, an~ ~fter. due consider•ation of a11 evidence and reports oEferec] at said hearing, does ~ind and determine thQ foll~wing facts; l. `Phat the pro~osed use is properly on~ f or which a conditional use per.mit is authorized by Anaheim [~lunicipal Code S~ctions 18.06.030 and 18.4~.050.01U i:o wit: to permi~ on-sale alcohol in a pro~osed restaurant and cocktail lo~:nge wirh waAver of ~:ne fol.lowing: SE;~TTONS - Minimum number of ~arkina spaces . AND 14.44~066.fl50 t598 spaces required; 512 ,~aces exis~ing). 2. Tha~ the proposeci use is nereby yrantFd anci that the requested waiver is yranted en the basis tt~at the parkiny var.iance wi17. not c~use an increa:e in traEfic congestion ir, the i.mmediate vicinity nor adversely atfect any adjoining land uses; anc] that the granting oE the paricing variance uac9er the condition: imposed, if any, wil:l. not be detrimen':al to the peace, health, Uafety or genexal welf.are of the citizens of the City of Anaheim. 3. 7.'hat tne proposPd usE wi].1 not adversely aff.ect the adjoining land uses anc~ the growth and development of the area in wt~.ich i.t is proposed to bP located. #0301r PC64-i74 r,,.,~ ,,~,.,~, ~1. Th~t the size aXid shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to a11ow l:he fu11 development of the propc~sed use in a manner not detrimEn~a1 to thp parl-.icular area nor. to the ~Eace, he«lth, sately and general welfare oF L•h~ Citize~ls of ~}~e City oP Anaheim. 5. That l:he granting of th~ Condikio~~al Use ~~rmit under ~he conditionn ~mposed, if any, wiz.l noL be detrimental t~ the peace, health, safei:y ~nd yenera.l welfare oE the Cii~izens of the City of Anaheim. G. That the traffic yenerated by the proposed use wili not impose an undue burc~,:~n upon the str.eets and highway~ designeca and i.mpcu~;ed to carr.y t~he traffic in the area. 7. ~rhat no one indicatEd their pres~nce at said pub.].ic hearing in oppasit~:.on; and that no correspondc,~lce was rec~ivecl in opposition to th~ subject pe~it.ion. FNVIRONMEN`PAL iMPACT FINDING: Thal- the Anaheim CitX Plann.ing Comr.~ission l~as reviewed thP px•uposal to p~rmit on-sale a'lcohol ir~ a proposPd r~staurant and cocktail .lounge with waiver of minimum number of p~rking spaces on a irregularly-shaped parcel af land consisting of approximately 8.8 acre. located iiorth and east of the north~as~ corner of La Pu]ma Avenue and State College Boulevard, and further describ~d as 1U85 "A" North State College Boulevar6; and does hereby approve the Neyative Declaration upon finding that it hGs considered the Negat.ive Declaration toc~~ther with any comments received duriny the pu-~lic review process and further fir~dir~g on t~e basis of the initial study and any comments received that i:here is no substantial et~idence that the project will have a significan~ effect un the environmetit. NpW~ THERECORE, BE IT RESOLVEn that the Anaheim City Planniny Commission does hereby gr.ant subject ~etition fo.r Conditional Use Permit, upon the iollowing conditions which are l~ereby found to h~ a necessary prerequa.site to ~he propused use of_ the subjPCt property in order t~o pres~rve the safety anc3 geneza], welEare of tt~e CitizE:ns of the Ci~y of Anaheim: 1. 'Phat all on-site trash storage areas shall bc~ recoristructed in acc~rc7ance with approved plans on £ile with the Strepi: Maintenanc~ and Sanitation Division. 2. `Phat the ~.roposal shall comply r~ith all signing requireni~nts of khe CL Zone, unless a varia;icp allowin5 sign waivers is aNproved by tha plan~iing C~mmi~sion or City Cauncil.. 3. That the owner a~~ subject property shall submit a letter requesting termination of Condit~.onal Use Perrni.t No. 2339 to tt-c 1~Ianning L~~.art~nent . 4. Tt~at subject ~,roperty shall be developed substani:ially in accordanc~e with plans and specificati.ons rn f:ile with Lh~ City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 throuyh 3. 5. Tha~ prior tu the commenr.~mer?t af the aci:ivity authorized un~ler this resolukion, or prior to the time thar a builc:ii;~ permit is issupd, or ; within a~~erio~:i ot onc year frQm r_he date of this resolution, ! Vz- PCg4-174 ~ ; ( I ~ whichc~ver c~ccurs [irsL-, Conciitio-~ Nc~. :i, ~t~ove~•-:i~.r:.ntioned, shall be com~.,J.leci witr~. l:;xten:s.ioi~s f:oc furtt;cr ti.me to t~~~mplete saic] cc~ndit.i~,ns may b~~ .yr.an~eci in ,:ic:coi'dctflCf~ 'Altfl :;ect.i~n 18.C3.U9U of th~ Anahe~_m Mun.ic.i~>a1 CociF~. 6. '1'har pri~~r. t.o Lhe cori~rnc~nc~ment: c~t tl:e aet.ivir_y author.i.~,ed unraer this resolution, ~~r final bui:ldiny anci •t.oning ins~ecti.on:~, whir,hever ocrucs Exr:;t, c:ondil ion Nos. 1 und ~4, a:~ovc~-mentioned, shall be campl;.t~cl wit.h. t~L :C'1' E'UR'CHEk RGSULVEI) r.hat lhe Af1c1I'if:LRl ~:ity ~'lannin~~ Com~r~ission does hereby £inc: and determine that adoption oF this R~solution is expressly ~redicated upon applicant's cumF~liance ~~ith e:ach and al.l. of: the condirions k~~ereinabove se~ f~rth. Should ai~y :~ucli con~ .tion:,, or any E~art:. lhereof., be dc~clarNd lnvalid or i~nen.Eorceal~l.c by t~~e final j~dy~nenL of a.ny ~ourt ot cotnpetent jur.isdicti~~n, then Ch.is Ree,otution, an~ any sppcoval., herein contained, sha.ll i~e de~~mNd nu:ll and void. THE '.'UK~?~O.l'~l~ ~:ESOLU'1'ION is sig<<ec] and a~~proved by m~ this 20th day of August, 1984. ~ ~" / i. ' ; ' ~ ~` ; .. ; -- . __ ~ ,; f'~_.... -----~-! =• _' '~..~?~... ~ C;IiAIRP1Ah, ANAEIEI. CITY ~'LANNING CON,MISSION AT'PFST: ~ c ~•> ' ~ ' (l.•' ~~! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~CG- ~~ ~ S~;CRETARY, ANAHF;IM CITY FI,ANNINv COMMISSIUtJ STATE UE CALiFURNIR ) COUt~'i'Y UF URANGE ) ss. CITY UF AN~HF.IM ) i, Edi~h L. Eiarris, SNCretary of the l,nah?irr Ci.ty Plannin~a Commission, do her~:by certify thut khe foregoing reso.lution waa pas~~d and a:iogted al- a meetiny ~f ti ~~ An~heim City P1<<nning Commi~:~ion held on A~g~rt 2U, 1984, by the followiny vote at the member.s thereof; AY~S: CqMM.L5iIUNF.RB: E3CUAS, ['RY, HL;ttRS'P, F:ING, LA CLAIkE, M:: f:URNE'Y NUEa: COMMISSIUPJP:RS: BUSFi0E2E: AEiSENT: ~'OMMI ~SIOtJEk:i: NUt~IE, IN WITN~:SS WNL•'REUN, Z hav~ heceuntr~ r;~~t. my hancl thi . 201h iiay of nugust, 198~1. . ~~• ,~ • ~ ,. , f , . ~I ' / ~ i : 4 ~.. ~.. . ` .- SE::P.E'PAItY, ANAEiEiM C:I':'X PLA:+i~ING C()MMTS;,ION -"3- PCf~h-174