PC 84-178RI:SOLU'I'In[J NC). PC84-.17f3 A J2ESULU'.I'IC?N t)E' `PI~E; ANANE:IM CI'I'Y PI,ANNINc; C(~MM:[SSlON TEiA'1' PL•"i't'L'ION EUR ~~NDI`1'1OPJnf., US1: PI:t'tI+III' N0. 2611 BE GRAN7'Eil, It~ PART WHFCtEAS, tne Anahei.m c;i.t.y Y.lani~in<~ Commi.ssion did receive a verified Petition Lor Cor~~]itional Use I~ermit f.rom WILLI,'~M C. SAIVGSTER ANT) MARGARF.'P N. SANCS'.CER, 2~33 West Chapman, Urange, CaliEarnia 9i668, owners, and NAUGL.ES, INC., ~~TTN: ROGEl? IiARBUSA, 2932 East Nul~ar~od, Ftallertc~n, Galifor.niu, agent for. cer~ain real pro~er+•y situate~ in t;~e Ci.ty or Anah~im, Caun~y of Orange, Stwte of Caliiornia, c~ESCri.bG~~ as: 7.'HAT PORTIOiV 0]? Lf3T ~ OF' 2'RACT N0. 71, AS SHOWN C1N 1 MAP RECORDEll IN BOOK 10, PAGF' 2Z U[' MISCEL,LANGOUS MAP5, RECCI I)S 0~ QRANGE CGUNTY, :.'ALIE'ORDIIA, DE;SCRIBF.'D .AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING A`i' TNE SOUTHWES~' CC~I2NER OF LUT 3 UE SAID TRA :T N0. 71; Tk1ENC'E NOR`i'N d9° 5'3' UO° EAS`1' ALCNC; '1'HE SOUlEiERLY LINF, OL' SAID LUT :3 A DiSTANCE OF 175.00 FI.ET; THGNCE' SO[JTEI 0° U1' 00" EAS'i' 90.00 L'E~T TO 'I'HE `l'F.U~ PC)INT C:E 6EGINNING; TFiENCP NORTEi 8y° 59' QO" rAS'1' PARALI~EL W1TH SATD SOUTHERLY LINE QF I,C~T 3+ A UISTANCL U[' lUU,OU 1~E'1'; '.~'HENCF SOUTH 9° O1' OU" EAST 190a00 FEET; THGNC~ SOU'Iri 89° 59~ OU" 4~IEST PARALL~,T. F]I'CH THE SOUTHER~.Y LSNE OI' SA7D L~OT 3 ANU Z'HE VJEuTERLY PROI~CNGATION THGREOF `1'U A PGIN`1' :CN 'I`HF CGNTERLIN~ OE SiATF COLLEGE BOULLVARD ( F'ORMERLY 1~LACENTIA AVEIvUL•' ) AS I)ESCRIE3ED IN DFED TO THE COUN'rY OF ORAN~E, ~ECOitD~,D MaRCH 22, 1920 IDl BCOK 358, PAGE 19 UF DI;EUS, P,EC:ORDS OE' ORf1NGE COUN'lY, ~ALIFORNIA; THENL't NORTHERLY ALONG SF.ID CEN'.CFIILING TC'i A YUIN`.C IN A LINE THAT IS PARALLEL WI'1'H AND DTS'i'ANT 50UTN_FRLY 180.00 PEET E::nM SHIB SGU'rHERi,Y LINE OF LUT 3 AND THC WESTEP.LY PROLONGA~'ION 'PHEREOF; THENCE NO.Et~'H B9° 59' 00" EAST P7~RALLEL WTTH SAID ~QUT[3ERLY LIAIE OE' LUT 3 AIVll THE WGSTEfiT,Y PkOI,ONCA"i'ION `rHEREOF 'T~ A POINT TN A L1NE 'I'HAT BERRS SOU`1'H 0° O1' Ol~" ~iEST 90.OU ~E:'sT TO THL TFtUr POINT OF F3~GI~JNIIJG. WHEREAS, the City P.l.anning Commiss~on did hn].d a Fuplic hear.inc~ :tt the Civic Center ir- the CitX of Anaheim on August. 20, 1~8~~, at 1:30 p.m., notice nf said puulic heariny I~~avi.ny been duly yiven as required k,y law and i~1 accordance with the provisi~~n~ of l•he Anaheim Municigal Cod2, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cons.icler evidence for and against said proposed condi tional. u:~e permit and to invtstigate 2nd n-ake findings and recommendations in connection therewith; said public herxcing having been continued to the Planning Commi~sion meeting of September. 5, 1984; and WHFREAS, sai;a Commissian, after due inspection, irlvestigation and study made b,y itself and in it~ ber~~lf, and after due considcrntion of all evidenc~ ~.~nd r.eports oL-f~ ~ed at s~aid I~earing, does find and de~ermine the f.ollowing tacts: 1. '1'hat the proposed use i: prop<< one f_oc which a aonditional use permit is authorizcd by Anaheim Mun~cipal '~~de Sections .18.06.0i~U and 18.61.U5J. 390 to wi~ : to ~~eririt a semi-~ncl.ose~J, dt i ve -through restaurant in the ML (Industri~l, Lir~~ited) Zone with waiver of the £oliowiny: ~03U.5r ~C8~-178 SECTIUN .18.06.07Q.020 - hlirii.rrwm l.ength ot c9rive-through lane. ~ ANL~ 18.6]..06G r (60 ieet berwe~n stari: of l~ne and ordering d~vi.c~~ and 100 .feet between orderin,~ d~vi.ac. aizd servicF wi~dow requi.r~d; 55 and 68 feet ~~ro~~osed ) ~~'~ ,,~ 2. That the requ~=.sted wa~iver. is heceb~~ d4nied or. L-hc b~sis t;hat the Fekitionet stiptilateci at the pui~lic hearing tu subm.itting a x~vi:;.cl site plan to be approved by Lhe City `lxaf:fic Lng.inFer and with the driv~•-through lane n;Peting Code requirements. 3. That the proposed use, as granted, wi].1 nor. adversely affec'~ the adjoining land uses and the qr~~wth and c~evelopment ot- tt~e area in which it is propasE~d to be located. 4. That the :=ize and shape oE i:he sit~ proposed for the u~e, as ~ranted, is adequate to al.low tt~e ~u.l.l development. of the prupos~d usQ in a mann~r not d~trim~antal to L-he ~articular area ri~r to the peace, health, safe~y ancl genecal welfare of the Citiz~ns of the City of Anatieim. 5, That ~he granting o£ the Conditional Use Permit undec the condi`ions :mposecl, ii any, wi11 not be detri.m~:r~~aJ. ~o the peuce, health, safety and general u!elfare of th~ Citizens oE the Cii::y of AnahQim. 6. That the traf£.ic generated by k.hE pcoposed use, as yr.anted, will not impo: e an undue burder- upon th~ streets and ;~i~ahw~ys designed and improv~d to carry 1:he traffic ici the area. 7. ~l'ha~ no one indicated their ~,resej.ce at saic3 public hearing in opposition; and that r-o c~rrespondence was received in opposition to the subject pFL-a.tion. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FINDING: `1'hat the Anaheim Caty P.lanning Commission has ceviewec~ the propasal to permit ~ semi-Pnclo~Pd, crive-~hraugh re~ta~r~nt in the ML (Industrial, Limited) Zone o~i an irregularly-shaped parcel oE 1an6 consisting of approximatel,y U.78 acre, havinq a frontaye of approx.i.mately 1G0 feet on ~he east side of Statz Colle~e E3oulet~ard, beiny located app.roximate.ly 180 feet :~outh of the centerline of Orangewood Aventte, and further described as 2.11'l Soutri State Colleqe ~3oul.evard; and cloes hereby approve the Negative Declar.ation upon firid.ing that it has ~onsidered the Negative Declaratiun together wi.th any ~cornments received during the public r~view p~oces~ ~~nd f.ur.ther Finding on the basis of L•he initi.al study and any comments re~r.eived tFiat there is no s~il~stantial ev:idence that the pro~ect will have a significant ef.Eect c~n the snvironment~ NOW, 'I'E~fEREE'OF2i:, fiE I'P R~SGLVEll tt~at the Anaheim City E~lanning Commission does hereby gra.nt subject Petition for ConditionGl Use Permtt, upon the followin~ cor~di.tions which are ht~reby found t~ be a nece:~sary prErequisite to the proposed use of the ~uU;ject property in order co preserve the safety and c~eneral welfare of the Citize~is of th~ t:ity oE ilnaheim: 1. ThaL ~rioc to i.ssuanc.e of a hi~i.lding permit, the a~pr~priate trafric signal assessment fee sk~all k:e paici to the City of Anaheim i.n an amount as determined a~; the City Council for new commercial bui.ldings. 2. '.Chat all dr.iveways shail b~ ciesigneu to accommodate tPn (lU) f~~ot radi.us curb returns as reguired b,y the City Tratfic ~ngineer. -~- PCEi4-178 n er:~.~}~' .•. . 3. `.l'hat drai.nage ot subject prapecty srial]. lic: disposed of. in a mariner :,a~isfactory to the CiLy Lngineer. 4. Tl~~it trash storagc are~s sh~all be ~~rovidn~~ in ac.cordance with approved plans on til~~ wi~h tl~e Street Maintenance ~and Sanitati~n Division. 5. That vehicular access through the p.roperty shal.l be resi.ricted to k..'r~e drive-throuyk7 lane orily b~tween tne hours of midr,iqht a~7d h:00 a. m. 6. That Ghe owner~s) ot su~jc~ct prop~rty shall execute and record a cover~an~ in a i'orm approv~d by the Cit.y Attorney's Otfice where~n such ownsr(s) agree nc,t to cont~st th~> Formation of an~y assessment district(s) which rnay herea£-ter b~ fortned pur.suant ko the provisions of Developr~ent Ayr.iement ~lo. 83-O1 between th~ City of. Anaheim and ~p~'l' 1 vtc~C~lUnl Assc,ciates, W~'ll^.l'1 (j~_StC1Ct~5~ COU~C~ 1RCI.l1(:2 5UCL1 owne~ ~ property. 7, That subject pr~perty sh~ll b~ served by unc9ergraund utilities. 8. That a11 air conc~t:ioniny faciliti.es ;~ha>> be proper.?y shie.l~ed xrom view. 9. That the prog~osal shall comply w:ith all signing requirements of the [~IL lone, unless a variance allowing sign waivers is approved by th~ Planning Commission ~r City Counci.l. 10. '1'hat the owner of subj~ct ~~ruperty shall sunmit a letter reque~tinq termination of Conditiona.l Use Permit Nos. 79f3 and 1561 t:o the Planning Uepartment. 3.1. That subject property :hall be cieveloped substantially i.n accor.dance with p.lans and specifications on filc~ w.itfi the City of P,nat~eim marked Ftevision No. 1 of ~xi~ibic. Nos. 1 thcough 3; provided tiuweve~, that the length of: ~.:he driue L•hrough ].ane shall comply witF, t~~e Code requicements anc~ that a revisc~d plan(s) showing said revision shall be apprave~ by the C.ity Traft-ic Engineer prior to i~suance nf a building peruiit. 12. That pri~r to is~uance ot a building permit, or within a;~erioci of one ye~3r fr~m the date oi khis reso.l.ution, whichever. ~ccurs first, Condition Nos. 1, 6 and lU, above-ment:ioned, shall be complied with. E~ctension5 fot further time to complete sai~ c~nditions may be grantecl in ~cc~~rdanr.~ with ~ecti.on 18.~J:3.Q90 of: t~he ~'~naheim Municipal Cod~. 13. That pr~or to fi.nal buildiny ancl zonin~ inspections, Condition Nos. 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and li, above-mentioned, shall be complied wiL-h. SE IT HURTHER RESOL'VI:D that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does herpby find and delermine that adoption ot this Resolut9.on is expressly pr~diGated upon zpplicant's com~liance witYi each and a1:1 of the conditi~ns heceinabove set xortl~o Should ar.y suc:h cunclitions, ar any part thereof, be ~c~clar~d invalid or unenforceable by the: £ir~al judyment af any cour.t o£ competent juri.sdic.~tion, tl~eri this Resolut.ion, .;nd any approval~ her~ii: contained, shall t~e deemed null 4nd void. _3_ PC84-I78 '~s t'; .. . I.`' Ffi ;,I THE L'UkE;GOINC~ RE~OLUTIt~N :is signed and approved by me thi~ 5th c~ay of :~;; SFptember, 198~. ~ }'j • . ~ ~~ ~, -,' ~' , I .. ~`\~--~ c` t r, _, ;;L. _ .:/~; ~ ~ % ~ /~~ ; CHATkMAN, ANAFIEIM CI~' ~ PL'ANNING COMMISSION AT~l'EST : --- ' __-+~~'fil''t,s'J - - SECRETAR , ANFIHEIM C1'i'Y PLANNING COMMTSSTON STA'i'E OF CALIFOFNTA ) COUNTX OI' 012ANGE ~ ss. CITX OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of th~ :~naheim City Planning Commissxon, dc~ her~by certity that the f.aregoing resolution was passed and adopted aL- a meetir~g c~f the Anahein; Ci.1:y Planning Commission held on Septernber 5, ],984, by the fol.'.owi.ng vote of the memaers tt~ere~~f : A:ES: COMMISSION~RS: BOUAS, BUSHORF, F~2Y, HERBS7.', hING, MC J3[JRNEY NC~ES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABS.EtJT: CUMb1ISSIONERS: LA CLATRE IN 6vITN~SS ~VHEI2EOF, I have hercunt:o set my hand this 5th day oF September, 19~4. C~-~~ ~~ c ~(/'[~'1-k~ SEC:RETARY, ANAHEIM CTTY ~~LANNING COMMISSION -4- PC84-178