PC 84-180~ RESUI~U`i'.zUN NU. ~C84-•180 A RCSUL,U'i'IUN UC '1'HE ANAHE.:M C:1TY PLANNANG COMMISSIC)N '1'HA'1' PETI'1'IUN FOR CONUT'i'.IGNAL I75E ~L•'f2MiT NQ. 25~1 f3E GEtAN'1'E;1) WHEFtEA5, the AnanE~im C.it.y Planninq Commission d.id receive a verified Petitxon for Conciiti.or-al Use 1?Prmit crom Lf'MUN ASSOCIATES, 146 Last Orang~t;~ox~pe Avenue, Anaheim, Caiiforni~ 92R01, owner, and f3IXBY KNOI.LS UFFICE SU~•Pi,IBS, 77 East Uranyeth~rpe hvcnue, Anahei.m, California 92~3U1, agent ~or c~~tain real property situated in the Ci.ty oE Anaheirn, Counky of Oran~e, State of California, descri.bed as: PARCEL A: `1HAT POF;TTUN UE' '!'HE SOUTFiEAST QUARZ'Ek OF TElF. SOUZ'HWF:S`1' QUARTE~2 OF SECTION 34, 'I"~WNSHIP 3 SOUZ'H, RANGE 10 WF';;T IN THE ~2ANCHU SAN JUAN CAJON DE `Ai~1`.:'A A;VA~ A~ SHOWN UN A Mf1P RF,CORDED IN BOOK 51 ~AGE 7 OI' MISC~LLANEO~S HAPS IN THE UFFICE UF THE CUU~1`.CX RECURDER QG SAIC~ GOUNTY I)L•'S(:RIBED RS FOLLGWS: Pt~RCEL NU. 4 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED tN EiUU~ 10 UAGE 37 OF PAI2CEL MAPS IN `.l'~lE OFF'ICE OC' `CHE CUUNTY RECORllER GF ORANGE~ GALIFORNIA. PARCEL B: THE WEST 220. UU GE i:7' UI' THE ;iOU'i'H "100, UO FEET, ML•'ASURED RLONG THi WESTERLY AND SOUTHERi.~Y LINES ~ OE `i'HE f,0tl'PHEAaT QUARTER UF Z'HE 50U'~^HWEST QUARTER OE SLC`i'iON 34 'rOWNS,{IP 3 SI~UTN RANGE IO WEST, IN THc: RANCHO SAN JUAN C'AJON D~: SANTA ANA, AS SHQWN QN A MAP RECORD~:D .IN NUUK 51 PAGF, 7~JF MZSCELLANF~QUS Mr1PS~ Rf;CORDS OE' URANGE COU:VTY, CALIF'ORNIA. }~XCEP'!'ING 'I'HEREE'ROM TH11'L' PORTION 'i'H1:REOE LYING WESTEfiLY ANll SOUTHERLY OF THE: EA.S'I'GRLY ANU NORTHERLY LINF.S Or THE: LANn COiVVF.~'tEU T.O THE CI'I"1 OF ANAFfF.IM HOF2 STREE'r 4tiIDGIJING PURPOSES ~,Y DEED RECOI2UEU hARCFi 25, 1~54 7N f30UK 2695 I~AGE 315 OF UFFICIAL REi:URDS. WHE:ItEAS, the City Ylanning Comtnission dic! hr~ld a~ublic t-~earing at the Civic Center in ~~he City ~f ~>nah~im or. ~epr.Pmt~er 5, 1984, at 1:3C p.m., notice ot s~id pub.lic hea:ing hav~.ng been du.ly yiven as reyuzred by law and in accordance with the provision~ of tt~e A:~aheim htun:lcipal Code, Chapte:- i8.03, to hear anci consider evid~nee tuc und against aaid E~ruPt~red c:onditiAnal use pPrmit and to invesr.ic~ate and make E.indiny:? and recor~nendat:ions in connecc:i.~~n therewith; and WNF,REAS, aa;d Commis;,.icn, ~ftE.r ~uF~ in:~pection, inve,`iyat.ion and study made by ikself and i.n its benalr", and .~fter ~l~.~e consi,dc:r.ation of all evidence and re~orts oEte~c~d ~c said hcaring, due:~ Lind and determine the following Cact;~: ~U3U7r PC84-1$U 1. 'i'hat the pro~~ot~r.1 use i.s proE~erly one ~or wh.ich ~~ conc~.ikional u;.e ~~ermit is authorize~d by F,n~he.im Mun.ic.ipa.l ~ode SGCtion . to r~it: t~ reta.in rctail sal~s o~' u~tir.e su~plies in che ML (Indusl-r.ial, I,imited) 7one. l. '1~hat the pr.oposeu use wi11 not au~~crse.ly t~ff'ecL- the adjoin:ing land uses an~i tt~e yr.owth and development of ~.he area in which it is pr~posed to be l~cated. 3. Z'hat the size and shaE~e oE the sitP ~roposed Eor thc usc is adequate tu al.low tne Pull developm~nt oF Lhe E~roposed u:;e in a m.anner noL detrirrient:al to t~.he particu.lar acea noz ~o tt~e pEace, healt~h, satety and gener.al wel.fare oF th,e Citizens of L-t,e City of Anaheim. 4. That the gr~an~iny oL tht~ Con~~iti7na.l Use Permit under the conditi.o~.s i~nrao:;e~~3, iF any, wi11 not be dE~trirnenL~l to the ~eace, hE~alth, safety anc! general welfar.e ot the Citiz~ns of the Ci~y of Anah~~im. 5. ~'hat the traffic ge~ierated by the proposed use wil:l not impose an undu;: c~urden upon the streets and l~~ighways designed and ~.mproved t.o carry the traf.fic in the area. 6. 'i'hal• no on~ indicated thei.r k>reser~ce at said public hearing in Uppositiori; and r_hat no corr~spr~nde~ce w~s received in ~ppositi.on to the ~i~bjer_t pEtition. :,NVIRONMENTAL 'lMPACT ETIvDING: That the Anaiieim City Planning Cc>mmission has reviAwPd the proposal ~o retain re*_ail sales of offic~ supplies in '.:he ML (IndustriaJ., Limitc:d) r".one on a rectangularly-yhaped p~rce.l of. land consistiny oL appr.oximately G.9 a::te l~c~~ted at the noctheast corner of- Uran~ekhorpe Avenue and Lerron Street and f~irther describ ;: as 77 East C>rangethorpe Avenue; and does hereby approvP the Negariye DPClaratian upon finciin~ ~h.~t it has consi.dered tt-~e Negative 1)eclaration togeCher with any r,amme~ts received dur.ing the public rEView process and further -incl.ing on the basis of the in.itial study and any comments received i:h~t there is no substantial evidence that the ~rojECt will have a siqnif.icant eif~ct on the environment. NOW, 'PHER~FOFG, BE I`t' R'r:SOLVED t:hat the Ana:~eim City Planning Commission d~es hereby grant subject PeLition for Coriditior-al Use Permit, upon r.ht~ Eo.llowing conditions wtiich are hereby Fuund to be a nere~sary ~rerequisite to the proposed use uf r_he subject property i.n or.aer to preserve the safety and general ~~rplfare of tt;e Citizens af r.he Cil•y of Rnah~.im: 1. Ttia:. L•he owner oF subjecc pro~>~r.L•y shall irrevocably ~ffec to dedicate to the City uf An~~h~im a st ~~p of .land 53 Eeet in widt•h from the c~nterline ~f the street along UrangethorpP AvPnue and 45 ieet in width from the rent•erline vE t:hc~ : tr~at along Leman Street for a^tCC'E'C widenin, purpa~es. 2. That the ~roposal sttiall comply with all sEgning requirements oF the ML Zone, unless a varianc:~ all.ow.iny sign wai~ers is approved by t}~e t~l~nning ~omm.is ~ion or City c:our.cil. -2- PC84-180 ;,,,1,.• s ~'+' .~; ' ..':(tr . 3. That subject 1>roperty shall bF dtv~lo~ed substantially in accor.c:ance with plans and sp~c:i.fa.c:a~ions un Ei1~= witt~ the City of Anah~irr~ m~arked I;xk~ibit Nos. .l anci 2. 4. That C~nditior~ l~lc_. 1 and .3, above-rnentioned, shall b~ r.ornplet.~d within a per.iod of sixty (60) d~ys froni the da~e af this resoliationa E3E i'I' FUIt'i'HER RE50LVEll that the Anahe:~m City Ylanni.ng Commission does hereby find ar~d determine that ~doption of this R~sr~lution is expressly predic~ted upon apUlicant's complian~e wit:h each and all ot- thp conditions heceinabov~ sPt forth. Should a-zy such cor:ditions, or any _~art thereof, be declart~d ir~vplid or unenfarceabl~ by the tin~~l juc7gment of any court of ~:ornpetPnt jurisdiction, then thi,~ IZesolution, and ;~ny approvals Y~erein contained, shal.l be dtemed nu11 and void. THE F~~REGGING k~ESOLU'1'IUtJ is signed ~and approv~d by me ttiis 5th day of. September, 19~9. - _~' ' ~ ~ ~ ~I / , ' , ~ .,. `'~: i. ~•;' ~ '~- ,~i .., __ _.-CHA~.IRM~AN, ANAEIEIM C~TY PLANNING CONIMTSSION ATTL•;S'1': ~ a~~~. ~~ `~~~..~~, _ SECRETAItY, ANAHEIM Cl`i'Y PLANNINC, (:OMMI55ION S`rATE OE CAGICQRNIA ) COUNTY O1 URANGE ) ss. CITY Uk' ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Har~is, Sec.retary cE the Anahein City Planning Commission, do hereby aertify that the foreg~ing resolut:on was passed and adopted at a meeting of tt~e Anaheim City Planniny Commis~;ian t~eld on Septeml~er 5, 19t34, by the following vote ot the membe:s thereoE: AYES: COMMTSSICN~:RS: FiJUA~, BUSHQI<E, FRY, HE~2BS`l',. KING, MC L~URNL•'Y NU~S: C~MMISSIONERS: NUN~ ABSEN`P: COMMISS70Nt~RS: LA CLAIFtG IN W.ITN~SS WHEREOF, 7 ha.ve h2reunto set my hand (:his 5th day of September, 1984. ~~ ~ ~~ SECRE'1'ARY~ Ai~AHE;[M CT'.I'Y PLANNING COPIMISSION •-3- PC84-180