PC 84-184~..I ~ ~. kESOLUTION N0. YC84-134 A RESOLUTTUN OF' THF' ANAHEIM C:I'!'Y PLANNTDIG Cp~IMISSION '1'k1AT PE~'i'I`1'IUN FOR RECLAS:;IE~TCA`1`ION N0, 84-85-5 BE GT~ANTF.D WHEREAS, the Anahieirn City P:tanning Commi:sion dicl receive a verified ~etition ior Reclassificati~n from PA~ruic~c M. Aran DOR~THY H. E3URI~FY, 60 Harbar Ridye Drive, Newport Beacli, CaliEocnia ~2GG0, owners, and FtOBERT U. MICKELSON, 1~.0. 3ax 2303, Urange, Ca.lif.ornia 92669, ac~ent for certain real properky situated in the City of Anaheim, County oP C~cang~, S~ate of California, described as follows; x'E~E NORTHLAS'I' QUARTf~R OE THE NORTHI~AS`1' QUAR•~'f:R OF '!'HE NORTHEA6T QUARTER OI' SEC'1'ION 24, `I'OW[~;;HIQ 4 SOUTII, RANGE 11 WES`t'~ IN 7'HE RANCHO L05 COYO'CE;S, CITY OL' APJAHEIM, AS PER MAP I~ECQRDE;D tN BOQK 51, PAGE 1]., NfISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THL UFFICE (JI' 'rHE; G~UNTY RFC.ORDE3R OE' SAID COfJt•~`t'Y. E?:CGPT ~i'HE WCST 132.00 b'EET '1'H~REOF. AL'SO EXCEFT THE SOUTEI 328.00 FELT THEREOF. A1,50 EXCEI~T `rHE EAST 26'1.3U FF:E`P Z'HFREOF. WHk~REt:S~ the City Pianring Ccmmission did hc~:ld a public he~~ring at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on SeptembEar 5, 1984 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said puk:lic hearxng havany Ueen duly giver~ as required by 1aw and in accordance with Lhe provi.sions oE the Anaheim Munir.ipal Cade. Ct~apter 18.U3, to hear arid consicier evidence Eor and ayainst saiu ~roposed reclassification and L-o inv~~tigate and make fi~~dings and ~.ecommend~tions in aonnection therewith; and WfiEREAS, said Commission, after due insoecti.on, investigation ar.d st~dy rnade by itself :.~nd in its behalf, and a£ter due consideration of all evic]enee anc3 r~~or.ts off~red at sazd hearing, does Finc] und determi~e the ~oll.owing f.acts: l.. 7'har_ the petitioner pr.opo:~es reclassificatien of subjeck property from the RS-A-~3,OOU (Residential, :4gzicult~~ra1) Zone L-u the RM-1200 (Residential, Mu].tiple-Farriily) or a le:s intense zone. 2. That t.he Anaheim Ge.~eral Plan des.ignates subject proparty for medium density residential and genera.l com~r-ercial ].and uses. 3. Thal• the prouosed reclassif~.carion ~f subje~~ property is necessary and/or desi.cak~le for the orderly and proper ~ievelo~%ment of ttie comtnunits~. 4. That t.he propo~ed reclassif~i~aL.ion o£ subjecl: oroperty c~aes properly relate to the z~~nes and tiieic permitted uses loca.Ily eylablish~d in c1osP pro:cimity t~ subject propecty 1n~ L-o the zones ~nd their permitted uses genecally established thr~ugE;out the comrnunity. ~0311r PCa4-184 ~ 5. '.I'hat L-he t'roFosed reclassi.:Eir.ation of subject proper.ty requir.es the im~:roveir~ent ot abutting s~rect~s in ~ccordance witt~ hh~ Circulation Element of the Genec•al .P7.~», due tc~ l:h~ anticipated incre~.~se in L-rafPic which will b~ g~nerated by th~ int~r~si[ication o[ land use, E• 7.'hat thr.eN persons indic~t~d their pr.F~sence at said public hearing ii~ opj~~sition: ar~d ti~at no correspond~nce~ taas received in o~~position to su~~jNCt petition. FNVTRONMENTAL IMPAC'1' E']:NUING; 'I'hal the Anaheim City P].anning Commission has reviewed the prr~pusal Lo rc.rX<<S~zgl subject property L•rom the RS-A-43,ODU (Residentia:l, Ac,ricultura:l ) Zone to tY~e I~M-12U0 (R~sideritial, Mu1ti~lE-Familv) Zone to construct a 44-~unit apartment cumplex with waiver~ of makimum structur.al rieight and rninimum tloor area on a rectangularly-shar~ed parcel o.~ lanci consisting of approxi:nately 1.74 ar,res, having a front~gE QF approximately 2i1 feet un the sflukh side of F3a11 Road, and further descri.bed as 26?.0 West Ball Koad; anci do~s hereby approve the Negative Declaration upon ~~inding that it has co~~s,idered the Neyative neclaral•.ion t~gel-h~x~ with any comments recciv~d during the public review proress and further finding on the basis +~f 1:h~ in?.tial study and any comments re~eived that L-h~~~e is no substar.tial evider,ce t.hat trie project wi.l]. have a significant effect on the environmenL-. iVOW, 7~H.ER~;FORE, BC I'L~ RESOLVEn lhat the Anaheim City Planniny Commission does her.eby grant SUt~)@Ct Petition for Reclassi.fical-.ion and, by so doing, tl~at 7'itle 1F3-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended tu exclude the above-described property from the RS-A-43,00~ (Residentia7, Agricultural) Zon~~ and to incorpor~te sa.icl describr~d property into the RM-1200 (Residentia]., Multiple-1'amily) Zone upon the followiny condit.ioris which ar•e herebX fuund t.o be a necessary prerequisite to the pr.oposed use of subject property in order lo preyerve the safety and gener~l we7.f~re of. the Citizens o:E the City oE Anaheim: 1• 7:'hat street lightir,y faci:lities a].ong Ba11 Foad shall be inst~lled as required by L-he Utilities General Manag~r in accordance with specif.ic~ztions un file in the Off~c~ ~f Utilities ~eneral Mar.ager, and that securit}• in the form o.f a bonc9, rertificate of cieposit, letter oE credit~ or cash, in an a~nount and form satisfactory to ti~e City of Atzaheim, shall be p~ste~ with th~e City to guarantet the satisfactory complet:ion of the above-mentioried impr~vements. Said se:c~irity shall be posted with the City of Anaheim prior k~ the adoption of the ~c•~linance rezoning subjecl- prnperty. ThF above-req~i~•ed im~rovements shall be i.nsta.l.led prior to ocr,upancy. .2• That the owr~2r of ~ubject: pro~erty sha.ll submit a letter requesting terminati.on of Variance Nos. 2592, 3178 anc~ 32i0 tu the P.lanniny ilepartmc~nt . 3. Z~hat prior to the .introduct.io-~ of an ordinance r~zor,ing subject prop~rty, Cond.ition Nos. 1 and 2, above-niEntione~, shall be completed. The provisions or righcs granted by this resolution sha11 pecome null and void by action of the Planning Commis:•ion unless said conaition; are complied with withiri one year t.rom the C~dtE' of thia resoluti~~n, ~r suct~ further r.ine as the Planning ~ommission may gr.ant. ~-l PCa4-18~ BE I`x' FUH~~HER RE50LV~D lhat th~ Anaheim Citl Planning Commis~ion does hereby find and deterrnine ~hat adopti.on o~ this Resolution is exprE~ssly ~.~redicated upon appJ.ican~'s compliance with each ~znd al.l oE the cond.itions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or an~ aeclared invalid or unenforceable by the Einal ~ Pazt ther.eof, be comp~tent jurisdiction` thnn this Resol~~tion, nd gmant af "ny court of contairied, sha11 be deemed null and void. y AProvals h~rein '1'HG F~RE~;OTNG RESOLUTTON is signed and ap~rUVed by me this 5th day of September, ].984. . „_,` ; , ~ / • . _ •_ ,~~ -, i; ~ /, , ---s- / ' c' ,- - -~..L "..-;-` ~. ~-~/~~: ._ ' CHAIRhfAN, ANAEI~.IM C TY PraANNING COMMISSION AT'rE5T: SECP,ETARY, ANAHETM CITY PLANNING COMMI~;SION STATF. QF CALTb~ORNiA ) COUNY'Y OF O~tANGE ) Ss ~ CITY. OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, S~cretazy oE th~ Anaheim City Planning Comn,ission, do hereby certify that the toregoing reso.lution was passed ~n~ adopted at a meeL-ing uf the Ananeim City Planr~ing Commis ~ion hel~] on Septernber 5, 1984, by tl~e followit~g vote of the mernber~. thereof.: AY~$: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BUSHGRF, FRf, FiERBST, KTNG, LA CLATRE MC BURNEY NOES: COMMISSIONFI2S: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIUNERS: NONE IN WTT~ESS WHERFUF, I h3ve hereunto set m September, lgg4. y han6 this 5th d~y og _ ~~C~ .~ ~j ~., . - Po+~~.~ w i . SECRETARY, AHAHEIM CIZ'Y PLANNING COMMISSION -3- PC84~18~