PC 84-19~~ y 1~GSOLUTIUN N0. PC84-1~ ,,~v,, A 12ESUT~UTION p~' ~1~HE ANAHLIM CITY PI~ANNTNr, COMMIS~ION Z'HA'i' PL~TI~'IUN f'OIt I;UNUI'i'IONAL USE PET2MJ:T N0. 2529 }3T~ GRA[VTED WH~;REAS, t.tie Anaheim C.it,y .Planning Comm3.ssion did rereive a rerifi~d Pet:ition f~r Conditi~na.l [)se Pcrtnit: trom GREGGRY VILLANUI:VA & PATRICIA VII,LI~NU~VA, 34U0 Irvine Avenue, Suite ~21, New~ort Btach, California 9266U, owners oi certain r~al ~rop~rty si.tuate~l in the City of Anaheir~, Counk,y of O~ange, Stale of Cali.forni~, clescribed as: 'i'r!E SUU'.['EIERLX 1?.6.84 FEET OF 'i'HL EASTERLY 271.1 ~GF.T, MEASU1tED FROM 'i'EiL CENTEkLINE OF' PALM STRGET, OF LU~' ti OF C'.2CHARll PAkK ~rr<~cT, AS SHUWN QN A MAP RECORD~D IN ROOK 6, I~AGE 4F3 OF MIS~FLI~ANLOUS MAPS, 12ECORDS Of' ORANGE COUN'!'Y. CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, ~1•ie City ~lanning Commiss:ion did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in th~ City of tlnaheim on Fc•r~ruary 6, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., nokic~ o.f ~aid pttblic hear.ing h,~ving betri c3~i1~~ ~~iven as r~~uired by l~w and in accordance with the pr.ovisions o£ the Anahei.m l~unici.pal Code, Chapt.er 18.03, to r~ear and consider ~vidence for ~nd agai.nst said proposeci conditional u:e permit and t;o investigate and mak~ findings and recommendations in connection therewith; ar~o WHGREAS, said Commission, after ~?uc .inspec:tiar,, invectigatian arid study made by itselC and in its b~half, and after due con,zderation of all eviclence and report.s oFfered a~. said he~ring, does find and determine the fallawing facts: 1. Ttiat L•he propoyed use is praperly or~e for which ~~ condi~.ional use permir is authorized ~y Anaheim Municipal Code Section J.8.4]..050.110 to ~yit: t.o permi.t a threE~-st.ory, 53-unit motel. 'l. That the proposed use is hereby granted subject to th? petitiorier's s~ipulatioii at the pub].ic hearing to move Lhe motel structure as close to the narthFrn property ~line as possible and still comply witt~ all ap~licaLle Eiuilc!ing Codes and to provide ad~itional ].andscaping along the sc~uth property adiaccnl• to ~he parking lot anounting to the s~me depth as rPquired for thE buil.ding setbaci; (a 1.0-Eoot wide landscaped setbrzck ); and that there shGt.l be n4 op~nir-gs such as as wi.ndows and dours o~ the south er.n w~l.ls of the pr.o~osed motel. 3. That th~ pronosed u~•e wi].1 n~t adverse].y affe~t the ad joinina land us~s ar~d the 5rowth and developmenk of the area in which i~ is proposEd to be located. 4. Tha~ the size and sh~~pe oF tl~~ site proposed f.or L•he u~e i.s adequate to a11ow the fu11 dc:velopment of the Z~ropoaed use in a manner not detr.i.m~~ntal ta the parti~ular area nor fo tiie pcace, hca.lth, :.aEe~y and general welfare ut the C.itiz~ns of tlie City of Anat~ci.m. #0145r PC84-].9 ~ ~ a; .~ ~4J . ~ >~i ` .: i ~,,, j ~''; ; ,, :. ; ~ ~• Thal: thc yrant.ing ot: tt~ie Condi tional Use Per.mit under the condit~.ions irnC~o:;ed, i.E any, will not be detr.imenta.l to th~~ peace, h~~1kh, satety and ycn~ral wcl~ar~ oL-~ t.he CiL•irens uf ~he C.it.y of Anel~~eim. G. 'i'ha~ L-h~ tr~~f.fie generat~c! by the ptupos~d use wi1.1 nat ir~pose an unc~ue burden upon ;.he stCeels ~nd h.igriwZys c~esiyne~ and irnprov~d to ~~arr.y the traffic ir~ i:hn area. 7• Z'hat triree persons i.nda.c~~tecl tt~e.i~ presenc~ al said puhlic hearing .in opposition; r.nd that no cc~re~spondencc. wa~ r.ec~ived in opposition to tt~e suk~jecL- petition. ENV:iROidMI~N'.P~1L IhIPAC7~ FINDING: ~rhat the nnaheim Ci~y Planning Commissiun has r~viewed the proposa? to permi~ a threc-storyr 53-unit mote'1 an a rec:tangulaily-shaped p~rr.e1 of ia-,a consisting of ap~raximately 0.66 acre ha•.~i.ng a front~ye of appraximately 127 feat on t1~e w~st side of Harbor I3ot.~levard, and furtt~Pr described as 871. South Harbor Bou.levarc]; anp doEs hereby approve the Negative Dec_laratiori up~n fi.ndinc~ that it l,as consiclered the NEgative Dt?CidCatiOft tageth~r with a~iy c~mments receiv~d durir~g the public r~uiew proc~ss Gnd further findiny on ~he basi.s uf the initial study and any commer.ts r~ceiv~d i:hat there is no substaiitial eviden..e rhat the preject will nave a significant ef£ect on th~ environm~r~t. NOW, 'THEREf~'ORE, [?E I'.I' RESOLVrD that the An~heir; City Plann :ng Commiss:ion does hereby grant subi~ ' Peti~ion for Cariditional Use Permit, upon Lhe F~llowi-ig coriditi.ons which are her.eby fo~nd to be a nPC~~;sar.y prer~qu.isite to Lhe pro~osed use oF ~he suhject pr.opert~• in ord~r ta p:eserve th~ saPety anc7 general welfare of the CitizEns of the Cit,y oP Anan~im: a.. That prior t~ issuancp oC ~ building permit, the a~propriate tr.af.f.ic signal assessment tee ;hal.i hF paid to the City of Anaheim in an amount as deterniineci by the City Council for new cornmercial buildings. 2. That the exi.sling curb and gur_rer shall be removed and ~hat al.l enyineering requirements oF the City of Anaheim along Harlior Lioulevard, ir~cludiny prep~ration o£ im~rovement plans and installation o.t all improvements sur..h as curbs ~nd guttets, sid~~walks, stre~t grading an~ pav~ment, sewer. and drain~ge L-acilities, or okher. appurtenant wor.k shall be complied wi~h as reyuirec~ by the City Engin~er and in ~~c~ordance with sp~ciftcation.:, on f.ile in tt~e Ufficr of the City Enginecr; and that security in the .E~orm of. a bond~ certiEica~e oE cieposit, .lettQr of credit, or. cash, in an amaunt and forai sakisFactory l:o the City of Ahalieim, shall be po~ted with the C;.ty t~ guaranlee the satisfactory completion o£ said improvpmerit~. Said s«~curity s-1a11 be ppsted wit!-~ the r:i~y prior to ap~rcva.I o~ improvemenL plans, to g~!arantee the installatior. cf ~he abuve-requiced improvements prior to occupancy. :s• 'I'hct dr.ainage of subjact property ~hatl be disposed of ir, ~~ manr~Fr satisiactr~ry to tli~ City Engi.neec. 4. That the deveioper sk~all con~SkCUCt a sanitary sewer f.a~i:lity ~o serve subject propcrty as reguired by the c'it} Engineer. -2- F.'84-19 ~ ~ s ~ a 5. 7'h~~t strect .light~+~g faca.li.t.ie~ alony [-tarbar Boulevarcl sha.ll be installecl as requit:~~d b;~~ ~he Ut.i:Lities General MZnager in accardance with sper.il:ications on file in thc OPfzce oL- Utilit:i~s GeneraJ. Manac7er, and Lt~at securi~.y i.n th~ form af a bor~d, certificate of depUSitr letter of credit, or cash, in an amount cilld form satisfactory to th~ City of Ail~tl@1I11~ sha11 b~ posted with ~he City L-o cjuaranLe~ the satisfactory completion o£ L•he aaove-mentioned improveme-tts. S~aid securit,y sha11 b~ posted with the Cit,y of anaheim prior t~~ approval of i.mprovement pla-~se Th~ above-r~quired imprav~tnent.; sha11 be instal.~c•d prior ko occupancy. 6. 2'tiat vehiculnr Gccess rights to the publi.c aaley located to the w~.~;c af subject~. property shall be cieclicated to t:he City oF Anah~im. 7. '1'hat th~a owner <~f subject peop~rtiy shall s~.tbmit a letter rEguesting termination of Variance No. lU2'l. 8. Tha~ «11 proposed structures sha11 maintai.n a rninir~~um ver.'tical clearance of 14 feer 6 inches uve;: driveway(s) for vehicul~~r and emergency eguipment accesG. 9. '1'tiat l-Y~e proposed emer~encl~ fire gate located ~long th~ westerly property line shal.l be equipped wi.th a"nax ~~ox" as appreved and rcq~~i.red by the Fire D:partment.. 10. That ~~ minimum 6-foo~ high alock wa11 sha11 b~~ locaL•e~~ on ~he northerly, w~stzrl,y and southerly praperty :lines in compliance wii:h Code requirements and su~mitted plans. 11. ThaL- suhject property shali be developed subs`:antially in accordance with plans and specifications on fi.1~ with 4he City ot Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2; provid~d, however, that kitchen efficiency units may be inscall.ed in no mor~ than twen~y-Five percent (25~) of thP tnatel units, with a maximum of 6-cubic Loat rc.t:rigeraLors, two-burner stoves exc].uding oven and bak.ing facii~.tie:;, and single cornpartment sinks, except that thQ m~nagFr.'s unit wil]. be allowed to have fu].1 ki.tchen facili.ties, anc? ft~rther provided that the landscaped ~etback ~long thP entire southern propert,y line, includir.g the p~.rking .l~t, sk~a13. be a miniinurn of ~en (10) feet wide. 12. That priar to the cammancement of che ~xctivit~ autr~orized under tnis resolutic,ri, or prior to th~ tirr.e that ~ building permit is isyued, or ~ithin a p~r.i.od of one year from t.h~ c]ate c~F this resc~.ution, whichev~r ac:curs ~irst, CondiL-ion Nas. :, _;, 6 and 7, above-mentioned, sha11 be complied with. Extensions £ar f.ur ~r time to r.omplete said conditir~ns rr;ay be grantF:d i~i acc~rdance ., SECtion 18.O.s.090 of the Anaheim Muni.cipa:l Code. 1:.+. That prior tn final bui.ldin~ ancl zoniny inspections, Condition Nos. 3, 4, 3, 9, 14 and 11, above-:nentioned, sha1J. be comp.lied with. ~ - j- PC8~-•19 ''.~,'~, ,,~.., l~L I'.P t~UH7.'HGR R~:S~LVED ~hat the Anah~im Cily Plannir.g Commission does hereby Find ~nd dereiminc thaL• adoption oL this Resolution is express:l,y predicated upor~ appli.c~nt's cornpliance with each and ~11 of th~. aonditions hereinabove s~t for.tt~. Shou.ld ar~y such conditions, or c~ny part thereof, be de~:laYed in~~a].id or unenforceable by th~ f.inal judgment of any court of competent jurisdict.ion, then this Raso.lution and any appravals herein contained, sl~iall be deemed nul.l and v~id. 2'HE FOREGOING RESOLU2~IUN as si.gned ~znd app.roveu by me thzs 6th day of February, 1984. ~-~: j ~i ~') %" -i~ r' ' ___,._.; i ~, >: ~ f ~ , ,. . %! ~ '~~--C:.~.,L~ ~,~ A7TES.P• GHAI:RWOM~j3~, ANAHLIM CI'.PY PI~ANNING COMMISSION , ,. '~°~.~'. ,~ ~., ~ . ~. SECRFTARY., ANAfiEIM CITY PI,ANNJN~ COtdMI3S'1'ON STAT~ OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OI~ANGE ) ~S ~ CI'rX OF ANAH~IM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Sec:retar~J of the Ariaheim City P7a~sning Cammission, ~o hereby eertif,y tha~ t.he foregoing resolution was ~assed and ~dpA~~'~1 at a meeting uf the Anahei.m City Pi~~nning Commi~sion held on February 6, 1984, by the followzng vote of thn me!nber.~ thereof: AYES: LOMMTSS70~7~RS: BOU~S, DUSHORE, FFY, HERBS7', KING, LA CLAI.RE DlOES: rOMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEN7': C:OMMISSIONERS: MC F3URNT'Y TN WI'~'NES~ WEiEREpf~, I have hereun4o ser my t~and i:his 6~h day of February 1984. L~~C.~'~t' v( . !'T~~.~f.~t-a.cv SECRETARY, ANAHL•'IM C:[`.I'Y PLANNING COMr1:ISuION -4- PC84-19