PC 84-191kE;30LUTIU~J IJO. NCfi4-l.y.l A R~SUI t;TlO': OE~ '.CH~: ANAHEIM C:I'CY PLANNING COMMTSSION ~'HAT FC7'I`i'TON F'OR VARIAI~CL N0. 34~:3 BL GRAN'I'ED, IN PAR7' WEiFRLAS, the An~heim City Planni.ng Commissio~ dir~ r~ceive a verified Petiki~n for Var.ianc~ fcc~m IMPERYAL B,~NK, 9920 South La Cienega Boulevard, Ir.glewoocl, Cali~ornia 90.`s01, own~r arid Ell FEtA`LTER, 9920 South La Cienega Roulevard, rngleF~ood, California 9U301, agent ~or certain r~al pruperl•y situated in the C:ity of Anaheim, Cou~~ty of Orange, StaL-e uf CaiiFornia descri.l,ed as: PARI:EL UNE QF A Pt1RCLL MAP, IN ~'HE CT'.I'Y U[' ANAH~IM, REC:ORDGD AUGUST 24, 1~7~, I~] E3pOK 137, ~AGES 15 AND 16~ ItJCLUSIVL OF PA~C~L P1AF'S. WHEREAS, the ~:,i*_y Planning C:ommissiun raid hold a public hearing at the Ci~ic Center. in ~h~ Cii:y of Anaheim or~ :,~~ptember 17, 1984, at ].:30 p.m., noL-ic;e uf said puulic hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordarice wirl: l-he provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Coc3e, Chaptet 18.03, ~~ hea.r ar,d con:~ic~er. evidence for arid agains` sai.~ prupused vari~nce an~ to i~ivestigate ancl make findingra anc~ recommer.datior~s iii connecti.on therewith; and WHEI?L•'AS, said Cornmis~sion, after due i.nsF>ecEion, investigatic~n and ~tudy made by i.tself and 117 1tS behal£p and ~lfter due consideration af all evidence an~ reports ofPered at said 'nearing, ci~es i~r~d ;.r.:3 det~rmi.n~ the fc~Il~w3.ny tdcts : 1. That kh~ ~~titicner proposes waivers of Lhe fol].owing to ret.air~ the display uf tempurary flags f.or ~~ new residential subd~.~~ision: (a) SF.C~'ION 18.U5.065.~20 - Maximum number af. f:lag~.. (2 flags permitted; ].6 flacs existing) (b) SEC'1'ICN 18.05.U85.050 - PPrmil-::ed days of d~splaY. `~ (8aturday, Sttndays ~ legal holidays permict.ed; seven day~ a week existing) 2. 7'tial- the above-mentioned waiv~rs are ner.eby granted, in part, permittin~ 10 flags, on the basis that ther~ are special circumstanc~s applicable r.o the property such as si•ae, shape, topography, locatior~ and :urroundir~gs which do not apply to olher ident:ically zc~necJ pro~erty in the same viciniky; and that strici-. applicakion oE the Zoning Code depriv~s the property of pri~ri.lege:: enjoy~d by uther propert.ic~s in t.he identical zone and cla~sification in the v.icinity. 3. That thc:re are exceptional. or extraordin~ry circum~tances or c;onditions ;,pp].icabl.e tu ~~he property invulvec] or. to tl~e intended use of the p_~operty that do nut app.Ly genecally to the proper.ty or class uE use =n the same vicinity and zonc~. 4. That the rec~uesL•ed variance is ,~ecessary for th~ presecvation and enjoymPnt of a substantial praper.L-y right possessed by other property in the sa~ne vicinity and •~one, and d~nied to the pruperi:y in question. #~31dr PC84-191 5. 'I'hat th4, requested ~~~arianc:e ~.~~ill riot k~e materially detrimental to the oublic welEare c~r injurious to l-.h~ property or. improvements i.n such ~~icini.ty and zone in which the ~:r.operty is le~cated. G. That no one indicated lheir prE~sence at said public hearing in oppc~sition; an~l that no corr.c~~pondence was r.eceived in opposition to suhj~ct petition. LNVTRONMGN`.t'AL T_MPACl FINDI~G: The Planning J~ii~ector nr his authorized re~resental-ive has determincd that ~he proposed projec;t falls wiLhin the de~inition of Catr-gori.cal Fxe:~nt i.on;, Class 11, as defined in the State EIR Guide).lnes and is, the~eiote; caL-Egoricall,y exem~t from the requirement to prepare an EIct. NU~V, THEREFO[~~;, ~~E I'1' RESULVED ;}~at the Anahei.m City Planning Commi~.sion does hereby grant subject Per_iL•io:~ ~c~r Variance, upon tne f~llowing condi.ti~ns ~~liich are 'r~er~by found to be a necessary prereg~.~isite to l:t~e proposed use oi i-t~e subjecl• ~ operty in ordec to preserve ~he safeL-y and general weJ.fare of the Cikizen~ c..f the City of Anaheimr 1. That subject property st~all bE developeri substantially in accordance with plaris anc9 specifications on f~ le with the City of. Anaheim matke.~ Exhibit No. 1~ "l. That this variance, permitting a maximum ot- ten (lU) 6-square f.oot flags, is ytanted ~ur a period of approximatPly ~ix (6) months for a kerm cotermin~us with the permit issued pursuant to Anaheim MunicipaZ Ccde Section 18.05.085 g~us any extensians oE time which may be ~pproved by th~~ City Council. 3. Tl~at Condition No. 1, above-menticri~~], shal~. be completed wxL-hin a Per~ oc) of twenty--sc~ve~n (27 } days Crom the date of Lhia resolution. BE .TT FUHTHER kESOLVEll that thP Anaheim City ~la~nii~g Comm.ission does hereby find and de~er.nine that adoption o£ this k2esolution is expressly predicat:ed upon appl.icant's compliance with each and a11 of the conditions hereinabave set f.orth. Should aj~y such conditi~n, or any part tFsEreof, be dEClared invalid or unerforceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdictian, then this l~esolution, and any aE~provals herein contained, shall be aPemea n~.all and void. TI3E E'OREGO:~NG RESOLUTION i.s sigr.ed arid approved by me this 17kh day of Septemb~r, 1984. ~' ~ _. .... ' . r' / ~ /. i ~ i i~ / ~ ~ `%- . "I C.. ;:.: ~-- ~. ':L . '" ~ ~ /_~.~ CHA`I MAN, ANAHFTM CITY PLANNIP7G CUMMI6SION ATTEST: /~ c...( ' ' ~ --- ~~~ r ~~ ~~L.~ S~CRETAFtY, rlNAHk~IM CI`rY PLANNIIVG CUMMTSSIptJ -2- ~CB~' -19I !^ :~ S'1'A`i'E OE' CA~lI'JNN11~ ) CUUN'1'Y UF UkA'~IGL ) ss. CI'.rX Uf~ ANAFiE.IM ) 1, Ldith L. Harri:~, ;;r_c.rr~~tary ul t:t,e An~heim City Ylanning C~m:nissiun, do h~.reby certi~y ~hat l-he Loreyoiny resc•,luti.on was }?assed and aclopted aL ~ meeting r.>f the An~heim City F~iannin<~ Commission he.id or. September 17, 19E34, by the to.llowiny vote o£ ;he members thereof: AYES: C:UMMTSSION~RS: EiUUl1ti, I~RY, I~I;EtBS'i', N:INC;, L.A CLATFtE, Mi: BURNFY NOES: GQMN,ISSIO[~ERS: B-JSHUF? •L' F.f35EN'i': r(~MMISSIUNER5: NOtJ[. IN Wii'NLSS WHL•'REUE', 1 ttave ner.eunt:.o set my !~~anc9 tr:i: 17th day of Seotembe,, 19~h. _ _ .~~'~ .~ / ~ _ Sf:CRI'1ARY, ANAHFIM CITY PLANNING COMMI$SIGN -3- F~C84 -191 ,,: