PC 84-193~ kESOLU`1'iUN NU. PC34-193 ~ A RE~SOLU'~TON OF '1'HF; ANAEIE;IhI CT'I'Y PI.~11NN.iNG CQMMTSSION THAT PGTI'.i'[UN E'UR .REi;LASSTFTCA7'i0h NU. 84-85-:3 L•'E URAN'.l'E;1)~ UNCONUI'~'IONALLY' WiIERLr'~S, th~: Anatieim City l~lann.ing Con~mis:~ion did ret:cive a veriL.ied petition tur Reclassi~icalio-1 ~rom AFtM11~ill A. S'i'EPE:ANIAN AND VIC2G:[NIA A. STEPHANIAN, 2546 laest Linco.l.n Avenue, Anal~eim, Califor.nia 9?.805, own~rsr and HUGQ A. VAZ~Uk~7, 619 Scutt~ Live U~k Drive, Anaheim, Ga.lifornia 9'1805, agenl- for certain real r~roperty situated in the City of Anaheim, c.nunty o~ Or.ange, 5tate of Cali~ornia, ~lesccibed as follows: FP.RCEL 1: `i'HAi' PORTiOid OF' 'I'HT NOF.THWEST QUAHTER 0[' 'I'H~: NOR'.CHWEST QUAR'r~;R O[' ` ' `i':IL NOR `1'FiWF:S'I' QUAR'i'ER OF SECTION 1$~ .I UWNSI~IP ~l ,iOUTH, RANG~ lU WE;;`.L'~ IN THf~ RAiVCki~ LOS COYO`.CES~ CiTY OF ANA1•IEIM, CGUNTY QF G1~ANGE, STATE UF' CA7~IE(~I3NIA, AS PER MAP RECURDED IN BOOK 51, ' PAGE 10 vF PdIS(:ELLANEUUS NIAPS~ IN THE UI FiCE 0;' TEIE COUN'PY ' REC('~RpER OF ;;AIU COf1N'I'X, DES~RIBED AS FO LLOWS: BEGINNING A`l' A PUIN`i' ON TFIE NORTf~ LINL•' UF SAIU Sc^CTIUN 18, NORTH 88° 57' -i4" GAS'I' S11.00 I~EE`.I` rROM THE NORTH~REST COItNGR OF SAIll SECTION; THE~~.E SOU~rx 0° 13' lU" EAST 190.U0 FEB`C PARALLET, WITH THE WFST i,INE OF Stl:(A SrCZ`ION:; 'I'HENCE NI;RTH 8f3° 57' 34" FAST 142.80 FEE'.[' PARALLEL, WITH St1ID NORTH LINL TU THE EAST LINE 0[' THE WES'~' 2U ACRES OF THE NOR'i'H HALF OF 1'Hf3 NORTNWEST QUARZ'L•'Ft O'r' SECTIO~V 18, '1'FIENCE NURTH 191~.1~p FEET ALONG SAID EAST LINE; OF SAID NURTH 'L'INE; THENCE SOU7.'EI 88° 57' 36" WE~ST 142.72 FEET 2'p . :i'HE PUZNT Of.~' BF(;IN~ING~ rXCEPT THE NORTH G5.0~ FEF'T '!'HEREOF. PARCLL 2: 'I'HE NUk2'H 5 ACRES UE 'i`HE W~,:;T 20 ACRES OF THF' NORTF? HAI:,F OF THE NORTHP1Eu'1' (~UARTER. OI' SFCTi(~N 18, TUWNSHIP 4 SQUTH, }2ANGE 10 WEST, IN THE RANCHO LOS CUYO'I'E5, CITY UF ANAHEIM, COUNTY UI' ORANGE, SZ'A'PE OF CALIE'OF2NIA, AS PER MAP RECOKL'ED Ih BOOK 51, PAGE IO 0[' MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN '1'i~E; OFFICF. OC 7'HE CCUNTY RECORD~R OF SAI~ C;O~~NTY. EXCEPT THE NqRTH .1~0.p0 FEE'i' TkiERGU['. AL,SO F.XCEP:[' 7'HE WEST 41~3.97 FEI:'i' '~'FIEItf:OF. WHEFtEAS, the City P),~nning C'ommiasian ;~io hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the Ci~y of Anahnim on September 5, 1984 at 1:30 p.rn., noticP oP sai.d public tie~rin~ haviny 5e~n duly given as re~~;uired by law and in accordance with tt~e prov.i~ions ~~ the Anaheim Municipa? Code. Chapte~ 18.03, to hear ar,d consider e•~idence foc and aya.inst said proposed reclassification anci to investigate an~ mak~ findings ~ind r.eco;nmen~arfons in connection therer~ith; sa:id public he~rin~ having b2e~z continued i:o the Planning Commission me~ting of: Octob~r 1, 19f3~}; and ~0324r PC84-193 WE~F~REAS, sa~d Cc~mm:is: ic.~n, ~titer due insp~ction, .invt~esr.iy~r_iun and sl-.udy madc k~y i tselt ar~d ir- its ber~alt, anc~ afte,: duc_~ cunsideration of all evidence aild xeports oEEc~i:ed al: saicl hearing, dr~es Li.r.c3 and c~~t~rmine the ~ol.lowing facts: 1. '1'hat: tt~e ~c~t ikion~~r proposes cecl.a,~s if icatic~n oF subject pr~perty t:rom the CL (Commerci.a]., Li.mitc-~d) lone to the RM--12DU (ReSidential, M~_iltip].e-:'~rni.l.y 1 2~ne. 2. '1'hat tP~e Anat~~t.im Gcner.aL Plan clesiynates subject property Por c«mmercial proCessiona] an~i/o-: me;~ium c]E~nsity resid~ntia:l land uses. 3. '1'}~at the pro~a::~d re~:la:~sif ication oi subject prop~rty is necessary and/or d~sirable ~or the o.rderly and proper development of the c~mmtin i t,y . 4. That the propased reclassif:icat_icn of subjeet prc~pe~ty c~oes pro;~erly relate to the zones :znd their permitL-ed uses locally established in clase pxoximity to suujecl- proper.t.y and to the zones and ttieir permitted uses ycnerally est~blished thraughc~ut the c~mmuni.ty. 5. That 9 persons in~:licated their presence in oppositi~n at the September 5, 1984 T~U(JI.1C he~r.ing, and one p~rsUn in~licated his pres~nce at the Uctoher 1, ~984 public hearing in opposition; anr', that a petiti~in r,ontainxng approximately 83 sign~-tuces was rec~ived in oPposit~on to subjecr petiti~~n. EhVIKUNMENTAL '[b1PAC.T E'INDI:aG: Th~,t tt~e Anaheiin City Pla~inir,g Cam~nission has revieweci the proposal to reclassify subject property from t11e c:L (Commercial, Limited; Zone L-o rhe RM-1.20U (Residential, MultiplF-r~amily? Zone to cor.struct a 9~-unit affordable apartment complex under the authority of State Government Code Section No. 65915 ana witti waivers of minimum 1-iuilding site area pf~r dwelling unit and maximum building ~,eight on an irregularly-shapPd ~arcel of land cotisiskir~g of app.roximatel.y 1.18 acres, having a frontage of appcoximately 142 teet on the south si.de of Lincoln Avenue and further described as 254(i West L~incoln Avenu~; and does hereby ,:~pprove the Negative Ueclaralion upon f.indiny th~t it has considered the Negative lleclaration toyettier wii:h any comments ~F~ceived dur.inc~ khe public review process and further fincing on the }~clal;i of the initia] study ar,d any camments received that there i.s ~~o substantial evider,ce th~t the project will have a si~-tnificant effect on the enuironment. NOW, T[iEkEE'URE;, L~E I`i' RESOLVED that i:he Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby yrant subjE~t F~etitiun fo:- Reclassificatidn unconditiona.lly and, by a~~ doing, thaL- Title 18--'Loning o£ the Anaheim Mur,tcip«1 c:ode bc an~~nded to excluc3~e i.he ~bove•-descrik~ed pr~perty from the r.L (Cummerc.ial., Limitecl) Zone aricl ta incorpora.te said described property into the RM-1'l0U (Residential, i~iiiltiple-Family) Z~~ne. `i:?E COREGOING RESULU`I'ION i, siyned and apprq~ved by me thxs .lst day o~ October, 1984., ~% ~ ~ __ ;~ ...,_._______..,~_ ,~j.- ~~~ ~ ;: ~ ;'~ '..1' . ~J;,.. ~ ~ - --CH IKMAN, ANAHEIM 'IT" PLANNlDIG COMMSSSION ATTES'P : ~~2~ .~ - SECRE'i`ARY, ANAHEIh1 CiTY PLANNtNG COMI4ISS.IOh -2- PC84-193 ' ,,' ~.~,+;; . ~r. 1 i;{ ~ , C ' ~~.r,y~. . ~ ~~i,~~:: .' STATE; OF CALIFORNIA ) ~~~'~ COUN'l'Y Uf~ URANG)'s ~~+;j!!~ ~ ) s s . ~~'~; • ; CT'i'Y 01~ ANAHEIM ) I, Edith I~. Commission, do herek~~~ Harri:~, ~ertir" y Secret_ary of the Anaheim thdt th C:ity I~lannin~ ~. adopt-ed .. e foregoing resolution at a meeting of the Anal:~.im City P] an ninc C i was prassed and fi~~ , 1~ ~.984 ~ bl the .tol.low iny vote . , ~ omm ssio~~ of th~ members there f held on Oat~~ber o ; !~ >,,; t: , '~ ~ AYCS: COMMISSI:O(V~;RS: BpUAS~ BU.~,HORE, FRY, HLRgST, KS~IG~ L,A CI ,AiRE ~ ~ &''` a~,r_ N~~~: GOMMISSIONGRS: MC BURN NON~ ~Y . ~ ~.`~ `` Y~k;'; , ABS~IJT: COMMISSIONEktS: NON~ IN WI~i'NL`aS WHLREOF, t Eiave t~eee~arit~ set my hand this lst day of Oct~b~r, 19~9. - ` ~.~----~~~ SECRETARY., AtJAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMtfISSION