PC 84-1941tE~SUI,UTION_ NO~Pi;Fiq~l~4. A RESOLUT.I.~)N OF :I'E~L ~~NAHEIM C.I'1'Y PLANNING COMMISSION 'I'HA'L' PETI'f'It~N E~C)R VARIANCG Np. 34.).7 BE GRAN`!'FU, IN PART °! WHER~AS, tchE l~naheirn City ! E'etiLion f.ar V~r. i~~nce Erom ARMANll `j :'S4G WesL 'Linculn Avenue, Anaheim, ~ Sauth Live Oak Drive, Anat;eim, C :i situated iri the City of Ar.aheim, ~j described as: ~'lann.ing Cum;nissit~ri did receive a verified A.. S`i'E:PHr1NTAN d~Nl) VIRGIC!IA A. S`!'~PHANIAN~ CA 928G5, owners, and EfUCO A. VAZQUk,7, 619 A 92805, ay~nt Eor cec•t~in real pro~~~rL-y Cour,ty of OranyeY State of California PARCGL 1.: NORTfiWES'P THAT PUR'.I'ION OF ' '.PiiE NCRTHWES~' QUARTER GF TH~ TUWNSHIP 4 QUA,RTER OI 5UUTH Z'HE NI~R.T[iWEST QUAR7.'Ek Uk' .SECTIt~rl 1$, OF.' ANAEiRTM , RANGE C pUN7~y Or 10 WEST, IN `1'HE hANCHO LOS COYUTES, CI2'Y , RLCORDED I , N BOOK 51 012ANGE;, STATE ()F' C.ALIFORNIA, AS PER PAGG MAP OE'FIC~ OF , TH~; CUUNTY 10 RECORDER OI~ MTSC~LLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE F~~LLOWS : OE SATb COUNTY, DF.SCRIBED AS BGGI[JNTNG AT A POINT ; N THE NORTH LINE Of SAID SECTIpN 18, NQR`.CH 8Fs° 57' 34" EAST 511.00 FEET FROM TII~ NORTHWEST COItNER OF' SAID SECTION; THENCE SOUTH 0° 13' 1.~" EAST 190.00 FEET PARALLEI, WITH THE WEST LINL OF SAID AECTION:; THCP7CE NORTH 88° 57' 34' EA~T I4'1.80 EEET PARALLEL WT'i'H SAID NORTH LINE TO THE EAST LINE OF' Z'fIE WEST 2U ACRES OF THk; NOHTH HALF OI~ '.PHE NORTHWCST QUARTLR OF SECTTGN 1$, THENCE NOI2`i'H 190.00 FFET ALONG SAIO L~AST LINE Ul' SAID NORt'H LI~~; TtIENCE 50U`.PH 88° 57' 3b" WEST 142.72 r~ET TO T.HE POINZ' qF BF'GINNtN~;. EXCEP'P THE NORT.H 66. JO FE~`i' THGREOF. PARC~:L 2: Z'HE NOR'.CH 5 AC.RES OF T~yk: W.ES7' ?.0 ACFtES Of' Tf.iE ~IORTH HtiLF OF TH~ NOR'rHWFST QUpR~rr~ UF SGCTIOP) 1f3, TOWNSHIP 4 SOU'i'H, RANGE 10 WEST, TN '1't1E RANCHO LOS COYOTES, CITY OL' ANAHETM, COUtdTY OF ORANGF, STATE 0~' CALIEORNIA~ AS PGR MAP RECORDEp IH £iUOK 51, PAGG lU OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, ZN THL•' OFF?CF 0~' THE COUNTY KECpRDER OF SAID COU!dTY. EXf•Ep'1' TfiE NURZ'H .19U. UU P'CF,T 7.'HEREO~'. ALSO EXCEPT '!'I?E WESZ' 418.97 rEET TEJE.RE;OE'. WIiEREAS, the City P].anni.ng C~~mmission did hol.d a pub].ic hearing ~~r the Civic Center in th~ City o.f Anaheim on September 5, 1g84, ~~ i;30 p.m.~ noticP af said public he; i.ng havir, heen duly yiven aG required ~by law an~ i.n acc~rdance with the provisions of thc ~~~-~heim Muni.ci~•al Code, Chap~er 1a.03, to he~c and consider evidenc~ for and ay-~:. ~:t said pruposec] variance and to investigate and make findings and recommend«~ions in connertion therecaith; said put~lic hear.ing havi.ny been continued to tn~ }~l~~nning Commis~ion meetin~ of C~ctober 1, 1y84; and #037.5r PC84-194 WH~RFAS, said Co:nmission, atter due insper.tion, investigation and sL•ud~ made by itself and i;~ its beh~lf, and after due cc~nsideration of ~~11 evidence and r.cPorts o£f~r.ed at said t;~:ari.ng, does find ~nd dF~tarmine the following far.ts: 1. Ttlaw rh~ pel-.it.ian~r propo:~es waivers ot ~he folJ.owing to constxucL a 40-unit affc,~rdable apartment cornplex under the authority of State Government Code Secti.on No. E,5915: (~) SECTI~JNS 16.G4.U43.U60 - PeriYii.tted encroachment into front ard, ANU 18.34.p64.080 - - - - (b) SFCTTONS i8.04.043_._lU2 - Maxi.mum fence heiqht. ANll 1$.34,064.070 -' (c) S~:C`I'IOt~ 18.34,U61.010 - Minimurn buil.uinq site area er dwcllina ~ u!~ii:• (120U square feet required; °80 :; uare feet proposed) id) S:'CTI~N 18.34.U62.012 - Maxi~num building heiqht. (1 sto ~ permitted within 150 Peet o~ singlE-family residential zoning; .2 stori.~s propased at 2y feet) 2• ~hai: the abov~-me;ition~c] waivers (a) and (b? are ~ereby cleni.ed ori the basis that: the petition~~r subrr~itL-ed revised plans delet.ing said waivers. 3. That the above-mentioned waivers (c) and (d) are hereby granted on the basis that pursuant to Government Cad~ Section N~. 65915, kh~ applicant has agreed to provide that tw~nty-ti~~e percenti (25$) of the per.mitted number of units shall b~; rented as low or modeLat;e income housing as defined in Government Code Section 6591~~ and that said affordable units sha11 be so~rented for a minimi~m period of twenty (20) yearu. 4• That. there are exceptiona.l or extraordinary circutnstances or cor~diL•ion~ applicabJ.e to the proper*.y involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generall~ t;o tt:~ property or class of use in the s~me vicinity and zone. 5• 2't~at the requested variance is necessary f~r the preservation and enjoyment o~ a substantial prapert;~ right posse:,sed by orher property in the same vici.ni.ty and zone, and denied to the property in que.stior.. h• `rhat the requested variance wila not be ma~eriall~ detrim~ntal l•o thc~ public welfaxE or. injuri.ous to the property ar impr.ovements in such vicinity and zone in whic;h the propert,y is located. 7• 7'hat 9 persons indicated their presence in opposition at the SnptFmber 5, 1984 public: hearino, and o~le person i.ndicated his presenc:z at the October 1, 1984 public hecir~ng i.n opposi~ion; an~ t}~at a petit:ion containing approxirnately 83 signature~ wr~s received in ~pgosi.~ion to subject petition. ENNiRQNI~ENTAL IMPA;;T FINDING; That ~he Anaheim City PZanning Commiasion has reviewed the proposal to rec?.assify subject property from the CL (Commer~ial, Limited) 3one to the RM-120U (R~sidential, Mu.ltiple-Family) 7one to construct a 4U--unit aCfordab.l.e apartment complex under lt~e authutiE~y of St~ate Government Code Section No. 65915 with waivers of mi.nzmum building site arca per dwelling unit and maxim~.~m building height on an -2 PC84-194 irregularly-shaped parc~l af 1an~ consistxny oi"- approKimately l.la acres, having a frontage of approximate)y 147. feet on thP souL-h side of Linc~~lri Aven~:e and furkher describec] as 2,46 West Li-lcoln Ave~iue; and does hereby a.pprove the Negative D~cl~rati.on upon f.inding that it has ccnsidered the N~g~tive Declaration together. with any comments receiv~d during th.e puhlic review process and further C-ind:in~~ on the r~asis c~f the initia]. skudv and any co.mments t.~ereived that tfiere is no ~;uk,stantial evidence ttaal. the project wi.ll hav~ a signif.icant eFfect on the environnienl;. NUW, ~.~H1;REEORE, BE IT RESOI,VED thai~ tl~e Anaheim City c~lanniny C:ammission does hereby grant Sllb]~Ct Petition for Variance, upon the following canditions which are hereby fo~and to be a necessary prerequisite to rhe proposed use of tti~ subject property in ordec L-o preserva the safety and g~ne~a1 ~ tare ut the Citizens c~f the City of Anaheim: 1. That the owr~er of subject property shall pay to the City of Anahe~m a fee for tcee planting purposes al.ong Lincoln Avenue in an amount as determinei' by th~ City Counc;il. 2. That prior t:r~ issu~nce of a building permit, ~~ppropria~e pack %nd recreation in-lieu fees shall be paid t~ the City oP Anaheim it~ ar. aniount as cletezmined by the City Council. 3. That prior t~ i.ssu~nce of a bui.ldir.g perm~t, the appropriate traFfic signal assessment fee shall be paid to che City of A~iaheim in an amount ~s deter.mined by the City Cour~ci'1 fat each new dwelling unit. 4. That drainage of subjecL- property shall be disposed of in a rtianner sa~:isLactory to the City Enyineer. 5. That subjecl- property shail k~e served by undergrounc] utiliti.es. 6. That prior t.o commencement of structural framing, firc hydrar,ts shall he installed and charge~ as rPC~~uir~d and ~3eterminer7 to be necessary by the Chief of t5e Fire Departmeiit. 7. T.h~t l-rash stor.ag~ areas s;-all bA provided in accoT•danc~~ with a~.proved plans on fil~ with the Street Maintenance and Sanitati4~- ll1V1S1~17. 8, That the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim a fE~ for street lighti.ng along Ga.ncoln Au~nuE in ~n amoun~ as deter.mi.neci by th~ City Council. 9. That priar tu issuance oi a building permit, primary water main fe~s shall be p~~id t~ the City of Anahei:ri, in an amount as determined by thr Office of the L~tilii:i.es General Manager. 10. That ~ates shall not be install~d across any clrivew3y in a manner whirh may adversely affect vet-icular tra:Efic in the ad~'acent public strePts~ Installation of any gates t~~ithin a distance fart,y (90) feet Erom said publir streFt right~-oF-way shall be ;ect to the review and approval af. ths Ci.ty `Iraffir, c;ngineer. 11. Th~t all driveways shali be dc.signed to accommodate ten (1Q) foot radius curb returns as required by the City Tra.Efic Gngineer. -3- PC84-194 l2. That a11. air conditioning £aci.lities sha:ll be uroperly shield~d fxom view, and L-he sound bu£.tf~red .fr.om ac~j3cent ~rpperties. i3. That prior L-~ issuanc~ of buildiny pnrmzts, tl~,e applicant shall present evid~nce s~~t.isf.acl-ary to khe C.hiF£ 13uildiny Inspector ~hat the ~•esid~ntial units will be in conformance with Noise insulation St~~ndards speciPieci in the Cali.fornia Administrative Coc3e, Ti~le 25. 1~. That prior to is~uance of b~ilding permits, the ~pplicant shall present evicience satisfa~tor.;~ t.o t~~e ChieF Bui.lding Inspector that the proposed proiect is in conformance with Cc~uxici.l. J?olicy Number 542 "~;ound Attenuation in Pasideritial Projecl•s". 15. That a 6-f.~ot high masonry k~lock wa11 shal.'. be cc~nstruckea and rnaintained a].ong the suuth, east and west property lines. 16. Th~t prior to issuance oP b~xildiny pPrmit~, the devcl~per shall enter int~ an agreement with i:he City o.f Anaheim pursuant to SL-ate Government Code SF~ction 65U'15 to provicle tha~ twenty--five oercenk (25~) pf the per.mitted number o~ residential units shall be rent~ed as low or moderate-income housing as defined i~ Govern~nFnt Code Section 65915, for a period of at least twenty (20) year~•. 17e That this V~riance is grar.t~d subject to ~the completion of Recl.assification No. 84-i~5-3, now per~ding. 13. That subjeGt property shall be develaped substantially in accordance witY~ plans and specificati.ons on tile with the City of Anaheim marked Revisic~n iJO. 1 o.f Exhibit Nos. 1 through 7; provided, however, that tt~Qre shal.t be no openings, such as dnors or windows or balconies or ar r,alkways on tP~e secord floor of the south sidE of the proposed apaLt~rei,t buildings. 19. That if a laundry room is provided, t•hp owner of the subject property shall record a covenant prahibiting conversion of ~aid laun~ry roo~7 to living space. 2U. That a twenty (20)-foot wide fully landscaped setback shall be provided arAd mainr_ained on the southerly portion of the ea:~~ prop~rty line adja~ent t~ the sir-~le~-family z~esiden~ial zoning and land use. ll. That prior to iss~iance of a buildi.ng permit, or within a p~rioci of one year from th~ date oP this resolution, whict~ever occurs first, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, ~, 9. 13, 14, 16 and 17, above-mentianed, sl•ial.l be complied wi~h. Extensions for .turther time to complete said conditioris may be granted in accordance with Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 2'l. That prior to final buiJ.ding ancl zaning inspec~ions, Condition Nos. 4, 5, ?, 10, 11, 12, 15 anc~ 18, above-mentionEd, shall b~ compli~d with. -4- PC84-].94 BE IT ~URTI~ER RESOLVF:I) that ~he Anaheim City P.lanniny Commi~sion does hereby firid arid cietermine that ad~ption of th~s Resolatinn is expre~s].y ~redicate~ upon applicanh's compliance w.ith ~act~ and ~11 of the conditions her~inabove set forth~ Shoulcl any su~f~ c:ondition, or. any ~ar.t thereof, be dcclared a.nvali.d ~r unenfor~;eable by the ~inal judyment of any ~ourt of competent jur.:~sdicL-ion, then this Resolution, and an~ a~provals herein conrainecl, shal~ be deemed null and void. `I'H~ Fp}tBGOING RTSOLUTIUN .is signed arid approv~ by me thi~ lst day of Uctob~r, 1984. " _. _ \._. _:~ - .. - ~- ~i ~ / ~---. -!~~-.~~"'=-' ~.''~ f F~;~ -~..~-~~ GHA''IRM~1N, AP]A.HEIM CZ Y PLANNING COMMISSION AT.TEST: ~ , .r- ~ . SECRETAI2Y~ ANAHEIM (:I~t'X PLANIJ7NG COMMTSSION STAT~ UF CALTFORhTA ) CQUN~PY GE' ORANGE ) ss . CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Eclith L. Harris, Se;:reLar.y o£ the Anaheim City Planning CUmmission, ~o hereby certify that the foregoing r~so].ution was passed and adopted at a meetiny of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on October ]., 198h, by the fol.lowiny voi:e c~f the membe!: s th~r~of : AYES: COMNIISSTONEFtS: BQUAS, BU~HORE, HEkSST, KING, LA CI.AIRF, MC SURNEY NOES: COMMISSIOIJERS: PRY A$SEN'.l': COMMIS5I0[VElt5; NONL' Itd WITNESS WHEREOF, I Have hare~~nto seC my i,~:nd this lst day of October, 1~84. ~ (~ d~L,~~ ~ ~1'~~~. SE(;RE'r.ARY, ANAiiF:[M CITY PLANNING COMMISSION '5~ PC84-194