PC 84-197~ :`" ~ ~~I i RESOL,UTION N~. PC84-197 - ` I A R~SOLUTIUN OP' TE~E ?1NRElElM CI'1'X PI.,ANNIN~ COMMISSION ' 2'HAT PETIZ'ION E'Gf< CONllI'PIONAL USE PLRMI'I' N0. 2621 E~E GRAN'!'ED, IN PA.RT WHEREAS, lhe Anaheim City Planning Cammission ~id recei~~e a verifiec7 ~ Petition lor ~onda.tional Use Perm.il. from WOOD BRIDGE ~~TI,LAGE, LTt), 50 Sout h ;; Anaheim Boulevard, P.O. Box 348, Ana.heim, Califori7ia , 9'?F3Q5, owner o . f certai:~ ; redl property situated in che City~ of Ai~aheirn, County oi Crange, State of ;;;~ California, descr.ibed as: PARCEL 1, IN 'i'ElE CITY OF ANAHL.IM, COUN'1'Y OL' ORANGE, S~'A'tE OE' CALIE'ORNIA, AS SEIOWN ON PARCEL MAP N0. 81-252 FILED 'IN IIf;OK 174 .PAG~:S 4J. AIVD 4"l UF PARC:E;L MAPS~ IN 7H~ OFFICE Or THE CnUNTY RF'CURI)~R UF SAID COUNTY. W.HEREAS, Lt~e City Plar~ning Commissiori clzd hold a public he3ring at. the Civic CEnter in thc City a.f Anaheim on September 17, 1984, at 1:30 a.m,, nol•ice oi said p~~blic hearin~ haviny been duly given as rec3uired by l~w and .in acccrdarice with the provisions of the 7~na.heim Municipa.l Code, Chapter 18.p3, ~_o hear and consider evidence .Eor and against said proposed conditional use pern;it and to i.nvestigate ar:d ~~ake Eindings an~ recornmendations in connect~.ot1 therewith; said public hearing having k,een continued to ~he PJ.anciin7 Commission meeting of Ockober 1, 1984; and Wii~REAS, said C'onunission, after due insp~r.tion, inves~ iqation ~nd study made by itself and in its behalf, and aFker du~ c.o~isidet.~ation of. a11 evidence ~nd report ~ offered at :;aid hearing, does fi~nd and iletermj.ne t~he follnwing J'act:~: 1. That the proposed use is pr~perly one for which a con~.itional. use per.mit is authorized by Ar.aheim Municipal Code Sections 18.06.08n~ 18.44.OSU.U10 an:i 1F3.~4.050.300 to wit: to pernlit on-sale alcoh~~ic bever.agPs ita a prop~sed ~emi-enclused restaurant wi~:F~ wraiv~r.~ of. the followiny: la) SF~.;CTION;; 10.06.U50.0212, - Mi.nimum number. of parkinq spaces. _1., (189 s ~ces cequ.ired; 1a0 spac~;s 18.U5.050.0~31 proposed) ~ AND 18.44.p66.050 1. '.~hat the requested waiv~r is her~by deniecl orl thp basis that subjECt praperty is located in tl~e cjOwRtOWCl redevelopment acea wheze apF>ropriate parking spaces are avai.la~le and that approval wauld set an undesarable precc~dent in said ~r~:~a. 3. Th~t the praposed use wi.ll not advccsely afPect the adjoininy land uses and the yr~wth and dEVelopment of ~h~ «rea in c/hich it i~ vroposed tn be located. 4. TP~at~ the r;i.ze and shapt of_ ,.he site proposed for L•he use is adequate to allow the fUll development of ti~~ prc~~.~osed use in a manner not detrimeiit~l to the qar.ticula~ area nor tu the peace, health, safety and generai welfare of the Citizens of the City oF Anaheim. ~U32yr PC84-197 ~~ ,ao~. 5. That the grantin~~ of the Canditional Use Permit under the conditions impusedY i~ any, will nor_ b~ ~letrimental tn the peacp, h~alth, safety and general welf.~re of t:he Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 6. That the l:r.af.f.ic generat~c~ by the proposec9 use wa.11 not impose an undue burden upan t41e streets and highways designeci and improved to car.ry tt~e tr.affa.c in the area. ? '1'hal-. no one '_ndicated th,eir presence at said ~~uusition~ to ~ the oppo~ition, and that na c:orre~pondence was rec:eived zn opp~ subject pekition. ENVIRONMEN'.~AL IMPACT FINi7ING: ThaL- Lhe Ai7aheim Cit_y Planning Commission tias reviewed t~he proposal i:o permit ~n-salY alcohola.c beverage~ in a proposed semi-enclosed resta:irant wi.th waiver. of minimum number of parking spaces or ar. irregular'ly-shaped parcel of lanc~ consisting oi approximately 1.3 ~cres, locatPd at the south~ast r.orner of Lincoln Av~nue and Anah~?.m Boulevard, and f~:rther described as 50 South Anaheim B~ulevard; and does tiereby app.rove the Negative Declarati~n upon ~i.nding that it has considered tYi~ Negative Declaration together with any comments re~eived during the public review process and ~urtr-~r f inding on th~ basis of the initial stt.idy and any comments receivPd thak there is no substantia] evid~nce that the project wi11 have ~ significank eFfect on the env:ir~nment. NOW, TH~HEF~RE- BE IT RESOLVED that the An~-heim City Planning Commiss~on does heceby grant subje~t Peti~ion for Conditional Use Permit, upon tY-s rollUwing conditions whic:h are hereby f~una to be a necessary prerequisite L-o the proposeci use of the subjec.t praperty in arder to preserve the saf.ety and general welfare of the Citiz~ns of the City of Anaheim: 1. ThaL trash storng fl.lt eWithShthe Streetr~:~!aantenancea a a dSanitati4n approved plans ~ Division. 2. That all air conditioning facilities shall be proper.ly shiElded from view, and the sound buffer~d frc~m adjace-zt properties. 3. That the pr~posal shall comply with a1J si.gniny requirements of the CL Zane, u;~less a variance allowi.n9 S1~]i1 wai~~ers is appr.oveci by the Plannir~a Commi.ssion or City ~~ounci.l.. 4. That~. suUject propert~! shall. be aeveloFed ~ubstantially in accordance with plans and speca.tic~tions on f:ile witk, the City ~f. Anaheim marked Exhibit tva~. 1 throu9h 9, provided, however that parking shall be ~r.~viaea on-site and/or o~E-uite as reauirec.~ by Title 1~, Zoning. 5. '~hat prior to l:he ~ommencemerit o~ the activity autho-.ized under this resolution, or final building and zoning inspecti~ns, whichever occurs first, Coridition Nos. l, ? and 4, ab~ve-mentioned, shall be complied with~ gE IT FURTHER RL'SOL•VED that the Anak~eim City Planning Commission does hersby find and determine that adoption of this Resalution is expressly predica~ed upon applicant's compli.ance witn each ~nd all. of the conditic+ns hereinabove se~ forth. Should any such conditions, or atiy part thereo:c, ~e declared invalid or unenf~tceable by the f.inal judgmenr af ovals ouherein compete[zt jurisdiction, then this R~~oluti.on, an~] an! PP cor-tained, sha31 be deemed null ar.d-2oid. YC84-197 THL FORGGOING R. ~`PIC)N is signed and apFroved .,by me this lst day of October, 1984~ ~ / ~ ~. ~%~ . ~ ,. _-~ ~; i <_._.. - f' .i~;; .`-' ' ~.'~ /`~,~•;i~~-- . CHAIF2MAN, IANAFIEIM CTT~ PI~AIJNING i.OMMISSIOtd ?1TTEST ; ' _~=_..~ . SECRF~PA Y, ANAHEIM C:ITY PLANNING CGMMISSION SZ'P.TF GF CALIE'ORNIA ) COUNTX UF ORANGE ) sS. CIZ'Y OF AN,A[iEIM ) I, Edith L. H~rris, Secrecary o~ the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify ti~at the forEgoing reso.lution was passed an~ adopted al- a n,eetin~ of ~he Ariaheim City Planning C~mmission held on Qc~aber 1, ~984, by the fullowing vote of l•hn members thereof: AYES: CvN1MISSIONEkS: DOUASp FRY, H~RBST, Ki~1G, LA (:LAIRG, MC BURNEY NOES: COMMISSIONFRS: NUNE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BUSHORE IN WIT[U~,SS WHE:REOF, I Haue hereun~a set my hand this 1st d~y of OCtober, 1984. _ ~ ~~~~~~-~- SECR?;'1'AF,Y, ANAHEIM CI'I'Y PLANNING CO6IMTSSiON -3- PC84-197