PC 84-199r~, t r' ~ ~!'~ RGSOL,U'1'.[UN N0. PC84-1'3J A 12~;SULU'I'.ION UH' TH~ ANAfiI;ZM CI7'Y PL,ANhTNG ~.;OMMiSSION THA'1' PET!'1'TON L~Uk CONI).T'PIOtJAi, US[~ PL!?MI'1' tJU. '1.fi25 L'G CRANTED WHEREAS, tl-~e Anaheim City Planniny Cornmis~ion .~iid reccive a verified Pctition Lor Cond.it.~.onai Use Fer:nit from LOUTS H, PERLOI' AND ADA PL.KLQF, 1191 5t. Jahn Pl.a~e, Sai1tG Ana, California 91705, E;PHRATM BEARD AND ROBFRTA ELLEN HEA~tD, 29G1 La ,7olla, Anaheirn, Cali£orl~ia 92Et0f;, owners, and I2QE3ER2' WILKINSON, 9010 Corbin, Northridge, Cali~urnia 9.1324, GT~ENN McELROY, 10.181 F3each Baulevard, 5tanl-.on, c;aliFornia 90680, agents for cerrazn reai property :ituated i.n the Ciky oz Anaheim, County of Orangc~, State of Calzfornia, described as: ~: 2'HE SGUTH HALN' OF THF NOEt'i'HEAS2' QtIARTE;R U[' ~Fi~ NOR'['EI~AST QUARTGR '~ OF THE NORTHF.AS`P QUARTER OF SEC`I'ION ~3~ 'I'OWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE I1 W~,~T, IN TH~; RANCHO i~;S COYOTES, AS PER MAP RECORAED IN BpOK ~'1 FAGE 11, MISCELLANGUUS MAPS, IN THE UF~'ICE OF TEIE COUNTY ~~ RECORDER GF SAIU CCI;NTX. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hEari.ng at the Civic CenL•er in the City of Anaheim on Uctober 1, 1984, at .1:30 p.m., , notzce of Scl1d public hearing having bee~~ duly gi4en as rec;uired by l.aw and in ' accordance with the provision~ of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, ~ to hear and con~ider evidence for and againwt said proposec~ conditio~ial use `,~ permit and to investigate and make findi.nys and recommendati.ons in cr~nnection + therewith; and WHEkEAS, s~aid Commiasion, after due insPectiori, inv~stigation ~nd study made by it~elf qnd in its behalf, and ~~ter due consid~ration of all evidence anc3 reporl~ oFE~ced at .~aid he4ring, does fi.nd and determine the following facts: 1. ~rhat ~he proposed use is pr~perly o~~e For which a r.onditional use permit is authorized by Anahei.m Municipal Cocie S~c.tion 18.03.030.Ot0 to wit: to permit expans:ion of an aut~~mobile d.isrn~~nt.ling and storage yard. 7.. That the proposed use is hEreby c;ranted Eor a period oi fivEr (5) years, to expire on October 1, 1989. 3. That the proposed use is hereb.y yranted subje~t to the follor~ir.g stipulations made by thn per_itioner at the pub.lic hearing: a. That no vehi.cles sha.ll Ne sL•or,~d abov~ the height of the f~nclosur.e Eencc~. b. That no disman~.lir.g work ~:~ vehicles ~ha11 be conducted within one huncjrt~d 1100) ~eet of the west property line adjaf,ent lo tt~e ~-xisting mobilehome park, c. Tha~ the pcopert;+ owner shull submit letters reque~ting terminatior,s of Conditional Use Fermit Nos. 51 and 2164, Variance No. 200.1 and R~classificatioi- No. 8U-81-21. ~U331r PC89-199 .M, .~. d, '.l'haL [asl ~~'L'UW111C~ Lre~s, suc:t~ ~is Ttalia:i Cypress ot' ~ cum~~-rt~bl.e tr~e, sha.ll b«~~ ~].~~nhcd or~ 2•-foc~t centers along ~he ~~~est pro~c;rty .lii~e acljacenL to the existing mobilehome park. ~aid tr~e species sha1.L be approvec.f by the Anaheim C.iLy .P.l~anniny Depart.m~n~.. e. That the applicant sti~ll coaperate ~ith the City Al-.torney's UfEi~e to develop a systein Eor reporL-inr sales taxas yenerated by the ~~roposed h~iiness activities which occur with.in i:he Anahe~m city .limits. 4. '1'hat the proposed use wi.11 nct adv~rse~'iy aEfect the ucljoining ' land uses and the growth and development of th~ area in which it is proposed to be located. 5. That th~ size and sh~~pe of the site pcoposed for t.he use is adequate tc allow the full development o~ the proposed u~e in ~ manner not detrimer~tal to the particular are;a nor L-o the peace, health, safety and yeneral welfare of Ltie Citizens of the Ci~y of Anaheim. 6. That the granting nf th~ C~~nditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if an~, will not be deL-rimental to trie ge~tc~, health, saf.ety and ~eneral welEars uf. the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 7. That the traff;c. gerieraked by the pro~osed use will not impose an undue burden u~~on the ,treets and hiyhway~ designed and improved to carry the traffic in the area~ 8. '1'hat one person inc3icated tE-cir presence at said publi.c hearing in opPositior.; anci that no c~rrE:spondence was receivec.3 in op~~os.ition to the subject petition. ENVtRONMEN~A.L IMPACT FIMDING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to permit expan:~i~n of an automobile dismant?ing and storage yard on a r.ectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of ~ipprnximately 4.7 acres, having a£rontage of approximately 330 feet o,i the ;~est side of Beach B~u:lcvaLd, and further desccibed as 1235 South Beach Boulevarc3 ~Pick Your Part}; and does hereby ~pproye the Negative Declaration upon findiny that it has considerec~ the Negative Declaration ~ogether with any commenks r~~ceived during Lhe public review process and further finding on the basis c~f ttle iniCial study an~1 any c~mments received that there i~ no subytantial evidence that the ~roject will l~ave a significant effect on the envir~.,nment. NOW, THERr,C~ORE, BL•' IT RESOLVEll t.ha~ the Anahe~m City Planning Commission does hereby grant subjAct Petition for Ccndi.tional Use Permit, upon the follow.ing condi~ions whicti are hereby found to be a necessary precequisite to the propased use of the subject pr.c~perty i.n or.der to preserve the safety and genera:l. welt~ce of ~he Citizens af the C;ity qf I+n~he.im: 1. Th~t prior to issuance of a building ~armi.t•, L•he appropr.iate traffic signal a~sessmenr, f~e shall be paid to the ~:ity of Anahe.im in ~~n arnount as determined by khe c:ity Council for o~en space. _l- PC84-199 2. Thut~ prior co issuarice of a i~~.~ilding Fermit, ~r.imac~; water main fees shal.l k~e paid L-o thc C:ity ot Anah~im, in an amcunt as det~rrninec9 by ~hc~ Ui~f ice of the tJtilit:ies C;eneral Man~gr~r. 3. `L'hat yates sha]..1. not be insl•all~cl ac~oss ~ny driveway in a manner wh~ch may ativer:ely atEect vehzc~lar tra~:fic xn the adjacent public :sl-.reets. Install.at.ion oE any gates within a distance o1 forty (90) feet trom said public street righ~s-•oF.-wa~ sha11 ~e subjecl• to the revicw and approval of the CiL-y ~rraff-ic Lnginec~r.. ~. 'i'hat all rlriveways shall br~ desi.gned to accommodate ten (10) foot raciius curb returr~s as requircd by i:he ~:ity 'Pr.~fiic Enyineer. 5. 7.'hat drainage of :~ubject property sha11 be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the Ciky Eng.inaer. 6. 7`h~i~ all lockable ~edestrian and ver~icular access gates shall be equ.ipped cv?.w;a ~~ "hnox bcx" d~vice to the satisf;~^ticn c~f City P'ire Mar.~!;ail and City ChieF af I~olice. 7. Thal• trash starag~ areas shall be arovided and mainh,ained i.n acc:ord~nce witti approved p].ans on file~ wiL-h tt~e Street Maink~nance and ~anital-ion Division. ~. That tY~e proposal shali c;~~mpl,y with al:l signing requirements of. tt~e CL Zone, unless a variance allowing sign waiv~r.s is approvecl by th~ Plunning Commission or Cit}~ C~unc.il. 9. ~yat no inoperable autornobiles or automobile par.ts sha.ll be stored within the parkin,y lot ar::a, nor shall such storaye be visible ab~ve r_he neight of. fencP. 10. That ~i~e owner of subject prop~r.ty st~all submit. a ietter requesting ~~r.minatiar~ of Conditional U~e Permit Nus. ~1 ~3nd 2164, Variance No. 2UU1 and Reclassification No. 80-81-21 to the Plannin~ B~r~ar.tment. 11. :i~hat i5-gallon trees (such a ,alian Cypress) plant:ed on 2-fo~~t centers, ~rith appropria~e irr~ ~on f.acilities, shall 1~~~ installed anc~ mainta.ined a~ong tt~P west and ~~ns~arly 7.68 feet of the north property lir~e. ]2. Ti~at a 1U-£oot hiyh chain link fence interwoven with redwcod 51ata sh~11 be insk~lled and maintained adjacent ro the west an,.i wF~cerly "16~t feet of Lhe norlh proFerty line. 13. 'i'hat ~~11 ~uCdoor st.ora,~ areas sha.ll b:~ minimally surfaced with a dust ccntro.lled cr~a:;h base surfacP. 14. Th.at suhject property shall be d~vNloped substantially in accordance wirh plans and :speciEication~ on rile witt-~ the City of. Anaheim marked EXhibit :~o. 1. i5. That prior Co the commencement of t7e activity a~~r.horized un~ier tihis r~solut:.on, or prior ta the ti.me that a building permit ?s i~sued, oc within a period of or-e year £rom the date oE this r.esolu~i:~n, whi~yevec~ occurs first, Condit.ion '~~s. i, 2 anu 10, above-mentioned, ~ -3- PC84-199 ~ ~' ,:~ shall l~e complicd with. Ext~nsion~ for further time to complete sai~l conditions may k,e yran't~d :in ,ac~cord~~ncc~ wit:h Sect.ion 18.03.09Q of. the Anaheim Municipa.l Cocle. 16. That prioc ta the commenccmenL- uf the activity authorized under this cesolutior~, or final bu:ilding ~nd zon.ing insp~ckiony, Condition Nos, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11., 12, ].3 and 14, aboue-mentionc~d, sha:~1 b~ compl:iECi with. 17. Tha1: no dismantli~y work on vehiclcs shall be conducCec~ within one-hundred (100) £cet aF the west properky line adjacent to the exis~ing niobilet~ome parlc. 18. That, unless otherwise speci~ied by St«te 1aw, the "point of ~a1e" for Lhe sale of. all vehicle parts shall be cleened the p1acP wt~erF sur_h ~arr.s aee removed from the vehicles ~nd that all such sa:les occurring on tt~e ~~ortion of the property located within L-he Anaheim city limits shall be r.eportc~d to tlle State Franchise Ta:s L~oard ur olher taxing ayer-cies as sales occurring w.i.rnin the City o~ Anaheim. BE I`?' FUR'PtiER RE ~OLVEU lha~ the An~heim City Planning Commission does hereby tinal ancJ determine that adoptic~n of L-hi~ Resolutior; is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliznce with each and ull of ~.he conditions herc~.na.bove set forth. Should any suc:h r.on.liti~~ns, or any part th~reof, we declzred irivaiid ~r wzen~orceable by the final judgment of any c~urt of com~etent juris~9ickion, then this RESOlution, ~xnd any a~proval.s herein contain~~d, shall i~e deemed nu11 and vo.id. THE EOREGOII~G RESqi~UTIUN is siyned and apprav~d by me this lst day of October, 1984. 1 ~ ' ;~~ _. ~~ ~~ i I ./ ~ '. CHA:[ItMAN~~ HEI C'I,'Y PL,ANNIIVG COMMISSION ATTE~~2' : ~ / ~~ ~"~ -~ - SECRE'i'ARY~ ANAHEIM ~~ITY PI~ANNING CUMMISST.ON S'i'A'P~ OF' CA~I FORN I A ) COUN'PY OE ORANGE ) :;s. CI'PY OF ANAHEIM ) i, ~dith I.. E~arris, a~cretar,y of the 1n~Y~ei.m city Plann~nq Commi~si.on, do hereby cPrtify tnat the £oregoiri~3 r.~solution was passed and adopted at a rneeting af the Ariaheim City Plannir.g Commissian held on October. 1, 198~1, by the followiny ~~ate of the members thet~eof: AYES: COMNiSSIONEkS: BOUA:;, BUSHORE, FFY, H[.RBS'1`, KTNG, !~A CLAIRE, MC BU~tP~EY NOES: COMMISSION~:RS: NONE ABS~NT: CUMMTSSIONGRS: NGtJ~; IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ttave hereunlo ~et my hand thi^ lst day nf Uctob~r, 1584. /J ///~~~ ~{/~ ~ J ~/ , . T / - ^ SL•'C:RETARX, ANAEI~IM CtTY PLANNTNG COMMISSION _q_ PC64-199