PC 84-203k;1~, { .~,:o~. , ; i..,' ~ fj} ~ ~;I I ';'`~'' , RE_ SpLUTIU~~~ PC$4-203 :~ - ,'' , A RESOLU`.PIUN pi~ ~1~fiF~ ANAf:EjM ~z`!'Y PLI~NNING COh1MISUIUN '1'HA~' pH;'1'I'i'IOI~1 F'UR ~ONU1:'I':[CN'AL USG PEkM:[T NG. 2623 [3E GRAN'.I'E;p WHER~;AS, i;he Anahei.m Ci.~y Planning Commission did rec~ive a ve ' ;~ I~etition for Conni.tional Use Permit fram PJ/B ASSOCIATES, c o NRUPruTIES, P. Q. rified Box "191U, San D' ~ a~RNfIAM AMERTCAN ~ UUNLAP, 239U G. pxanc~ewoud Avenue l~y`~, California 92112, ownerr and BILL ,' certain real p ~, ~#380, An4heim, Cal ifornia 9.~.gp6~ agent for ,r pro ert situated in the Cil-y of Anaheirn, County of Uran e ,, o.f Culi.fornia, described as fo.llows: '; : 9 , Sra te THI~ EASTERLY 172.67 FLET OF THG WPS`!'ERLY S'JUTii 667.7y FEET pE' L~~1~ ~ 1304.60 FEET pF 'rHE I.N ~OOK OF TRAC'1' NU. 71, A5 PER MAP REC~RDED ~-D, FAG~ 'l2, M.ISCF;LLANEOUS MAUS ~ CQUNTX R.ECOR1)ER OF' SAIU C~UN'i'Y. ' T tN rHE OF~FICE Of THE BEING ~+1LASUHEll FROM THE CEN~,~HLlNL•' OF ~ CACGNTI~RI~VE~IUE,~ HOWNEQN . SAIU MAP AS AN UNNAMED kOAD.) WfiEREAa", the City Plannir~g Commissian clid ho.ld a the Civic Center in kh~ City of Anaheim on October 1 ~ubl.ic hearin~ at notice of saic7 public heacir~g having b~c~~? dul '~984 at 1:30 i accordanc~ with the „ Y 9iven as required b P•rn., to h~ar ancl considerPF~1~~ncrJ f.or aFnd agains~t s~i~cl ro COde. y laW an~ in ~ Chapter 18.03, and to investigate and make findi.ngs urid recomrner~dations~einaa~onnection therewi tti; ion WH~~~~%~S~ said Commi~sion, after due inspectian study made b,~• itself ~ind in its beh~lf r investigation and evidenre ~n~ , and aftee due consideration of reports offered at saicl hearing, does find and deter:nin~ a11 following facts: the 1• ~'hat the propos~d use is praperly one f~~r which a condltional use pErmit is authorized by Ananeim Municipal Code Secti~n 18.48.05U.130 to wit: t~ permit a 3-story busines, and professional of.fice building. 2• That th~ P!'aposed use will not adversely aft-e~t !• land uses and the growth and develvpment og l-.he area in which i~hisadroloing to be located. P P sed 3• That the size anc! shape o~ the s.ite ~ adequate i:o allow the full develapment of tr,e Propo.,ec] for the usc is derri.mental to the part;icular arca r~cr t-,,, thpr~~pu~~ Use in a manner n~~ general welfare ot L-he Cit.izens ot the Cit p' ~ health, s~zfe+~y ~;nd y of Anaheim. 4• Tt~at ttie granting of the Conditional U;~e Permit unde~ the cc~nditions im~,~,ed, i~ any, ~~ill not be de ~. sa~ety and general weliace of the Citizens of t-he1City of AnuhP~ipeac~, health, 5• xhat the kraxf..ic generat~d l~y the ~ ari undue burden upon rhe streets and highways ~3esigned~ a~~S impra~~~~ ~to ~ca°Ie the traffic in the area. Y b• That no oppocition; and that subject ~etitio-i. ~0335r one indicate~ their. prE~.,ence at saicl public heari.n~ in no corresporidenc~ was rec;eived ir. vppositzon ta the PC89-203 ~,;""h ENVIRONMENTAL IMPAC7' FINllING: Th~t thry Anaheim City P1ann.ing Commi.ssion has reviewed the proposal to recl.a;~siLy siabject property From l-.he ~~1L (Industxial, 1,imited) 'Lone to tl~~~ CR (Commercial, Itecreation) ot~ a le~s intense zone to perm:~t a 3-story busi~iess and ~~rofessiona]. office building on a rectanyularly-shaped nar.cel c~f land cot~sisl•ing of approximate.ly 3.9 acres having a trontage oi appraxzmately ?.72 f~er on the -•iorth sidt of Orangewood Avenue, anc9 furtt~er described as '12U1 Easl Orangewood Avenue; and does hereby approve t.tie Negative Declar.a~ioii u~on findirig L-h~_k i~ has considered the Neg~tive Derlaratian t~geth~r wir.h a,~y cotnments rec~ived during the public reviEw process anc~ furtt~wr findiny on the basis of Lhe ini.tial study and any c:ommPnts rece.ved that there is r~o substantial evidenr.e that the projecL• w.ill havc~ a signzficant effect en the er~virunmer,t. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R1~'SC?LVE1) that the l~naheim Cik.y Planning Commissi.on does hereby grant subject Pet.ition tor Conditional Use Permit, upon th~ following condilion~ which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the propos~d use of the ~ul~;ject proper.t:y in orclcr to preserve the safety and g~neral welfare of the Citizens of th~ City c~f Anaheim: 1. Thc~t zhe owner of s~bject. property sha.ll pay to the City of Anaheim a fee Eor tree planting p~irpose , al.ong Oratigewood Avenue in an amount as detern;a.ned bl the City Council. 'lo That prior. to issuunce o.f a building permit, thE appropriate t:raffic signal ~~ssesstnent Lee shall be paid to the City ~f An~heim in an amount as del-ermine~l by tkie City Council. for new commercial buildings. 3. That all driveways shall be designed to accommodate ten (10) foot- radius cutb returns as reyuired by the City Traffic Engineer.. 4. That drai.naye oE subject pruperty sha11 be disposed ~f in a manner satisfactory L•o the City lEngineer. 5. That subject property shall be served by undergrounc~ util.ities. 6. That pr.ior tu cominencement oP structural Fr.aming, fire hydrants sliall be install d and charr.,ec~ as required and determine~ to be neces~ary by the ~hirf oP the Fi.~e llepartment. 7. That trash storag~ areas shal.l be provided and maintained in acc.ordance with approved plaris on L-ile wii:h the StrePt M~in~enance and Sanitation Division. 8. That siciewalks, curbs, and yut~ers shall be relocated ai~d paving installed al.ong Urangnwood Avenue as required by the City Engineer arid in ac~ordailce with standard p].ans and specifications on file in the Of£ice of the City Engineer; ar~d that security in the form of a bond, certificate of depo~it, letter of credit, or cash, in an artiount and Furm satisfact~ry to L-he City of: Anahcim, shall be post~:d with the City to guarantee the satisfactory completion of said impzovements. Said security shall be posted with the City prior to i~suance of buildir~g per.miks to yuarantee L•he inst~x.llatian of the above-required improaements al the demand of r_he Cily Engineer. -~- PC84-203 ~ 9. 2'hat ex.isting st:reet lightin~~ facilitiES shal]. bc~ r.elocated alang Orang ~woocl Avenue and that. security i n the form of a bond, cFrti ficate of d~p~si.t, lett:er of cr~dit, or cash, :in an am~unt and form s~~tisfactory to the City of Anaheim, shall be posted with the CiLy prior to th~ iss~aance of buildinG permi~s ta guarantee the insta llatiori o~ tt~e above requi r•ed imprave menL-s at t:he demand cf the City r:ngineei. 10. `~'hat rhe uwner. o[ subject nroperty sha11 p~~. to tt~e City of Anaheim a fee for street li9hti.ng alony O~:any~wcod Avenue in an ~mount as determined by the City C:ouncil. 11. That no m~dical office or other related medical uses shall be permztted on subject property withaut a plan being subm.i~ted to the Planni.ng Department demonstrating sufficiei~t parking is provid~d in com~liance with Code reguireroents. 1'l. That prior to the cornmencement o~ the act.ivity authorzzed undet this reso:lution, or prior to tt~e time that a buila:.ng permit is issueci, or within a~aeriod oF ninety (90) clays from the clat~ of this res~lut:ton, whichever ocr.urs first, the owner(s) ~f ~ubject property sha11 execute ancl cecord ~ covenant in a forrn approved by t;~e City Attorney's OfficF wherFin such ownersts) agree not L-a contesi: the formation of any assessment district(s) which may hereafter be formed pursuant to t'r,~ provi.sions of Developm~nt Agreement No. 83-01 between the Ci.ty oi Anaheim and Anahexm Stadium A~sociat~~s, which districts could incl~icle ~uch owner's property. F'ailure to cor~~p11~ with this condition within the specif.ied time shall cleem this this conditional us~ permit r~u11 and void. 13. That this Conditi.onal Use Permit .is gran.ted subj~ct to the completion of Reclassi£ication No. 84-A5-8, now pendin~. I9. That a minimum 6-foot high block ~r masonr~ wall shall be cUnst.ructe~ and permanently maintaineci adjacent to the wesL-erly property line and the Atchison, '.I'c~peka anG Santa Fe R~~ilway. 15. That subject ~roperty shzll b~ developed substantiall,y in ac~ordance wi.th k~lsns and speciEications on :Eile w.it}-~ the City oF Ar~ahein marked Exhibit Nos. 1 rhrough 3. 16. Tllat prior t~ issuance of a buildin~~ permit, or witnin ~ Period of onz year irom the date ~~L• this r.esalution, whichever occuxs first, Conditiur. Nos. 1, 2, £3, 9, .10, 12 and 13, above-lrentidned, shall be complied with. Exten~ions for furLher tirne to complete sai.d conditi.ans may be granted i.n ~ccardance with Section 1~3.Q3.090 of the Anaheirn Munici~al Code. 17. T.hat prior to tinal builcii.ng anc] xoning inspections, Conditi.on Nos. 3, 4, 5, 7, 19 and 15, above-rnentioned, shall be c~m~lied witr~. BE I7' FpRTHER RESOLVED thar. the Ar~aheir~ City Planniny Commis~ i~~n does hereby find and determine that adoption of chis Resolution is expressZy pr~di.cated upon applicant's c~mp'liance wikh each and a:l of the condition: ^ -?-• PC84-203 h~reinabove set forth. St~~u1d ar-y such c~nditi.ons, or any part i:hereof, b~ deelar~d xnvalid or t~nenPorceable by ~he L-inal judgment af any cou~i: of competent juris~~liction, then this Resolution, anc~ ~ny approvals herei~l contained, siiall be deemed nu11 and vaid. `rHE EUREGOTNG RE50LU'l'IUN is siyne~l and approved~'by me tt:is 1st day of October, 19A4. ;, ' / ~ : . - 1 ; ~; ~ _ '`;` ,, '/)~_._! , ! '/.~'-' i~ _- '~~t_. ~:• ~ . CF1AI~hi7~~lE:[M CI'i~ ' PLANNING COMMISSION A`i'TEST ; .~..~.~ ~ ~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CI'PY PLANNING COMMISSION S`~ATE OF CALIFORNTA ) CGUNTY UF ORAI~GE ) ss, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, SecretarX of khe Anaheim ~ity Planning C~mmis~ion, do hereb,y certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and aclopte~ at a meetin~~ of the Anaheim City Placlning Commi.s•~i.on held on October 1, 19a4, by khe following vot~ of th~ members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BUSHORE, FRY, HERBST, KtNG, LA CI.AIRE, MC BURNEY NO~S: CQMMISSIONERS: NUNE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONG IN WITI~ESS WEIEREOb', I Have hereunto se~ my har~d thi.s lst day of October, 198~. !J~''~G~.li~ ~ ~ . SECR~TARY, ANAHEIM CITY FLANNIN COMMISSION -4- PCf34-203