PC 84-206}tL,SC'LUTTON NG. F~C$4-"?.UG A RL::;ULU'PlQtJ OE' 'I'HL ANAHEIM C'i'I'Y PLANNING CUMMlSSTON '1'HA'1' I~E'I'I.'I'IUN FOR VARIANC~ N0. 3418 F3E DENII:ll WfiEltEAS, :'etition for V~r t:h~~ Anaheim ciry ~~lannin~~ iance [r ' Cor~miss.ion did receiv~~ a verifi ed Katel~a Avenue~ orr~ .1AMLS D. }~ AGAN Andhei~T~~ Ca.lifornia 92 8O4 F.NI) NANc~y . Ii. I:AGAN, 1.Ei57 West si.tiiated in the . , city ot An~~t;~irii, i'ount y U4If1~?C:; of- of O c:ertain real pro,perty described as: . ranye. State of r_alifornfa LOT 53 vF 1'RACT NU. 9~0.1 , AS SFiOWiJ U~i A MAP 'PlIEREQE RECURDLU jN ~C~~K 3~~r PI''~LS "l3 7'O G6, MISCEL~ANeOU ; D1AP5, RECQRDS OE~ SAlU 'JRAfJGF CUUf.iY. +a ' WHLI~F.;AS, the City Planning Cr~mmis~i;,n a~d hold a nuh~ic i~earing at the '~ Civic Center in the City ~t A~aheim on l~uyust 20, 19~4, at 1:30 ~ said puk~.lic h~aring having been du1 ' p•m•~ n~tice of y,y_ven as required by law ar~d in accordance ~r with th~ provisions oE lhe Anaheim Municipal CodP, Cha~,tec 1A.03r to hear and `y consider ~vidence for. and ayainst said propused var:iance and to invt,tigate and i make findings and recommenda~ion:; i.r~ connect~on ~herew.ith; said publi.,~ hear.ing ~.~ ~~ fiaving been c~ntinue~:i ~v thP meeting ot Gctober 15, 1984; anc? WHEREAS, said Commission, after. due inspection, investiyat:ion and study made by itself and in its behalE, and after due consider~~tion oi all Avidence and re~orts offered ~t said heaciny, does £ind and det;ermine the following facts: 1.• ~'hat the petit.ioner proposes waivers of t}1P L•ollowing tc~ retain a sundeck a~.d fence addiLion• (a) SEC'i'IGN 18.27.OG3.U'lU - Minimurti sid~ard ;r.~tbark. (5 feet rec~uired; 2 fc~~ exis~:ing; (b) SLCTIUNS 18.'l7.UG4.1U0 - Maximum fence height• AND 1a.04.043.102 (G Feet p~r:nih.ted in rear - yard; ~?~Ft. 3 in. ptuposed) Z. 'i'hat ths at-,ove-mentioned c.~aivers ar~~ hereby dFnied on the basis that there are no s~~cial circumnt<<nces ap~licable to the property such as S1'lE~ shape, topoyra~hy, locatior, c~r .~urrouudings, which d~ nor_ app1y to oEher idenr.ically zone~ properties i-~ the vici~iity; ancl that s~rict ~i the 'Loniny C~de ~1oes not de •• , PP.lication of. ~.iv~_ t:he pro~ar.ty of privilege;, enjoye~d by n*.her prop~rties in id~nti.cal zoning ,.1~~:;i£ication in the vicinity. '• That t:here ~~rF• no nxc:eFkional c,< <.xrrac~rdinary circumstance~ or cc:ndil-ion~ ~,E~plicaule t~.~ r.h~, proE~ecty .nvolvE~d or to ~he inken~le~i u.^,e ~f t.1~e pro~erty thar. do not. ~.~~~,1y yf~nerally to ~he prr~f,~rty c~r class oC use in the csame vicinity ~nr, 7onL, •f. That and enjoyment ot lhe reyue~t.Fld a subctanCta l vari~ncc~ i:~ not nec~: ,ary for ~he pre.ervation ~ne same vzcinity . ~nd zone and prop~rty cf~rnif ci.yht po;,sess~d by othPr property in , ~u to the prop~rty in queslion. ~033br PC94-~06 ii. That the reyuc~s~t~d varianc:~ wi:l..l be mater.ia.tly detrimental ta t.he piiblic wel.£are or injurious t:o the ~copc~rty or im~covements in such vicinit~ and zonc: in which lh,~ F~coE~~~rLy is locat~d. 6. That one person inc:licated their pr.ESence at said pub.li.c hearing in op~osition; and thaC no ce>rr.espondence was recrived in oppasi.t.ion to s~.~bject petition. ENVTRONMEN'lAL Ib11?ACT FINllIN~: 'I'he F~.l~nning lli.rec~-c~r or hi..: autharized representative has determined t.hat lhe t~ropos~d pro,ject: .Ea:Lls within the definition of Categorica]. 13xemptiuns, Cla~s '~, as ~lefined in thP Si:ate GI~2 Guide.lines and is, thFref:or~, categorica:lly exem~t f:r.om the re~Xuirem~nr Lo pr.epare an Li12. NOW, `PHLRL•'FOItE, BE IT .RESULVEP that the Ar~at~~im Ciky ~l.~nning C~mmia~iori dU~?S hereby dec;y subjF~ct Peti.k.ion tor Var.iancc nn t,~e basis of the aforemention~d finclingti. 'i'HE FUItEGUING RL•'SULU'L'I~JN i s signed and a~prov~d by me this 15th day of Oc*_ok~er, ~.984. ~ _. . ' ~ ~ i , /c ~. / % ~'~ ~ '- ~ ~~~.._ .r' . : ~.1 __..r_:..~,_.,.... _ _~.. CHAIRMAN, ANAHL•'IM C:~.TY P.LANNTNG COMMISSION A`1'T~' S`i' : _~ i( - /`~Lt/t~+ ~- ~- - SECRETARY~ ANAHLIM CI'I'Y PLANNIN(; COMMi~SiON ST.A'l'E OE' t:Ai.TFOkNIA ) CUUNTY OF' ORAiVGE ) ss. C:ITY OE ANAHEIM ) I, Edi~h L. H~rr~s, Secretary ot the Anaheirti City Planning Commission, do hereby certiLy th:~t the toreyoiny r~~ol~ali.on was passe~ and adoE~ted at a meeting of Lhe Anahein~ City Planning c;ommission held ~n Octobe: 15, 19$4, by the followiny vate ot the members ther~~o.E: AYES; COMiNISSI0NER5: E3USHORE, KIt~;;, LA C:I.AIRE, NOES: COMMISSI(JNEF2.''i: fi~RB:i~' A$SENT: COMMiS5I0tJERS: FiCIjAS, k'RY, MC }lURN~Y :IN WIi'Nf:SS WNF:REOE', J. Iiave htreunto ~c~l my har.d this 15th day of Uctober, 198A. , ~ M_ v ~~~~ ~{~~/ ~K~~iz~ _ SE:~1tB'['ARY, ~NAHLIM <:ITY F'LI,NNING COl4MI5SION -2- PC8~1-~U6 ~-.