PC 84-209~ F:HSGLU7'?ON NO. i~C$4-209 A Rf:SULU'TJON Ur '.CI~E r1NAHGIM CITY PiANNTNG CpMMIS; IGN TFiA'i' PETITTUN FOR VARiANCE N0. 3426 IiE DENIED WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commissi.un did receive a verified Petition Eor Variance from BANK pF CALIP'ORNIA, N. A., 845 South Figuero~, Los Anc~eles, California, 90017, owner, an~ FLUYD t,. L'ARANO, 100 Sou~h Anaheim Koulev~rd, ~304, Ar~aheim, California 92805, ager~t for ~ertain real siruated in tt~e City ot An~~heim, County of Cr.ange, State of California described as: PARCEL 1: THAT PG'RTIUiJ Of THE SC~UTH HALF OF THE NORTfiWEST QUARTER 0~ T1iE SOUTHEAST uUART~R Ub` SEC~'IpN 27, TO4JN~HIP ~} SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST PARTLY IN THE RANCHO LAS BdLSRS AND PAkTLY IN THE R:1NCH0 SAN JUAN CAJON DE S11NTA ANA, iN THE CITY OF ANAHRIM, AS SAID SBCTLON JS SHOWN ON A MAP RECnRDED IN BOOK 51, PAGE; IO UF' MISCELLANEOUS MAFS, RECORDS OF ORANGE CGUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FU[,LOWS; f3EGINNING AT THE NGRT~IWES`l' CORNEH ~JF SA'IB SOUTH HALF; THENCE SOUTH 0° 42' 47" EAST 200.00 6'EE`!' ALONG THE WEST LINE 0!~' SAID SOUTfi HALF TO THE TRUE PUINi OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 89° 38' U7" E;AST 30U.00 FEET PARALLEL TO ^HE NORTH LINE dr^ SAI~J SOUTH fiALF; THENCE NORTH 0° 42' 97" WEST 20~).00 FEET PARALLEI~ TO THG W~ST LINF. OF SAID SUUTH HALF TU THE NORT[{ LINE OF SAiD SOUTIi HALF; THENC~ SOUTH 89° 3g' p7" EAST a5U.00 A'EET ALONG SAID NORTH LINE; THENCE SOUTH 0° 42' 47" BAS'P 439.02 FEEZ' PARALLEL TO TNE WESfi LINE UF SAID SOUTH H~1LF TO A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND D'l;;TANT 221.00 FEET MEASUREB AT RIGHT ANGLES NORTFfERLY FROM THE SOIITH LINE OE SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTIiE;AST QUARTER OF SAIU SECTION 27; THENC~ NORTH 89° 38' 14" WES^' 450.00 F.EET ALUNG 5AIU PARALLEL LINE; THENCE NORTH O° 42' 4?" WEST 2pQ,04 FEEm PARAI.LRL TO THk: WEST LINE OF SAIU SOUTH HALE TO A I,SNE PARALLEL WITH AND AISTANT 239.OU FEET, M~ASUR~:A AT RTGEIT ANGLES 50UTHEF2LY FI20M THE NORTH LINL•' OF ~;A.ID SOUTH HAL['; THENCE NORTH 89° 35' 07" WEST 3U0.00 FEFT ALONG SAID PARAiL'EL LINE TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID SqUTH HALP; 7.'HENCE NOkTH 0° 42' 47" WEST 39.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POI:~T OF BEGINNING. PARCEI. 2: 'CHE EAST 45U.OG Fl~:ET OF THAT PORTION OF THE S~UTH HAL~ OF THE NOR'!'HWFST ~UARTEF2 ON' 2'NE SUU'I'HEAST QUARTFR OF SEC'PION 27, 'tOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE IO WE5Z' PARTLY TN '!'HE RANCHO LAS BULSAS AND PARTLY IN THE RANCHt~ SAN JUAN CAJ0~3 DE SANTA ANA, IN THB CITY OF ANAFiEIM, P.S SAJD SECTION IS SHOWN t~N A MAP RECQRDED IN BOOCC 51, PAGF 10 OF MISCBLLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF' ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DES(:RIBEA AS POLLOWS: B~G?NNING AT 'PHE INTERSECTIQN OI' A L'!NE PARAr~LEL WITH ANn QI31AN't 221.4U CE~T MEASURE;D A'P RIGHT ANGLES NORTyERLY F'ROM THE SOUZ'H ~INE OF SAlD 50UTH HALF WI'fH TEiE WE;ST LINE OF LOT 24 A~ TftACT N0. 3127, AS SHOWN ON A MAP R~COFDED TN a00K 94~ PAGES 48 AND 49 OF MISCELLANEOU5 MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE L'OUNTY, ;U341c PC84-209 CALIFOkNIA; TNENCE ALONG SAiD PAItALI.F;i, L~INE WT'ry NOFZ'PH 89° 38' 14" WESZ' 679,77 E'EFT TU A:V IN'1'ERSEC'I'ION WI7'H TI-IAT CER2'AIN CURV'E IN 'rHE NORTH LSNE OL' WILKGN WAY NEAR THE 1VORTHEAST CGRNF~R OF THE IN'1'ERSECTII~N OF' SAID WILKEN WAY AND fiARBOR BOULEV'ARD~ AS SHaWN OP] ~AID MAP OF TRAC'P tJU. :3127 SATD CURVE BETNG CONCAVE TO 'I'H~ NuRTElEAS~' ANll HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.OQ FEET, A RADIAL LINE OI' SAID CURVE AT SAID INTERSEC?ION HAVING A BEARING OF SC~UTH 21 ° 24' 08" WEST; TEiENCE FASTFRLY 5. 51 C'EL'.C ALONG SAYD CURVG TO THF~: E11ST~RLY TERMINUS THEREO~; `.CHENCE EASTERLY 675.98 FECT ALONG THE; VAxIOUS COURSES IN ~rc3r NORTHERLY I,INES AF WIL,KGPI WAY AS Sf10WN ON SAID MAP OF T?ACT N0. 3127, TO TEIE SQUTHWES?' CORNER OF SA.[D LO".' 29; THENCE NpRTH 0° 47' 47" WEST 9. UO F'EFT TO THE TRUF k~OINT OF BEGINNING. PARC~;I, 3: THE EAST 1U0 FLET Of THE NORTH ?.00 EEEm OF TF1E WF.ST 300 FEE'r OF THAT PURTION OF THE SOUTH [iALP OF THE NORTHWEST QUARZ'ER OE THE SOUTHEAS?' QUi4kTER OF SECTION 27~ TnWNSHIP 4 SQUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, S. k3. B. & Ni., PARTLY IN TfiE RANCHO LA5 AUi,SAS AND PARTLY SN TEIE RANCHO SAN CAJON DE SANTA ANA~ DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWFS'I' COI2NER pE SAIA SOUTH [~ALF OI' THE NOFiTHWEST QUARTER OE THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTIGN 27; THENCE SOUTH (39° 3$' 07" EAS'1' 871.29 FEET ALONG THE NURTH LINE OF SAID ~OUTH HALF OF T[~lE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OE .~,ECTZON 27; THENCE SQUTH 0° 42' 47" EAST 500.02 FEET ALONG A LINE PARA.LLEL TO THE WEST LINE UF SAID SOUTHEAST QUART~R Oh' uECTION 27 TO A POIN'P ON A LINE PARI~LL~L W~rH AND DISTANT 160.00 FEET MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES NORTHL•'RLY OF THE SOU'rH LINE OF SAIll NOIirHWEST QUARTEk OF `.CHE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 27; THENC:F NORTH 89° 38' 14" ~iJEST 871.29 FEET ALONG SA:D PARALLEL LIIrE TO A POINT ON SAID WEST LINE OF SOUTHEAST QUARTER OH SECTION 2?; TEiENCE NORTH 0° 42' 47" WEST 500.05 FEET ALONG SAID W~ST LINE OE TEIE SOUTHEAS'!' Qt)~RTER OF SECT10N 27 TO TIiE POINT OF BEGINNI~IG. WfiGREA5, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on Or.tober 1, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing haviny been duly given as re9ufred by law and ln accordance with the pruvi~•ions of the Anat~eim Municipal Cod~, Cl~apter 18e03, ta hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investiaar-: and make f.tndings and reccmmendations in connection thecewith; said puhlic hearing having been coatinued to the meeting of October 15, 1984; and WHERE;AS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its beh~Zlf, and aftPr due consideration af all evfdence and reports offered at said hc~aring, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the ~etitionec pro~os~s waivers of the fcllowing to con~truct ~ 134-unit apartment complex: `2' PC84-209 .~"•~ ~~~~ ~a) SECTIUN 18.34.Ob2.U12 . ,, '~"'-----------~--_.w,,,._._ - M a x i m u rn s t r u c t u r a 1 h e igh t. i~ (1 stor,Y permitted within 150 feet of " sin le-famil znnin ` g y ~: 2 stari~s ''~r'. ~~ 1 S~; C7' I UN 1~. 3 4. 0 6 2 ~ 0 3 2 -"---~----- pr opos pd ) ~:~~ - Maximum numb~r of bachelo- .,,, ~~Y ~20$ of total units ~nxts. 5;~ ., - Permi t;-.eci ='l'7 uni ts • k;~, ~2~ ptoposed = 30 unil-s} ----.--, "'~`~ (~=) SECTION 1F3.34.U63.~11 ~ - Min,rimum landscaped setback. ~` f20_feEt required from Harbor Bouleva.rd; ` none pr.oposed) t~) SECTIONS 18.06.05Q.p12y - M1'~ni~mum n~~~r and t e of s aces. ANp ].8.34.066.O1U_ (320 spaces wii•h 2~8 covered required• 2~8 s,.Laces wlth 237 covered proposed) 2• That the abov~-mentioned waiver:~ (a), (b denied on the basis that there ~re no special circams~ancesn a property ~~) are hereby such as size, sha e pplicable to the not apply to other identical1 topography, location and surroundings which do strict applicatiUh t~f the Zoninne~C de p do~s ln the same ~~icinit • privil.egES en'o ed y no~ deprive the y' and that c.lassification ]in the bv.icini tyr anc~r hat~lwaivern rhe PrOp~rtX o~ basis that the ic~enh.,ical zone and parking variance will cause an incr ease inrttaf iclconyestio 1~ ~ne immediate vicinit- the that the y an~ adversely affect any adjoinin ° grantiny of the par{;xpq variar~~e , will be detrimen all to thee~ eaand hea1t.'~, satety or general wel£are of the citizens ~f the Cit A e, Y oF Anaheim. 3• Thet th~re are no ~xceptional or extraordinar~ conditions a,~plicable to the ~ circumstanc~s Property that do nc~t a pr~perty involvec~ or t~ the int~ or PP1y yenerally to the nded use of the ' sa~ne vicinity and zone. pr°Aerty or r_1ass of use in the ~• That the requested varia~tce is not necessary for th and enjoyment of a suk~stantial the same vicinit ProAerty righ~ possessed b ~ Preservation Y and zonA, and denied to th~ Y other property in pzoperty in question. ~ 5~ ~'hat thp ` requested variance will be materially detr.i.mental to the ; public welfare or injurious to khe and zone in which the property or impraver~ents in such vicinity :~ property is lccated. 6. That no ~ne ;~ ~ppositi~n; and that no correspond~ cee1was rre eiv ~~t said petition. Public hearir,y in ~ - ed in o~Position to suk,~ect ~~.~ ; ,,.i ENV_.._ z~MENTAL IMPACT FINDING: .$ Commissfon has reviewed tt~E ~'hat the Anaheim City Pl~nnin S RS-A-43 OOU ~'xOp°~al ~~ reclassify sub ' y '~ ~ (Re~idential, A~ricultural) 2~nc~ to the 3RMt1 00 pe~~x ~rom the ~ Multiple-Family) Z~~~ ~~ cunstruct a ].34-unit ~'~ of maximum (Residential, F '` strucCural height, maximum ap~rtment comp3ex with waivers ~~~~ landsc~~pEd setback number of bachelor units irregularl '`~f1~ minimum number. ~po t ~ minimum y-shaped parcpi of land consiskin YAe of parking spaces on ;' located north and east '~n ~','~ B o u l e var d °f t h e n o r t h e as t ~°~ approaimate l y 5. 3 a c res ; ~ and further described as Zl~d corner o~ Wilken Way and Harbor ~ 1~' := Trailer Lodge); and c~oes hereb a South Harbor F3oulevard (Westwinds j, ; Y pprove the N~egative Declaration upon finding i '-'." i ~_. 's ~ - 3 -- , ; ~ PC84-209 ' " ~ . ~~ .-% i ~ ;,:, ,r~'~a~,r~ h,- ., ,~ \ ; ., ~ a }~- ,. , ~ ,~s ...,. .., -. ..:..,_, ~rn~c.~z a.ti <<.~. . . . . ~, , . _ _ -' ~{.1ii ~} 1 ,~~~ ,..,;,,_ +,t: ;:insa ;`~ that it ha~ cansidered the Negative Declaration togettler with ~ny c~mments rec.e~ved durir~y the puMlic review process and f.urlher ~indiny on the basis of the initial stuc,y ancl any cnmments r~ceived that there i.s no substant:ial evidence that the pr•oject will h~ve a significant ~f.Eect on the env?ronment. NOGJ, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVEll that the Anaheim City planning Commis~ion does hereby deny subject Pe~i.tion for Variance un the basis of the aforementio~~ed findings. TIi~ E'URGGpING RESOLUTION is signed and appro~r~ by me this 15th d~ay ~' of October, 1984. •' , ~;s . ~~... ~ ~ / /~ ~, ~~~;) •1 .// t,...,.,//"'' :~, j '-' ,'t GHAIItMAN ANAHEIM C~ Y PLANNTNG COMM.CSSION ^ 4TTFST: ... , -i / • ~ .i~-(.1~ ` SECR.ETAK., ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ; STATE UF CALIFORNIA ) CUUNTY OF ORANGE ) ;;~, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) t, Edith L. Harris, 5ecretary of the Anaheim Ciky Planning Commission, do hereby eertify that the foregoing resolutiqn was passed and adopted a~ a meeting of tt~e Anaheim City PTanning Commission held on October 15, 1984, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: CUMMISSION~RS: f3USHQRE, FRY, HEKBSZ', KING, LA CLAIRE, NOES: CnMMISSI0NEI2S: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIUN~FtS: BOUAS, MC BURUEY IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 15th day of ~ctober, 1984. ~?,~ ~.! ,~ ' ~~; SECR~TARY, ~,NAHEIM CITX PLANNING C4MMISSICN ~ii -4- PC84-209