PC 84-212~ F:ESO_ Lr U~j~IpN N0. PCF34-212 A RESULUTION Ob"!'HF ANAHEIM CITY ~LANNING CUMMISS'ION T:iA'.C PETI7'I'~`N FOR CUNUITIONAL US~ PEi2MI'1' N0. 2626 BE GRANTED wHEKEpS, the Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commis~iox~ di.d recei.ve a vecified Peti~ion Coc Conctitional U~e Permit from SAM J. Commonweal~h Avenue, Fullerton, California 92G32, owner,w aL~I~TONX MARGERUM, 2131 We~t Lincoln :~venue, Anaheim, Califorriia 92a01, agent f~r ce.rtiain real Prr,perty situated .tn Liae City of. Anaheim, Coiinty of Orange, State of Califur~ia, d~scribed as; BEGINNING A'r A PO;N'r ON '.CHE SOUTH LtNE OF THG SOUTElWFST (~UARTER. UF THE; SOUT:iWEST ~UAl2TE~R AF SECTION 8, '!'OWNSFIIP 4 SOUTH, TtANGE: lU WEST~ SAN [iEFNARDINO BASE ANA t4ERIDIAN~ IN THE CITX OF ANAHEIM, AT A F~OINT 392 FF.E: WGST OF TElE SOU'PHEAS, CQRNER OF THE SOUTEiWEST QUAEtTER OF 2'HE SOU'i'HWFST QUAR~PER 0~ SAID SECTIUN, APlU RUNNING THENCE WEST 168 EEET ',L~t:C THE SAID SOUTH LINF.; `rHENCE NORTH PARALLEL TO THE GAST LINE OF SAID SOU'1'HWEST QUARTER OL~ TEiE; S~UTHWCST ~UARTER, 654 EEET; THE*Ir.~ EASZ' PARALLEL TO THE SOUTEI f.,INE OF SASD SOUTHWEST QUARTER QE' THE SOUTHWEST QUAP,TER, 168 FEET; THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL TU ?'HE EAST LINE OF mHE SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER Ok THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER~ 654 FEET TO THE POIN'P Of~ LiEGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE SOU`^H 40 FEET 'PfiGREOF INCLUDED WITHIN LINCOLN AVENUE. WHEREAS, the ~ity Planning commission did hold ~ r,,,b]ic hearing at the Civic Centec in tne City of Anaheim on Uctober 15, 1984, at 1;30 p,m~~ notice of said public hearing having been duly yiven as r~qutred by law and in ~ccordance with the provfsions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence foc and against said Proposed conditional ur~e permit and to inves~iyate and nake findfngs and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, Af.ter due inspection, investig•atfon and etudy made by itself and in it,~ behalf, and after due c~ns..derxtion of all evidence and reports oft~red at ,¢aid hearing, doe~ find anr] determine the following Eacts: 1. Tt~at tt~e proposed use is properly one for which a conditfonal us~ pecmit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code aeation to wit: to perrtiit on-sale beer fn an exi~tiny amusement center. 2. That the proposed use is hereby granted for a period of one (1) year, to expire ~n Octobnr 15, 1985. 3. That the ~ropoaed u:,e wi.ll not adversely affect the adjoinfr-g land uses and the qrowth aid ~evelopment oE the o~rea in which it ia propoa~@ to be loc~ted. 4. That the size and s~hape oE the site prop~sed fo; the use is adequAte to a]low thP full develoFm~ent of the pcoposed use in a mttnner not ~ detrimental to the par~iculer area nur to the peace, health, s~fety and ~ general welface of the CitizPns ~f the ~ity of Anah~im. #0344r ,,:y.~.~. ~v„.:.~,,.~~..:,~ ~ , . Pc84-2I2 , ;;~; ~ ,,.._„ ~k^~.-' s~, S. That L•he yranhang of the Conditional Usp Permit und~ coridition , irnpose6, if any wil~ r tihp "~,t, -,;~ , n~.~t be detrim~ntal to ihe sa~ety ~nd general welfare oC the Citizens m eace, h~alth, f i.~-~: f : ` ~ khe City of Anahe~ , ~ ~#'? 6~ ~'hat the trafFic genprated by the an undue b~;rden upon the s prop~sed use wil] not ' t l ~ +;~, ; r~ets Und highw~ys designed ~nd i.mp.roved to the traf.Eic in the ~r.ea. carry ,;:, ! '"~ ~~ ;~ ~ 7• That r~o ~n~ indicatPd kheir presence at said opposition; and hhat no corre public hearing ~ n ~ , spondence was ceceived sub;ect petition. '-n oppositi.on ~o fiie ~`: ~'`.~ y~~ ENVIRONMEN'1'AL IMFACT FINDING: ~i'hat the Anaheim Canmis~ion ha~ reviewed the City Piannin r ~?;~ ' g p oposal to dmit on-sale bcer in an existing amusement center on a reccangularl•-sh p ' ~ ~ ,f a e aPProximately 2.4 acr~~ ~ p Parcel of land consisting o~ having a fron~-age o£ =, ^I „ app.oximately ;68 feet on the north side of Linocln Av~nue, and further described as 2131 Avenue (Ora ,~ West Lincoln nge CounL-y Sports Arena); and does hereb a Declaration upon findino tnat it h~s considerad the egativ tive together with th r '; e a ecla any comments rECeived dur.ing the tion furthEr finding c~n the basis ocess und f p n ~ e .! a khe in.itial. study a d any comme~ts that there is no substanti.al evidencH that th received ~ a ~e effect nn the pnvfrunment. Project will have a significant NOGI, THEREFORE, BE IT kESOLVED that the Anaheim C~k c:ommis~ion does hereby grant ~ubject Peti~ion for Conditional Us~ ~ermit~nupon the fol.lowing conditions whi.ch aa-e hereby Eound Lo be a nt~ce~saty prerequfsite to the proposed use of the sub~~ct property in order to and general welfare of the Citi2ens o.f the City of Anaheim;~reserv~ thz saf~ty 1• That the proposal shall comply with all signing res~uirements of the CL Zone, unless a variance ,3.llowin9 sign wai.vezs is ~pproved by the Planning ~~ommi$sion or Cfty Council. 2• That no alcoholic beverages, except beer, shall he sold or consumed on the premises. 3• That ~ubject property shall bs developed subskantial.ly in accordance w.ith plans anc? speciffcakions on Eile with the c:iky of Anaheim mark~d ~x.hibit Ncs. 1 througt ~. ~'. That prior to the com~enc~ment oL• .a activ~ty autharized under this resolution, or final building and 2onfng in~pections whir.hever occurs firsr, Condition No. 3, above-men+-.toned, sbali be complied with. 5• T~at thfs permit ~hall expire in ~ne (1) year, Uctober 15, 1984. BE IT FUkTHGR RESOLVED rhat the AnahPfm City Planning Commission does hereby find and detecmine thaC adoption of r.l~is R~so.lution ts expre$slx pcedf,cated uF~n applicant's compliance with each and a?.). of thE condit;Lorus hereinabove set Eorth. Should any such conditions, or any pert thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the Efnal judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then thi~ Resolution, and any appxovals herein aontained, sha~l bE deeme~ null and void. -2- P~84-2].2 . . .~.. . _ ~.,.:.. _.,. , i .. _ _ .. . , , . - .. . .. ~51 y`" .,,'"`\ i ;.~+rae~~*tit "•`~~',. ~'"'~ ~~~, ~^'~ , i` ;,~ THE ~'OREGOING R~50LUTlON is stg~Ed and a,ppyoved by me this ].5~h day of October, 1989. / `~_. ~f' ~ _.~ ~. _,.,:y ~~` ~ J ~i'~• ~.~J L.-~ ~~~"~CHAZ M1N, ANAHFIM CITY PLANNTNG GOMMIS~ SION ATT~ST; ~ . SECRE'rARYP ANAHF.IM CITY PLA NING COMMIS3ION STATF OF GALIFOR~:IA COUNTY OF URANGE ) ss. CI'PY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Har.ris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meetin~ of .he Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Octaber 7.5, 1984, by the follo~aing vokP of tr-e members thereo£ : AYES: CI~MMISSION~RS: BUSHORE, HGRBST, KING, LA CLAIRE, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NANE ABaEIJT: COMMISSIONERS: liOUAS, b'RY, MC BURNEY IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 15th day of Cctober, 1984. ~' . ~ ~`4~E~~~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMM:LSSION ~~,sS^ _,Iry~~ '.~, -3" PG84-212 '~