PC 84-213~~ R~;SOLU7'IGN N0. PC84-213 r-~, A R~SOLUTI()N OF THL; ANIlEI~JM CITY PLANNING COM~4I..C,SION THA`i' PE'PIT.ION FOR VARI.ANCE 1VU. 3431 BE GRAN?'En WHEREAS, thP Anaheim City Planning Commissi.on did rpceive a verified Fetition fur VariancE from HOM~ FFAERAL~ SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, 701 Broadway, San Diegc, CaliFornia 92112, owr-er, ~nd HOBERT NORDEN, 1335 Rnollwood Circle, Ar.aheim, California 928Q~, agent for ceri:ain real pro~~erty ~ituated in the City of Anaheim, County of Or.ange, State of Calif~rnia r~escribed as: PAK:':EL 1: PARCEL 16 A,S S[iOWN ON A PARC~L MAP FILEL` [N B~OK 71 PAGES 11 'i'0 17 INCL~USIVE UF PARCGL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE O~' THE CCUNTY RFCORDF!~ UF SAIll COUNTY. EXCEP'P ALL WATEK, CLAIMS OR 12IGHTS 7'O WATER, IN OR UNDER SAID I,AND . PARCEL ~: PA12CE.L 2 AS PER MAP FILFD IN BOQK 79 P~1GE 48 OF PARCEL MAPS,, RECORD:> OF SAID COUNTY, MORE PARZ'ICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE PIORTHWEST CORNER OF PAR(:EL 16, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED 'IN BOOK 71 PA~ES :1.1 TO 17 INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MADfi, IN THE OFFTCE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID CdUNTY; THENCE ALONG THE 4lESTERLY LINE QF SAID LAST MEPITIONED PARCEL MAI~ NORTH 0° 1.3' 32" WEST 48.56 FEET; THENCE LEAViN~ SAID WESTERLY BOUNDARY NURTH 89° 46' 28" EAST 1f30.10 FEET; THENCE SOUT:i 48' 34' 36" EAST 3.$3 I'EET Tn THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADTUS OF 35.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 19.04 FEE'I' ALONG aAID C:JRVE THROUGH A C~:NTRAL ANGLE OF 31° 09' 49" TO THE INTCRSECTION WITH THE NORTHWESTERLY LIN~ 0~ KNOLLWOnD CIRCLE, AS SHOWN ON SAID PARCEL MAP; SAID POINT OF INTERSECTION IIEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE EAS~CRLY A[~A HAVING A RADIUS OF 75.Q0 F'EET; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE SOUTHWESTERLY 31.09 FEET Tl~KOUGH A CENTRAI~ Al~GLE OE' 23° 94' a9" TO ~'HE NORTHEAST CARNER OF SAID PAkCEL 16; THENCE ALONG THE NOItTIi LTNE OF SATD FA.RCEL l~i SOUTH 89° 46' 28" WEST 186.79 FEET TO TY.E NQftTHWESTE~tLY CORN~R OE uAID PARCEL 16 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEP; ALL WAT~R, CLAIMS OR RIGHTS `~0 WATER, SN UR UNDER SAID LAND. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commissiun did hold a public hearing at the Civfc Center in the Ciky of Anahefm on October 15, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing havir.y bPen duly given as required by law and ir~ accocdance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Ccde, ~hapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence fur and ngainst said proposed variance and to investiqate ~and make findinys and recommendations in connection therewfth; and 40345r PC84-213 r~.~ 4JHEREAS, said Commission, afi:er ,1~~~ inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and afcer due consider~tior, oF all evid~nr.e and reports offer~d at said hearinr„ ~oes find and dete~-mine the followi,ng facts; ~•• That the peti~ioner prop~s~s waivers oC the tollowing to expand an industrial building; (a) SFCTION lEs.51.OG2.011 - Maximum structur~l heic,~ht (10 to '0 feek permitted; 20 feet proposed) (b) SECTION 18.61.06:3.020 - Miy mum structural sett~ack. (z~ feet required; 10 f~et propo~ed) l• That ~he above-mentioned waivers are hereb ` that thE peti.tioner demonstrated that a hardship exislsyrintthatn th re aare sPecial circumstances applicable to the topograpt~y, location and surroundings which do ~~ot tapplyCto otherlidenticallX zon~d property in the same vicinit Code deprives Lhe y% ~n~ that strict application o£ thP ~uning~ property of pr.ivileges enjoled by other pruperties in the identical zone and classification in L•he vicinity and subjeci: t~ Interdepartmental Committee recommendations. 3• That L•here are exceptional oc extraordinary circumstances or conditions applica~le to the property involved or to the inte~ded use of ~he property that do not apply g~nera].ly to the property or class of use in thP same vicinity an~3 zone. 4~ That the requested var.iance is neces~ary for the presEZVation and enjo~ment of a substant~al property r.ight tl~e same vicinity and zone, and denied to the pos~essed by other properi:y in property in question. ~• 'rhat the requested variance a~ill not be materially detrimental to the public welfar~ or injurio..s to ~h~ vicinity and zone in which the c Prop~rty or improvements in such property i~ locatec~. 6• That no onp iiidicated their pr.esen~e at opposition; and that one .letter was re~eived ir, o ~aid pub:lic hearing in ppos.itian to subject petition. ~NVIRONMENTAL IMI~ACT FINDTNG: That the Anaheim C;ity P1annLng Commission has reviewed the proposal tu expand an indus~rial building with waivers of maximum structural height and minimum st:uctural setback on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land cansisting of a a frontage of approximately 225 feet nn the past ~side loEtKnollwoodcCircleVand further described as 1335 Nortih Kno.Ilwood Circle; and c]oes hereby approve the Negative Declaration up~n finding that it has considered the NPCJyt,~ye Decl~aration together with any comments received during the public review process and Eurther finding on the ba~is of the initfal stud~ received that there is no substantial evidence that the f and any commPnts t~igniFicant effect on the environment. Project will have a NpW, THERE('ORE, BE IT RESOL~J~ll tha~ the Anaheim City Planning Commis~ion does hereby grant subject Petiti.on far Variance, upon the following conditions wh~ch are hereby faund to be a ne:.essary prerequlsite to the p.roposed 4se of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the c:itizens of the City of Anaheam: -2- PC84-213 ..~ . ,., .;,;,. ,. , . .. .a . ,, _ . ,, . . , ",_ , n,.~ ~ ~ _ _ ~~,.~ :,:. r"'`•, '""`' • I;`~i 1. That prior to issuance of a building permit, th~ approp•xate traffic signal ausessment fee shall bc paid to t.he City of A,r,~heim in an amount as determined by the City Counc:il for new industrial btiildings~ 2. That the on-site parkic~y design and the relocated north~rly driveway ~;~all be reviewer~ and ap~roved by the City Traf£ic E-lgineer. 3• That all driveways shall be redesigned to accommodai:e ten (l0) foot radius curb re~.urns a:~ required by the City TraFfic Engineer. 4, That dr.ainage o.f subject property shall be disp~s~d of in a manner satisiactory to tr~~ City Engineer. 5. That fire sp:inlclers shall be instal].ec~ as required by the City Fire M~rshail. 6. That krash storayp areas shall be provided and maintained in accordance with approved plans on file with the Street Maintenance and Sanitakion Division. 7. That a11 air conditioning facilities shail be properly shielded from view, and tt~e sound buffered from adjar,ent properties. 8. That the proposal shall comply with all signing requiremants oc the MI, Zone, unless a varianc~ allowing sign waivers is appro~vea by the Planning C~mmission or City Council. 9• That any propose~ parkfng area lighting ffxturN~ shall be down-lighted witt~ a maximum height c:E 12 feet. Said lighting fixtures sha11 be dir~cted away frAm adjacent proper.ty lines to protect the resident~al integrity of the area. 10. Thar there sha11 be no outdoor storage what~oever, on subjEC~ ~roperty. 11. ~t'hat subject propert~ snall be developecl substantially in accordance with plans and speci~icatinns on file with the City oF Anaheim marked Exhibit Na. ],; provided, however, that the following stipulations made by the petitioner at the public hearing shall be complied with; a. That the doub.le wa11 created hy the new constructfon abutting the exisl•ing wall at the property line be adequately sealed to prec.lude accumulation of weeds, debr.is, vermin or Che entrapment of children or animals; b• That tt~e barbed wire atop the existing wall shall be removec3 in the area of the new wall; and c. That the new building wa11, i.f constructed of common grey block, shall have r~tripec~ joints and be stained, stuccoed or othCrwise trpated to match the existing bi~ilding. _,~_ ~y ;~; ,~ :~. ,'i :,,; ,_;+. PCB~-213 ; ~w. , . . w o 7 . ~1::: "r r ~ > . . ~ .. ._ .,_ .~ . iN'~~ ~ . ., , . , _ . . ~ . . ~ •~ ~ , +,1"A;~riSt++h'tA'el~sfi, . .. . ~u~;~~,. '.; , t! , .'7'.('. ~7'S2'~J~ ,1,~~`~ 12• That prior t~ is~uarice of a buildin one year from the date of this resoluti. ~jt~ ~r W~•~hin a perio4 ot Condition Nos. 1. ina Z ~ whict~ever occurs £irst, Extensions ~ a6ove-mentioned, shall be complied with. ror further ~ime to complete said condirions grante~i in accordance with Secti~n 18.03.~9Q m~y k~e Nunicipa1 C~de. of tt~e Anaheim 13. That prior to final b~aildin 3' 4- 5~' 6. 7, 9 and ].1, ab veament~o e~, sha11 b~ complied1witn Nos. BE IT FIiFtTHEk I h• does hereb ~~SOI~VED tiiat the Anaheim City Planning Comrr,issi~n Y find and ~etermine tha~ ~doption of this Resolution is expressl predicated upun app].ir.ant's compli.ance with herein~~bove set fortho each ar~d a11 of the conditionsA declared invalid ~ir. unenforceahle buch condztion ~ the f~,nal ' o~ a~Y Fart thereof, be campetent jurisdiction, then this Fesolution ~~~gment of an contained, shall be deemed null a~~ ~oid, ~ dnd y ~ourt of ~nY aAprovals herein THE rOREGOING RE~OL•UTIUN is Uigned .anc7 approve b of October, ],9g4. ,~ y me this 15i~h day ~_.l . ._~ , .7 , ,~ ..a' L.W . --C-l~AI MAN, ANA EIHt CI'.CY~PLAPJNING COMMI ' ATTEST, SSION SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITy pLANNING COMMTSSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA j COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHGIM ) 1~ Edith L. Harris, Secretar Commis~~.on, do hereb y Y of. the Anaheim Cit adopted at a meeting oFc the Anaheim Ci.ty Epl~eqnzng Comm l~tion ~~asY P~anning .15, 1984, by the following vote of the members thereof: lssion h~ld ons O tober AYES: COM2dISSIONERS: NOES; COMMISSION~Rg: BUSHORE, HERBSm, La CLAIRE, ABSENr.C: C~MMISSIQNERg~ NONE ABSTAIN: C061MISSIONRRS; BOUAS, FkY, MC DURNEY KING tN WI'.PNESS WHEREOF, October, 1984, ~,:~ ~;~ . . ~y. ,Y.,,, r~~~~ r,ereunto set my hand this 15th day of ~ ~ . ~ SECRE'!'ARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANN;[NG COMMISSION -4- PC84-213 51~