PC 84-215~ i~~~,f :~; ti,,. , ~~ RGSOLUT1qN NU. PCF34-215 A. RESOLUTION UI' THE A~IAH~TM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITIfJN F'OR CONllIT'IONnL USE PERMIT N0. 2628 BE GRF,NTEll WH~REAS, thP Anaheim City Plann?.ng Commissa.on did receave a v~rified Petition for Conditiona.l Use Perrnit from BARBARA A. KOON'L, E7'. AL., c/o ARTHUR W. GRAY, JR., ATTY., 914 West Lincoln Avenue, Anahe.im, California 9280~ acid BARBARA A,. KOODIZ, 137 Olstead Roa~1, Sequim, Washington 98382 and CALI~'ORNT'~ REFRIGERATED SERVICE, INC., 711 Eaat Sycamr~re St.ree':, Anaheim, Cali.fornia 92805, agent for certain rea]. prop~rty situaked in tt~e City of Anaheim, County of Orange, Stat~ o,` California, descri,bed as: ALL THAT PORTION QF VINEYAkD 'u0T "H2" t1S SHOWN ON ,A MAP UF ANAHEIM, RECC~RDFD IN BOOK 4, PAGES 629 AND 630 OF DEEDS, I2ECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALTFORNTA,, LYING ~ASTERLY OF THE EAS7'ERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN STFiIP OF LAND 60.Q0 FEET IN WID7.'H llESCRTBED AN7 EXCEE'TED '!N THE DEED TO 'iHE UNION PACIFIC RAILRQAD COMPANY, A UTAH COF?ORATION, RECOFIL`ED FE13~2UARY 7, 1955 IN BOOK 2948, PAGE 20i OF OFi~ICIAL RECORDS. WHEREAS, the City P.lannin~ Gommisaion did holc~ z, public heari_ng at the Civic Center in the City of Anah~im on October 15, 1944, at 1:3q p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as r~quired by 1aw and in ac;cordance with the provisions of the ?lnaheim Municipal Code, Chapter ~.8.03, to hear and consider evidPnce for and aqaxnst said prop~sed c~nditionai use permit and to investigate and make findings and recomme~idations ~iri connection ~k~erewi~th; and WHFRGAS, said Cnmmission, after due inspection, investigatio-i and study made by itself and in its behalE, and after due considera~ion of all evxdence and reports ot~fered at said heariny, does £ind and determine the followi.ng facts; 1. Tt~at the pxQpo~ed use is properly one for which a ~onditional use permit is ;~uthorizEd by Anaheim Municipal Code Sections 18.06.080 ar~cl to wit: to retair, ~ truck repair facility in the 1~L (Industrial, Limited) Zor,e with waiver of the following: SECZ'IONS - Minimum nu_mber of ~arkin spaces. 18.06.Q50.031 (149 spaces required; 18 spaces existing) AND 2. That khe requested waa.ver is hereby gr~ntEd on the basis tl~at the parkiny vari.ance wi11 not cause an increase in traffic congestion in the immediate vxcinity nor adversely aFf.ect any adjoining land uses; and that the granting of the parking variance under the conditions imposed, if any, will. not b~ detrimenkal. to the peace, health, safety o: general welfare of the citi.zens of the City of Anahein-. 3. That the pro~osed ~ise is granted £or a period of five (°~ ) years, to expa.re on Oci:ober 15, 1989. E0347r PC84-215 ~vf.:l; :~~ .•i"'1 ~ . e~}~~ t„ ~ : ~~ ~,~ ~~ 4• x'hat the p.roposec.~ use will not adver.sely affect the adjoining lancl u~es ar~cl the growl•h and development c.~ the area in which a.t is prop~sQd to be located, 5_ That the size and shape uf the site proposed for t-he use is adequate t o allow the f~all development of f:he proposed use in a manner not de~rimenta 1 to the particular area nor to ttie peace, health, safety and general welfarc of the Citi~eris of the City o£ Anahzim. 6. conditions `Phat the granting impASed if of the Conditional Use Permit under the safety and , any, wi11 g eneral welfare of the not be Citiz detrirne«tal f to ~he pqace, health, ens o the Ci~y of Anaheim. 7. That the traffic generated by the proposed use wi1J. not impose an undue burde~i upon the streets and highways des.igned and improved ro carry the traffic in the area. 8. That no one indicated their presence at said ~ublic hearing in opposition; and khat no ~arrespondence was received in opposition to thP subject pet i tion. BNVIRONMEP7TAL IMPACl FIPIDTNG: That th~ Anaheim City Planning Commis~ion fiasreviewed the proposal tu retain a truck repair facility in the ML (Indu:;trial, Limi.ted) Zone with waivex of minimum nurnbe.r of parking ~gaces on an irreg u larly-shaped p~rcel of land consisting of approximatQly 1.6 acres, havinq a f r ontage of approximately 150 feet on the north side of 5yc~mure Street, and furthF:r de~cribed as 711 ~ast SycamorP Stree~ (California Re£rigerate d Setvice); and does h~reby approve the Negative Declaration upon finding th a t it 1-.as considered the Negative Dealaration tog2th~r with any comments rece:ived during the public review process and further finding on the basis of t h e lnitial study and an,y comments received that there is no substantial evidence that the project wi11 havE a significant eL-Fect on the environment. NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEi~ that the Anaheim City Planning Commission doeahereby grant ~ubject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, ugon the Eullowi n g conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prezequisite to the prop o sed use of the subject property in ordec to preserve the safety and general welFare of the Citizens of the City or Anaheim: 1. Tha t curbs and gutters shall be repaired along Sycamore Street as req ui.red by the City Engineer and in accordancP with standard plans and specificatior~s on file in the Office of the City r,ngineer. 2. That a traffic sigi~a]. assessment fee squaling the diEE~rence be~ween the industria~ and commercial assessment fees shall be paic~ to the City oF Anahe.im in ari aniount as determined by thp City Council. 3. That the Qwner of subject property shall Nay to the City of Anaheim a fee for street lighting al~ng Sycamore Street and Wilhrlmina Street ir. an amount as determined by the City Council. 4. That fire sprinklers sha11 be installed as required by the City Fire Marshall. -2 PC84-215 J ~~ ~ ~r;'t`: Yi'i'• ~ I'~4~ . ~ - ~ . . t.. . . .. . . . , ~ . .... 5. Tt,at the driveway shall be r.edesigned to acaommoaate ten (10) £oot re~dius curb returns tts requ_ired by t:hp City Traffic F~ngineer. 6. That a11 lockab.le pedeskrian and vehicular access gates shall be eyuipped with a"kno;t box" device to thc satisfaction oF the City F'ire Marshe~l.l and City Chief uf P~lice. 7. That trash stor.age areas shall be provid~ed and maintained .tn accordance with approved p1an~ on file with the Street Main;:enance and Sanitation nivision. 8. That the proposal shall comply wi~h all signing requirements aF the ML Zone, unless A varianc:P allowing aign waivers ie approved by the Planning Cor~mi~sion or City Council.. 9. That there shall be na out~-ioor storage of or work vehicles or vehicle parts. 10. That subject property shall be dFVeloped sub~tantiaJly xn accordance with plans and spPCifications on file with the City of Anahsim marked Exhibik Nos. 1 and 2. 11. That Condition Nos. 1, ?., 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10, above-menti.oned, shall be completed within a period of ninety (9p) d~ys from the date aF this resolution. 1~. That this permit sh~ll expire at the end of. Eive (5) years, on October 15, 1989. BE IT ~'URTEiER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commissior- does hereby find and determine that adoplion of this Resolution ir~ expr~asly predicated upon applicant's cornpliance with each and all of the conditfone hereinabove set forth. Should any si~ch conditions, ar any park thereof, be ~3eclared invalfd or unenPorceable by the final ~udgment of any court of compPtent jurisdictinn, then this Resolution, and any apPr4vals herein c4ntained, shall be deemed nuil and voi~. THE FOREGOING RG50LU?ION is signecl and ap~r ed by me this 15th day of ~ctober, 1984. ~ ~-/ . :~ . .~~~r~-- ,~ ~ ~CHA~~CMAN, ANA EI CJTY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: /l • l~wG~/!,.•~~i SECRETARY.~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMI3SI0[3 -3- PC84~-215 `c. . : . . . . . .. ,~~, ~_ ~. . . . r''~ ,,""`~, STATE pE' CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OC' URANGE ) ss. CT'1'Y OF ANAHETM ) I, Fdith L. Harris, Secretary of lhe Az~aheim C'ity ~lanning Commission, do hereb,y certify that the £oregoing resolution waa passed and adopted at a m~eting of the Anaheim city ~lanning Commission he.ld on Oc~ober 15, 1984, by the tollowiny vote ~f the members ~her.eof.: AYES: COMMISSIUNERS: BU:HORE, HERBST, KTNG, LA C.LAIRE, NO~S: COMMISSIONCRS: NONE ABSE~iT: COMMTSSIONERS: 60UAS, FRY, MC fiURNEY IN W;TNESS WHEREAF, I H~-ve hereunko set ~ny ~~and this 15th day of October, 1984. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PI,ANNING COMMIS3ION '4" ~C84-2I5 ~ ,, ^. ,~ ;~ ~; , .o......