PC 84-220, . . ir;+; , .., .., „i,,, ~^`~~ . ~...'.„;~l ~~~, RESOLUTIOIV N0. PC84-220 A RESULUTION OF '1'HE ANAHF.IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIUN THAT PETITTON FOR RECLASSTEICATIOA'1~0. 84-85-11 BE GRANTEL~ WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planni,ng Commission did receive a verified peti~ion far ~eclassif:ication fram PACESET`i'ERS HOMES, INC., 454U Campus Drive, N~WP°rt Beach, CalrFornia 92660, ow;~er, and CALMARK DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, 212I Claverfield Bou].evard, p. p. g~;~ 21~g, Santa M~nica,. Ga.lifornia 90406, agent for ce.rtain r~al proper~y situated in the City c~f Anaheim, County o~ Oranqe, State oE Cal.iforni.a, descrit~ed as follows: PARCEL 1: ~~I~~ ~ POF2TION OF VINYARA LOT F-G, AS SHpWN OIV A MAP OF Tf~E LANDS OF ANAHEIM, M.~DF. BY GEORGE HANSEN AND LTTHOGRAPHED By KUC[iEL AND PR~SSEL, A COPX OF WHICH iNAP IS ANNEXED TO 1~ CERTAIN DEEA EXECUTED BY 1'HG LOS ANGELES VINYARD SGCIETY ~0 THE ANAHETM WATER COMPANY, AND RECpRDL•'D IN BUOK 4, PAGE 624 AND EOLLOWTNG OF DEEDS OF LOS ANGEI:,ES COUNTX, CAL7C'pRNIA, DESCRI$EP AS r~ULLOWS : TH~ NURTHERLY 382.75 FEET OF ~i'H~ WESTERLY 562.58 FEFT, MQR~ pR LESS~ UF SAID VtNYARU LOT F-6. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission c3id hold a the Civic Center in tne City oP Anaheim on Oc~ober 29 puulic heating at notice of ~aid public hearing having be~n dul ~ 1984 at 1:30 ~,.m~~ accorclance with fihe Y 9iven as required by law and in provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code. Chapter 1~.03, to hear and consi.der evidence For and against said and to investigate anci make find.ings and recom endati n~reinavconnec~ion therewith; and WHE;REAS, said Commis~ion, after ciu~ inspection, investigation and study made by i.t~plf and in its behalf, and after due consideration of al~ evidence and re~orts uffered at said hearing, does find and determfnP f:he fol1owing facts: •1• Thai: the petitioner proposes rPClassification of subject property from the RM-1200 (Residential, MultJ.ple-Family) Zone L•o ~t~e RM-3000 (ktesident=al, Multiple-Family) or a ~ess intense zone. 2• Thak the Anaheim General Plan designa~es subject pro~erty for medium-density residential land uses. 3• That the propo,ed reclassification of suk~ject property i$ necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of tt;e community. 4• Ttyat the proposed reclassification of subjecr. pruperty does proNerly relate to the ~ones a~d kheir permitted uses locally establi~hed ir~ close proximity to subject pr~perty anci to r_h~ znnes and their generally ~stabli~shed throughout the community. Pexmitt~d uses ~U35'lr PC84-220 . . .. ,,,'In ~`\' /^'\ ~',Y `' 5. That the proposed reclassifica~ion oE subject property raquires the dedication nf abut~ing streets ir- accardance with the Circulaticn Element of the General I~lan, due to the anticipated incr~ase i.n traFfic which will he generated by the intensification of .land use. 6. That two persan indicated tt~eir presence at said public hea.ring in opposition; and thak no correspondence was received in opposition to subject petition. ENVIRONMEt~TAL IMPAC2~ FINDING; I'hat the Anaheim Cit,y Planning Commission has reviewed the propusal to reclas,sify subject propzr~y F~:~m the RM-1200 (Residenlial, Mul~iple-Family) Zone to ~he RM-3000 (Residential, Multiple-Family) Zone t~ r,onstzuct a 72-~unit afPordable aondominium complex with waiver of minimum building site area per dwe].ling unit on a rectany~alarly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 4.47 acres locatPd at the southeast corner oP Broadway and Citron Street, and further described as the northerly Z~ortion of the former Fremont .Tunior High School playfield; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration upun findi~g that it has cansidered ~he Negative Declaration togett~er with any commenks received during the puLlic review process and furtt~er Pinding on the basis of the init:~1 study anci any comments received that there is no substantial evidence that the prejeat will have a significant effect on the environrnent. NOW, THERBk'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anah~im City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Peticion for Reclassificatio~~ and, by so doing, that Tit1e 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the ab~ve-described property from the RM-1200 Multiple--Family) Zone and to inc:o:porate said described property Sinto jthe RM-3Q00 (Residential, Multiple-Family) Zone upon the following conditxons whir:h are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in order t~ presprve the safety and yeneral w~lfare of the Citizex-s oP the City oF Anaheim: 1. That the owner oE subject property shall irrevocably offer to dedicate tu the City of Anaheim a strip of land 32 f.eEt in w3.dth trom the centerli.np of rhe strpet alonq Citron Stre~t for street widening purposes, including 15 feet property lin~ r.eturn at Broadway, and a stri~ of land 32.75 feet in width Erom the center1ine o~ the street along Broadway for stree~. widening purposes, 2. That the vehicular access rights to Broadway, except at street and/~r a11ey openings, shall. be dedicated to the City of Anaheim. 3. That the owner of su~iject property shal:l submit a letter requestfng termination of Tentative Track No. 11425, Reclassification No. 81-f32~16 and Cor.ditional Use Permit *Io. 2311 to ~he Planning Dep~.t tmen t . 4. That prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property, the developer shall eriter into an agreement witE~ the City of ~nahei:n to provide relocation expenses, for relocation of the Police Department Heliport consisting of, but not necessarily limited to such items as environmental assessment as requ.ired by C.~.Q.A.; any stats, federal or other governmental agency permits; land '2~ PC$4-; 20 ~~; ; ~~~Y ~'A : ~~'_ . .. _ . . . acquisition cosls; build:ing construc~ion cost~, iricluding construction of a landing pad and hangar anc~ installation of Euel tanks; and other neoessary site improvement casts. Furthermore, said agreement sha11 provide that, (a) prior to issu~nce o£ a building ; permit including per.mits for the model units, the Palice Department ~~ Heliport shall be relocatecl and opecational and the develo~er shall have paid all costs as agreed to; and that (b) prior to the sfart of any cunstruction activities includiria gradiny or delivery o£ bu.flc7ing ;, materials, the developer shall abtain the Police Departm~nt's concurrerice with the phasing of the cons~rucl-ion acLivi.ties. 8aid construction activities shall be co~rdinated with the Police ~epartment hela.copter £lights. 5. Tha~ prior to the inkroduction af an ordinance rezoning subject pro~er.ty, a heliport permit for the relocation of ~he Police Department Heli,port, the cost of which ~hall be borne by the d~veloper, shall be issued 'oy the Cali.fornia Department of Trans~,ortation, Division of Aeronauticr. 6. That prior to the intruduction of au ordinance rezor~ing subject property, Conditi~n t~os, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, above-mentioned, shall be completed. The provisions or rights granced by this resolution shall become null anr~ void by action of the Planning Commission unless said conditions are complied with within ~ne year from the date of this res~~lution, or such Further. time as the Plar~.ning Commission may grant. BE I7.' 1'URTH~R RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commissinn doe~ hereby find anc~ determine that adopti.on of this Resolution is expressly predict~ted upon applicant's compliance with each and -:11 of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereo£, be declared invalid ur unenforceable by the final juogment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolutioiz, and any a~provals herein contained, shall be deemed null and voi.d. THE FUREGOING R~SOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 29th day o£ October 1984. ~ ~ ` ~--•~;~.-t-`'-~-r-t ~ ~- ~~ °~L ~~'-(~ Cy _. ~o CHAIF.WOMAIV, PRO TEMPORE ANAHETM CIT.Y PLANNING COMMISSION ATT~ST: ~%~-4 , ~ ~ . SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY FLANNTNG COMMISSTON -3- PC84-220 ~s:, ~Y `S~ r ii• ; -'^~, STATE OF CALIEORP~IA ~~\ , ~~ t~~, ,i + .~?y :..,~ ,3 S~ COUNTY OF ORAIJGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEISI ) I, Edith ~. Harris, SecrE~ary oF Che Anaheim C:ity Qlanning Cammission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed ar~d adcpted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on October 29, 1984, by the fallowiug vote of. the members there~f: RYES: COMMISSIONFRS: BOUAS, BUS:~ORE, FRY~ KING, LA CL'AIRE~ MC BURNEY NOFS: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: GOMMISSIONERS: Hk;RBST IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 29th day of Oct~ber 29, 1584. ~Q!-~r//. ~~;' y_ yf c~ ~t'~f/ SECRETAP.X, ANAtiEIM CITY ALANNTNG COMt~TSSION ~ ~ ,..~ ~.J..,~,~ ~ •,~ :,,.~. ~t .. , ,... . ,.. . .. . _ _ -4- PC84-220 _ _ , <.w..,z ,'. . ~ K .~ ~.. ~