PC 84-223fnti ' ~ .. ~ ~ . . ~ . . . RESOLUZ'ION N0. PC84-223 A RESOL•U`PION OF '1'H~ :1NAHEIM CITY PL,ANNTNG COMMISSIQN T~iAT PETITION FOR VARIAIVCE NO. 3435 BE GRAIVTED WHFItEAS, the Anaheim Ci~,Y Plannix-g Commission did receive a vetified Petition for Variance ~rom CENTUR~' AMERICAN CORPORATION, AT'rN: rZOGER C. HOBBS AND AAN J. MOOFtE, 14?.A rasi: Chapman Avenue, Urange, California y2666, owners oE certai.n real prc~p~rty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California described as: PARCFLS 1 AND 2 AS SAID PARCELS ARE SHOWN ON TH~ PARCEL MAP FTLED AECENIBER 23, 1983 IN BOOK 185, FAGL 22 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE CUUNZ'Y RECnRDEK pF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, the City Plannin~~ Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in ~he City of Anaheim on October 29, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., notice of ~aid public h•~aring having bEPn du.ly given as r.equired by 1aw and in accordance with the ptovisions of ~he Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidenc~ for and against said proposed variance and to inveskigate and makp fi.ndings and recommen~ations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commis:yio;i, after due inspe:,tion, investiqation and study made by ikse.lf and in its behalf, and after due consideration ~f all evidenr.e an~ rer~orts oftered al• said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That thz petitioner proposes a wai.ver of the following to Xetain the display of ten (10) temporary flags for a new resic3~ntial subdivfsion: SECZ'ION 1F3.05.Oa5.050 - Permitted davs of dis lav (Saturdavs, Sund~~s and Lega2 holi~avs permttted; Seven_davs a week proposed) 2. That thP above••mentioned waivezs are hereby granted c~n the basis that there are special circtamstances applicable to the properts~ such as gize, shape, topography, ].ocation and aurroundings which do not apply to other identically zoned propexty in the same vicinity; and that ~trict application of the Zoaing Ccde deprives the proppcty of privile es en'o ~~ b ~ prn~ertie. in t}~e identical zorie and classification in the vicini y. y othE.r 3. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstanccb or c~nditions a.pplicable to the property invc~lves~ or to the intended -~s~ ~~ ~he prop~rty khaC do not apply generally to the proper~y or class of use in the samP vicinily and ~one. 4. Th~t the rer~uested variance is necessary ancl enjoyment ot a substantial property right possessed the samu vi~inity and zane, and ~enied to th~ prope~ty in 5. Tha~ the requesked variance will not be rt to t~ie public welfare or i~zjurfou~ to the propeity or vicinity and zone in whirh the property is loca;.ed. ~0355r for r_he pres~rv~tion b}~ other property in question. ~atekially detr,imental improvements in such PC84-223 ~ ~,. i ~ 6. That no one ir~icated th~ir presence at said public hearing in oppositxon; and l-hat no corcespondence was recaiv~d in oppo~itiori to subject petiti~n. ENVIRONMENTAL TMPACT FTNDI:NG: The P~anning Directar or his authorized re~resentative has determined that th~ proposed project falls wi.thin the definition of Ce :egorical F:xem}~tions, C1ass 11, as defined in the St:ate EIR Guir]elxnes and is, there~ore, categorically exempc .~rom the requirement ~o prepare an E:[H. NOW, THEREE'O12E, BE IT RESOLVEU tY,~t th~ Anaheim City Planning Commi~sion does hereby gr~nt sub ject 1Petition for Var. iance, upon ti~e follow~ing conditiu~ns which are hereby f.~und to be a necessary prerequisite to th~ proposed u~e of the subject property in order to preserve the saf.ety and general welfare of the Citizens oE tk~e Ci.ty of Anaheim: 1. That subjact pro~ecty shall be devel~ped substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked E~;hibit No. 1; provided, however, that only ten (10) temporary f].ags may be displayed on-site. 2. That this variance, permikting a maximum of tQn (10) temporary flags, is granted for a term cot~rmxnous with the permit issued pursuant to Anaheim Municipal Code Secti.nn 18.Q5.085 plus any extensions of time which may be approved by the City ~ouncil. 3. Thak Condition No. .1, above-mentioned, shall be completed within a peri~d of thirty (30) days from the date of this res~lution~ BE IT FURTFiER RESOLVED ~kiat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expre~sly predicater~ upon applicant's compliance with each and ~11 of the conditi~nc~ hereinabove set Eorth. Should any such condition, ar any park thereof, be dpcJarEd invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of rompetent jurisdiction, zhen this Re~olution, and any appz~ovals herein contuined, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOING P.ESOLUTION is si~~ned and approved by me this 29th day o.f October 1984. C~'~2~ / r'~X LZ ~J~cu.+..-~' ~ CHAIRWOMAN, PRO iEMPORE ~` .~NA~IEIM CITY .PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST; ~. • /~-' '~' ~ L..4.v S~CRETA.kX, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG COMMISSION -2° PC84-2i3 ~A F~ i 1 ry-.f~ '~ . . . .. f^ 1 / ~~. STAmE OF CALIF012NIA ) COUNTY OF ORANC~E ) ss. C:ITX Ob' ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim city Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foXegoirig resolution was passed and ar~opted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Oct~ber 29, 1984, by the following vote of• the members thereof; AYES: COMMISSIONERS; EipUAS, FRY, KING, LA CLAIR~, MC BURNEY NOE,S; COMMISSIONERS: BUaHORE AI~SEt7T; COMMISSIONERS: HERBST ''N WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sPt my hanc] this 29nc ~lay of October 2~, 1984. ` ~~ .~..~ ~~~~ .~ SECR~TARY, ANAHEIM CITY PL^ AT NNIIVG COr1MISSION _3_ ,..~,~~.~,,,..~< ._.. _. , . PC84-2~3