PC 84-242/'""\ RfSOLU'rION N0. PC84-242 A RESOLUTION 0~ 'PHE ANAHEIM CITY PL?1NNING COMMTSSTON THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 3440 BE GRANTFD Petition wfoRE Var alnc ~nfrom FANNIglanning Commission ci.i.d recei.ve a ver' Anah e i, m, C a l. i f o r n i a A h I t E[ V S ~ 2 0 3 3 2 San ta x~ t~ d DALE 9 2 307, owner, and p~gA~_WOOD~ CODISTRUC IpN Canyon Road, WOOD, 1G80 Loutse Street CORF. certa:;n real ~ Lagur~a Lteach, Calxf:ornia 9265,~, a ent TEor ProPertY situated :in the r_{~y oE Anah~.~m, Count g o~ Californi.a descr.;k;~a as; Y c~f Orange. State COMMENCING AT A ROLT MARxING THE POINT OF INTERSECTTC)N p~ p~ CURVL OF THG CENTFRLIN.E OF THE DESCRISED IN llEED RECORDED SANTA ANt~ CANYUN ROAD, AS RECORL~S CF IN gUOK Y71, PAGE 144 r~F OFFICIAL SAID t)F~~NGE COUNTY, SAID BOLT A°PI20X~MAZ'ELY 12~..00 F`$g~y~ BEING LOCATED CENTERLIIVF. BY THE WEST LINESTp,~ FT~g LJU1~N ~ y~~nA UAL OT SA:D MENT; THENCE NOl.2TH 60 ° 22' 55" EAST 306 . 34 L EET .e~.LqNG THE TANGENT OF SAIU CURVE AND THE CENTERLZNE pF NORTHWEST]~RLY PRULONGATION Ob' THE NORTHEASTERLyHLINE ~OF TH~ LAND CONVFYED TO RpLAND E. NrSMI'PH AND 3~ 1953, 'IN BOOK 2446, PAGE WIFE, REC~RDED FEBRUARY nRANGF COUNTY 151 OF OFFI~IAL RFCpRDS OF ALSO BEING THE, TRUE POINT OF BEGTNNZNG• SAID NQRZ'H 60° 22' 55" EAST, ALOPIG Tfi~ THENCE CENTERLINE 249.221FE~T TO 2'HE MOST NURTHERLY CORNFR OF THE LAND CONVEYED TO KARL AI~RENS AND W~~~, gy n~ED RECORDEU 545 OF UF`FTCCIAL ~A~UARY J.7, 1948 IN BOOK 1610 RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUN7.'y• ~ PAGE 2y~ 13~ ~5" EAST ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLX LTIdE OF SAIDCE SuUTH FEET TO A pp:~NT IN THE NdR~rH LINE OF THAT CERTAIN 50.00 ~t~'OOT STRIP Ob' ~,ADIA DEEDED TO Z'HE COMPANY BY DEGD RECC~RDED OCTOBERS~9 T~ ANA VALL-3Y IRRIGATION 487 OF OFFIC~AL RECORDS ~ 1947 IN BOOK 15a6, pA~~ ° 2~ 35 '~r SpI~ ~HANGE COUNTY• ~$ ~ " WEST ALONG SATD N012'rH LINE ' THENCF. NORTH riVITH A LINE WHICH BEARS SOUTFI 29o TO AN IrITERSECTTON Wz`rH SAID NORTHGAST~;RLY LINE OF THE1LAND5CJNVGY~D NTO pAHRCNS~ FROM THF TRUE PpINT OF BEGINNING; ~~ WE,ST, ALUNG SAID PARALLFL THENC,-' NORTEI 29° 13' 15" ~~' BEGINNING. LTNE 411.74 FEET TO SAID TRUE POINT EXCEPTING THERGr^ROM THAT PORTION THEE2EQF INCLUDED WITHTN 7'HE LAND DESCRIBED IN THE nr",ED TO ~'HE STAT~ OF CALIFpRNIA REC~7RDED JUNE 29, 1948 IN BOOK 1661 PAGE 1948 TN $OOK 1b78 ' 227 AND RE--12ECORDED JULY 30, . PAGE 21¢ BqTH QF p~'~I~IpL RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY. WHEkEAS, the Cily P].ann.xng C~mmi.ss:ion did hold a ~~~ii the Civ.ic Center in the Cit E? ~o~xce of sa7.d y°£ Anahei.m an November 26 public hearing at ~ accordance withp h~~~ h e a r i n g h a v i. ng been dul ~ 1 9 8 4, a t 1: 3 0 p m~ Y 9xven as required by 1aw and in ~! provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03 to hear and consi.der evidence for and a ~ .tnvesti.gate and m~~ke fa.ndxngs and recammendations a n , j proposed variance and to i connectian therewi,th; and ; ~ ~ ~ #037Sr ~ ~ PC84-242 } ! ,, :, ~ C` 1 k ~' ~~ ~~ ~ _ ' ~ f .•.4~ .a~.~..: 1 ~'Imi . ~_i.. , l .... .. .. . ...~. ~ . ~ . f~ ~~."K ~ ,~ WHFI2EAS, sai.d Commi.ssion, aEter due .inspectton, tnvE~st:lgati.on and sl•uily made by its~lt~ an~] in its behalf, ancl after due cunstderatton of a11 evtdenee and repocts oftE,red at ~a.id hc:aring, d~es Eti~d and dEterm.tne the _ fol.lowiny f.acts: 1. 'P}~at the petit;iuner. proposes waiver of Che following ~o establxsh a s-lat, kS-7200(;;C) single-f.amily siabdi.vi ~ion: ~LCTLON 18.26.(161.020 - M:,a~~imum .l~t wiokh. (7~ feet requi.~ed; 53, 62 and 65 ft. proposed) 2. That the above-mentioned wai.vecs ~are hereb;~ granred on the basi.s that there are spec.ial c.ircumstances applicable to ttie ~~XOperty suc:h as size, shape, tapography, location and Nurround.ings whxch do not apply to other identically z~i~ed property i.n tfe same vxc.inity; and tt-at skr. ~.^t applt~ati.on o.f ~he Zonxny Code deprives the praperty of privil.eges enjoyed by othpr properti.es in tt~e i.denti.cal zone and classif.ication in the vicinity. 3. Th~t there are exceptional or extra~rd.inary circumstances or conditions applicable to the pr~~erty involved or to tne intended usP of the property that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in th sam~a vxcinity and zonz. 4. Ttiat the requested vari.ance is n~cessary for the preservatton and enjQ~+ment oF a substantial pcoperty right possessed by other property in thQ same vi.ctnit,y and zone, and deni.ed to the property fn ~ue~tior. 5. ~hat the requested var.i.ance wi11 not be ~naterially deh.c{mental to the publi~; welfare ar injurious to the ~r.opecty or .improvements in such vtc.tnity and zone zii whxch the property is loca~ed. 6. Th~t no one tnd.icated thetr presence at said public hearing in oppo~i.t~on; ar~d that no e~ccespondence was cereived in oppoc:ition to subjPet petition. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FINUING; That ~he Anahetm ~i.ty Plranntng Commisaion has revte•~ed the FroposaJ. to establish a 9-lot, RS-7200(SC) (Single-Fam~ly Residentia~, Scenic Corridor) single-fami.ly su~dt•risfon with waiver of minimum lot width un an xrreyularly-shaped parcel of land cor~si~sting of approxtmately 2.34 acres, having aoproxi~nate frontagea of 249 feet on the uouth side of Santa Ana Canyon ko~d and la0 fee~ on the norti: s.tde of Arboretum Road, and Eurther descr Lbed a~ G110 f:~ar~t :;anta Ana C~nyor~ Road; and doea hereby approve the Negative Der.larati~n upon Ei~nd.ing that tt t~aE constdered the Negative Declar~ti~n rogether wi,th any comment~ recetved during the public revi.~w proces~ and Eurtlier findi.ng on the bnsis of the initi.~al study and any comments received tliat there is no Lubotantt.al evir~enr.e that the project wxll have a aigntft^Ant effect on the envi.r.on~nent. hOW, THERBPORE, BE IT RESOLVEn that th~ Rnahetm Cit~~ Planning C~mmissi~on do~s h~reby grant subject Petitton fr~r Vc~rtance, upon the fol~owing cond;~tona whi,ch ar~ hereby ~our~d t~ be a n~ceaeacy pcerequistte to t;~e propo+sed use dF the s~bjeet property in orcier to f•reserve the aafety anc~ qeneral wElfare of Che C1~ttzens qf the C~ty of Anahetm: 1. That prior tu ;ommencament ot structural framing, f.trA hydrants sha12 be tnstalle9 and charged aK re~ui.red and d~terc.^,tnwd to b~ necessary b•: th~ Ch.teE of the Fir~ Aepactmen~:. 'Z' PC84-242 .""1 r•~ . ~~~ 2. That the owner of r~ubjer~ pro~erty ~I•,al:l pay t~ the C.ity of Anahei.m a fee Cuc ~r.ee F~lanting purposes along Santa Aiia Canyon Road and Arboretutn Road ir~ an amount as determ.ined by the Cif:y Counci.l. 3. That pr.ior to .issuance oF a build.tng C~ermit, the appropr3.ate tra£fxc signal asse~sment fee shall be naid to the City of Anahei.m in an amount as c:~atermi.ned by the City Council f~~r each new dw~ll~ng unit. 9. That drainaoe of subject Froperty sha11 be clisposed of in a manner satisFa~tory to ~he Ci~y Enyi.neer. 5. That all Zots wi,thi.n tl~is tract shall be .~erved by underground utilities. 6. That pri.oc ta Fi.nal streer inspections, "No oarki.ng for strest sweeping' s.iyris shall be inatallec] as required by the Street Main*.enancE and 5an.itation Divi.sion ancl in accordance with specificar.i~ns on fi~e with saia divis.ton. 7. That the seller shall nrovide the purchaser of e~ch res.idenki.al dwel ia.ng wi.~h writLen information concerning Anahe~m Muni.ci.p31 Code Sec~ion 14.32.500 perta i~n.ir.g ta "P~rking restr i.cted to fa~i.Ii~ate streek sweepi.ng". Such writtpn .infurmation sha11 clearly inaicate when on-street Parking i~ prohibit~;d an~3 the penalty for vi~Zation. 8. That all aic condition.ing facilities shall be proper2y shielded Crom view, and th~ sound buffered fr~m adjacent properties. 9. That ~rxor tu issuance of buildiny per.mits, the appl.tcant shall present evi.dence satisfact~ry to the Ch.ief f3u~ldtng Inspector thAt the resi.denti.al units will be in conformance w.tth Noise Ins~llati~on Standards sQeciEi~d in the Californta Administrative i:uu~, :~i:1e i5. 10. Tha~ prior to issuance af bui.lding permits, the ~ppltcant r~hall ~resent evidence satisEactory to the Chief Eiuilding Tnspe~toc that the proposed project is in confurmance wtth Cot~ncil Poltcy Number 542 "Suund Attenuatton in Residential Pr~;jects". 11. Th~t a 6-Eoot hiyh masonry block wa11 shall be conskruaF~d and mai.ntained 10 feet from the northerly proPerty li.ne adjacpnt to Santa Ana Canyon Road. 12. That any specimen tree remova]. sha.ll be subject ko the tree preservati.on regulattons i.n Chaprer 18.84 of the Anaheim Muni~c~pal Code, the "SC" Scenic Corridor. Overlay Zone. 13. 'rhat this Vari.ance is granted aubject Co the completion of Reclasstfication No. 72-7~-~8, now pending. 14. That this variance is granted ~ubjert to the recocdation qL• the Fi~nal Map of Tract No. 11210. 15. That sub~ect property shall be developed s~,ibsta--tta,tly in accocdanc~ w~th plans and specif[catt~ns on f~f.l~ with the City of Ar~aheim marked Exb~bit Nos. 1 thCaugh 4. -.3- Pc'84-29~ 16. That prior to issuance o.f a bu l:ld.ing perm.it, or withtn ~~ peri.od oE one year from the drate of this resolution, whichever occurs ftrst, G~ndition Nos. l, 3, 9, 10, 12, 1.3 a»d 14, above-menl-.toned, shall be comp.lied with. Extensions for iurther lime to com~le~e ~aid conditions may be gran~ed .in accordance with Sectian 18.(13.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 1?. 'Che~ pC10C to final buildi.ng and zoniriy inspections, Condi,ti4n iVos. 4, 5, 6, 8, 11 and 15, above-mentioned, ~!~all be comNli.ed with. 18. That as specified .i.n Anaheim Munici.pal Code SecL•ton 18.84.QF,2.032, no roof mounted eqia~lpment, whatsoever, shall be ~ermi.tted. nE I'P FUIlTH~R RESOLVED that the Anahnim City Planni.ng Comm:ttiylon does hnreby find and determi.ne thac adoptiun oF this Re~o.'.ution ts expressly predi.cat~d upon applicant's compliance with each ~nd a~J. o.f the cor~c3xtton~ hereinabove set furth. Should any such condi.tion, or any part ther~ ~f, b~ declared invaltd or unen£orceable by the final judgment of any court of competent ~uri.sdi.ction, then this Resolution, and any approvals her.ei.n contained, shall be deemAd null and void. THE I'OREGOING RESOLUZ'ION is signed and approve•~j by me this 'L6th day oi November, 1984. ~ _. __\ ,, ,~ • i !.~ !~ .~ ~- ~ " •~ -.,y /J ~ ~ CHAIRMAN; ANAHEI CI 1' PLA~INING COMMTSStO:I ATTES`r : ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ` ~~ SECRETARY~ ANAHF~IM C:ITY PLANNING C.OMMISSI~N STATF OF CALIE~~RNIA ) COUNTt ~F 012ANGE ) ss. CI:X OF ANAHtiSM ) I, Ed.ith t~. Harris, Secretary of the Anahei.m City Planning Comm~ss~nn, do hereby certify that tf~e foregoii~g resoluti.on was passeci and ac3opted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Cammission heid on November 26, 1984, by the ~ollowi.ng vate of the members thereoE: AYE^•: COMMIS~IONFRS: HUUA~, BUSHORE, FRY, HF.RBST, K:~G, GA CL]~IRE, MC BURNEY N065: COMMISSIc1N~RS: NON~ ABS~NT; C:QMMISSIONERS: NntJE IN WITNESS WH~REOF, I have hFreu•-to set my hand thf.s 26th day of November, 1984. --- / , ~~lctl.t..__ .SECRETARY, ANAHEIM C7TY LANNING COMMI~SIUN ~ ''i, -4- P~84-242