PC 84-245~~i R~SOL[77.'ION _ NO . 1~C84 -2 4 5 A RESOLUTION '1F `l'HE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PFTITION FOi2 REGLASSIFICA`rION N0. 84--85-14 BF, GkAN'~'FD WHFRFAS, the Anahei,m petition for Reclasraifzcatipn C.ity Planning Commi.ssxon fro did r.eceive a verifted Auen~ Vista BoulPVard, I.aguna m FI~MER WEBBER and VI Hil].s, Calzforni VIAN W,EggER, 3020-0 Via PABST, JR., 51.50 ~ast Pac;.if.ic 90804 a 92653, Coast H.ighway, Suite 470 ownPrs, ~~nd L GEORGE ~?. , age~c for certai.n real oF Orange, State of Ca.Iiforn ia , property saituated in the l ong Beach, Ca.li~orni.a CtLy of An~hei.m, County . o c escribed as fo11ows; THE EASTEKLY 65 F~~E'L' OF THE WESTERLY 125 FEET nF LOT 5, WEIGHT, FREEMAN & MC CLOUGHAN SUBDIVISIpN, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 1, DAGE 2 OF RECORD OF SURVEYS, IN THE OFFICE UF THE COUNTY RECORDER, ORANGE COUNTY. E?~CEPT THEREFROM `i'HE SOUTHERLY' 506 FEET~ ALSO EXCEFT THE NOR.TH 5.25 FEET AS CONVEYE,O TO THE CITY OE ANAHEIM I'OR ROAll PURPOSE~ BY DEED RECORDED MARC.H 4, 1912 IN BpUK ~10, Pd~,GE 6 ~k' llEE.OS, WHEREAS, ~he City Plann.ing Commxssion did hold a oublic hear.ing at the Cxva,c CentEr .in the Cxty oE Anahei.m on Nove natice of said public heara.ng havi.ng been dul mber 26, 19s34 at 1:30 p.m., accordance with the Y given as requir~d by 1aw and in pravis.ions of the Anahei.m Munzcipa.l Code. Chapter 18.0's, to hear and consider evxdence f or. and against sai.d proposed reclass.iElcation and to inveski.ga~e and mal:e find.ings and rec~mmend«t:ton~ ir, connectian therer~~ th; and WHEREAS, sai.d r~~rnmission, after due ins~ieci:ion, invest.igation ~nd study made by itsel~ and a,n :its behalf, and after due cnns.ideration of all eva.den~e and reports offe:ed at said heari~ng, does fxnc; and det~rmi.ne the follow.ing facts; ~. That the pet.~ition~~r p property from the RS-72~0 ~'ro oses r.eclassi.ficat.ion of subject (Resident.ial, Mult:iple-Fam.ily) ~r~~~1ztSS~antensenzoneFamily) to the RM-120~ Z. Thal the Anaheim General Pl~n designates sub~ect propertx for ~neda.um density resxdent.ial lanc! uses. 3o T;,at the proposed reclass.i.ficati.on oi subject property i.s necessa:y a.nd/or desirable for the orderly and proper d~velapment oE the commttnity. 4. Th~t the ~roposed reclassxficat.ion oL• subj~ct property does propexly relate to the zones and ;;:ieir perm.itted uses ~ocally estat+l;shed .in close prox:irtii.ty to subj~ct property and za the zones and thei.r generally eytabli.shed throughout the aommur.i.ty. P~rmi.tted uses 5• That tt~e propos~d reclassificati.on of suu'ect the dedi.cation of abutting streets in accordance with the Circulaki.onrElement of tbe General Plan, due to the antic~pated inctease in traffic whi.ch wi.ll be ger,erated by the intensifi.catzon of land usP.. #0379r ~.,]~ 1,,+. ~~:f PC84-245 ,•--, 6. That no one i.ndi.cated their pres~nce at said p~ibli.c 5eari.ng i.n opposition; and that no correspondence was received i.n opposi.ti,on to subject. pet i,ti.on . BNVIRONMEN~!'AL IMPAi:T FINDING; That the Anah~im Ci,ty Planni,ng Commission Pias revxewed the prop~sal to recla~s9.fy stibject property fram the RS-'72UQ (Resiclential, Single-Family) to tl~e RM-.1200 (Residential, Multx~le-Famz~y) or a less intense zane to consL•ruct a 7-uni.t apaXhment complex with waivers of maximum structural hei.ght ar~d perm:itted type of tenant: parka.nq sp~ces an a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consi.sti.ng of approx~.mately 0.21 acre, t~aving a frantage of a~prox.i.tnately 65 f.eet on the ~outh si.de of South Street, and furi:her described as 406 E~s~ South Street; and does hereby approve the Negative Declara~ion uaon f.indi.ng that i.t has consxdered th~ Negati.ve Declarati.on tageL-her wi.th any cor~men~s recei.v~~d duri.ng the public revi.ew process and further f.inai.ng on the busis o£ the ini~L•zal study and any commentti recei.ved that thPre a.s no substantial ev.idence that the project will have a signa.Ei~.ant effec;t on ttie envi.ronment. NOW, THFREFORE, B~ T~1~ RESOLVE?~ that the Anahei.rn Ci.ty ~],anning Commzssi.on does hereby grant subject Petit:ion f~r Rec].assificati.on and, by so doiny, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anahei.m Muni.czpal Cor~e be amended to Qxclude the above-describe~ property from the KS-7200 (Resi.denttal, Sxngle-Fami.ly) Zane and to incorporats said d~scribed property ~.nto the RM~1200 (Residential, Mult.iple~-Family) Zone u~on the followang conditi~ns wh.ich are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisxte to khe proposed use of sub~ect property i.n ord~r to prescrve the saf~ty and general welfare of the C.iti.zens of the City of Anahe.im: 1~ That the owner o~ subject pra~erty shall irxevocably offer to ded~ca~e to the Ca,ty of Anahe~.m a s*rip of land 32 feet :in wi.dth from thc centerline of the street along Soul•h Street for street wxdening purposes. 2, That prior ta the inkroduct:~on oE an or~inance rezon.inc~ suk~ject prope~:ty, Conditzon No. 1, above-mentioned, st~a11 be completed. The provi,sa.ons or r.ights granted by th.is resulut.ion shall become nu11 and vo:id by action of the Planni.ng Commiss.ion unless sa~.d conditions are complied wil•h within one year L•rom the date oF thxs resolution, or such f.urther time as the Planning Commi.ssi.on may grant. Br IT FCRTHER RESOLVED i:hat the AnahPim Czty Plannxng Commi.ss:ion does hereby find and determi.ne that ~dopti.on of this Resolution is expressly ~redi.cated upon appli.cant's compli.ancp with each and a11 ~f khe conclitions hereinabcve set torth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be deciared invalici ox unenforceable by Lhe final judgment o£ any court o£ compe~ent juri.sdxcti,on, then l-his Resoluti.on, and an~ approvals herein containeci, shall be de~med null and void, THE FOREGOING RESOLUTTUN is si.yned and approved by me this 26~h day o~ November, 1984. % i" ~~; ,J ~ l ~._._.._"I , \' , , '' / _ •° ~ /i'/L•~ ,,~~) / '!~' 1~ CH~i~RN(AN, ANAIiEI'M C TY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ ~ ~.E~~ ,~ ~ . SECRETAR~I, ANAHEIM CITY PLAN~'ING COMMISSIAN -2~' PC84-245 ; ~~-1, S'1'AmE OF CALIF'OItNIA ) COUNTY 0~' OftANGE ) ss. CITY OE' ANAFIEIM ) I, Ed.it.h L. Harris, Secretar.y of the Ana'~eim Ci~y planni.na Commxssion, do t~ereby ce:tif.y that th~ Eore~o.ing xesolut.ion was passed and adopted at a meeti.ng of tne An?!~Pi.m Ci.ty Planni.ng Ca~miss~ion held on November 2G, 1984, hy the followi.ng vote nf the members thereot: AY~;S: COMMISSTOflEFtg; BOUAS, 6USHOKi, f~RY, tiE.Ra,c~r: KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BURrIEY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT; COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESa WEIERECF, r have hereunto set my hand th.is 26th day of November, 1984. ~ . ~ SECRETIIRX, p~~IM ~~~L1.~~•?i CITY PLANNING COMMISSIUN ,,, , ~.,..~., _ . . . . .. ,