PC 84-246RGSOLUTZON N0. PC84-~9~ A TtESOLUTI()N Ob' '!'EIE ANAEiEIM C:IT1 PI.,ANNING COMM7SSION ~HAT PETIxIUN F'OR VARIANCE NU~ 34~33 BG C;12ANTED WIiERL•'AS~ the Anahei.m ~.i.ty Plann.i.ng Commission did r.eceiv~ a vertfied Petiti,on tor Variance fram ELME.R GVEBBER and VIVIAN WEBBEF., 302U-0 Via Buena Vista 8oulevarc3, Layuna EIills, Californta 92653, owners, and GEURGE H, PABST, J~•, 5150 East PactFi.c C:~ast H.ighwaY, Sui.te 470 Lan g•~ agent for certain reaY property s.i.tuated in L•he C ty of ~Anahe~.m~r ou ty oof urangp, State uf Cal.iforn.~.a, described as follows; THE EASTERLY 65 FEET OF' THE WCS'~'ERLY 125 FEET OF LOT 5, ~~IEIGElT, F12EE~~lAN & MC CLOUGHAN SUDDIVISION, AS F~ER MAP RECORDED IN BOOY 1, PAGE 2 OF RECORD UF SURVLYS, Jh THE QF~ICE OF THE COUtV2'Y RECORDEk, OkANGE COUNTY. EXCEP'r ~HEREFROM THE SOUTHERLY S06 FF~T. ALSO EXCEPT THE NORTH 5.25 FEET AS CONVEXED TO THi CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR ROAD PURPOSES 8Y DEFll rECORDEU MARCH 4, 1912 IN BUOK 210, PAGE 6 OP' AEEDS. ~1HEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a the Ci.vi.c Center i.n the City of Anahei.m on November 26 pU~lic hear.i~ng at notice of said publi.c hearing having been du1 ' 198`~' ~~ .1:30 p.m., accordance wi.th the Y 9x~en as requi.red by law and in prov.tsxons of the Anahe.im Municipal Code, Chap~er 18.03, to hear and consider evi~3ence For and aga.inst said pro,~osed varfance and to invest~gate ~nc9 make ~~ndtngs and recammend~tions in conn~ction therewith; and WHEREAS, satd Commiss:i~n, ~~fter due inspection, investigati.on and sr.ud}~ made by itgelf and i.n its~ behalf, and after due cons.iderat.ion of all evi.dence and reports ~fEered at said hearing, does find and determine the follow.ing facts; 1• That the petitioner propose~ waivers of the follow~nq to construct a 7-unxt apartment complex: (A) S~CTIGN 18.34.Ob2.U1? - Maxirr~urn s~r~tctural hei ht. ~1'~~y, permitted wi,thi.n 15Q ft. of a single-family r~sidential zone; 3 stori.es propnsed) (R) SEGTION - Permitted tv e af t~ ANd 18.34.066.Oip (covered spaees requtred~ oaentspacer~ces. ~roposed) y yranted on the basis thnt there,areThspeciala circ rostances applicabZee hereb shape, to~ography, location an9 ~urroundings which h~do r~Q~ ~ a~iCh as size, idc~it.tcblly z~ned propertv in the same vi c x n i t y; an d t hat ~3tl~rr applp ation of tt.he Zon ing Code deprives ti~e property oE pri.vtiege~ en joyed b other identical zone and classiEicati~~n in the vicini.ty. Y Ptoperties ~n the 3. ' Ttiat there are axceptional or extraordtnary c.trcumstances Qr condttions applicable ~o the prvpeGty tnvolveci or to the tnrended u~ ~~ property that do not apP~Y ge~Nrally to the , e of the victn.tty and znne. Pr~P«tY or class oE use .in the same ~ ~03130r ~~~ PC84-246 9• That the rsquested vac~iance is ne~essary f.or thp presetvat~on and enjoyment of a substantial property rtght possessed l~y olher v.~cznity and zone, and den.ied to the Properky in the sam~ properry in guesti.on. 5. That ~he reque~ted variance wi.Il not be mater.ially detr.i.mental to the public we.lfare or i.r~jur.i.ous to the properry or i.mprove!nents in such v.i.cinity and zone in wh.ich th~ .~roperty x~ located~ 6. That n~ one indicated their presence at sai.d opposil-ion; and l•hat no corresporidence cvas received {n Q Aubli.c hearry ng i.n petikion. pposi.tion to ~ubject ENVTRONMENTAL IMPACT FINDING; That the Anaheim Cxty Plar.ning Cqmmission has r~viewed the proposal to reclass:ify subject (Res~dent.ial, Si.ngle-Famxly) Zone to the RM-1200 (Resi.deri~~ealy MultiplehFaml y) zo~ ' a less intense zone ko constru;t a 7-unit apartment cnmplex with wai.vers of maxxmum s~ruGtural height and permi.tted type of tenant reci:angularl,y~shaped parcel of land consist.in of a Parking spaces on a frontage oF a y 9 pproximately 0.21 acre, hav~ng a pproximatel 65 feet on tt~e south si.de of aouth Street, and further descri.~,ed as 406 East South Street; and does hereby approve the Negative lleclaratinn upon fi.ndxng that it has considered the Negative neclaration togeChEr with any commenks received ducing the pub,li,c revxew proc~ss and further find~ng on the basis of the in.~itial stu~9y and any comments recetv~d that there 3.s no sur~stant~al eviden~e that the project will have a significank efEect on the environment. NOW, THERErORE, RE I~i~ RESOLVED that ~hF Anahei.m City Planning Cammiss:.An does h~reby grant subjec:t Pet.ition for V~riance, upon the L-ollawtn~ condi~ttons which are hereb,y L-'oun~ ko be a necessary prerequisa.te to the subject propert~~ in order to preserve the safek ~na ~'x~pooed use of the Cf~tzens of the City of Anaheim: y 9enera.I welfare of. the 1. That gates shall not be installed acros~ any dri.veway in a manner whi.ch ma,y adversely aF.Eeck vehicular traffi.c in the adjacent publ~c streets. Inatallation of any gates w.ith.in a d.isCance of forty (40j feet from said ~ubl.tc street righty-of-way shall be subject to the revi.ew attd appr~val of the Ci.ty Traffi.c Eng.ineer. 2. That the ownec of cub~ect E~ , property sh.~ll pay to ~he C~ty of Anahe.tm a FeP ~~x for tree planttng purpose~ along South atreet tn an amount as deterrri~ned by the City Councxl. ' , 9t 3. That ~'i _ prioc t~ issuance of a butldi.ng permtt, appropri.ate park and #+~ recreation .in-lieu fees shall be paid ta the ~i,ty of Anahei.m in an amount ~~~ as cletermi.ned by the City Council. ~", 4. That prtor to issuance of a buxldin ~ signal asses~ment fee shall be g Aermit, the approprtate traff.~c pa.td t~ the Ci.ty oF Anahei.m tn an amount ~ as dpter.m.ined by the City Counci.l for paci~ new dwellino un~t. ~ S• :hat a~l dri.ve~rays shall be de; xgned to accommodate ten (1G) foot radius ~'~ curb returns as reguired by tbe City Traffic ~;ngtneer. ' ~ ; ~ G. That drainage of. sub ect ~ ; j pro~erty shall be disposed of. i.n a manner i sat.isfactory to the C.fty Eng.ineer. ~.: ; . Y2 PC84-246 ; :` f:, ~:, .~ ,~y ti~:~~.~ ~.. 7, 'ihat subject propert,y shall be served by underground iitilities. 8. Tha~ ~ri~r to commencement of structura.l. framing, Eire hydrants sha11 be installed and charged as reguired and detecmined to re neaessary by the Ch.ief Uf. the Fire Uepartmen~. 9. That trash storage areas stiall be provided anci ma:intatned in accordance with approved plans on E~ile with the Str~ek Ma.intenance and Sunita~i~n Divi.si.on o 10. That all a.ir ::ondi.tioning far.i.li.ttes sha11 be properly shieldPd .Erom viek~, and t:he sound buEfered frorr adjace-tt properties. 11. Z'hat pri.or to .issuance af bui.lding permits, the app].icant shail present evidenc:e sati.sf.actory to the Chief Building Inspeakor that the resi.dent.ial un.its wil.l b~ .in conforman~;~~ w.i~h NoiUe Insulation Standards ~peca.fxeci in the Cali.f.ornia Adm.inxstrative Code, Ti.tle 25. 12. That a 6-foot high masonry block wall shall be constructed and matntained alony tt~e east, sou~h anil west propeztiy l.fnes . 13. That thi.s Varianc:e is granted s-~bjPCt to the completion of Keclassif.i.ca*i.on No. a4-85-14, now ~ending. 14. That pr.ior to .issuance of a building perm.tt, curner cut-off requtreme~ts for the co~~ered parking area shall be shown on plans approved by the C~.ty Tra£fic Engineer. 15e That subject property sha11 be developecl subslantially in accordance with pZans and specifications on file with the City of Anahel.m marked Exhib~t Nos. 1 through 3. 16. That prior to issuance of a buildi.ng permit, or wa.thin a peri.od uf one year from the date ~f this resoluti.~n, whichever occurs £i,rst, Conditior~ Nos. 2, 3, 4, 11, 13 and 14, abave-mentxoned, shall be compliec3 w3th. '' Extengxon~ for further time to complete satd conditi.ons may be granted in ,;; ,.t. accor.dAnce with Sectinn 1~3.03.090 of the Anaheim Munic:ipal Code. Z7. That Qrior to fi.nal building and zoning inspeattons, Condit~on Nos. 1, ~, 6, 7, ~, 10, L2 and 15, above-mentioned, shall be complied with. BE IT ~URTHER RESOLVED th<Zt the Anahei.m Ci.ty Planni,nq Commis~i.on dc,es hereby fi.nd and dE~ermine that ad~ptinn of th.is Resolution i~ expressly predicated. upon applicant's compliance with eact~ and a1i oE the conditi~ons here~nabove set forth. Should any such con~i.ti.on, or any part thereo~, be declaxed ~nval.fd or unenforceable by the f.inal judgment of ai~y court of competent jurisdi~ct~on, then thi.~ Resolu~ion, and any appravals herexn contained, sha11 be deemed null and void. THE EOREGOSNG RESOLUTION is signed and appr~~~ d by me thi.s 26th day of November, J.9$4. ~ ~; % _`~~ , c. ~ - ... l.~- - ~.~ ~~ •.L~.,~., CHAZRMAN, ANAE)EIM CI'~Y PLANNING COMMISSI~N ATTGST: p c~~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANhING COMMISSlON -3- PC84-246 ~ ~~ ~ , ~1~ `°' `;'~ , F: { STATE OE' CALIFORNIA ) ~° ':; COUN'i'Y qF URANGE ) ~s. C:ITY OF ANAHE2M ) ;, S, Edi.th L. H~rri.s, ;;~cretary of l•he Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commission, do hereby certi£y that the Fo,:egoing resolut.ion was passed and adopt~ed at a meet~ng of the Anahexm City Planniny Cummissian held on November 26, 1984, by the •Eollowing .~' vote of the members Lhereof: ~ ,~ AYES: COMMISSIONERS: IIOUAS, $USHORE, FkY, HERBST, KING, LA CI,AIRE, ~y MC BURNEY NOE~: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: CUMMISSIONERS: NONF i::~ IN WI'PNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto ~et my hand t:hts 26th qay og `" Novemb~t~ 1984. >;; ~ ''~ {~ ~.~~ i~L ~ir SECI2GTARY, ANAHE~M C'2TY PLANNING COMMISSION :r. ,t J';i t'i ~~;,+ :n~ ;f ',r ~r ;x _~ ~~' -~- PC84-246 ~' ;:-. !,;r ~~~, : '. ~ - ~,.,,p..,-_,~,,, +x.2,~.~r;c ,,, r.m ..,- . , ,.._ .. . ~ (~' ~:*j} 5 . , 1'"' . . . . __ .td~