PC 84-25ursoi~u'PIC)N No. PcB4-zs A RESOLU'i'InN UP TI•lE 11N~1E1~IM CITY PLANNING CQMMISSTUPI ~.'ERMIN~1~'TNC; A;,L PFtOCEEllINGS TN CONNECTIUN WITH VARIA~ICE NU. 211t3 WHEREAS, on May Ei, 19G8, Va~:ia~lce No. '1118 was granted under Resolution No. PC69-182 by the Anahei.m Ci~y Planning Commission to permit waiver oF permittecl uses in the "C•-2" ( Com~nercial, General ) Zone to expand an auta sales lot on a rectangularly-~haped parcel of land consi~tzng of approximately 'l.3 acres, located at the :;outheasi: curn~r o~ WatFr Str~et and Anaheim Aoulevard, having approximzte f.rontactes of 94 feet on the ~outh sid~ of Water Street and .100 feet c~n the east side of Anaheim }3oulevaed. WH~C<EA:', W. D. t;i1thriE, ~r~sid~nt, U-fiaul ot' Crange Co~~ntyr has submitted a letter requesting termi.nation of Variance No. 2].ZS in satisf~~.ction of a condition of the yranting of Conditional Use PermiL No. 2515, grnnted on December 12, 1983, to permit expansion of a ~r~.ick anc~ i:r.ailer rental facilitv with a waiver o.E the minimum number of parkina apaces on subject pro.perty. + NUW, THERF:URE, BE TT RE~ULVL•'D khat the :4nahPitn City Planning Commission daes nereby terminate a1.1 p.roceedings i.n ccnnecticn with V~ariance No. 2118 on tFie basis ot lhe foregoing findinys. TIiE FUREGUING RESOLUTION is signed ancl approved by me this 6th day ~f rebruary, 1984e ,, - .-, ~ J ~~<...f ~~ ~ ~C~~~i.'._f:_..~ CHAIKWOMANf.~ANAHEIM C3ry PLANNING CUMMISSION A'r': FST : , ~~ ~ . SECKETAKY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIGN STATE OF CaLIP'ORNYA ) COUN'iY UF ORANGE ) SS. CI'i'X OF ANAHEIM ) T, Edi.th L. F:~rris~ 3ecrelary of the An~heim CitX Planniny Commission, do hereby certi.ty that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahei.rn City Pl~nning Commz~sion held on February 6, 1984, by the tollowing votE cf the membcrs thereo~: AYES: COMMISSIONBRS: $OUAS, BUSf{UR~, P.RY, HERBS`P, KING, LA ~LAIRE, NOES: COMMi~SS'lOt3ERS~ NONB ~B~~h1`: CUMMISSIOI~F.'Tta; M.C BUkNEY ZN WTTN£5S WHERGUF, I havc: hereanto sek my hand this 6th day Uf F'ebcuary, i984. . -~ l.~~ -~-~-R- : ECRE'PAFtY, aNAHElM CITY I~LA~NZN~3 COMMISSION ~0153r PC84-25