PC 84-257RESOL'JZ'TON N0. F'C84- 257 1~ HESOLU'!'ION Of~ THE ~'~NAHEJM CITY P1,ANNING COMMISSION 7.'HA'I' PE'i'ITIUN FOR CONU'LTIONAL USE PEf2MTT NQ. 26.19 I3E GRANTE!) WHERBAS~ the An~~hei.rn City Planning Corrmiss.ton did recei.ve ~ veri.f i.ed PEt.it.i.an for Condi.t.ional Use Perrnik From ~ 17812 Last Iith Street, TuUtin, Caltforn~ia 92 gpOt,p~TNBI jE ~IIgRI~CSO~,NandIhRS. ANN~ HENNING PAULU:', F.asL• L~~ke St~ore, Sig Fork, Montana 59yi1, owners of cert~tn real proper~y situated i.n the Cit~~ oE Anahei.m, County of Orange, State o:E Californ.ia, describcd as; TN11T PORTIUN O: THE NURTHWES'P QUARTEk ~~F THE SOUTHWES7' QUARTER OE SECTIONS 4~ 7~ND g~ YN Z~HE RANCFIO SAN JUAN CAJCN UE SANTA ANA, "i N TElE Ct i Y OF ANAHL;IM, COUN'PY. UF OP.ANGE, STATE c)F CALIN'ORNIA, AS SHO{vN ON A MAP THFREOF RECORDED IIV p~C~ .1u~ MIS(:ELLANEOUS MAPS ~OOK 51, ~E;SCRIBED AS EOLLOWS; ~ RECORDS OP SaID O~2ANGE COUNTY, BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OE `PHE C~;NTER LIi:ES OF RT7 V7STA STRBET AND ANAi~EIM-OLIVE ROAD, NUW KNOWN AS LINCOLN ALdNUE, AS SATD STI2EETS ARE SHOWN ~N A MAI~ OF SURVEX KECORDED IN gQpK 21~ PAGE 45, RECORD OF SqRVEYS, IN THE OFFICE OF TfiE CQUNTY RECORDER OF SAIll ORANGE COUNTY, AND RUNNINr, THENCE SOUTH 0~ 19' 30" WGSZ', ALONG SAID C~NTER I~INE OP ~ 212•7~ FBEZ'; THENCE NORTH Sg~ ~7~ ^ RIO VISTA ~TREET, NOR:H 0° 19' 30" '~5 EAST 192.36 FEET; THENCB VZS`!'A STREET, 175 04 TFE TAR 0 SAt,,~ICENT R tLINF TGR LINE OF RIp THE PO'!N'i' 4F BEGItJNING. ' n ~ 19~•00 FEET TA WHERL'AS, khe C.it:y Plann.iny Commi.sston c~id hold the Ci.vic Certt~c in the C{t~ of Anaheir.~ on necember. lp `3 p~~bltc he~3ring at notice of said publi.c heari.ng having ~een dul ' 19~4' ~t ~:30 p.~;~, aacordance wtth the Y 9i~en as requi:ed by ~aW and in pr^~i•si~ns of the Anahetm Munictpal Code, Chapter 18.03, ko he~r and consider evidence f~r and ac~ai.nst ~a.td proposed condttional use perm.tt and to inveat.igate and make findings and recommendattons in connecti.on therewtl•h; and WEIEKEhS, said Commissi.or., after due in~pectYOn, tnvesttgatton And study made by ttselt and i,n its behalf, ar~d a~ter due c~nsideration of all ev.~dence and re~,orts oftered at rai.d ,~eartng~ ~ot,s find ancl deter~ntne the folloc :Eng facks: 1• That the propo~ed use i.s propecly one For whtch a cond.itfonal U8e permit ts Authorfzed by AnAhetm Muni.cfpal Codr~ Section 18.n3.030.O1C to W~t: to permit conven~ence retatl sale3 i.n an existing servi.ce z~t~ktor,. 3• That the ~r~~,oseci usr, excluding rhe sale oE any alcohaltc b~~~~a9~s. wtll not ~civereely Affect the Adjoin~ny lano useE and r.hE qcowth and development of the atea in which it is propo~ed t~ bN loc~ted. ~. That the stzr; and ahape c~r' edequate to .'12ow the fuii development or dettimental to the parttrular Area nor genFra~ we,l~erP of the Ctttzen,~ of the Ctty ~t1394I tiie ette aropo.spd for th~ use i~s the prnponea ~ae tr~ a manner not to the peace, healFh, saEety and of An~heim. PC84-257 ,1~e~,S~: '~ .~a ._ .nrY~'.'~~1+. V" 4. That the grantiny of thc? Condit.ional Us~ Permi.t under the c.ondi-~iuns imposed, i.f any, will not bc detrtmental i:o lh~: peace, health, ~aE~ty and gc:neral wP].fare ot the Cit:izPns of tt•~e Ci.ty of .~naf~~.tm. 5. Th~at l•he tcaffic qener.at~c: by the proposed use wi~~ not i.mpose an unc3ue burden upon the streets and `iighways ~esigned and improved to carry the tr.affi.c in zhe are~~. 4. 7'hat no one indicated thatr pr~sencc at sa.id public hearing in oppos~t;on; and ~:h~~t; no corresp~,nder~ce was received in opposiGlon to the ~ubjzct ~el•i.tion. E;NVI1tONMENTAi. IMPA~T FINDING: Thak khe Anaheim Ca.ty Plann.i.ng Comm.tssion ha.^. reviewed the proposal t~ permit cunveni.ence retai.l sales i.n an existing ser 1r.ce station ~n an .irregularly shaped parcel of 13nd con:~iski.ng oE ap~~roximats~.i 0.63 acrP~ located at the s~u~heas~ corner of l~i.ncoln Avenue and Pi.o Vista Stceet, ~nd f~~.rthe: descr~i.bed at 'lBQC East Gi.ncoln Avenu~~; and doe~ k-ereby ap~rove the Nec~ative Geclaration upun f•tnd.i.ng that i~ has consi~lered the Neyative llec.laration tegether wich ~ny comments cecei.ved dur.ing the public review pracess and further ~i.nding on the basis of the in.i.tial ~tudy a.nd any comments received that there is no substanti.al evidence that the projQct wi.ll have a si~ni.ficanl eFfect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE;D that the Ar~ahe.im C~ty Plann:ng Commiss.ton does hereby gran~ sub~ect Petition for Condttional U~e Permxt, upon the following cond.itions wh.ich are hereby found to b~: a necessary prerequisite to the pr~posed use o€ the subject property in ord~r to preserve the nafety an9 gene~al welfare of thQ C:itizens of the City af ~:n~heim: 1. T1~at t'~e existing most nortt~ecly drivewav on Rto Vtsta Street shall be remuved and replaced w.tth a stanCard curb, gutter, stdewalk and l~ndscap.ing; and that a sol.td caiaed medtan shall be constructed on L~i.ncoln Avenue to a point approximately 50 feet easr_ oF the eastern pconerty line of subject property. 2. That unless waived by the City F'ire Marshall, the followiny m.intmum standards shall apply: a. That dispensing devi.cea shall be located a minitnum cftstance nf 10 feet from a prooerty line and ~o loratec' that all parts of A vc~h.icle being 3@CV{CP.CI wt1), be on p~f~ate pro~erty. b. That di~pens.ir.g devtces sha11 be located not less than 10 feek from any bui,.lciing which t~~ c~ot Ei.re res+.stive aonstructtnn. Such devic~s shall al~o be located so ~hat the nozzle, when hose is fully Pxtended, sh~ll not reach wtthin 5 E~et of ~ny bui.latng open.f ng . c. That di:.~pensing devices sh~ll be proteated agatnst phystcal damage from vehicle~ by mounting on a concrete island a mini.mum ~f 6 inct-~es in he[ght. Alternate methods of pr.ovfdtng equ.ival.ent pr~tect~on may be pecmitted wh~n approved by the Fire Chi~E. -2- PC84-257 ~ ~-~w~ d• That dispens.ing of gasol.ine into th~ fuel t~i~k or into a eontaine:r shall al al.l times be under the supervi.sion ot a qualified att~ndant. ~. 'i'hat the at~end~n~'s pri.mary funr.ti.~n sha11 be to supervi.se, observe and contcol lhe dispensing of gasolin~. t• 2'hat the disp~nsing of gaso.li.r~e shall not be into portable conta.iner.s unless such containers are of approved m~tertal and construct.ion, h~~~~.ing a ~.ight r,losure w.i.th s~cewed or spr~ng cover, ~o designed tha~ L-he contents can be di.spensed without sp:tl.lxng. g. That it sha11 be khe attendank's responsibil~tX to control sources ~,t i,St~ikio~~ and immediately handle accidental spills and Eir~ extinguishers if necessacy. h. That emergency eontrols st~all be installed aL• a lacation acceptable to i:he E'ir.e Deparkment, but contr~is shall not be T11pr@ than 100 ~eet trom dispensers. x. That instructions For thc operation oF d.ispensers shal.l be conspicuc~usly posted. 7. That remote preset-type devices 4re to be in the "off" pos{tton whi.le not in use so the di.spenser cann~t be acL•i.vated wtthout the knowledge of the attendunt. 3. Tt~at r.he owner of subject proper~y sha11 fee for tree P~Y to the City of Anahetm a plant:I~~ purpo~es along Il.to Vxsta Street and Lincoln Avenue ~n an arnour~t as determined b,y the City Council. 4. That the three (3) remaining clri~eways shall be redesiyned t~ acc~mmodate ten (10) foot radius curb returns as require6 by the City Traffic ~ngtneer. 5. Tt~at the ~roposed use shall be limi.ted to the sale of "snack" ttems anly; and there shall be no sale of beer, w.ine or other alcoholfc hevecayes of any kind on the prem.{ses. Ei. That trash sturage axeas shalY be provided and ma~i,ntained in accordance wi.th approved plans on fi.le with the Street Maintenance and S~nitatfon Uiv.ts~on. 7. That tha proposal :;hall comply with all signtng r.equirements of the CL zone, unless a var.iance allowing sign w~iver.c, is approved hy the Planning Canrr,ission or Cfty Council. 8. That a min~mum three (3;-foot wide landscape planter stri~p, eyqip~;~d with irrigaCion facil.itiea shall k~e instaal~d and mai.ntai.ned adjACent to the nozth ~no we~t property lines ~-~uutkEng L~ncoln Avenue and Ri.o V.ista St•.reet. f f -:~ - k:.84-257 ` .;a11 :'~. 9. That subjEact pr.operty shall be develope:~ substarittally in accordanc~ w.ih_h plzns and speciftcations on ~'ile with the Ci.ty of Anaheim ma~ked Revi.si.on Np, 1 of Exhib.i~t No. 1 and Exhib.it Nc,. 2. 1U. That prior to tht~ commencement of tF~e acti.vi.ty autharized under tha.s r.eUoluti,on, or w.itt~in a period of oi~~ year :rom che date of th9.s resolution, whichever occuz~s first, Cond.itton Nus. 1, 2, 3, 4~ 6, g ~.nd 9, above-mentiun~:d, shall be complied wi~h. Extensions For. further time to complete sai.d conditians rnay be granted in accoXdance with Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheirn Mun.i.ci.pa.t Code. BG IT FUI2'.CEIGR FtESOLVGD that the Anaheim City Planning Commi.ssi.on does hereby Eind and de*ecmine tt~at adoptxon of th.is Resolution i.s eYpressJ.y predi.cated upon applic~nt's compli.ance with each and all af the candit~tons hereinabove set fnrth. Should any such conditions, or any pact therPa~, be declared invalid or. unenforceabl~ by tt,e final judgment of any court of comp~tent jur.isdict~on, tt~en thi.s Resolution, and any approvals heretn conta.ined, shall pe deemed null and void. mHE EOREGOING RE,SOLU'i'ION i; s.igned and appLaved by me this lUth c3ay oE December, 1984. j"; , - : , .. . _. .. - _ ~i t~•f --'r i... ~e . /f~ / _ .__.._._G~HAIRM _, ANAHE~M CI ~ Y PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: _~ ~~~ - ~~~if~l./~ SECRETARY, ANAHGIM CITY PLANNING COMI4ISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAN(;E ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) i, Ed.ikh L. Hacris, Secretacy of the Anahetm Ci.ty Planntng Commiss.fon, do hereby certify that the for.egoir-g reyolutton was p~ssed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahetm City Plannin~ Commtssion held on December 10, 1984, by the followiny vote o~ the members thereof: AYBS: COMMISSI~NERS: BOUAS, ERY, KING, LA CLAIRF, MC BURNEY N0~;5: C0I~IMISSIUNERw: k3USEiURE, HEF.BST ABSENT; COMMISa70NkRS: N~NE ~:. ~ IN WITNESS WHFREOf', I have hexeunto set my hanci this lOth day of Decenber, 1989. • .~.,, ' , SECRETARY, ANAHE[M CI'.CY FLANNING COMMISSYON -4- .~._.......,~.,.,~ ..:.......:.. a..;,.. FC84-257 1 ,.; ~